


10-22-2016, 11:25 AM
There were pups with a male in one of the dens, no mother. Creed, she'd caught his name in passing. Fortune worried, though, for the young ones had no mother. Fortune, you see, has a soft spot. She won't show it. She wouldn't dare. But she has a soft spot for children. They're small, they're lead to believe everything is right and good with the world. She wouldn't dare threaten that. She wouldn't dare mess with that assumption. It wasn't going to be Fortune that would bring the bad news that would shatter their innocent little minds. She didn't like that. She didn't like that it had to happen.

As always, she'd take care of her own. This was her family, and that was her duty. Sure, she's wild around the edges. She's always wild. Fortune had kept herself alive on a journey for the ages, and she would do it again if she ever had to go back. But this was different. This was her family. Even if they didn't share a surname or blood, they were all hers to feed and hers to protect. There's something about the way the brave moves when she's here, like she commands authority.

It's hard to command authority when your mouth is full of swan. Damned things were easy to catch but horrid to kill. Poorly tempered, this one hadn't gone down without a fight. Still, they were large, and they could feed the small section of the family she kept leaving prey for. Fresh kills, many more than she could eat for herself. Feeding a family, that's what she's always about. Taking care of them. As she did many mornings, Fortune dropped the swan at the mouth of the den, leaving it where Creed or the ids could find it.

And that was all. She slunk back off to find something, probably ducks. Ducks made for easy pickings, after all. The hunter would bring ducks for the communal pile of prey, greasy and high in fat. Winter was coming.

shock & awe


10-22-2016, 12:24 PM

It was still early, far too early to be up and full of energy. He dozed beside his brothers, ears twitching on the top of his head. Even his white marked paws fluttered at his side, in his dreams he was running and chasing everything in sight. Just as he was about to sink his teeth into a juicy deer, he heard the shuffling of paws outside of his den. Leaping to his paws, still half asleep, Fable was on the hunt. Who was there? Where? What was going on?? Stumbling to the mouth of the den, he squinted his sleepy eyes as he tried to spot who he had heard. When he didn't see anyone, he took off running. The young pup only made it a few steps before he tripped over something soft, careening towards the earth. Flinching, he prepared for his ultimate face full of dirt. Honestly he was getting used to falling over, those far too-large paws kept him tripping over anything and everything. Still on the ground, he turned to see what it was that had made him fall. He saw a big white thing covered in feathers, and knew that it was a bird of some kind. What it was called though, that he had no idea. Sniffing at it, he was about to pull out some feathers to play with when he heard someone again. Oh right! He was going to look for who it was! Why did they bring them a massive bird? Picking himself up off the ground, he shook the dirt from his coat and trotted off in a random direction.

Fable hadn't learned too much about stalking, but he had been practicing. Finding the scent of the stranger, he stuck his nose to the ground and started to follow after it. His fur was sticking out in a rather haphazard manner, he hadn't shook out his fur since waking up or even after he hit the earth. The boy didn't have a care in the world though, cause he was gonna find who brought that bird! Yeah! Gray and white tail wagged behind him as he picked up the pace, soon enough seeing a speckly wolf walking away. "Heyyy, wait! Waittttt!" he called, sprinting until he caught up to her. Trying to stop in a graceful way, he was able to achieve the exact opposite. His left front paw tripped over his right, and once again he was on the ground. His neck was the first to hit the earth, his rump swinging up in the air as it was brought to an abrupt stop. That too hit the earth, and he was left grinning up at the strange woman. He had seen her at the meeting, but he hadn't really talked to her. There had just been so many wolves there and so little time to meet them all! Springing to his paws like nothing had happened, Fable's tail wagged behind him a mile a minute. "Did you bwing tha' bwird? What kind of bwird is it anyway? I never sees somefing like dat befwore, it was swoft and feferwy like," he spurted out, hardly able to get the words out quick enough.

