
Change of Pace


08-06-2014, 05:10 PM

Her paws carried her towards the Mangroves, desires still remaining untainted by the world. She held herself with a pride that could never leave her. Artenie blood mixed with that of the Armadas ran through her precious veins and she didn't intend on letting either family down. Golden-backed ears perked forward as brilliantly lit turquoise eyes shimmered in the fresh darkness. The scene that unfolded in front of her was beautiful.
The Mangroves had been untouched for a couple of weeks, the freshness attained by the pack letting go of the land. Silently, the branches swayed in the wind, willows gracefully moving above the ground. Small creeks danced and curved around the roots, soft sounds of the moving water breaking the silence. Crickets and grasshoppers randomly leaped and fell back into the grass, meanwhile others sang duets and solos before forming a choir of tuned notes. Fireflies began to rise and fall around the woods, disappearing and reappearing in various spots. The entire scene was magical.
Pandora slowly stalked through the woods, letting the branches gently caress her curvaceous form. A soft moan escaped her from the soft touches, but she didn't let the sound prolong. There was no need to get worked up over a living form that couldn't satisfy her wants. Thoughts of Scorpion in his former glory and Viviek in his future endeavors made her body shiver in delight. Ahhh, if only one of them were here to take hold of her problem...Alas, one could only dream, right? Slowly, she continued to walk deeper into the Mangroves, keeping an ear out for anyone else.




7 Years

08-06-2014, 06:22 PM

The Mangrove held a lot of memories for the boy, it used to house his grandparents pack. He would come and visit them here, and he ran into Wren here once as well. It was such a beautiful area, and not that it remained untouched he often wandered over here when he needed space to think. This time he was thinking about what had happened on his very borders, about walking in and seeing two wolves mating inside his pack boundaries. One of his own pack members with a complete stranger to boot. A trespasser. Letting out a huff he shook his head, trying to scatter the thoughts that dared to weigh him down. Tonight he just wanted rest and peace, none of those poisoning thoughts that plagued him.

He was walking along when he just managed to pick out the form of a wandering woman. He couldn't help but frown, he had been hoping for no company on this night. But he wasn't going to turn and run away from her, he was too much of a gentleman for that. So he put on a small smile and padded up to her, approaching her at her right flank. Giving a small bark to alert her of his approach, he wagged his tail a few beats behind him. "Hello stranger, what brings you to these parts?" He asked simply, his brown tainted face tilting to the side as the words left his lips.


08-06-2014, 06:47 PM

Her thoughts had been twisting around the two males that intrigued her the most, while her body continued to waltz around the surrounding trees. Eyes had been closed as she slowly felt her way through the unfamiliar settings, unafraid of the outcome. If she came across someone she didn't know, she would remain in her mysterious mood and hopefully encourage a conversation...or something more, it really depended.
The fire running through her young veins was temporarily put at bay when she heard a bark and someone approaching. Ears perked in the direction of a male's voice, young and bright. He openly greeted her, intending to be polite and friendly at the same time. His question remained hovering in the air and she took her time in answering.
Pandora had chosen the right place to stop walking, for the perfect amount of moonlight shined down through the willow branches to her spot. Head slowly turned to her right, face coming into view in small increments. Eyes remained closed until about halfway, showing off the golden tips she had biologically inherited. Soon her bright turquoise blue eyes shimmered beneath dark lids as they remain half-closed, brimming at the edges due to the nightly background. She gave a couple of blinks and a soft chuckle shimmered from her dark lips.
"Hello..." she softly said, tones slipping the Romanian accent from her mouth. "Nothing extraordinary," she continued, body moving in an unheard beat through the rest of the mangroves. Her golden tattoos showed themselves off with each step she took, possibly making the other entranced by how they looked. "Just...exploring, I suppose. Trying to find something to tickle my fancy." Pandora slipped him a wink and gave a slight pause in both voice and physical movement. "What hails you here, misterrrr...?" She softly blinked again, lashes bouncing with that single motion.

