
Creed x Kav Puppy


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-10-2016, 07:59 PM
Well another one is up for adoption again! Click here to see the profile. I want the pup to remain a girl (though I may be persuaded if you really would rather it be a male) but other than that anything can be changed since the pup has less than ten posts.

The extra pup slot is already paid for, but if you choose to change the design that account will be deleted. If the design is chosen to remain the same I'll give the password to whomever adopts her. Please see this thread to see mine and Bri's rules as well as available designs to use.

If you don't like any of the designs I can use a few more, but you have to use one provided. It's siblings are Valor, Knight, Fable, and Exodus, so it's preferred that you find a name that fits into the theme.

Other than that have at it. Here is the form.

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Design Number:[/b] What design?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral Good.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 200+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining build characteristics. (For ideas of what build they may inherit, Check out their parents' profiles; both are well detailed)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 200+ words of original, detailed description.
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-11-2016, 01:13 PM
I forgot to add this, but we're looking for a completely different personality from what Lolaf invisioned for the pup, so no more trans pups please since its basically stealing Lolaf's idea for the kid. We'd like to see something new.


11-11-2016, 02:21 PM
Name: Glory
Gender: Female
Design Number: This One!
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description:

Build Type:: Medium
Height:: 33"


When one looks upon Glory she is not a creature who bears much color. Like both of her parents she bears a fluffy coat, particularly around her ruff. Her body is more willowy and graceful, however. Were it not for her being on the taller side she might have been a slender skinny mini, but an average frame sits upon her body and supports it just fine. Glory also bears a more narrow, feminine muzzle and thoughtful almond shaped eyes of blue and amethyst.

For the most part Glory is cloaked in white, wrapping around her average sized frame almost perfectly. Her muzzle is dipped in dark gray, as well as a streak that goes around and down from her eye. This same color even coats her ears, going all the way down to the base. That same gray coats each paw and starts to go from the back of her neck down to her tail, though as it reaches her rump and tail it lightens to a beautiful shade of silver. Overall she does not have many markings, but Glory is still pretty in her own right.

Personality Description:

---Open Book, Friendly, Sweet Natured, Stubborn, Determined, Adventurous, knowledge seeker, Loyal, Selfless, Patient, Creative, Dutiful, Calm and Collected---

Glory is a child who is molded with similarities to both her parents and some of her own. She is not a mysterious girl by any means, nor does she try to be. She is in fact an open book, much like her father, and perhaps too much of one as a child. She will be eager to tell strangers and packmates alike about the wonderful parts of her family… how this sibling can do this or that sibling can do that. She will take pride in her family, though not so much so that she gets an inflated ego or anything of the sort. She’s just proud to be part of her family! Could it be any wonder that the child would also be incredibly loyal to them?

This friendly nature will stick with Glory as she comes to grow. She’ll be a sweet girl with a heart for others before herself, wanting to make sure everyone around her is happy before she too can feel content. It wouldn’t be a long shot to say that Glory lives for others. Seeing their smiles, their happiness, brings her the greatest joy. But just because she wants to make others happy doesn’t mean this young girl is without her own goals and dreams!

As a knowledge seeker Glory will primarily want to learn about healing, tracking, and hunting. Her main emphasis will definitely be on healing, however, as she looks up to her mother. Her sheer will, determination, and stubbornness will aid Glory in chasing after her dreams. She will also have an adventurous side as she grows older, wanting to meet more creatures, learn new things, and come up with more ways to help those she loves. She’ll definitely be dutiful as she ages too, both to those she knows and her pack.

Glory is, overall, a calm and collected individual. She does not share her mother’s temper, but that doesn’t mean she’ll just sit by if one of her loved ones or a patient is in danger! She tries to think outside the box for solutions, doing what she can to come up with new ways to do things. She is patient too, not one to get frustrated easily. She will work through a problem from start to finish, regardless of outcome. She’s the sort of wolf who will fail one hundred times and still try again because there is a chance that on that one hundredth and first try she might succeed!


