
Flutter in the wind



6 Years
11-05-2016, 04:43 PM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
Before anything, he needed to introduce Marina to his kids. Ash in due time would come around but she said she wanted to stay in the falls probably to explore and what not. With that Liar made his way up towards the mainlands hoping Marina was following. As the man let out a howl for Vadim - the pup he wanted to make his heir. Life was ever changing though, so it would be the young man's own decision for what he wanted to do. The family was starting to disperse of course but they would all... forever be together. Liar knew that and he hoped they understood that too, no matter the path they chose he was only a call away.

"Now we wait." Liar said as he took a seat. Looking at the rather large volcano there. It looked like it had erupted some years ago. The ground blackened from the exposure. Regardless he had no interest in this place. The falls would be the home of his pack that he had ambitions for. It was getting it that was the problem.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
11-07-2016, 06:54 PM

The thought of meeting Liar’s kids was a bit intimidating, though she was doing her best to remember what the male had told her when they were in the falls. She had to wonder what the young ones would think of her though. Sure she could accept Liar’s tendencies… but were the children old enough to understand such a thing? To accept it? The femme wasn’t sure what she would have thought if either of her parents had been they way she and Liar were… but she shook her head. Everything would be made known in due time.

Still, Marina felt a bit uncertain being back in Boreas too. Auster was more comforting for the woman… who could blame her when most of her bad memories of the continent lingered with Boreas? She stuck close to Liar, taking a seat next to him and curling her tail about her paws. “It feels strange being back here, Liar…” The woman confessed. “But I’m glad I’m not alone.” Her words were barely above a whisper, but surely he heard them, right?

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

11-10-2016, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2016, 03:05 AM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

The boy had an adventurer's heart, so it was to know surprise that he'd made his way further from the North though there was a great deal of guilt that he still felt for going against Avalon's wishes. He couldn't help but answer the call of his wanderlust, and with prey scarce and unhealthy in the North there was no reason for the hunter not to seek out where all the good game was going. He didn't expect to hear his father's call down here in the East, however it was a welcome call. Almost immediately, the adolescent perked his ears and changed his trajectory to make for the source of the howl.

It wasn't long before he the stench of sulfur began to stung his nostrils and he couldn't help but wonder why his father had chosen a volcano of all places to bring him, but he trekked cautiously through the poisonous streams of water surrounding the living mountain and searched for the pale image of his father despite the eerie feeling the unfamiliar territory gave him. Finally, his head lifted up with excitement as his molten stare fell upon the spotted image of Liar, his limbs working quickly to send him over to the man in a trot that made his chubby gut jostle just slightly.

As he arrived, he'd wag his tail low with love and respect as he flashed a smile to the man, though his attention soon shifted to the woman at his side. He'd never seen her before, but they both were certainly covered in the scent of one another. Was this why his father had been gone? Vadim had assumed it was to scout out territory and look for recruits for their new kingdom, which is what this woman must be. He dipped his wide skull to her when he came to a stop in front of them, then looked back to his father and canted his head. "Why are we meeting at a volcano, if I might ask? It stinks here." He chuckled, "Though, it's good to see you. Who is this with you?"

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



6 Years
11-10-2016, 12:53 AM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
Liar's tail wagged a little when he heard Marina. He knew somewhat why she wanted to avoid these lands. After today he wasn't sure if he'd force her to come up here. After all it was still undecided if Vadim would be following him anyway. Liar would lick the top of her head and upon seeing his son approach would proudly raise his head and wag his tail. A soft chuckle left his maw about the volcano. "I didn't want to make Marina too nervous son I'm sorry it had to be here. But isn't it cool!" he looked around for a moment. At least he thought of it as a bit cool.

He gave a soft sigh and went to nudge his son slightly. "I found a place for our new pack should you come, but this here is Marina. She's a new mate of mine, and she's pregnant." Liar's eyes turned towards Vadim. "So you'll have new little siblings coming winter." he knew Vadim could react in a number of ways - rejection. But he certainly hoped his son who knew a lot about family could even come to terms with that. Plus he was known for multiple lovers. "I won't be having a second in command rank in my pack, but she'll be part of the royal family. I planned to make you the heir but honestly son - whatever you want is fine. I hope things in Ivalice are well." he sat down then. Hoping that this would go well.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
11-10-2016, 11:18 PM

The young man who arrived was certainly a sight to behold. While Marina prided herself on her own children she could recognize a well grown youth when she saw one. The she wolf was quiet for the moment, allowing father and son to reunite before she added in her own two cents. She did feel a bit off being introduced like this… and could only hope that it went okay. Marina tipped her head to the young man, hoping that, at the very least, he wouldn’t feel the need to distance himself from his new siblings before he got to know them.

