
I never learn



4 Years
10-29-2016, 05:08 PM

Eniko Cynric Riobard Vaska

He had only wanted to go and see what that irritating call was, but he ended up getting very lost. While tracking the sound he had slipped and fallen into a system of caves, the damp air making each breath rattle in his chest. He had to take slow steps as he sucked gasping breaths into his starving lungs, until he finally had to stop. Sitting down heavily on his rump, he struggled to get enough air into his chest. Eniko knew that he should have stayed at the lake, but being stuck in one place was not his forte. But now he was in deep, and he needed Phantom's help to get out of this twisting maze. Dots began to float in his vision as he fought to regain control of himself, cursing at his stupidity to wander off. A lot of the time the prince thought that he was stronger than he was, and that he didn't need help to get through life. This was just the point and case that he was wrong. No even able to whimper, he dropped to his belly and rested his head on his paws. His golden eyes slipped closed as he started to get dizzy, just longing for one good breath so he could keep going.


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.



10-29-2016, 06:13 PM

Eniko gets a treat!

A soft, warm breeze somehow makes its way through the caverns to ruffle the ill wolf's fur, impossibly carrying with it the golden scent of summer. The wind blows aside a rotted and tattered wall hanging to reveal a new chamber from which emanates a strange golden glow. Closer investigation reveals the light is coming from a beautiful golden amulet with a flame engraved upon it. Eniko gains 16 gems!



6 Years
11-20-2016, 03:17 PM
A dark crypt with the sweet scent of summer on the breeze. Poser catches it, follows it. Chases it with his head high. There's something about him that's all freshness and summer and beauty. There's something absolutely amazing. It rests easily in his chest, in his heart. There's a broadness to it. Yes, he's amazing today. It's that breath of summer on the wind that sends him chasing, reeling. Fast and strong, quick and curious. Brilliant. A dark knife to slice through the autumn. He's beautiful. A young god.

The shadow makes his way down the steps to the crypt in leaps and bounds, brilliant and bright. Poser is never clumsy as he does it. Graceful and strong. He stops short, nearly bowling into the other creature. Nearly. On a dime agility, stopping short before he knocks the man over. That would be rude, after all. "Woah, sorry about that one." Poser's head tosses, head quirking to the side. "Can you smell that? It's beautiful." A Russian accent playing with his words, tail wagging. What a lovely day.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
11-24-2016, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2016, 10:57 PM by Eniko.)

Eniko Cynric Riobard Vaska

Choking on every breath that came into his throat, the prince was starting to fear the worst. But a gust of wind came out of nowhere, flooding into his lungs with sweet release. It tasted like summer, the soft scent settling his fears as he finally took a deep breath. Eniko felt a wave of calm wash over him, settling more into the ground where he was laying. Where had that come from? Looking around him, he didn't see anything but the darkness of the cavern, but then a quick shuffle of paws alerted him to the wolf near him. Looking over, his yellow eyes realized that this was no wolf, no it was a dog of some kind. Raising a single brow, the spotted man pushed himself to his paws until he was seated, his breath no longer wheezing in his throat. The accent baring canine asked him if he smelled it, and the wolf inclined his head. "T'is," he said calmly, answering the question that was posed for him. "But strange, for an underground cave to get a breath of summer air in the autumn," There was no doubt that the male was speaking in proper tones, every vowel pronounced as it should be.

Eniko looked off to his left, the guest that circled them pushing away a shealth that had guarded a hidden wall. Rising to his paws he looked inside, the faint glow of a necklace casting a warm yellow light on everything around it. Looking over his shoulder to gaze at the dog, he stepped closer while not fully turning his back on the stranger. He had been taught to always be on his guard, and these walls could hide a lot of sounds. Pushing the thought away, he pawed at the amulet carefully, seeing an inscription printed on it. Interesting... it was nothing that he knew, the had an old stone tomb back in his homeland with odd symbols on it. They thought that they had figured out the code, but reading wasn't something that came naturally to these creatures. Mm, he had have the mind to slip it on but the eerie mood that had claimed him before made him hesitate. Instead he sat within the outlet, once again seating himself to ponder the dogs breed. "I am Eniko, it is a pleasure to meet you. If I may be so bold, what breed of canine are you? I am familiar with a few families of dogs, but yours I am not," the princes diplomatic tone hopefully kept any anger at bay that may rise at his question. It was a simple curiosity, was it not?


As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.



6 Years
11-25-2016, 11:49 PM
The shadow is brilliant. More than once he's been the most brilliant creature in all the lands he rules, in all the lands he holds. He has been the most bright and most beautiful creature of all, and that brings him pride. Here he's just weird. But that's okay. He tells them that he's a god, a new god. The new gods, you see, are being born every day. They walk among men. They walk among the commoners. They are something other than mortals, for their names will live forever, spoken as echoes and whispers. Poser stands in the same way that those touched by larger hands do. It's because he has.

