
I can't fight this feeling: It's not in my head



11 Years
10-30-2016, 12:39 AM
Ooc:: This thread is private just can't mark it that way on my ds.

The man took a small breath, golden gaze scanning the plains as he emerged from his den. He was thinking of Kalliope again. Had she been doing okay? Was she comfortable here in Celestial? Cas hoped that she was. The man glanced back at his own den with a small sigh. He didn't understand why his thoughts were often of the femme. Could it be he was growing more attached to her? He knew he didn't want her to leave Celestial... what if something happened to her? His heart ached at the thought. He didn't want to imagine such things.

A breath was taken as Castiel started off in the direction of Kalliope's den within Celestial. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to her yet... but he needed to know she was still doing okay. Needed to know if she needed anything that he could help with. What if she wasn't happy here in Celestial though? What if... Castiel shook his head. There was no reason to get himself worked up on the 'what ifs'.

Arriving at her den Cas softly called out, ears twitching somewhat. "Kalli? He called softly, hoping she was in the den or at least nearby since it was early morning.



9 Years
Athena I
11-10-2016, 10:40 PM

Kalliope didn't leave her den very often now that she had really settled in one. It was just easier to stay either in her den or near it until she got comfortable with her new surroundings. Of course there was also the little fact of her being in heat that contributed to it as well. She was old enough now to be comfortable with her heat, but it was still something she didn't particularly want to advertise. She did decide on this cooler fall day though to venture out just a bit to find a little something to eat. She thought about Castiel and maybe going to see him while she was out, but she decided against it. She thought about him almost daily now. She wasn't sure if it was just because he was one of the only wolves she knew here or if it was more than that. She tried not to think about it. After all, she didn't want to go thinking things like that if he didn't feel the same way. No reason to get her hopes up or anything.

Speak of the devil. Just as she was nearing her den on her return trip she caught his scent and heard him calling her name. Her ears perked up and she padded forward toward him, a slight smile on her lips. "Oh, hey, Castiel," she responded. She imagined she was probably behind him, but she was sure he would turn whichever way he needed to be to face her. Much easier than her trying to find which ever side he was facing. She was quick to settle on her haunches, hoping maybe that might block some of her heat scent even though she knew it was all over her.

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
11-10-2016, 11:42 PM

Castiel turned, gaze falling on the femme. It had truly been too long since he’d seen Kalliope, and his worry for her had been increasing over time. “You haven’t really been out and about… been okay?” His words were incredibly soft, though he was hopeful that the femme heard them. “I’ve been… wondering if Celestial’s been treating you alright… if…” Castiel paused, his gaze falling to the ground.

“Kalliope…” He took a breath, steadying himself. “Have you… been avoiding the pack because of your heat?” Yes he had noticed her absence, as well as the tempting scent that came from her. Though he made no moves towards the woman. “No one will do anything to you here you know. You’re safe… and if anyone tried I’d personally see to it that they’d think twice before going after a woman again.” He hadn’t realized just how much he’d begun to babble on and on. He truly missed her.




9 Years
Athena I
11-11-2016, 12:24 AM

Kalliope's brows went up with surprise when Castiel suddenly started questioning whether she had been okay and if Celestial had been treating her right, asking if she hadn't been around the pack cause of her heat, insisting that she was safe here. "Woah woah woah," she started with a slight chuckle. She had expected a return of a 'hey' maybe a 'how've you been' not a sudden onslaught of worries and concerns. "I've been fine. I've just been doing my thing on my own cause that's what I'm used to doing. I'm sorry, I've been wanting to come see you, I just didn't want to seem like I was clinging on to you too much." That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the entire truth. "I didn't think I was unsafe here with my heat, I'm just a bit self-concious about it. I guess it's just natural instinct from being a loner for so long." That was actually the whole truth. Besides the fact that she didn't want to give herself a reason to try and flirt with him with her heat-rattled brain. "Don't worry so much," she insisted with a chuckle, giving him a smile.

"Now then! Lets try this again. Hey, Castiel." She laughed lightly, suddenly in much better spirits now that Castiel was around. She wanted to keep herself in check so badly, knowing that him actually liking her and not just being concerned for her cause of her blindness and her being in a new place was just a long shot, but she just couldn't keep it off her mind. Especially not now with her heat to deal with. But really, what was it going to hurt, hm? She was six years old now. It was a miracle she had lived this long with all the times she had slipped or bumped into something or almost stepped off a cliff. She wasn't getting any younger. Castiel was probably her last chance at having any kind of real relationship.

All of this fluttered through her brain in a flurry of jumbled thoughts and she tried her best of shove it all away. "Fuck it," she thought to herself as she got back to her paws and padded toward him. It was a bit easier to tell where he was now that he had spoken again. She used his scent and the sound of his breathing till she finally found his neck with her muzzle and she nuzzled into his fur, saying, "Thank you for checking on me though. I do appreciate it."

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
11-11-2016, 06:22 PM

Castiel felt heat burn upon his face when Kalliope answered him. She’d been alright. That was what mattered in the end to the man. He let out a slow breath, giving a nod. He hadn’t meant to seem like a worrywart… It was just… what? Kalliope was his closest friend in all honesty. He could talk with Creed, his sister, his niece and nephew… and wow that was pretty much it after that, wasn’t it? Was that why he felt so protective over her? He tried to find his smile again, keeping his tail curled around his body as he took another breath.