“To reassure you, young one, I’m not here to replace your mother. But I do find my place to be by your father’s side… and I hope that you can respect that.” Marina turned her gaze on Liar, offering him a small smile. “…and there is no need to place me in such a ranking. I am yours, yes, but I am no royal, Liar. I was never meant to be… and that’s okay. I’ll work for whatever rank I end up taking within your pack.”

Table by:: Tea

Vadim I


3 Years

11-13-2016, 08:31 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

He had suspected something was going on between his father and the woman. He'd not been exposed to his father's romantic adventures before but he remembered the stories his father had told him of his past relationships. He was not ashamed, but rather found a sense of relief that his father had found himself again and that it didn't end with Abelinda. A small smile creased his youthful muzzle as his father announced her, up until he placed her among the royal family. He raised a single 'brow dot and looked to the rainbow woman once again. She seemed inviting enough, though of course there was reason for him to be skeptical of welcoming her into the family open hearted. The words that came from Marina himself offered him further relief from being forced to do just that, so the small smile returned on the boy's features as his eyes met the colorful woman's own.

He took a seat before them, his hefty weight devouring his back limbs as it rolled to his haunches while he relaxed. "Well, she certainly is a sight for sore eyes, Father. I'm happy that you've moved on with your life, you seem in better spirits these days. I am excited for our new pack, though I agree with Marina. If to be a part of our family is to be a royal in our new pack, than I do not think she is a royal. At least, not yet. What does Ash say about all this?"

He furrowed his 'brows with a look of concern and guilt, he didn't want to hurt his father's feelings in any way, but he needed to speak for his own feelings as well. "I just met her, I can't accept her as family.. though, I would enjoy getting to know her and anyone else who finds themselves in our new kingdom, father. Of course, I will go with you.. I would love to be your heir, though what of our standing with Ivalice? Is Avalon upset?" He'd been meaning to meet with the woman, but with prey as scarce at his was and his appetite insatiable, he'd been busy hunting through-out the majority of the season thus far. "And where will we go? The North won't sustain any more packs, it barely holds enough resource to sustain what it has." He was nervous, it was to be expected for him to be, but there was a growing feeling of excitement coursing through his veins.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



6 Years
11-14-2016, 02:50 AM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
The man carefully administered his attention on his son. Deep breaths falling through his lungs. It felt like yesterday they were all tiny fluff balls in the den. He did feel that impending fear that Marina spoke of. How badly he wanted to keep Vadim safe from harm. Though the boy was most definitely a very clear minded one. It reminded him of some of his other children. As his paws restlessly pressed against the ground he nodded his head - all valid questions and inquiries that he said. None that bothered him as well.

"She's still sorting out her own thoughts. She's back where I plan to move the pack. Though I have an idea of what I'll be doing for the pack now." Liar said about his sister. Lately he didn't know what Ash thought, he slightly felt she was torn. After all she had only done this to follow Vadim. Yet at the same time she had been struggling with the thought of leaving her only home she had ever known.

"I understand, sometimes trusting a stranger is hard. I know in time though you'll know her, and she'll know you. Avalon? I'm not sure - she didn't seem to upset. Though she did tell me she was tired of you kids disobeying her and didn't want to try. I have every intention to making good connections with Ivalice even when we're gone. Even if it isn't under her control. After all she blew off my offer to still be of service. I'm not a man to give up though!" he tail flicked for a moment as he then sat himself down. Carefully giving Marina a nudge to reassure her, seeing as he didn't want her feeling too left out of the conversation.

"We've been living in Auster, a continent far different from our own. It's connected to boreas by a land bridge. In a place called Lazuli falls - the place has fat prey running amock and not too many wolves live there. Currently there are no packs either. Plus the falls come in array of colors it's indeed something to look at." he nodded his head as he looked towards Marina then back to vadim. "You don't have to come if you don't want Vadim - I'm sure Ivalice would be happy to have you. Just know you'd be well received in my pack. As heir I could teach you a lot of things, but as long as you're happy it doesn't matter." he gave a soft shake of his head.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
11-20-2016, 10:06 PM

The female remained quiet, listening to Vadim and Liar speak once more. Perhaps there was hope for her to one day feel part of the family, but even Marina knew herself that was not yet the case. “I can understand you not being able to accept me as family, not yet anyway, but I’d like to try and get to know you. I’m sure regardless of how we end up viewing each other we could learn a lot from one another.” The female would fall quiet once more, ears twitching as she looked back to Liar.