Talk like this



7 Years

08-06-2014, 11:25 PM

He watched as she twisted her form towards her, and suppressed a snort. For some reason he had pictured her with a long frock of fur atop her head that flipped out of the way as she spun towards him. He titled his head, although he knew that she was a pretty wolf indeed it didn't affect him too much. Since the incident he had been a little more in touch with his sexual side, but it seemed to come in flashes. He was either super into it nor not. It could flip like a switch, and he was trying to control it better. He really needed to talk to his grandfather, and fix this before he did something that he would regret. He had almost chased her away, so he knew that he needed to be more in control of all of... this.

She spoke, saying that she was just wandering around. Bass let out a small chuckle, shrugging his alabaster shoulders. "I guess I'm here doing the same thing. My pack doesn't rest too far away from here." He said, looking over his shoulder in the direction of Abaven. Then he realized that he hadn't introduced himself when she drew out the word 'mister'. Turning to her with his golden eyes wide, his mouth made a little 'O' shape. "Forgive me! I am Bass Destruction, the Azat of Abaven." He said, adoring to toss that title in. He hadn't been alpha for that long yet, it still had a sweet ring to it. "And who might you be?" He added, titling that head of his once again. He seemed to be in a rather quizzical mood today.

Bass folded himself upon his rump, taking a seat on the landscape as he looked at the golden marked female. He couldn't help but gaze at the intricate designs that lay upon her flank. They were very interesting, he had never seen anything like it. The way that they twisted around and looped was strange, almost like the pattern of... well, he had never seen anything even close to what it looks like. Realizing that he was staring, Bass cleared his throat and met her bright eyes, heat rushing to his cheeks. Whoops.


08-08-2014, 11:15 AM

As soon as Bass mentioned his pack, Pandora became interested. The boy either had power...or he was a lower ranked male just claiming his home. Curiosity rose in her eyes and she took a step closer, pausing in mid-step as he introduced himself. Azat? What kind of position was that? She tipped her head to the left, eager to question his rank, until he inquired of her own identity.
She raised her head back to its proper alignment before stretching out her front legs to dip her upper half into a graceful bow. "Pandora...Selene...Artenie..." she said, each name resonating through the wood in soft waves of her Romanian tones. Her name was quite a mouthful, but she knew it would be a famous one someday. Silently, her tail flicked behind her and sent another harmless wave through her body. The girl had detected him observing her designs, and when his eyes met hers, she gave him a gentle, reassuring smile. She lived for such stares.
In no time at all, she slowly pulled herself up from her bow, making sure each fur follicle was in place. Golden-backed ears perked forward as she turned her attention back to Bass before boldly walking towards him. "Pleasure to meet you, Bass Destruction," she softly said, silently wondering if he would feel intimidated by her approach. Bright turquoise eyes shimmered in the moonlight above them as she stopped a respectful one foot away from him. "Tell me, Bass...what is there to know about Abaven? And, quite frankly, what does an Azat do?" Maybe whatever he told her would make him more...appealing than he already was.




7 Years

08-13-2014, 01:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 11:17 AM by Bass.)

Her name came out in a punctured statement, her accent making it sound like some kind of delicacy. It was quite the pawful of letters, but it made her accent come out clean and clear. It made him interested in its origins, but kept his thoughts to himself. Even when she caught her staring she just smiled at him, seeming to tell him that it was okay. He was sure that with marks like that, she most likely caught many wolves attention, males and females alike. They were unlike anything he had seen before, he couldn't help but let his golden eyes study them. So intricate, like a maze on her flanks.

The female picked up on his strange rank, and he gave off a soft laugh. He kept forgetting that his ranks were in a language that most didn't understand. "Azat is the alpha rank, I am the leader of Abaven. As for interesting... we are a pack of mercenaries. My guards are able to be let out to other packs, in return for a favor of course." He said with a chuckle. Yes, his pack was different indeed, not many operated like his did. It was what made him start the pack, that little thought in the back of is mind. That is all it took for the idea to sprout and for his pack to take flight.