-Family interactions! I want awl the sibby threads! Daddy and mommy threads too!
-Healer to be! I really want to work on getting actual healing points with a char and I think Glory could be that girly. ;3

Roleplay Sample:

This was quite the curious situation. She had collected a good manner of herbs by now, gathering up different types from the gully now that late spring was upon the world… but she’d gathered far too many! Glory breathed out slowly through her nose, brow furrowing as she wondered how she was going to get these herbs back to Celestial. It wasn’t as if the packlands were right next door… The she wolf let out a small huff. Yes, this was definitely a problem. How on earth was she going to make sure she got all of her bounty back to the pack?

“Mama wouldn’t give up if this was her faced with the situation…” Glory whispered to herself. Her bi-colored gaze shifted towards the plants, then around at the trees and such growing around her. The main problem was that the herbs were too loose to carry just in her mouth. If she had something to carry them in, or perhaps on, that could work? Glory racked her brain, though she remained calm about the situation. There was no reason to lose her head.

Then it came to her. A smile spread across Glory’s face as she padded to a nearby tree. Some of the wood had fallen away in a flatish shape. She tested it with her paw first. It gave a little but didn’t break. Maybe she could put the herbs on this and drag it back to Celestial? Sure it’d still be long going… but Glory wasn’t about to give up. She wanted to get ALL the herbs she chose home!


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-19-2016, 05:37 PM
Bumping this! I'd like a few different apps to choose from. We'll be picking a player in about a week.

Sora I


3 Years
11-19-2016, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 07:55 PM by Sora I.)
OOC Name:Frost
Name: Flora Ancora
Design Number: i'll keep what Lolaf had
Alignment: Neutral good
Appearance Description: Flora’s base pelt color consists of a light cream color, much like that of a rabbit in winter. There is a spot of black that arches over her neck and shoulder region, that if it were laid out would look like a diamond. She also possesses a patch of black on her mid chest and black on the tips of both her ears, the same color also snakes its way up from her nose to her forehead and glides right between her eyes. She has white that covers a lot of her body, the ivory color places itself on the delicate underside of the she-wolf, as well as the top and ends of the tail. All four of her legs also lay claim to the color and are connected to the stomach by tapered lines leaving somewhat of a rounded upside down triangle of her base cream color left on the upper legs. From right between her ears to the tip of her tail the white runs uninterrupted save for the diamond of black, white spreads out on both sides as well to run down and cover her shoulders and the sides of her neck. As for the females eyes they are two different shades, the right being one of a darker toned blue green and the left being one of a deep purple. There are patterns under her eyes that are like those of her father’s they remind one of tear lines, starting as black then ending in a point whilst being surrounded by a little bit of white that continues on a bit further past the original black. The build of this wolf will be averaged out amongst her body, her muscles will become toned after years of running to go catch prey. Her height will bring her to 33 inches, exactly halfway between both of her parents heights.
Personality Description: Flora is a pup of dedication, she loves her family and tries to find good in everybody. She believes that whatever may be on the surface that there is good in everybody no matter how evil they may seem to be. She is a playful pup who loves to hunt, she is interested in hunting for the feeling of planning it out. The rush of adrenaline while placing wolves around to strategically take down something one of them alone couldn’t take. She will do as she’s asked most of the time but it wouldn’t be far from her to harmlessly disobey her parents orders to have some fun with her siblings. Surrounded by brothers she won’t be afraid to get into the rough and tumble fighting over the last piece of deer meat, fighting won’t interest her too much but it certainly doesn’t frighten her away. There won’t be much that troubles her, but If she ever does come upon something that conflicts with her beliefs she’ll think about it and long at that before making a surely placed decision. When it comes to love whoever appeals the most to her heart is probably the one she’ll take, she isn’t really into one night stand things she’d rather settle down with an official mate and start a family than live as a single mother due to a night of bad decisions.
Plans: I want her to be involved with her family and especially with her siblings. depending on the direction Celestial goes i'd like her to be trained in hunting when she gets old enough, if Celestial does fall she'll stick with the family where ever they decide to go.
Roleplay Sample: Flora prepared to execute the kill, she readied herself to pounce on the creature. Right as a small breeze of the winter air came by she went in. she sprang through the air and landed head first into a pile of snow. She wiggled out of the snow and shook her head to get any remaining snow off. She had been pretending to hunt a rabbit while she waited for the rest of her family to come back. Her father and brothers had gone off to either participate or watch the pack hunt that had been called for today. She was a bit jealous of her brothers if she was being honest with herself, she had accidentally slept in instead of waking up on time to go with them. She knew it was her fault though for not being able to sleep the night before due to excitement, she would’ve gone anyways but she had no clue where it was being held. Missing this one just meant that she had to wait even longer to see her first pack hunt and she wanted that to be a good one. She was willing to wait if it meant the hunt would be better.
[Image: oeFbF2h.png]
[Image: sora_by_nnightcrawler-dais0jt.png]
Sora has a Fennec fox companion who is unless otherwise stated is with her. Alisa's speech is orange Sora's speech is green


