
poor little king



7 Years

08-06-2014, 01:09 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2014, 03:57 PM by Bass.)
OOC: Starting off with my reply, luckily I read it and know sorta what happened xD

He had never longed to just simply disappear, but at the moment he felt like tearing his own eyes. He would be happy being blind, cause then he wouldn't be able to see anything like that. It was terrible and just... icky. He didn't very well feel like a king at the moment, burying himself deeper into Wren's coat. He didn't even think that it would make her uncomfortable, at the moment he was more focused on him receiving the comfort. He didn't even realize that she had been stiff until she melted into his side, but he didn't comment on it. Sure he felt a little bad, but it was nothing compared to the images that were flashing through his mind. It just wouldn't leave him, he just kept humping her over and over in his mind. Somehow digging his head deeper into Wren's neck helped, he was starting to concentrate more on her warmth than the images that haunted him. And that smell! It was just... gross yet it somehow drew him in. The whole thing was a hell of a lot of confusing, and he just didn't want to dwell on it. Her warmth wrapped him up like a blanket, and her scent was so intoxicating. It frightened him how his body seemed to be reacting to her, while his mind was scrambling to catch up.

A delicate shiver ran down his spine as her nuzzle touched his pale ear, making him let out a soft sigh with her soft touch. It was very calming for him, while it seemed to enlighten his body in ways he still didn't quite get, it was also something that made him poke his head out from under her ever so slightly. Golden eyes looked a lot darker with the mixed emotions that played games in his mind. He met her minty gaze, her nose pushing at his ear once more as her teeth drew over the delicate membrane. Another shiver ran though his body, which made his ears pin back and another soft whine leaving his maw. He didn't like these conflicted feelings that dared to invade his body. Wren broke the long silence then, asking him just what it was that he saw. Moving his eyes from her he instead focused on the treeline to the left of her, not daring to meet her gaze when he told her what he saw.

"One of my members was getting... um..." He trailed off, his claws digging into the earth as his hackles rose somewhat from the embarrassment. "He was a trespasser and ah... I uhh..." Letting out a sigh, he finally said it in a rush of words. "I walked in to them humping on my borders." Bass felt heat rush into his cheeks as soon as the words left his mouth. He dared to look at her for a moment, his eyes searching her face. Was that why he was feeling like this, cause he saw them going at it? Had it somehow unlocked something in him? Whatever it was he didn't like it, cause it was telling him to to naughty things to his friend Wren.


08-06-2014, 07:52 AM

The young woman was both very confused, but deeply concerned for her dear friend. She still had no clue what was going on...and she had feared it had something to do with his family or his pack. Especially now that he had peeked up at her through her tan fur to look at her- to see the expression on her face. But instead, he gazed over his for a moment. Horrified. In pain...maybe? She couldn't tell...but it all came down when he began to speak. "I walked in to them humping on my borders." ---...The babe didn't know how to respond to this. She didn't want to laugh, because that obviously wouldn't make her friend feel any better. She didn't want to say it was okay or that was nothing to be afraid of because...because she didn't know who he'd react.
Wren, herself, has experienced seeing two partners mate. It was very awkward...but she didn't really make a big deal over it. All she did was go to her mother and demand an explanation, which seemed to unlock her maturity way too early. Or...part of it. That's why, when she had met Bass, she found him attractive and had made the horrible mistake to flirt with him. After that she had sworn not to ever act...inappropriate towards him. So now this strange behavior Bass was displaying was very puzzling. The way he seemed to resist on...something. The way she could feel his body shutter softly beside her was all so confusing. But it didn't really matter. If her friend needed comfort she'd give it to him.
"Umm..." She inhaled slowly and tried to find the proper words to say. Then, breathed the words out with such confusion. " happens to everyone. Maybe even you." The young dame sounded like a mother explaining what Bass called, "humping." And it was awkward beyond belief. Her own cheeks were growing hot and red...but she tried to act mature about the whole situation. "Because everyone get's to that point where they actually want that to happen to them." Wren glanced down at him and continued to offer him comforting nuzzles and gentle nips, while awaiting his own response to her little explanation.