Walk, "Talk" Think


10-22-2016, 12:54 PM
The brave had figured it too early to stick her head in and say hello. That, and it wasn't like she knew Creed or the pups very well. Hell, she didn't know anyone very well. Fortune had taken to herself, mostly, and the little time she was able to spend with Faite when her cousin wasn't busy. The creature knew it probably wasn't the best practice, but she really didn't know what to do with herself otherwise. She was overall uncertain that she was going to be needed when it came to social matters. While okay in general with their handling (despite maybe not being the best when she felt as if she'd been put at a disadvantage), she still had a lot to learn. No, she'd spent most of her time hunting and making sure everyone was taken care of.

But someone was calling out for her, a little voice. Oh jeeze. The ducks would have to wait, especially as Fortune turned and made her way back toward the child. Fortune isn't as graceful when she's out of her hunting situations. A little more clunky, and a little sore in the shoulder from where the great bird had put up a fight. It was okay, an occupational hazard. Almost made her feel accomplished, actually. Something fantastic about the way the girl covered ground, though. Like there was power in her bones. In her muscles. She'd put on muscle weight since being here, since stepping up, since taking control of her situation.

Fortune's tail wagged right back at the child, chest puffed out slightly as he asked about the bird. "I did bring the bird, figured you guys would like some breakfast." And then he's talking a mile a minute. That was the great thing about kids-- they lead the conversation, all you had to do was answer their questions and they'd be reasonably happy. "That's a trumpeter swan. See, look here at his face. His beak is black, and there's a black triangle that comes to a point ending at his eye. Other swans have different faces." Fortune moves the prey animal's head so the pup can see more easily, nose running across the bird's markings. Patience. Always patience.

"I'm Fortune, I lead the hunts for our pack." And she'd been the only one, lately, hunting. Best introduce herself so he didn't think she was a stranger. That would be ideal.

shock & awe


10-22-2016, 01:16 PM

She turned back around and said that it was a trumpeter swan, and Fable's head flopped over to one side as he eyed her with a wide gaze. She told him about the markings, and the boy eagerly looked down and nodded his head. Yay, he was learning things! Looking up at the woman with a huge smile, his tail beat against the side of the bird. "You 'r' wery smarts! Can you teach me more?" he asked, bouncing up and down where he stood. There was nothing that he loved more than learning something, anything really. And this woman, named Fortune, seemed to know a lot about birds and stuff! He didn't know much around them, so it would be great to know all their names and stuff. Maybe then he could catch them all and bring them back for his Ma, maybe she would come back then! Yeah, if he was a good boy and caught lots of food she just had to come back, right? How could she say no to all the feathers and fresh meat? He certainly couldn't.

Fortune said that she led hunts, and Fable's eyes grew even wider. His mouth opened to form a little 'o' shape, a look of pure wonderment taking over his puppy features. "You wead dem? That is the coolest fing eva! You must be wery goods and huntin' if you wead all da woofs on a hunt! Oh pwease oh pwease teach me? I pwomise to be gewds! I learn wrerry fast like, and den I can go an' show off! Den Ma will come home 'cause I will be so gewds!" The young boy danced from paw to paw, obvious excitement causing his body to tremor.

Walk, "Talk" Think


10-22-2016, 01:59 PM
Fortune's bicolored eyes glimmered slightly-- more! He wanted to know more, and that was exactly what she was going to do. She would teach him anything he wanted to know, at least that which was in her purview. The brave had learned a fair amount of things in her years. This would be fun, and she was more than happy to work with him. "Of course! What would you like to know?" Her head quirked to the side softly, ready to give him whatever information he requested. The mute swans and the tundra swans, though terrible in temper (even worse than the trumpeter she'd brought for breakfast), were around. She could show the boy the differences if they went down to the lake. They could explore the wonder world of water foul.

His words... hurt. Jeeze, they cut her in a way she forgot was possible. Someone had disappeared from their family, from their pack. The mother to the den full of pups, the ones that Fortune had been working so hard to feed. Still, she can't let what the pup says phase her. She can't let him know that she aches for them. It would be wrong, of course. It would be wrong for them to know, at least now. Fortune doesn't have the details either. She pretends that all is well.

"I'll teach you all I can, how's that?" The girls' grin is wide, reaching down to nose the pup behind the ears. It's playful, it's gentle. She can work with children. Children are the easy part, after all. They are not hers, but they are family, and they will be treated as such. Family is everything. That's all they need to know-- family above all.