As Marina settled herself, bi-colored gaze flicking back over Vadim, the female breathed in slowly. “There is a lot to adjust to. But what your father is saying is right. It is your decision what you want to do. Neither of us will force you to come with us to Auster. Nor would I force you to accept me as family… or even the children that stir in my belly. I can hope… but in the end it is for you to decide.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Vadim I


3 Years

11-23-2016, 04:20 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

The youth looked back and forth between the two as they spoke. His eyes seemed to linger on Marina a bit longer than they should have, though he was for a few brief moments envisioning what it might have been like to sit here and have this discussion with Abelinda in her place. He would never admit that he missed his mother, but there were certain situations such as this one that left the child sometimes craving for her presence.

None of that was Marina's fault, though; he wasn't angry with her for not being Abelinda but rather intrigued by her. She seemed very interested in Liar, enough so to attempt to bring the family together by including his previous children and that made Vadim a little less scared of ever being viewed as the 'bastard' child when the new pups came. When she mentioned not ever having to view her or the children as family, Vadim shook his head. "No, no. That's not what I meant. You're the mother of my soon to be brothers and sisters. In that way, you're already a part of the family and you always will be. Blood bonds us, but not everyone who shares that bond can be trusted." His ears flicked, "I look forward to getting to know you. Marina. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other a lot more, and as long as you don't cross my father or the rest of my family- I'm sure we'll come to be good friends." He didn't mean to threaten her, but there was a seriousness in his words that might have made it come off as such. He tried not to stare at her for too long after he'd said all he needed to say but instead turned his attention back to his father.

He gave a short smirk on his meaty muzzle before lifting his head, "You act like there's some place else I'd rather be. Father, this is my dream! For us all to be respected and known through-out the land, to protect our family and offer a place of refuge for all of us. To be king. I am coming with you, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Just sad that we have to leave the North for it all to happen, and Avalon and the others. Can we pupnap Greed?" He chuckled, only half serious with his last comment. He knew Greed wouldn't come, but it didn't sit well with him to have one of their own so far from the rest of them.

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]



6 Years
12-03-2016, 10:04 PM

Liar would smile for a moment as he nudged Marina softly. Reassurance if anything at all. All would be well in the end - he was determined to give her a brighter side of life in the least. Though his attention turning to his son and locked onto his words. His tail flicking behind him as he softly chuckled at the end with his comment about Greed. No doubt that boy had his own plans, taking after Liar's father and the most darker half of the family Liar knew Greed was destined for more outside of what they were.

"I think he'd take my eyes before willingly coming with us." Liar commented for a moment. "Lazuli Falls in Auster is where we live now. If you want to come. For the time being Marina will be there and hopefully she'll have a safe birth with your siblings." The male looked towards her for a moment then towards Vadim. "Besides.... Ash seems a bit solemn when you aren't around." that much was true.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
12-19-2016, 09:45 PM

His words were wise beyond his years. Marina dipped her head, giving a nod with a warm smile. “You are a smart wolf, Vadim. I can only hope that we grow to be good friends as you say. I look forward to spending more time with you, and I assure you… I bring no threat to your family. Not to any member of it. Perhaps when we’re able to speak further you’ll begin to understand how I tick a bit more…” The female was smiling a bit more, a soft look in her gaze. Truth was she just wanted to be included in a family once more. It didn’t matter if she was some high fancy rank… she just wanted to know love and friends again.

Marina paused listening to the two of them speak further. Greed… she thought she recalled Liar speaking of that particular child before. One who didn’t see eye to eye with him. It was evident though that even if the family wasn’t completely close knit that they still had loyalty to each other… It was good to see. The female decided to chime in again after Liar finished speaking, her words soft.

“I’m sure you can take your time before coming with us as well. Feel free to visit with your sibling… even if he may not be so willing to be with your father, perhaps something can be worked out between the two of you. It’s good to keep those bonds strong.” The rainbow marked female paused, seeming to have a thought cross her mind. “It seems to me… sometimes the bonds between siblings can be stronger than that to a parent.” Her own bit of advice for the younger one.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]