
I wouldn't leave you



7 Years

11-16-2016, 01:26 AM

It had been awhile since he had checked on Renhett, wanting to give her space as she went through this... odd agreement that she had with the tusked man. He tried to look at the positives of it, about how she had given a man the child that he had so desperately wanted. But what of her own emotions? Was she okay with him just taking their son away? Letting out a sigh, he picked up the stringy rabbit that he had caught for her, hoping that it was enough. The prey still wasn't as fat as he would like heading into winter, but it was all he could get. Heading towards her den, he dropped the rabbit to sniff at the inside of the den. Was she inside, or had she gone off somewhere else? His yellow eyes glanced around, trying to spot her darker form among the dying grasses. "Renhett? Are you around?" he called, not wanting to howl for her just in case she actually was resting inside her den. It was hard to pick passed the scent of fresh kill that flooded his nostrils, as much as he wanted the bunny for himself, it was a gift for the new mother. He could still remember how much Wren had ate after she gave birth the first time, she had been so ravonous that it was hard to keep her content. A sad smile touched his lips at the thought, and he pushed it away with a hard mental shove. There was new life around, and a probably mentally unstable wolf that he wanted to check on. He was so elated that she was here and decided to rejoin them, and the older man wanted to see how she was faring.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
11-16-2016, 01:47 AM

She knew that sitting down and doing nothing would let depression on set. So the woman had tried to keep herself occupied. She was a few and inbetween to feeling like she did anything but at least she tried to get out and socialize. She had even spoken with Sandpiper - which to her relief was actually a little ray of happiness for her. Talking with Kai and trying to teach him a few things did just make her feel funny. She knew of the impending time the pup spent here, soon to leave with his father on a journey far from here where he would be implemented into Aki's culture. Though a little determined to leave her own imprint on him - even if it was only a few japanese words that he would speak.

Sorting through herbs though was interrupted by the smell of prey. These lands were barren at the moment, even herbs were hard to grab and she was afraid she might not have enough from what she wanted for winter. Hoping that in her heart the other healers would have had better luck than she had. Then she heard Bass' voice, pulling her away she poked her head out and there he was. Her red eyes glinting a bit with something of pup like fascination as she smiled and looked at the small rabbit. For her? In a time like this?

"Would it be weird of me to call you dad?" she chuckled lightly. Being here in Abaven had also brought an onslaught of memories she didn't like. Which indeed included Hajime and her siblings who were no longer in her life, but maybe it was hormones she didn't know. "Is that rabbit for me? Are you sure, since the prey is so low this season I wouldn't want everyone to starve. Have you eaten?" she asked as she fully stepped out of the den. Her coat covered in dirt probably from rolling in it earlier out of boredom since she had finished herb hunting.




7 Years

11-19-2016, 02:31 AM

She peeked out of her den and he offered her a smile, glad that he hadn’t howled for her after all. She eyed the rabbit, when a rather unexpected question was the first thing out of her mouth. Bass sputtered, his ears flickering back at the suddenness of it. Call him dad? He had been there when they were growing up, but not very much after that. He knew that her family had been torn apart much like his had, which gave her his sympathies right off the bat. Calling him her father though wasn’t something that he had ever thought someone would ask him. His golden eyes looked over the woman, before he unfroze and slowly nodded his head up and down. He was too stunned to say otherwise, and he didn’t want to break her heart. If anyone asked, he had no problem defending the girl. "Of course," he said softly, a tender smile spreading over his lips. After all, he did feel protective over Renhett, even more so after he heard about the agreement she made with Aki.

Quickly the gray woman moved on, asking if the rabbit was for her. He nodded again, nudging the dead prey closer to her. He hadn’t eaten, but he was fine. After all, his pack was first, and she was still nursing a little one. She needed all the strength and food she could get, otherwise her milk would dry up. "It’s all yours, really. Everyone else has been taken care of, Dart is an excellent fisher," Bass hadn’t liked the taste of fish at first, but it was starting to grow on him. It was the slime that threw him off, he usually took it to a stream or puddle to scratch it all off. Besides, his pale coat was a lot shinier because of his increase in fish, it was quite luscious. As Renhett fully stepped out of the den he noticed how dirty she was, frowning as he attempted to bat a clump of earth off her left shoulder. "Were you digging after a mole or something?" he asked with a chuckle, settling himself down on his paws.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
11-28-2016, 12:17 AM

Renhett had been spending her time trying to occupy her thoughts and distract herself that was for sure. Depression was on her shoulders and she was fighting to shove it of. For a number of reasons as her thought jumbled about in her head. She stared at the rabbit for a few moments as he nudged it, when was the last time she ate anyway? It was important that Kai got enough milk though soon he wouldn't need it anymore. Regardless she reached down to take a few bites - as Bass then brushed the dirt off of her shoulder. She smiled towards him with a soft laugh.

"I was organizing herbs, sometimes rolling around is a better way of moving." she said as she went to return to the meal.

