
could it be?



4 Years
10-22-2016, 01:06 PM

She had seen him. No one could take that away from her, she had seen him when she'd passed through the other day. Theys aid they'd follow her when the time was right, they said they'd come. They promised. They promised, and here they were here. The final spark was elated. The time was right, and she was able to stop being so... so sick. So heart sick. They'd come for her without even having to send a messenger. They'd done so well for themselves at home, and now they'd make this land, this continent, their home too. Jeeze. She can't help but be excited. Family above all, right?

Such was the Crownguard way. There's something fantastic about the way she covers ground, moving right to the place she'd seen her father the other day. His scent, clay and musk and the wool they used to line their den, didn't linger, but it had poured rain just hours before. Lux was trying to rationalize. Gently, she called out. It's a soft howl, a gentle bell tone. Dad, you see, was a large pale creature with golden markings on his face and chest. He'd recognize his daughter's voice anywhere. He'd know it anywhere. A family tie like that doesn't even begin to fray-- she's only been away half a season.

The gentle bell of a howl echoes around her shoulders, seeking out into the land. Though soft in nature, it carries. It always has. It always will. Lux needs to have a family (her family) again, and this was the first step.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



7 Years

10-23-2016, 03:00 PM

Bass often found himself in the same spot every day, resting on top of his stone den with his front legs crossed, paws dangling over the edge. Ever since he had claimed the plains this had been his spot, but he was more often here than not. Patrols filled up most of his day, checking on the herd to see if they were getting any fatter. But having already gone over the border lines, he was just relaxing in the cooler autumn weather. It was still so dry, he had been thankful for the rain a few days ago but it wasn't enough to combat the season and a half of pretty much a drought. There needed to be a lot more before the water levels would rise and the prey could get fatter. With winter coming, he had a sinking feeling that things were only going to get worse. Already he was skinnier than usual, his pale coat hanging slightly looser around his belly. With a sigh he dropped his head to his legs, golden eyes scanning the horizon. He thought about howling for his kids and seeing if they could take anything down outside of pack lands, but just as he was about to sit up a call sounded at the borders. Bass' pale head cocked to the side, it sounded like the wolf at his borders was calling for someone they knew. He had never heard her before though, there was no way that he himself knew her. But perhaps she was calling for someone else? Curious, he rose from his position and hopped off his usual perch, heading towards the thicket.

Pushing through the grass, it didn't take him long to see the petite woman standing at the boundary line. His brows pulled together, a look of curiosity and confusion on his face. "Hello, were you looking for someone? I'm Bass Destruction, alpha of this pack," There was no doubt that the wolf before him was a stranger, he hadn't even encountered her scent before. It wasn't out of the question that someone else could know her, but it didn't sound like she had been calling for anyone he knew. Maybe she was a little lost, but he wasn't about to send her on her way without answering any questions she may have. There was a faraway look to her gaze, nostalgia perhaps. Bass had been ruling the plains and the rapids for awhile, but the thicket was newer. Did she perhaps live here before hand?

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
10-23-2016, 03:45 PM

The final spark can see him coming from a long way off, and her tail flails wildly behind her as she moves to meet him. Dad! Dad was here! He was real, he was here, and he'd come for he--

A shift in the wind brought the scent toward her. It wasn't him. She falters, nearly tripping over her paws. There's something in her heart and everything seems to drop like a ton of bricks. Oh how Lux aches. No. This couldn't be. A different scent, but... but he looked like dad. Oh gods it hurts. How does she explain her way out of this one. Stopping where she's landed, the girl sits promptly on her haunches. Quietly. Yes, she will be quiet for now.

When he's close enough to introduce himself, her tail wags once more. Prismatic eyes catch light with a tilt of her head, and she bows it slightly in respect of the man. "Please, accept my apologies. I thought you were someone else." Right. Don't give too much away. Keep your hand close to your chest. They'd taught her well, but she's not unfriendly. Glimmering eyes and a soft posture, easy over the knees. He was taller and more solidly built (not unlike her father and brother), than the young athletic. There is hurt somewhere in her gaze, but she makes all efforts to appear gentle and... well... she's Lux. She always looks vaguely political.

