
So Far Away


10-18-2016, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2018, 11:12 AM by Elias. Edit Reason: font )
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. 🦋

Everything occurred so quickly, even adventures which brought current events where they stood now.

White figure danced across the horizon, limbs trembling beneath the lithe snowflake as they threatened to give out at any moment. Hunger pushed the youngster even further than before, not being able to completely fend for herself without resorting to scavenging. Nostrils flared due to excessive intake of air rushing through them, scents mixing together and nearly confusing her steadily learning mind. Which way did the trail go and where did it end? An audible whine nearly left the traveling pup, exhaling all built up air in an disgruntled sigh. Noelle had to assume malnutrition started to falter the usual carefree attitude.

Pressing forward was no easy task, but giving up had was no option after getting this far and picking a random lucky direction had been in her favor. Finally, more intense scents became present and adorned the area all together, but this time she literally couldn't tell where that one scent single smell lingered. Instead of pursuing the invisible target, this time Noelle just gave up at the pool of strong aromas and hoped that someone would find her. Little did she know know, this had been right on a pack border and she nearly crossed the boundaries into trespassing, but of course this little youngster didn't know that.

Paws shifted weight around underneath the light colored female, legs finally giving out underneath her body and collapsing against cold earth below. Dark colored ears perked up in pure curiosity of what beheld all around herself, blue eyes captivated by scenery while her head turned every which direction. 'What a pretty place-' Attention got snatched away when wind swept through the area, causing tall grass to move and wiggle in protest in her face. Front limbs slapped against cold ground in attempt to pin most of that annoying plants, maw parting and aiming to take a mouthful of them in a weak attempt at play.

Walk "talk" 'think'

Vadim I


3 Years

10-18-2016, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2016, 09:20 PM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Boredom seemed to take hold of the boy more often than not these days. He found himself wandering around the edge of the borders, staring longingly at the world that lie just out of reach. He was still unsure on whether or not to follow rules or continue to listen to his rebellious little heart, but it seemed the gods would be kind enough to gift him with a bit of excitement on this day. His ears perked as he watched the fleck of white dance on the horizon before settling into the grass, and well.. he couldn't just.. ignore whoever that was out there, could he? What if they were hurt or in need?

He gave a quick look to either side of him before he made his decision, ensuring that he was alone and out of the eyes of any adults (though he didn't really look too hard, he was curious after all) before breaking the laws once again and bolting off of the territory markers. He chuffed toward the smaller wolf, letting them know that he was on his way so he hopefully didn't intrude them in any way.

As he got closer, it became more apparent that he was coming up on a little girl. A pretty girl, a few months younger than himself and quite skinny. He frowned a bit, though tried to keep his emotions off of his face (though his poker face was horrendous) and lifted his head in curiosity. "Hello." He blinked, finding himself at an uncommon loss for words as he tried desperately to think of something interesting to say. When he failed, he decided to sate his curiosity.. perhaps after, his thought process would come back to him? "Are you lost?"

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]


10-18-2016, 10:54 PM
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. 🦋

Attention really didn't favor Noelle's side this time, instead the simplest of overgrown turf fascinated that ever so 'deadly' grip. Limbs slowly raised once resting body into a comfortable crouch, muscles going to work in attempt to jump and jerk, then finally rip those plants right out of the cold soil. Yet, nothing occurred despite small tug war with nature itself. During her initial game against nature itself, a stranger approached and his first greeting had been unnoticed. 'Are you lost?' Vocals crawled throughout her whole frame in sudden shock in the form of her own thoughts repeating it, causing clenched jaws to withhold their sudden makeshift prey.

Tumbling backwards had been even more unexpected, leaving Noelle in complete and absolute shock of the sudden situation turn. Collecting herself was quick and easy, though remaining astonishment allowed everything to take a unexpected pause between them. Bright blue eyes seemed to shine purely with sheer amazement, at last seeing another like her and not some coyote. Suddenly feet scrambled for traction against cold surface underneath them, attempting to stand tall despite the obvious height difference; merely out of playfulness instead of dominance against the male. "Hi!" The rather joyful greeting barked out despite her overall appearance, not allowing hunger falter this greeting. "Um.." One ear faltered away from their glorious perked position, allowing true emotions to show through those well kept walls. If only slightly. "I am kind of? I don't really have a home." Despite how deep words cut into her very optimistic soul, dense tail swayed slightly behind her in attempt to show positive emotions.