“Hey Kalliope.” He managed with a smile. He was glad that she was alright. That Celestial hadn’t felt overwhelming or anything. He shifted a bit, at least until Kalliope drew closer to him. It caught him off guard and yet, the moment she pressed into his neck the brute turned his head towards her, nuzzling her shoulder before giving it a tender lick.

“Of course… I care for you a lot! I mean… I…” Cas shook his head, moving his forepaw over Kalliope’s own. “Kalli… listen... I… I think I, well… It’s not your blindness that has me checking on you… It’s because I care about you. You’re probably the one I feel most at ease around… you’re easy to talk to and make me laugh…” Castiel’s golden gaze shifted to her face as he drew back. He knew she couldn’t see him… but to him he was gazing upon the most beautiful fae in the world.

“I believe… I believe it is what some call love.” Castiel held his breath. Did she feel the same?




9 Years
Athena I
11-11-2016, 08:14 PM

Kalliope was honestly a little surprised when he returned her nuzzle and licked her shoulder. In her mind it was impossible for him to care for her in any other way than a friend. After all, who wanted to be with someone forever who could do just the bare minimum to care for themselves? She had learned enough over the years to feed herself and get around, but she was doomed if anything tried to attack her. But it was like he was reading her mind because the second she started doubting and preparing herself to just be friends or even just friends with a few benefits, he went and started saying all these things about how much he cared for her how at ease he was with her. Was he not like this with everyone? She had just assumed he was extra friendly with everyone.

She felt him pull back a bit, assuming that he was looking at her face again. As if everything else he said wasn't enough, he had to add that he thought this was love. She was stunned into silence at first, her ears folding back and a lump forming in her chest from the overwhelming swell of emotions. "Castiel..." she breathed with disbelief, not quite knowing what else to say. How could he possibly love her? That's all she could think of. She had never felt sorry for herself, had never viewed her blindness as something that would keep her back from anything in life if she tried hard enough, but never in her wildest dreams had she thought that she might actually find someone that would love her, with her stubborn ways and attitude and all. "You really mean that?" she asked softly, trying to be hopeful and trying to believe. A smile creeped onto her lips and she suddenly felt tears on her cheeks. For the moment everything about her heat was forgotten, instead pushed aside to make room for her emotions.

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
11-12-2016, 03:44 PM

Castiel waited, allowing his words to sink in. When Kalliope spoke the brute gave anod, wrapping his head around the back of her neck to hold her close. “I’ve no reason to lie, Kalliope.” His words remained soft as he spoke, this tender moment just for the two of them. Right now nothing else mattered. Not Celestial… not anyone or anything else in the world. He could feel his heart racing in his chest, both in excitement and nervousness. Castiel drew back again, taking a breath before he spoke once more.

“Kalli… if you feel the same… would you do me the honors of becoming my wife? We could have a wedding and all…” His golden eyes were shining, tears of happiness stinging his own orbs. “I don’t want to hesitate anymore… or hold back my feelings… I want to be with you, Kalliope, for the rest of our days.” Castiel paused, waiting for her answer. He could only hope that she’d say yes and if she didn’t, well, then he’d cross that bridge when it came to it.




9 Years
Athena I
11-12-2016, 04:09 PM

Kalliope leaned into Castiel's chest and buried her face in his scruff when he wrapped his neck around hers. She could still feel warm tears staining her cheeks, but she didn't care. This was everything beyond her wildest dreams. She felt like she couldn't catch her breath, especially not after he went on to ask her to marry him. She could have believed that this was some kind of crush, that maybe they could love each other and maybe fool around from time to time or what have you. But this... This was more than that. That wasn't the kind of commitment you made just on a whim. She knew their emotions were running high right now so maybe he went farther than he meant to right in this moment, but she could tell from his voice that he was being genuine. What did she have to lose besides the love of a man that she didn't believe she deserved? "Yes... Yes, I would love to marry you," she replied quietly, her voice thick with emotion and tears as she hugged him tighter. Her tail was wagging behind her a mile a minute behind her and she couldn't control this joy that was bubbling up in her.

Now she had no reason to keep her feelings or desires in check. All those times she had thought about him since they met and she had made herself push those thoughts away all came rushing back in this moment and she wanted him now more than ever. Her mate, her fiance. She was just waiting for the moment when she would wake up and realize this was all a dream. "Castiel..." she breathed, stepping back just enough so that she could brush her cheek against his trace the edge of his ear with the edge of her muzzle. "Will you come in my den with me?" she asked in a whisper. A small grin tugged at her lips and she licked the delicate skin of his ear before slipping past him, her tail trailing along his side. She didn't wait to get an answer, she just slipped into the den and waited for him to join her.

- fade to black -

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
11-12-2016, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2016, 09:47 PM by Castiel.)
...and even if his emotions were high, the male pushing a bit farther because of it he didn't care. The pale man was certain that this was what he wanted. What he needed. He wasn't getting any younger and neither was Kalli... sometimes you had to take a leap of faith when you fell in love. Especially at their age. Cas knew he wanted to make Kalliope happy. Wanted to give her the life many faes dreamed of. He loved her. Rushing things or not he loved her and that wasn't going to change.

At Kalliope's invitation the man rose. Castiel needed no further bidding from his new fiancee. He was going to shower her in attention. He grinned, body needing no urging to follow Kalli to her den. His tail wagged behind him with happiness, heart racing in his chest. This would be the beginning of his new life. That was but one thought as he entered the den.

-Fade to black.-