7 Years

08-06-2014, 05:28 PM

Wren seemed to be very patient with him, although she seemed to think that something a lot worse had happened. To Bass, this was a very big deal. His mother had not been around to speak to him about this kind of stuff, neither had his father. He could have gone to his grandparents, but that just seemed so... wrong. He didn't want his Nana and Papa to talk to him about mating and the likes of that. Right now, he was very much showing his age, his innocence had been stained by this incident. Wren's face appeared to be a bit stony, like she didn't want to give away what she was really feeling. Had he embarrassed her by bringing this up? Or was she going to point and laugh that he had been disturbed by this happening.

As Wren let out a soft breath, his alabaster ears stood at attention, awaiting her words. Would she too think that this was utterly icky? Because to him it was. It was nasty, and he had never thought of himself doing that to another. While his body had reacted once to this babe and was now, he didn't fully understand what it all meant, and that these feelings he had would lead to that. He was oh so naive when it came to sex, and to any kind of sexual manner. His brain was rather shut out about the ideas of it, and it was just so complicated to even focus on one thought. She said that it would even happen to him and he shook his head, his eyes wide. "But... why?" He asked softly, his mind rattled. She answered him by saying that everyone got to that point at sometime in their life, and he slowly nodded his head as he searched her minty eyes. It was very much like she was giving him a lesson on all of this.

She continued to nuzzle and nip at him, making his tail curl tighter around her backside. A thought popped up in his mind as he stretched forward to nuzzle her cheek, a soft mumble rumbling in his throat. "Is that why I am having all these sudden feelings towards you?" He asked softly, his own teeth nipping gently at her warm cheek. He didn't like where this was going, or what his body was doing, but it felt so good. He knew that he should stop, and that this might drive Wren away. He didn't want that at all, but he was having a very hard time controlling his body. Bass just wanted to understand what was happening to him, why her smell was all that he could smell, and why her heat was that much warmer today.

Walk "Talk" Think


08-06-2014, 06:32 PM

"But... why?" At that moment, Bass seemed like a pup. But not in a bad way...just in a confusing way. Hadn't his parents explained sex to him? Explained why- once they got to a certain age, they were so sexually allured to woman? It really wasn't a topic Wren wanted to drift into. About how mating works...but it seems they had already floated into it. Unfortunately. Wren's own parents explained everything to her with absolutely no hesitance or things skipped. It was kind of confusing and a bit nasty, but as the years passed, she didn't really think into it much. Only that it was a beautiful action of two partners...obviously Bass thought otherwise. Hell, he didn't even understand sex completely, it seemed. Would she really have to explain it all to him?
Suddenly, her friend lifted his nose to her cheek. A very minor gasp left her lips. Though, not because of the nuzzle. The soft nipping he offered her. Before, this man didn't even dare to nuzzle near her face. He only nuzzled her shoulder to comfort her, or welcome her. This...this was something different. Not only did he affectionately nuzzle her, but her actually drew his teeth across his delicate fur. "Is that why I am having all these sudden feelings towards you?" Her heart skipped a beat as his tail tightened around her backside, and he spoke of those words. Oh...Wren just wanted to slip into this strange behavior Bass was displaying. To play along with it. But something in her heart just told her not to.
Was is because she had been scarred by his sudden discomfort when she had first flirted with him...? Or maybe, externally, she didn't think this was right. Internally though she knew what she wanted. Him. --- Wren quickly slipped into back into reality with a mouthful of answers to his question. "Yeah...yeah, I think so." Her nips and nuzzled ceased for the moment...maybe that was why he was acting strange...maybe. But maybe it was because of her being so close? She'd move away...but that wasn't what a friend would do. Never. After all...a little part of her approved of this...



7 Years

08-06-2014, 09:36 PM

The small gasp made his ears flicker, but it didn't seem to stop him. His mind was screaming at him to back up and leave her alone, but his body wasn't listening. It was thrumming with energy, he just wanted to be closer to her. His golden eyes seemed to shimmer, although caution lay within their depths. He had no idea what he was doing, but it felt right. From the first day he had met Wren he knew somewhere in his mind that she liked him. He had thought it to be friends at first, but he knew that it was deeper than that. Maybe he had known all along, but chose to ignore it because of his own internal emotions. Bass didn't want to complicate things with her, he really liked her and didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship. And yet, here he was. He made her gasp, and it was pushing him to do more. A muffled grunt sounded in his throat as he tried to hold himself back. Softly he nuzzled his nose on the bottom of her ear, lashes fluttering as his eyes slid closed. He breathed in her scent, almost feeling her heart beat as they lay so close to one another.