08-13-2014, 11:41 AM

She gave an innocent blink when he explained his rank. So the young male was an Alpha, huh? If that wasn't interesting, she didn't know what was. He may have been around her age, but he had more power than she did...something she craved more than any other wolf in her family. Desire wanted to flip out and dance around her curvaceous form, but she held it in as she listened to the general description of Abaven.
Pandora took a few more steps in his direction, golden markings shimmering in the light around them. Half-lidded blue eyes twinkled as she walked around his right side, tail lightly flicking against his forearm. Soft words came from her lips, intentionally gentle like the feel of silk. "I haven't heard of such works," she admitted, golden-backed ears perking with more interest. "How do you keep up with it all? It must be so...stressful." She wrapped her tongue around the last word, emphasizing for effort. Her golden-dipped paws carried her up his left side, gaze meeting his as she offered a tender smile.

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7 Years

08-20-2014, 05:19 PM

He watched her with wary eyes as she moved closer, unsure of her next move. Bass was always a bit cautious, although she seemed to be rather interested in Abaven. Did she want to join? Not many wolves who weren't interested in joining his ranks asked this many questions about it. He blinked, looking down at his leg as she swatted it with her tail. Was there something on his leg? Had there been a bug there? Bass was so hopelessly oblivious that this female was flirting with him, so he studied his leg to see if there was still a creepy crawly on it. Shrugging his alabaster shoulders, he looked back up at the blue and gold female. She talked about it being stressful, and the boy let out a soft sigh. "At times it can be, but its all part of the job. Its living and learning I guess." He said, rather muddled about this whole conversation.

By her scent she didn't belong to a pack, which made him curious. "Are you looking for a pack to join Pandora? I haven't been asked questions like this." He teased, laughing softly as he folded himself upon his white rump, golden eyes meeting her own gaze. His head tilted somewhat to the side, trying to understand her angle on this. Was she trying to nose her way in or what? Cause she really didn't have to, he would readily accept her into his ranks. He turned as she walked to his left side, smiling back innocently at her.


08-20-2014, 05:34 PM

She observed him as he reacted to her touches, a soft sigh radiating on her lips. It broke her heart to see him be such a newbie to flirting, even if he was a bit older than she. Golden ears remained perked as she began to think of a better way to have her tactics properly work. She had never had to think upon flirting like this in any way before. Silently, her mind clicked and clacked with various thoughts as she finished circling the male.
A soft laugh left her lips, dark kissers pulling back into a matching smile. "That's because you haven't met someone like me before," she recanted, turquoise eyes shimmering as she spoke. Pandora blinked once before stopping to stand on Bass's left. "I'm searching for someone, Bass. A person that has strength, direct attention for me, and..." she paused briefly before raising her mouth to his ear, "meets certain needs." The rush she got from simply imagining them together beneath the moonlight was too much and she waved her tail behind her, creating a miniature whirlwind of her scent. She was not in heat, but what she desired made her own perfume that more obvious.
Pandora pulled back, looked at him, and then took a couple of steps back. Golden ears remained perked as she eyed him with a tender gaze. "Have you ever had anyone meet a certain need for you before? Or is it still a new game?"




7 Years

08-22-2014, 01:24 AM

His head was forced to turn around at the woman walked around him, coming to a stop at his left. Her words left him confused, his mind spinning to try and catch on to what she meant. A certain need? And what need was that? Her breath tickled his ear, and finally, finally his mind clicked. Sex. The more intimate thing that he had just been shown, that is what she was talking about. His golden eyes grew wide as he finally understood, his gaze tearing away from her as heat rushed to his cheeks. He understood now, this girl was attracted to him. Wren had pulled some of the same moves on him, which made him blush even further. The night that he had witnessed the two wolves mating on his borders he had ran to her, and he had almost done the same thing to her. The very thing this female seemed to be asking of him. But why? They knew nothing about each other, why would he do something so intimate and soul binding to her? She would be his first, and he wasn't ready to commit to that. Scrambling, he stood up, backing up a few steps as his great head swung to and fro.

Her tail spun, a wash of her scent flowing over him like a river. It clogged up his senses, ever time he breathed her smell was there. It was all oh-so-confusing, and he wasn't liking that his body was starting to react. It liked her smell, and his body strove to be closer to her. But no, no! This wasn't what he wanted. She asked if this was a new game, and sheepishly his head nodded. He had not, erm, done the deed with anyone before. Was he wrong to admit that? Should he have kept it to himself and lied? No, that wasn't who he was. Bass was a kind soul, probably too much so.


