
Look to the skies



10 Years
10-30-2016, 05:50 PM
It was more than time to dry her eyes and look ahead instead of back. Knowing this was one thing, finding a way to make herself accept what she must do and do it was another entirely. It was so strange how one could see the best course of action but be too afraid to take it. Caelum paused her thinking, coming to a halt and surveying the land before her, ice blue eyes drinking in the details.

Dry and lifeless, the scenery alone was interesting enough in it's own vast emptiness, dominated by compacted dirt and rocks that would occasionally sprout upwards in intriguing formations. Gusts of chilly autumn wind would howl, shoving at Caelum from her right with surprising force. She narrowed her eyes and continued in a somewhat northeastern direction, moving at an easy trot. Glints and glimmers would be easily spotted coming from many places across the flattened earth, one particularly bright point drawing her interest.

It wasn't much, a sort of flattened chunk of metal that had come to rest half buried in the earth. The object appeared to have, or at least have had, sharp edges that could easily cut one to ribbons if the thing was handled carelessly. It was also coated in a layer of rust, though not so badly that it had entirely lost it's original silvery color. At first she considered grabbing hold of it in her mouth with the sharp sides on either side of her mouth so she didn't injure herself, but after some consideration she decided that the likelihood of her being hurt was still too great. She opted instead to try pushing the flat side with her left forepaw, trying to loosen the hold that the ground had on it. At first nothing happened, but as she increased the pressure it would begin to slowly move away from her, and there was movement in front of her. Moving to the other side she would again try to dislodge the object, pushing with one paw. It took several round of this, moving back and forth and steadily pushing harder before it would come free, the ground closest to Caelum cracking and shifting as the far end of the metal rose towards the surface.

Observing her new treasure she found that the end that had come up from the dirt had a blunt end that was more rounded than flat. Perhaps this was the side one was meant to be holding it by. On the sharp flattened part she saw etched markings but couldn't understand what they might mean. Taking a seat for the moment Caelum studied her find, though what she would do with it was hard to decide. Maybe she'd just be on her way...