Bass knew that he should stop. He wanted to, but he could not. Ever so slowly his nose dragged down towards her cheek before his tongue snaked out and kissed her soft fur, and it was after that that he managed to pull his head back. Heat flooded all over his body until the majority of it rested in his cheeks. Tearing his heated gaze away from her he took in a shaky breath, although his body still remained beside her. "Is this wrong Wren?" He asked, his brows knitting together. "I care for you, and I don't want to risk losing you as a good friend. I don't understand what is happening to me, so please, tell me to stop if that is what you want." He let his eyes slide towards her once again, looking more normal as he grinned at her. "I won't be offended if you tell me I need to move. I just can't seem to pull myself away from you." He said, a rumbling laughter leaving his jaws. It was in his usual teasing tone, although he was dead serious. He was trying to lighten up what had become a lot darker, a lot more... personal.

The alabaster brute hung his head, another sigh passing through him. "I couldn't stand to let you just walk out of my life Wren. Should I leave for tonight? Have I over stepped a line in all of this?" He asked desperately, his mind seeming to be winning the battle over his body. "I can go and talk to someone, try to reign in these feelings. I just... I can't help it." He wanted to tell her that she was beautiful, because she was. Even a blind wolf could see the beautiful spirit that she had within her. Even as her friend he had known that she was pretty, and he didn't wish to complicate things. He wanted to ask her to come back to Abaven with him, but that too, might be over stepping the line. As he looked at her he wondered if she even wanted him here any longer, or if their paths should part after this rather heated moment.


08-06-2014, 10:51 PM

Her heart was being yanked back and forth. she wanted to sink into this moment. But...what if the man didn't mean for this to happen to himself? What is this day drags out longer with the pair side-by-side...and then Bass, later on, will remember everything and never speak to her again. It was all so risky. And for a moment, the woman felt like moving away. Just to show Bass that she wasn't sure if she wanted...this. But her body refused to move anywhere. The warmth coming off his body was addictive...and the way he acted just intoxicated her. And though she was still filled with confusion and hesitance...she would stay. Stay with the man and accept his sweet nothings.
A soft nuzzle was offered to her ear, and just that made her heart beat faster. This time, not with anxiety or confusion. But with need. It was a strange feeling that made her want to get closer to the man. But he already did so for her. He moved closer. The woman embraced his warmth, and let out a soft huff as he planted a kiss upon her cheek. It almost turned out to be a moan...but she didn't feel the need to cross the line...just yet. Though suddenly- Bass seemed to come back into reality. He began to speak- and Wren immediately snapped into attention.
"Is this wrong Wren?" The babe didn't exactly know for sure herself. Was it bad to be playing around with Bass like this? Or...did he mean to ask if she had a problem with this? If so...then of course not. At first she had felt a little hesitant about everything...and about Bass coming to dislike her. But now- that grin he displayed pushed all of her nervousness away. It told her he was still that loveable little man she met that one day. Just altered ever so slightly. - After he had finished, Wren slowly leaned her head in to plant a kiss upon his cheek. Then, she would whisper her reply. "No Bass..." She paused for a moment, and allowed her lips to form into a smile. "Don't leave...please..."
Her eyes were full of hope for the man. He didn't need to talk to anyone...he didn't need to leave. Everything he was doing wasn't even bothering her anymore. She just let things flow...let things happen. As long as Bass didn't leave her side... "Speech"



7 Years

08-07-2014, 02:22 AM

He could feel her heart pounding beside him, it beat in a quickened pace along his flank. He knew that he needed to calm down, to stop this before they would both regret it. Would it be different between them if he er... mated with her? He doubted it would be the same, but would it be the kind of difference that they would both be happy with? He didn't know, and that helped him calm himself, let his mind rule once again over its vessel. He did not move away though, her warmth was something that he enjoyed too much to stray away from. When he asked his questions though, he studied her, trying to read behind her few words. Her soft lick on his cheek send a shutter though him, and his smile softened as his eyes half lidded. "Oh Wren, I could never leave. But I don't want to ruin what we have, I don't want to risk that." He said softly. With one last look at her minty eyes, his alabaster head nudged its way under her chin so that his head rested on her paws. He was basically curled around her at this point, and his eyes slide closed in comfort.