08-23-2014, 09:56 PM

The past few males Pandora had crossed paths with were all either man hoes or virgins that already knew how the game was planned. She had known that they were all going to be different, but she didn't expect to come across one who was still a virgin and didn't know anything regarding foreplay. Pandora was honestly stunned in that moment, and for a quick second, she just wanted to pat and kiss him on the forehead. Such innocence should be taken care of, for if it wasn't, ruining it would be simple.
She watched him with an interested gaze, silently trying to figure out what to do in regards to a reply. Finally, she came up with a temporary solution. As he took a few steps away, she shyly blinked and ran one of her golden-dipped paws across the ground in front of her. Blue eyes that glowed beneath their lids looked down at the moonlit streams as she softly laughed. "Heh...don't be ashamed of it," she said, tones just as soft as her laughter. "You're not alone..."
Her eyes looked up to him, ears perking intently as she wrapped her tail around her slender frame. "I thought you were aware of such things, but I made the wrong assumption..." Admitting a temporary defeat was something she had to do, especially when she felt the discomfort radiate from his frame like a magnet's energy. "Despite not showing it at first, you are interesting, sweet, and..." Her smile remained on her face as she finished with, "enticing, even if you don't realize it." Slowly, she looked him up and down, taking in the features that others would possibly miss. "I only want to know more about more ways than one."




7 Years

08-23-2014, 10:26 PM

He saw her play with the dirt in front of her, acting like she was completely innocent in all of this. Bass was still a but stunned, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his body and his mind still fought. His mind wanted to race back to his pack and go see Wren, but it was his body that made him step closer to her. He was fighting an inner battle, his nose flaring to take in her scent. It was delicate and flowery, calling to him like a siren in the mist. He could almost hear Wren in his mind, on when she had tried to flirt and realized that he hadn't known. She had blushed and acted bashful, but this was a woman of a different poison. She full well knew what she was doing, treating him like a project that could be conquered. If she kept pushing, there was no doubt that his body would react, no matter what his mind wanted.

He had come about two steps closer, his golden eyes wide as he realized that they were closer now. What the hell was going on? He didn't like his one bit, but it had been him who had moved closer. But then the tides turned, she compimented him and called him such nice things. Blinking those wide eyes at her, he felt heat rush to his cheeks. "You're the alluring one, Miss Pandora. I haven't felt like this before, and its all so confusing but wonderful at the same time." He mused out loud. New feelings didn't have to be scary, right? They could be fun too. Pandora seemed to hold the key to him understanding all of this, although he was unsure if he wanted to open that door or not. She asked to know more about it, and he was unsure of what she meant. Know more about him or more about sex? "If its sex you want to know more of, I'm the wrong guy. But if you wanted to get to know me better, I'm always open for a chat."

Bass forced himself onto his rump, stopping his body from moving any closer to this now bashful female. He studied her himself, although his gaze was less sexual than hers. She was truly an interesting creature, as were most woman apparently. With a shrug of his alabaster shoulder, he rose a single brow at her, wondering what she would do next. Would he become another pawn in her game, or had he taken her queen instead?


09-03-2014, 03:37 PM

For such a young wolf, Pandora was playing a woman's game. She was going to become a master of the moves and that meant she had to practice. Her desire to learn how to maneuver around different types of males was something she was never going to get throw away. So, her mind moved like clockwork and she perked an ear in the direction of Bass's words. He called her alluring, and even admitted that he hadn't felt like this before. Her heart slightly skipped a beat and she wanted to do something then...but what?
His confession made her softly purr before she spoke. "Sometimes, confusion may hold you back, but the wonderful feeling can be just enough to push you to your limit." Of course, Pandora's limit wasn't very short, so she had more to chew than Bass did. "If you wanted, we could do such a thing together...but I wouldn't want to impose." She smiled softly, turquoise eyes shimmering as she watched him.
Pandora was always hungry for attention, whether it be physical or verbal. She was silently devouring Bass and wanting to enjoy each minute she was spending with the white male. Her tail curled around her left side before gracefully moving to her right. The patterns on her hips shimmered in the moonlight as she moved her haunches to become more comfortable upon the dirty ground. "As for getting to know you better...that would be a door I wouldn't mind opening." Despite the desire for physical touching, Pandora's mind remained open for other options.