"Luxanna Crownguard. Lux, if you'd rather." Her voice is a bell tone, and her tail wags. Clean, fluffy, clearly having not been rolling around in the Thicket for too long. A dull ache in her soul, somewhere far off. At least this Bass creature is friendly. What sort of surname is Destruction, though? Curious, but she does not pry.

i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



7 Years

10-25-2016, 08:05 PM

He didn't miss the female rising to her paws and making a move like she was going to run towards him. The pale man paused when he saw this, his head tilting to the side slightly. He knew that he didn't know her from anywhere, but she seemed to think that he was someone else. A soft breath was exhaled out of his nose, a pang in his heart at her crestfallen look. He knew exactly what it was like to see someone in a complete stranger, and how disappointing it was to realize that they were not who you thought. He felt like that about his siblings, every time he saw someone who looked like them he wished that it were true. How long had it been now since he had seen them around? Shaking away his own personal thoughts, he focused on the smaller woman before him. Seeming to have recovered from the incident, she smiled and wagged her tail at him. He did the same, dipping his head casually as they shared their greetings. He couldn't help but feel the question nag at the back of his mind, of who she saw in him. But Bass bit his lip, that wouldn't be the best opening for their conversation.

"It's quite alright, I'm sure we've all been there," he said softly when she explained just what he had thought. Her name came after his, and he was impressed with her prowess. "Well Luxanna, I'm sorry I wasn't who you sought. Would I be able to assist you in any way though?" he wasn't going to leave her standing there in a crestfallen way, not if he could see her off with some sort of information. He knew just what it was like to be missing someone, and seeing things you wished were real.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-13-2016, 10:44 PM

Something about the spark of light has risen and fallen enough times to hurt. To hurt from the inside out, to ache, to not know the feelings that drive her wild. Feelings will always get you in trouble. Trouble was something Lux tended to shy from, tried to wash her hands of. That's part of the reason she's here, she's so far from her family and her friends and the flights of fancy that have hurt her so severely. Lux hurts herself. This time is no difference, looking softly to Bass as he speaks. Right. Things were strange, and she was learning how to deal with it.

"I ah, well. I'm supposed to be making my rounds, meeting everyone, preparing for the arrival of my family. Laying the groundwork I suppose," There's something gentle in Lux's eyes, far away where they rest on Bass. She's thinking. There's an ache in the way that she does, thinking of her family. They are so far away from here. The final spark doesn't know how to think, know what to feel.

"I'm an experienced fighter and an even more experienced politician. Our people hold grand festivals, major balls, and massive meetings during this time of year. I was hoping that those here would do the same. I should like to meet the people here." Shining eyes, brilliant. All prismatic, gold with a bit of blue. She's a pretty girl, and the way she stands doesn't scream fighter. Supple in the knees, graceful in the stance. A different breed of fighter, Lux is. But a politician above all.
i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



7 Years

11-19-2016, 02:28 AM

His interest in the girl grew when she mentioned that she was laying groundwork for her family, his ears fully turned towards her as she spoke. Were they some sort of high ranking family from where they came? He supposed so, if they required someone to come and scout out the area before they even got here. His head careened to his left as he studied her, not saying anything as she went on to say that she was a fighter and politician. Carefully the man thought back to what he asked her, but joining his pack wasn’t one of them. It sounded like she was trying to sell herself for a position, but Bass didn’t interrupt her. Perhaps it was just part of her bit, something she was used to adding when introducing herself. Her words about festivals and otherwise made him think, no one here really held that many festivals in one season. It was an idea that he clung to though, wondering just what it all entailed. "I hate to keep dashing your hope, but no one here does that kind of thing, just yet… I am really intrigued by all of this, would you mind telling me more about what goes on during these own events?" Maybe the alpha was being selfish, but he had been looking for something to increase the activity within Abaven. Something new like that… well it might just work. It was worth giving a shot at least, there was nothing left that Bass had to give his pack. This could actually save them, something that he was starting to grow rather excited about. His tail wagged a bit behind him, a small smile touching his lips. To see his pack blossom was all he had ever wanted, to be remembered as the mighty Primo of Abaven. Was he asking too much?