Bass had never entertained the idea of having a mate. He didn't like it when his sisters spoke of boys and brought them home, but here he was spooning a woman from another pack. But this was different, because they were good friends. He felt very close to Wren, although he understood that their relationship was different than what he had with his sisters. If Bass ever had a mate, he felt that he wanted to go about it right, to woo her and take her out for dates. He didn't want to just jump straight to the mating part, because there was no real bond there. He wanted his first time to be special, to be something to remember. That is why he felt that he needed to stop, that he needed to draw back from these sudden sexual urges. No matter how much Wren may have wanted him to continue, he didn't want anything to happen between them that was that huge. For both of their first times to be like this? Where was the romance?

Rumbling softly, his throat vibrated against her legs. "Wren, will you tell me a story?" He asked, his eyes staying closed as his tail tip lightly tapped her flank. He needed to keep his mind off of her flowery scent, although being this close to her wasn't helping. He wanted to hear her soft voice, to once and for all get rid of those silly images in his brain and replace them with whatever story she might tell him. Turning his head slightly towards her he licked her shoulder, his pin tongue stretching to tickle her soft fur. He was feeling goofy again, almost back to his normal self. Almost, because he was straight up spooning Wren.

OOC: Bass is such a girl, I swear xD


08-07-2014, 09:10 AM

The way he told her he could never leave made her smile...but the sentence after it made her drift away in thought. It didn't hurt her at all. In fact, she was beginning to realize what could lead up to this. Wren really did like Bass...a lot more than she should. But did the pair really want to skip into things so quickly? She was almost thinking the same way Bass was now. She didn't want to...mate with him now. It was all just so hard to pull away from. His warmth, the affection he offered her. It was a drug that she couldn't step away from. But she knew that if they didn't stop now, they'd do something they'd regret. And Wren definitely wasn't ready for that yet.
Resting her head onto his back, she could feel the soft vibrating coming from the man. It made a tingle run up her spine and her own 'purrs' to erupt from her throat. But she immediately pulled away from the satisfaction as a question was asked of her. Bass...wanted her to tell a story to him. She immediately searched the depths of her mind for a story her mother had told her and her siblings. Though, none seemed to pop into her head. So she just made one up.
"Two wren's lived together as mates...they were affectionate toward eachother and they actually looked out for one another constantly. Nothing could seem to split them." The woman just took her mind away from everything happening in reality...and she drifted into the story, trying to make it as interesting as possible. "But one day, the female of the pair had a sharp branch pierced through her wing. She couldn't move. So...once the male found out, he continued to care for her. Protect her..." Wren took a moment to think about the next part of the story...and it took a little while for it to completely form and leave her lips.
"He brought her food and as much water as he could. But one morning, the male came to his mate, and she had turned out to be limp. Lifeless. But he still loved her, still kissed her and sang songs to her." Wren huffed and slowly allowed her eyelids to roll shut over her emeralds. "And he didn't leave her. Ever. He stood beside his dead mate and treated her as if she was alive. Until he grew old and died beside her..." She concluded the story, her muzzle finding it's way deeper into Bass' fur.
The woman hoped that wasn't too...sad. To her, those kind of stories were touching. But Bass could always feel different. Nevertheless, she smiled, and pressed her nose up to the boy's face. This time to be playful. "Now tell me or story. can sing to me." She'd definitely rather hear his beautiful voice in a song...but it was also nice to hear a story. Either way...they were both finally getting their minds off...bad stuff.