11-22-2016, 06:01 AM
OOC Name: Croatoan

Name: Faith Ancora

Gender: Female

Design Number:

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance Description: Faith is smaller in terms of build compared to her siblings. She's likely the shortest one, and the lightest one, of them all. She's very light in build, only around eighty-eight pounds. Her adult weight will only be about thirty inches as well. While her siblings may be the tougher, bigger ones, Faith is the one that's more delicate and the one that will need to be protected the most. She wouldn't be able to take a big hit in a fight, or even a few small hits in one. She doesn't have much of a tolerance for that, and a few major injuries could take her out easily. Really, the only thing going for Faith could be her small size, which allow more room to be agile and fast. The only reason she could avoid being badly hurt, even for a little bit, is because of her speed, agility, and her wits. And maybe, just maybe, her fluffy, thick fur. It's a lot fluffier than her brothers' fur already, and it likely will be when she grows older as well. Her fluffy fur makes her appear a little bigger than she really is, although not by much.

Faith doesn't have much color on her at all; really, she's covered in shades of monochrome black and white. The pure, snowy white covers most of her frame, and already could catch someone's attention with how soft it seemed. Her markings are what mar the pure color; all of them are the same shade of inky black, dark against her light fur. The tips of her ears, to begin with, fade quickly into the inky black; there is no true gradient, just white one minute and then the darker color the next. Faith has the eye markings much like her father's, blaring her true heritage. It makes a small ring of inky black around her eyes, and a thin line stretches down her face. A blaze of black starts at her nose, and stretches up her forehead, stopping abruptly a little past her eyes. Faith's chest fur holds the strangest part of it all; the snow white fur is interrupted by a small patch of inky black that seems a little splattered on there. Finally, Faith's paws are an inky black, socks stretching up all four legs slightly.

Faith's eyes are the only thing on her that holds any color. They make up for the lack of any color on her pelt, too. Her main eye color is a rich shade of blue violet, strikingly bright and catching already. If one looks close enough, they can see the flecks of other colors in her eyes. There are a few pinkish violet flecks here and there, and a few deep ocean blue as well.

Personality Description: At her pup age, Faith will be a happy pup, content to stay around her siblings and do whatever they want to do as well. If she's left by herself, one will know that she doesn't appreciate it. She'll be loud about anything that bothers her, complaining about it as much as she wants to. She'll be a little bit, or a lot, of a crybaby. If she's hurt during a playfight? Whoever did it better prepare for a crying, whining, overly dramatic pup rolling around and acting like the injury was so much worse. If someone says she can't go with her brothers? She'll likely whine and complain, and then sneak away anyways. Despite her whining, complaining nature, Faith will have a small rebellious streak when it comes to her brothers.

Faith, when she gets older, will be just as dramatic, although in a quieter way. With her aging has come a new ferocity, a new defensiveness towards how she spends time. She'll have an interest in warriors and fighting for honor, believing herself to be one of them besides how small she is. Faith, in a way, will also consider herself to be one of the boys. Not in the way that she would identify as one, but she'll always have trouble relating to females. Her brothers will effect her in more way than one, as she'll be likely to fight rather than back down. And her mouth, the words that come from them, will be considered extremely unladylike. She's crude, and rough around the edges, and she likes to believe that she could take down the biggest wolf.

Although Faith will deny it with her life, she does have her more feminine moments and personality traits. She's a hopeless romantic, quite a bit of one, and she believes in soul mates.

Plans: What do you plan to do with the character you want?

Roleplay Sample: 200+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh <3


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
11-27-2016, 09:56 PM
Congrats Keno! You get Glory - please get her accepted as soon as possible c: Bri and I can't wait to thread with her.



4 Years
11-27-2016, 10:15 PM
Eeee!!! ;w; She'll be up first thing tomorrow dears~ <3

I'm here without you...