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
11-21-2016, 11:54 PM

He was pretty. In Lux's mind, she can get him to ask her to stay. He was going to ask her to stay, he was going to want her to be here. Lux may be of the lawful persuasion, but she was a politician. A manipulator. Someone who was a little too smart for her own good. A little too smart to be in the place of a lady, so she sat at the right hand of the king instead. Her brother's true equal, the one who sits square beside him. They were the double edged sword that were to take over their realm, and this was just a stepping stone. This was learning, this was growing. To be apart from her brother was painful, but here they were.

Here she was.

So for now, it's part of her bit. Better to throw everything on the table so the man before her knows where she's going. What she needs. What she thrives on. Information was at a premium when there's no one that cares to speak to a passing creature. Though Lux is shining and bright, this man burns as her equal. How strange that was. It must be the golden eyes, they draw her in.

"Different events for different things, of course." There's a soft light in her eyes, something wistful and a little far away. Tail twitching gently, she'll speak of them all. Reverent and soft, a grin playing on her lips. "As the herds move out we cull what we can. The hunts are amazing, afterwords there's some storing, some saving, and a whole lot of eating. It's a time of peace, even when the realms are tense, many an armistice talk has been had over that dinner. No one is allowed to fight, it's just the way things have always been." Lux chuckles for a moment, eyes bright. "When the first snow comes there's a grand ball, everyone comes out, mostly the children playing but... hey, everyone is allowed to have fun. We celebrate the coming season and being together." Her tail wags, watching the man with her gentle, glimmering gaze.

"When the lights shine in the sky, there's a grand ball. Social event of the winter, everyone gathers and spends the nights... ah, together. Young and old, everyone tells stories, dances, we sing to the skies. It's beautiful." Tail wagging, shoulders rolled back, posture square but... she's looking somewhere far away. Once more, the girl steals a glance at Bass. Soft eyes. Soft, prismatic, glimmering eyes. "They're good days, really. My people love an excuse to party." And there's the giggle. Lux is just glad she has someone to talk to.
i love it when a
Luxanna Crownguard
plan comes together

[Image: srud6br.png]



7 Years

12-02-2016, 04:45 PM

Bass felt his face growing with excitement the more that Lux spoke, of the grand parties that her family had held. His tail beat against the ground behind him, a faraway look in her eyes. Well, she was here waiting for family, was she not? There was no scent of a pack on her, and an idea started to form in his mind. Winter would be coming soon, a time of great strife for everyone. It was harder on loners though, without a pack to help keep them sustained. Glancing at her with burning curiosity, he knew that he couldn't figure out his answer until he actually asked. "Would you like to stay with me, with is, here in Abaven? You could teach me of these parties and help me organize them. I have been seeking things to bring my pack alive more, to spark more interest in my home. I think that these festivals would be a grand idea indeed, I am sure everyone would be very excited for them. Once your family gets here you could go with them, but for now you could grow comfortable in our ranks," Was there too much hope in his voice? Perhaps, but it was mostly excitement. He was eager to get his pack running with more speed, to light a fire under their butts so that they could truly thrive instead of just surviving. And Lux's ideas, well they could never well do that. "My ranks work differently here, there are no real positions for, well... planning," he said with a laugh, his tail wagging behind him. "We have fighters, healers, hunters, and officers. They are in charge of patrolling the borders and keeping tabs on our allies. I feel that you would fit into this position well. They know how to sneak around and not be seen, and are quick on their paws. With that silver tongue of yours I have no doubt that you would be able to get out of wolves what you needed."

"Talk" "You" Think