7 Years

08-08-2014, 12:46 AM

With all of the confusion good between them, the air cleared around their heads. It felt better, normal. It was like their other encounters, except neither of them moved from their comfortable positions. Her head rested on his back for a moment, and he just allowed himself to enjoy her company. It was soothing, it relaxed his body completely and made him fully come back to himself. There was no question, that scary moment had passed and he would not like to revisit it any time soon. He wasn't ready for that kind of relationship, he had his paws full enough as it was with Abaven and his sisters. Plus there was pups to worry about... too much on his mind to worry about a member of a pack that was not his own. Not that he didn't think about her and wonder how she was doing, but... it would just be different.

She pulled back, humming over her story. He listened closely, picturing the two little birds. He stiffened when the mate died, and the male still tended for her cold body. That was the kind of love that he wanted, the relationship that he longed for. He wanted it to be easy, like second nature. Opening his eyes, he peeked up at the dame when her tale was done. "I want to be like that male wren. I want to care for everyone like that, to not give up ever. It must take a lot of courage or effort, but it didn't seem like the wren minded." Blowing out a puff of air, he smiled and settled his head back down on her paws. He didn't intend to leave any time soon, he was super comfortable the way he was. Wren then turned the table, asking for him to tell a story or to sing to her. He chuckled softly, he knew which one they would both prefer. Bass loved to sing, and Wren had said that she liked his voice. So, a song it would be. But what? A lullaby that his mother used to sing came to mind, and he opened his eyes to look at the sky above her head. "Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine." He started, his bass voice rumbling against her legs as he sung. It was lower than the usual tones, but his baritone could not handle the higher notes so much. He was able to hit them fine, his lyrics dancing around them.

"Little one, when you play, pay no heed to what they say. Let you're eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine. If they knew all about you, they'd end up loving you too. And all those, people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you." Pulling his head up fully he smiled, lifting up a paw and trying to boop Wren on the nose. "From your head, down to your toes, you're not much, goodness knows. But you're so, precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine." His low notes came to an end, his head snaking back to rest under her head and along her paws. Taking in a deep breath he nuzzled his form closer to her, a yawn cracking his mouth. He was pretty tired after all of this, and the lullaby made him think of nothing but napping.


08-08-2014, 02:34 AM

The song the man sang to her was truly beautiful. It was something she could listen to over and over without getting one bit bored or tired of it. But...he didn't just sing any song. He hummed a soft lullaby to her. One that didn't sound too familiar, but was beautiful nevertheless. She found her nose nuzzling deeper and deeper into the warm fur of the man, her ears flattening back against her skull as she did so. Even though the two seemed to escape the dirty places their minds were going, they refused to leave the comfortable positions them were in...and it was nice. It was like a big soft blanket was wrapped around her little body, keeping her warm. And she just couldn't help but stick her nose into that soft creamy fur. Though she continued to listen to those words...those words that would forever mean so much to her. But suddenly, Bass lifted a paw to boop gently at her nose. She just giggled softly and watched as he continued, but finished just as quickly.
A soft 'purr' noise erupted from the depths of her throat. That song would mean so much to her. It was beautiful, it was perfect. Yes, nothing but perfect. And at the same time, Bass meant so much to her. He always did...but she was forced to keep that part of her within her heart. Waiting season after season for Bass to finally accept her affection. And he did. The woman smiled and planted another kiss upon his cheek, her tail wiggling softly behind her as happiness filled her chest. "That...that was beautiful." She slowly moved her head deeper into his fur, trying constantly to move herself closer to the man. To feel more of that addictive heat that kept her curled at his side. - Though something yielded her. Why did the two always have to meet at the border? They were friends. More than friends. Shouldn't she be...with him? At Abaven?
Wren, after a few moments of sitting there with her eyes half-shut with exhaustion, she came to a decision. One that could change her life, or wreck it. "Bass...can I go back to Abaven with you...? You...I need you. And I'm tired of always having to come to the borders to see you..." The tricolor woman knew her beloved friend would mention something about his grandparents getting angry with him. So Wren remembered the meeting that was nearing...and she added, "I thought that I could...well, stay at Abaven with you until the meeting. Then I will go to Novel and Dutiron and tell them I want to be with you. Surely they will understand!" If Bass really meant the sweet things he was saying to Wren...then the two authors would most definitely let her go. She...hoped. They were kind rulers. The girl was pretty sure they wouldn't be too stung about it.



