
One Day At A Time


10-30-2016, 05:54 PM

The femme breathed in, exploring more of the territory of the south as she waited for her season to roll around again. She hadn’t spoken to Ravine about the idea yet… and their chances were no doubt going to be more slim with them both being older… But Akemi was hoping to have one last litter. A litter with her true mate, rather than the man who had betrayed her for… She shook her head with a heavy sigh. She hardly wanted to be thinking of Kau now. He had betrayed her… and Ravine, bless his heart, had stayed faithful even when she’d gone missing due to her accident. He was a truly unique man… and she thanked the Gods for him every day.

Akemi had been exploring the knolls, mindful of the herd of Buffalo that lurked within. She didn’t want to startle them and cause another accident… especially since Tiny was with her this time. The little pygmy jerboa scurried up the back of her neck onto her head, his eyes looking out upon the word delightedly. With the knolls and his mother’s short height he couldn’t see much… but at least he was with her.

“The fresh air feels nice, huh Tiny?” She let out a light laugh, letting her mind shift from the thoughts of future little ones to the young one she’d adopted a couple years back. “Perhaps we should find something nice to take back to Papa. What do you think?” The little creature squeaked happily. “Yeah! Lets go!”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



10 Years
10-30-2016, 11:35 PM
It had recently occurred to Caelum that she had been spending her time in this area for so long, yet hadn't visited several locations she'd viewed from a distance. Her recent surge in curiosity and a craving for adventure had lead her to go in search of one such area. She'd stood atop one of the knolls for a while, with buffalo grazing behind her she spotted an area that seemed to have different vegetation. This must be it. Slowly she would descend from her perch - making a great effort to not go rocketing down the slope out of control - making her way over to investigate the area before her. It certainly smelled different.

Plants she hadn't seen before seemed to run wild here, some sprouted fruits, though in the autumn chill they were beginning to die off. Caelum figured it would be best to not mess with potentially rotting things and turned her attention to the rest of the place. a flat slab of rock littered with decaying matter and a fair amount of plant grown that sprouted in the cracks was the only mostly empty space, the rest hard to see around due to the tall plants. She found it interesting enough but soon began to lose interest. It was when she began to make her way back in the direction of the buffalo knolls that Cae saw her. A stranger was approaching in the distance.

Head tilted to the side while the woman considered what to do. She supposed she would wait here and greet the whoever it was. Meeting new wolves was a good way to keep her mind busy, and of course she liked learning more about the individuals who resided in these lands. Tail wagging a bit Cae would wait in anticipation of the stranger's approach. Her wait would have been rather quiet and peaceful if it wasn't for a small bird that seemed to have gotten it into his head that he really needed to perch on her head. For a bit she tried to shoo the creature away from her, but after a few attempts she grew weary of it and allowed the thing to perch atop her head with a look of exasperation.


11-01-2016, 04:31 PM

Akemi kept on, her single gaze landing upon a curious individual before too long. The other, a wolfess whom Akemi assumed was younger than herself by at least a little bit, seemed to have a companion upon her head as well. Though upon noticing the bird Akemi grew tense, knowing that Tiny could make a meal for a hungry predator. Sure the bird itself was small… but the female would not take any chances. If it went after her son then that thing was as good as dead. But she tried not to focus on that fact. There was no reason to start a fight before she even got to meet the other individual, right?

As Akemi got closer her single orb searched the individual’s face. She looked quite exasperated… was the bird causing her trouble? Akemi tilted her head to the side as she got closer, a smile touching her lips. Tiny held on, mindful of any sudden shifts his Mama had. “Greetings.” Akemi called out softly. “Is that little one yours? Or has it just decided to be a friend today?” She wasn’t taking her eye from the bird, hoping that it knew to leave Tiny well enough alone.

“Hellooooo~” Tiny called out in his little squeaky voice. He scurried a bit closer to the end of Akemi’s muzzle, his beady black eyes focused on the other wolf and bird. Were they going to be their new friends?




10 Years
11-19-2016, 07:39 PM

Cyan eyes gazed curiously at the other woman, finding the shades of brown in her pelt to be quite interesting. She also noted the scars and single eye, though her gaze did not linger on those things. Maybe it was her time with Inverno, or something else, but she didn't really have a perpensity for fixating on such marks. The height difference between the two wolves did catch her attention though. It had been a while since she'd met someone who was much shorter than herself.

Smiling welcomingly at the crimson-eyed woman, Caelum wagged her tail a few times in greeting, momentarily forgetting the conundrum her new 'friend' was causing her. "Hello!" She called back in a friendly tone. The question gave her pause, and caused her attention to momentarily return to the bird who was now quite happily perched on her head and trying to figure out how best to nestle into her fur. Eventually it determined that there was not enough fur on her head, and he would hop down her back and settle himself on her rump, which allowed Caelum the opportunity to turn and lay eyes on the creature now that it was where she could see it and holding relativly still. The tiny thing was entirely monochrome, with black and white feathers that grew in intrigueing stripes. Deciding the little thing wasn't going to be bothering her too much as he attemted to bury himself in her fur again, she turned back to the other wolf with a tired smile, "Well, I suppose it's decided to we're friends now. I've never had a bird follow me so persistantly!" Cae laughed, finding the whole situation rather amusing.

Shifting into a bowing position, with front legs extended forward and head pushed towards the ground she would grin at the little creature perched on the wolf's muzzle, intrigued and excited by the appearance of an animal she didn't think she'd ever seen before. "Hello there, and what is your name?"