Everything will be okay.

shock & awe


10-22-2016, 02:46 PM

Fortune asked him what he wanted to learn, which caused the grayscale puppy to pause. Um... was everything an answer? Because honestly he wanted to know it all. What swans were and why they had such long necks, and if they tasted different than other birds. Was it even worth it to eat a bird? They had so many feathers he felt like he would be covered in them before he even got to the tasty stuff. What did birds even eat? The swan looked like it had little teeth but did they eat meat? Other birds? Fish?? There were so many questions swirling around in his mind that it was hard to pick one to lead with. He was thinking so much about them that he was silent for awhile, far longer than usual. In fact it was rather hard to get the boy to stop talking, let alone stand there in silence. Finally he decided that he couldn't pick a question, his broad shoulders rising and falling in a shrug. "I wanna learn eweryfing," he said softly, not sure if that was the kind of answer she wanted. Would he get in trouble for not being specific enough? He didn't really care though, far too excited with the possibility of even learning a few things. Hunting was hard, and he knew that his poor Da was always busy with him and his siblings. He didn't blame him at all for not holding a lesson yet, he had to deal with all his brothers and sister by himself! That was a big job, and Da didn't move very fast. It was really irritating sometimes, but Fable was trying to learn to slow his steps. Moving slow was so boring though!

Wiggling as he stood there waiting, he beamed up at Fortune with the biggest time on his face. Where were they going to go? He didn't even know where the large birds lived. Feeling stuck with his endless energy, he started to pace back and forth with a soft yip. Well, he knew that birds liked water, so were they at the lake? He spun around to look at the large body of water, remembering when he and Valor had explored the wet and cold thing. Hopefully he wouldn't have to go in, because then he would be really wet and it was chilly out today! That would make him more cold, right? That wouldn't be fun.

Walk, "Talk" Think


11-09-2016, 10:03 PM
Everything! What a glorious thought. The generally stoic hunter's tail wags as the child nearly trips over himself with excitement, and she can't even be bothered holding her feelings back. How good does that feel, being able to actually allow herself to light up with the idea of working with the child. A prodigal hunter, how lovely the thought was. A kid to work with. A good kid. All it took were a few good ones. Gentle with the child as ever, Fortune nods. They don't need specifics now. They could start with the basics and go on until they had those down. And after that? Everything else. Everything would come in bits and pieces, after all. The brave can be soft around children. They wouldn't judge her. They would treat her well.

"Come on, then. We'll start with identifying birds, there are plenty down by the lake." Fortune's tail wagged gently, watching the child with her careful gaze. Had to be careful. Couldn't let the kid get overwhelmed. Couldn't let him take on too much too fast. "We can't go in the lake today, but we can sit and watch." Best be clear about that one. Going in the water could get dangerous when it was chilly, like fall tended to get. She would have to return Creed's son in one piece, after all.

shock & awe


11-13-2016, 06:27 PM

He looked at the older woman with obvious excitement in his features, an eagerness burning in his blue and yellow eyes. She was going to teach him something new, and he was going to learn to be the best! She made a move towards the lake and he bounded after her, trying his hardest not to trip over his overly large paws. Fable was doing pretty well so far, but he had been working very hard at stepping carefully. He had tripped far too many times, and he didn't want to look silly in front of Fortune! She might think that he is too clumsy to hunt and give up on him. She said they were going to work on identifying birds at the lake, and he perked up right away. Oh! Did that mean swimming? His gray and white tail wagged behind him, until she shot him down with a firm voice. His lower lip pouted out, but he slowly nodded his head. He supposed that he could stay out of the lake, it seemed like it was important for his learning that the birds didn't fly away. Aww, he was hoping to chase them and catch a nice big one for when Ma came home!