7 Years

08-11-2014, 01:13 AM

He rumbled softly between his song as Wren made herself comfortable within his soft fur. He was so glad that she was here, and that he could sing to her. He loved singing for others, it made him feel like nothing else did. Music was important to the boy, which is why he picked the song over the story. He would pick music always, if he had the choice. His lullaby soon came to an end, Wren telling him that it was beautiful. Chuckling softly, he wagged his tail as her soft touch was placed on his cheek. Ripples went down his spine, but they were easily ignored this time. "My mother used to sing that to us as pups, its one of the few memories I have of her." He said softly, his golden eyes growing somber at the thought. He missed his mother dearly, and would bring it up with his grandparents. He needed to interact with his family more, he had a whole heap of them resting in the pack that sat just along his own borders.

Moments of silence spread between them, but it was a comfortable one. His eyes slid closed as he rested them once more of her gray coloured paws, another yawn parting his jaws. He wouldn't fight falling asleep here with her, but her soft lyrics called out to him once again. His head shot up as his eyes flew open, his gaze searching her face. Come with him? His tail began to thump upon the earth, of course he wanted that! It would be nice to have her around, then they could spend more time for each other and not have to wait until they ran into each other. He knew that Ludiceal was pretty full, and that his grandparents shouldn't be too upset at her coming to join him. He was rather baffled, it took him awhile to find the words. His mouth just kept opening and closing, but his tail still beat a steady rhythm on the landscape. "Of course you can Wren!" He finally woofed, nuzzling at the base of her ear.

Bass pulled back, resting his forehead against hers for a brief moment before giving her a bit of head space. His own head tilted to the side, a brow raising. "What rank would you like?" He asked, his vocals carrying his excitement. His pack was slowly growing, although there was a slightly nagging thought in the back of his mind. What if his Nana and Papa weren't okay with it? Would he be in trouble for taking her? It was ultimately her decision, and he thought that his grandparents would think the same way. She had brought up going to the meeting and talking to them though, which helped ease those negative thoughts. Abaven had more room than Ludicael, they had already had to turn away some members as it was.



08-11-2014, 12:55 PM

"Of course you can Wren!" A smile widened those inky lips of hers, tail thumping at the earth as he nuzzled her ear. It would be so nice to be with Bass at Abaven...she wouldn't have to wait for him anymore, she would get to spend more time with him. After all...Abaven needed warriors, and Ludicael had plenty of those. They also had a ton of healers...but it was one thing she'd think over later. Maybe at the meeting. Now, her mind drifted back into reality. Right into Bass' question. She knew right then what she wanted to be, and with a swift opening of her maw, she sang out, "I want to be your warrior, Bass." Her voice was full of excitement and happiness, as she moved in closer to him and nuzzled up into his soft creamy fur.
After that, she stood quiet, and continued to sink into his soothing warmth. She wouldn't feel ashamed to fall asleep by her friend. They were both in such a comfortable position...and to move away from it so easily was just too difficult. Plus, she was exhausted. So, she moved her head beside his, trying yet again to get closer to the man. Then to shut those precious emeralds of hers. It took a few moments for her to actually get to sleep...but it was a lot easier with Bass so close to her. --- Though...she wondered if her friend would also fall asleep at her side. So he didn't have to wait til she woke up? Then they could both head back to Abaven once they scurried away from slumber...

(( ooc )) asdfghj really short. but I think them falling asleep should be the end of our thread...then you or I could make a new one in abaven?



7 Years

08-11-2014, 01:12 PM

Her vocals called out to him, telling him that she would fight for him - for Abaven. Tail thumping on the earth he nodded his head "And a warrior you will be! Wren, you are now a Mruni of Abaven." He woofed with his tired voice, yet another yawn breaking his maw. Wren dug herself into him, her head resting by his own. Bass picked up his head and drapped it around her neck, his eyes staying open until he heard she soft breaths below him. With the girl safely asleep, he felt that he too, could now sleep. Golden eyes shut off the world around him, falling into sleep with his dear friend mere moments later. His sleep was light, ears still twitching at noises around them. He would protect Wren, not only as his new member but as one of his dearest friends. Tomorrow they would go back to Abaven, to their home.

-exit Bass via sleep-