Walk "talk" "think"

Vadim I


3 Years

10-18-2016, 11:58 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

When the girl finally looked up to him, she had a mouthful of grass and the image was enough to bring a smile to the boy's face as he watched her. He tried not to laugh, holding his composure so he didn't make her feel awkward in his presence. A childish chuckle finally escape him when she stood up and gave her enthusiastic greeting, though. He grinned, standing calmly as he tilted her head to attempt to hear her better while she answered.

He had not expected her to say that she didn't have a home at all. Perhaps her family was lurking a little ways away, or possibly even inside the pack lands visiting.. but.. no home at all? He tried not to frown but gave her a nod, "Can't really be lost if you don't have a home to go to, I guess." He glanced back at the pack borders just a few yards away and thought quietly. He was almost jealous, almost. Freedom and independence at her age would have been rough and even now it would be, he'd been blessed by being birthed into a strong pack and a strong family. Even without their mother, they were all growing healthy and.. as he looked over the girl's body he couldn't help but wonder if she'd remain the same. She seemed happy, though.. and that was kind of admirable. Despite her situation, she found it within herself to remain positive in the presence of a stranger and he smirked at the thought.

Part of him wanted to ask if she had any family traveling with her, but then again.. part of him didn't seem to care at the moment. If they let travel so close to the pack borders and get this skinny and friendly of strangers, he wasn't sure they deserved to have her company. Did he? Well. He... he could hunt at least. Sort of. He caught a rabbit and a chicken so far! Confident in his abilities to supply his new friend (whether she was aware he claimed her as such or not yet) with food, he grinned and introduced himself. "My name is Vadim, I live here in Ivalice. What's your name?"

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]


10-19-2016, 12:38 AM
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. 🦋

Dirt and stray grass dusted pristine pelt, leaving once pure appearance partially ruffled and further fluffed. Those words made everything less gloomy, because it was accurate. She couldn't become lost without a true home to be lost from! Attention snagged sight of the male's head moving to look back towards something, peaking even further fascination concerning whatever he looked towards. Forelimbs slid against earth below, subtly reenacting a stretching position with a lowered head close enough to nearly touch the ground itself. Blue eyes didn't find a single thing from between the male's legs, gaze darting every direction possible before ruling it out completely. 'Oh, yeah..' She had conversation to hold, and not enough time to explore things or get sidetracked.

Facial features slowly began to move, gums pulling and exposing teeth in a genuine yet guilty smile; she didn't get sidetracked. "N-nice to meet you, Vad. My name is Noelle." The nickname nearly sung out in pure instinct, always wanting to shorten any names that she would most likely befriend later on. It was perhaps an easier way for Noelle to remember people and their alias! Paws lightly scraped against hardened soil before pulling herself up, bestowing a well needed shake before stepping around the larger male. Each step offered a new little dance, her trot as unique as her ever changing little personality as she scoped out her newly found friend with a perky appearance. "Do you like to play? We can maybe make up some new games!" Though perhaps eating would be her first priority if she was offered it.

Walk "talk" 'think'

Vadim I


3 Years

10-19-2016, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2016, 12:52 AM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Her nickname for him made him grin because he'd never had one before.. not that he could recall. Or perhaps it was the way she said it? Either way, he felt kind've.. special in a way, now that she'd given him one. He thought about shortening her name, but the whole thing honestly sounded prettier than 'No'... yeah, he'd just leave it the same. Part of him wondered if she had a last name he could use to pull a nickname from, but he could ask her about that later.. she seemed to be up and speaking again before he really had the chance to.

To her second question, he'd chuckle and nod his head, though he pulled away from her a bit as if to walk away and dismiss. "Of course, I would love to. Though.. how about we find something to eat first? I.. I caught a bird once, and.. and a rabbit." Of course, Amalia had thrown the rabbit into his jaws pretty much.. but she didn't need to know that, right? He lifted his head confidently. "So how about our first game is 'who can smell the rabbit first' yeah? We have to stay in sight of each other, though." He lowered an ear, hoping she understood the last part at least. He didn't want to lose her out here.. part of him thought about going to get an adult now, but.. he could do this! He could take care of her, he was sure of it.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]