As they neared the lake Fable tried to slow down his stomping paws, his ears alert and on the look out for birds. There were lots of birds, right? How many birds were they going to see? Ten? Twenty?? That was a lot of them! He nearly let out a yip, but remembered that they were here to watch. Pursing his lips closed, he decided that it was best not to talk at all, but BOY was it hard to keep all those questions from pouring out of his maw. He nearly wiggled with the effort it took, an almost pleading look sent Fortune's way. He needed to know if he was allowed to talk, or what he was expected to do. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he tried his very best to be a good boy. When it all boiled down to it, if she didn't give him directions fast, the boy would not be standing calmly at her side. He vibrated with effort to stay calm, his eyes nearly watering. He needed a distraction, anything! Fable didn't want to ruin the lesson, but this was harder than it looked. Maybe if he held his breath... Yeah! That was a good idea! Puffing out his cheeks, he clamped down and kept all the air in his lungs, canting his head to the side as he gazed up at the huntress.

Walk, "Talk" Think


11-14-2016, 10:01 PM
Fortune grins at Fable, watching the child as he bounces and bounds. She's enjoying herself, walking with the child, steps high and confident. It's beautiful. She feels fantastic. Brilliance seems to radiate off the pair in the early morning, feeling a golden autumn sun on their coats. "It's too cold. Can't have you freezing to death." Fortune chuckles softly, stepping high over a fallen log and turning to wait for the boy. If need be she could pick him up by the scruff and set him over, but he was a capable child. Fortune trusts him.

"You can talk, but quietly," Fortune's eyes are gently alight where she stands beside the boy, a decent view of the lake before them. It's a beautiful place, and she loves it as such. There are birds, gamebirds everywhere. Those that have not fled for warmer temperatures populate the lake and the surrounding areas, spread out among the land. "Ask away, and then I'll tell you what we missed," her tail wags, looking to the pup. It would be fantastic.

shock & awe


11-19-2016, 02:42 AM

She seemed to pick up on his sour mood, saying that it was too cold and he would freeze. Oh, that didn’t sound good! He didn’t know what freezing was but it didn’t sound very nice if it had something to do with cold. He shivered at the thought, stepping a little closer to Fortune as they made their way towards the lake. He didn’t want to get freezing so he would listen and say out of the water. She stepped over a log with ease and the child looked over it, his legs not quite long enough to just step up. His brows pulled together as he jumped to put his front paws on the top of the log, hopping a little bit as he tried to gather enough momentum to get up and over. He was hopping off towards his right, when finally his back paws caught hold of the log. Bounding up and directly over, he realized that he had given it a bit too much strength. His eyes grew wide as the earth was suddenly right in his face, his hind end standing straight up for a moment before he flopped over to his back with an oof. His gray and white tail swung on the ground though, as he looked up at the sky for a moment. That was kinda fun! His face hurt but it was fun! Righting himself, he shook out his coat and strut over to Fortune like nothing at all had happened.

She said they were allowed to talk, but they had to be quiet. Fable looked up at her with wide eyes, he wasn’t very good at being quiet though! She said to ask away, and slowly he turned to look over at the lake. The boy paused for a moment, his head canting to one side as he watched the reflection of the light on the waves, the birds floating across the water like it wasn’t a big cold and wet thing. It looked like they were just gliding across with no effort! Slightly awed, it took him a moment to focus on a certain bird. He spotted one that had a green head, a brown body and orange looking legs. Too afraid to talk, he pointed to the bird with his paw, looking back up to Fortune to see what wisdom she held on that feathered creature.

Walk, "Talk" Think


11-22-2016, 12:23 AM
Fortune looks to the child as he clamors over the log, watching him make his way. He was a thinker. She likes it. Smart boy, he'd get himself far enough along to do enough good. Smart. Smart is good. Fortune nods to the young man, a sort of praise. A direct sort of praise. Gentle. More than gentle. She's happy with that. The brave could only help that he could too.

He's looking to the birds, pointing quietly. "A duck, a mallard to be exact. Their meat is dark, greasy, good to keep fat on your bones, good for the winter. They're hard to catch unless you sneak up on them, but very worth it. Ground nesting birds are easy to get sneaky with, you see." She speaks intelligently to the child, letting him take note of the information. Fortune believes firmly that knowledge is power, and she's going to talk to Fable like he's an adult. There's something bold about it. Something careful.

"Which one next?" Her voice is gentle, a soft whisper to the young man. Careful as always not to scare the words, belly down in the soft ground. It's easier to remain unseen by the birds down here.

shock & awe