"Weird, but lovely. Really the best kind of thing." The words fall from his lips easily, the dark creature looking to the fawn spotted boy. His tail wags, grin... well... wolfish. A wagging tail and an open heart. Today is one of Poser's good days. They don't come often, but lately they come more and more. There's something to be said for this place, bringing him back to being okay from maybe one of the darkest things he's felt in an age. Maybe it's something for the ages, being here. His tail wags at the other man.

The fawn spotted creature looks to a glimmering amulet, and Poser nods. He'd seen one not so dissimilar a bit back, and had stashed it away with his herbs and the like in the castle. What wonderful, sparkling things there were. Always lovely, always sparkling, much like Poser himself. Tail never stopped, watching the man with interest. Speaking of hairy mutant deer, right? Clearly. "Poser, charmed." Nodding carefully, grinning, dripping charm where it sits in his features.

"Rússkaya psovaya borzaya, a young god." Eyes bright, head high. Poser watched the man for his reaction. He'd started more and more to embrace his mother tongue and the feelings that came with the language. So many strong feelings. Oh how lovely he felt. Curiosity would not be met with anger, not from Poser. Not today.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]



4 Years
01-05-2017, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2017, 05:11 PM by Evelyn.)

There was something odd about the dog, but it wasn't a thing that he could put his paw on. Perhaps it was because of his looks, but Eniko was not a shallow wolf. Perhaps it was simply because he was new to these lands and didn't know the mannerisms here. Deciding to go with that, he inspected the new cavern with slightly narrowed eyes. It was quite small, large enough for maybe three wolves to curl up in. But it was the soft glow of the odd metal that caught his attention. He wished to take it with him, but he couldn't see a way of doing so unless he carried it in his mouth the whole way back to the lake. Humming softly, he only looked away when the other canine spoke. He said his name was Poser, but the next words slipped out in a language that he was not familiar with. As a prince he had studied all sorts of languages from many different wolves, but this tongue was not in the list he had. It made his brows pull together ever so slightly, as he was usually cautious with how much emotion he showed on his face. While it did not quite answer his question, as he didn't know what he had said, it was still an answer. It would be rude to ask once more, so Eniko decided to drop it. Maybe he would just never know. However, when he said that he was a young god he couldn't help but glance at him a little more closely. His kingdom had lore of different gods in many different legions, but this dog was no god. It was humorous to think that creatures pranced around claiming to be something that they were not, but none of this made it passed the spotted mans mind. It wasn't his place to correct how another animal thought of themselves, but nonetheless it made him want to chuckle. He held it all back though, his stoic face not slipping even once.

"Well, sir Poser, I don't suppose that you have any information on this cavern?" He decided that it was best to move passed all of this and move on to another subject. When he was fully well and his asthma didn't threaten to consume him, he did like to explore this new world. Eniko was determined to turn what started as a bad experience into a good one, and just maybe walking through these caves with this dog -- whatever he was -- would do him some good. He didn't want to leave the amulet, the soft glow bouncing off his brown and white coat. Oh wait, it could light the tunnels as they walked, couldn't it? A small hint of a smile spread across his lips as he reached over to grab the shining metal, grasping it gently between his teeth. Looking back at Poser, he stood there waiting to see if the black male wanted to lead the way. Would he even want to navigate this area with him? He hoped so, it was always nice to have a companion, even a strange one.

Art by Shelby

As Eniko's guard and protector, Phantom can enter any thread no matter how it is marked.



6 Years
01-29-2017, 07:12 PM
The spotted creature was a fool to thing otherwise. A fool. It was something that brought the mind of the shadow to light, and a glimmer resting firmly in his eye. Ah yes, there was something in his system that was far more than. Far greater than. He is the god among men and he will be until his days revealed their number. It wasn't his place to tell this creature, with his fake title and irrelevant bearings, that natural selection should have picked him off. It was humorous to think that they believed their kingdom had pull so far from home. Maybe he should laugh. Maybe he should let himself come unhinged. No. Poser was going to be friendly.

The shadow's tail wags softly, sighing lightly at the question. "I wish I did. Come on, let's explore." There's a brilliance to him, looking to the glowing locket slightly. It reflects in his eyes, the low shimmer that's always there. Easily on his feet, he moves at Eniko's side, partially in the lead. Wouldn't leave the cripple behind, after all. That would be rude. He's been working on that whole not getting too excited thing. Not leaving someone behind because you're more than a little excited about existing at that moment. High steps and a chuckle in his throat, Poser moves through the caves. "Think we're going to find anything spooky?" It was a question. A gentle question.

Curiosity killed the cat.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]