After this was all over she hoped that her emotions returned to normal. It wasn't that she wanted to keep Kai no that wasn't the issue. Renhett just knew that her family line didn't entirely have a good.... history of mental health. That went on to say she took every precaution she could to avoid boredom and anything else that could put her into a bad mood. She wanted very badly to avoid everyone but she forced herself to interact - she didn't want to lose interest in her favorite thing to do and that was to talk with other wolves.




7 Years

12-02-2016, 03:52 PM

He watched her with a small smile as she set to work eating the thin rabbit, saying that she had been sorting through her herbs. He snickered softly as he reached out to bush a bit more dirt off of her, rolling his shoulders slightly as he cast his gaze away from her and looked around them. He didn't see her little one anywhere, or Aki for that matter. He had seen the giant wolf from a distance, it was pretty hard to miss him after all. But he hadn't actually met their pup yet, only having seen them bonding at a distance. Bass didn't wish to interrupt them so he had always just moved on. But what of Renhett? Turning back to her, he let out a soft sigh as his golden eyes swept over her. How was she handling all of this? Was it as easy as she had thought, or was she fighting with her emotions and thoughts of not getting to see her pup often. He had warned her of the emotions that followed motherhood, on how wrong it would seem to be apart from your own child. But she had gone through with it, and while he was proud of her, it was still concerning. It wasn't an easy task by far, and he admired her for being as strong as she was -- or at least appeared. "How is everything going?" he asked, a casual enough question. She could take it the lighter road and talk about her herbs and plants, or the harder one and tell him how she was really feeling. He wouldn't push her to open up about her emotions, but nevertheless he was here and willing to hear her out. While he had never had to deal with a situation like this before, it didn't mean that he wouldn't offer her advice or condolence, whatever she needed during this... difficult time. Very odd time, but... Bass was still here no matter what.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-02-2016, 05:16 PM

Renhett smiled as Bass continued to clean off of her. Although her own senses were also going wild. She had been watching Bass for some time now and she knew it was bad but everything about him. His breathing, his manerisms. It made her worry slightly, but she had no right to do so. She'd been gone all these years, and while the man's roll in her life had been short. It was a memory she remembered strongly and more proudly than the rest. My how things might have been different if she had stayed. Would she have learned the things she had? Either way, after he asked and she was done with his meal she lifted her head.

"Well I've been trying to keep myself active enough not to let depression set in. Isolation is no good, so I got out and went to Storm's meeting also ran into Sandpiper." Renhett was open about her feelings and always would be probably. Just not to certain people perhaps. "Kai is growing bigger everyday and I find myself having trouble seeing him as my son. Of course there's a part of me that loves him but also a part of me who wants to see him immersed in his father's culture. I taught him some Japanese to leave my imprint on him. Of course he's free to visit me when he likes at the borders though if he wants it. So all I care about is his health and development. But it also worries me for the future. What if I do find a mate, what if we have pups and the same thing happens - I have trouble..... attaching myself to the kids." she scratched behind her ear for a moment as she shrugged her shoulder. "Those are just some things running through my head but I'm taking care of myself. What about you Bass? Are you doing okay?" she furrowed her brows.




7 Years

12-02-2016, 10:57 PM

Bass frowned when she said that she was trying to chase away the depression, but he nodded his head ever so slightly. At least she was trying to keep it at bay, he guessed. "I'm sure Storm appreciated the help, Renhett, thank you," he said in regards to her attending the meeting. Apparently even Finch had showed up, which was good. He wished that he could help in some other way though, offer her more to do. "You can always join me on a patrol or on scouting out the herds, if you want. I wouldn't mind the company," the Primo said with a smile. It would be nice, actually, to have someone with him. Usually he was all by himself for most of the day actually, keeping himself busy with checking the borders and the herds that moved through their lands. They needed a big hunt soon, everyone was going to need some fat on their bones before winter showed up.

He was proud of her when she spoke of Kai, that she taught him parts of her heritage for him to take away with him. He smiled fondly at her, but it slipped away when she mentioned a disconnect in her next litter -- if there was to be one. Shaking his head back and forth, he aimed to brush his nose gently across her cheek. "It will be different then, trust me. With Kai you knew that he would be leaving with his father, you probably prematurely put that wedge between you two. But when you have a mate and you know that your family is for real, I will have no doubt that you will love them with all you have. I'll bet on that, okay?" he said softly. It couldn't be easy, what she had done. But she had been able to distance herself, and Bass wasn't sure if she realized that that is why this was easy of her, that was why she wasn't so disheartened. In the long run, she had saved herself from all the pain and strife that this could have caused her.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-03-2016, 01:34 AM

She finished the meal rather quickly. Famished was how she had been but now full of food she felt a bit better. "I want to do what I can for Abaven, other packs haven't worked out so well for me." she stated as he mentioned that it was a good thing she went to the healers meeting. As she shifted on her paws she watched Bass closely. She'd be damned, but he looked a little lonely if she had to say so herself. Of course she didn't want to pry into his private life(she did but that'd be rude), so she'd leave it be. "That'd be great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. I'm not a mental healer for nothing." she chuckled lightly to him. She liked her abilities and to use them where she could. After all, they'd been for a good cause but that good cause was long gone by now.

Renhett would look a bit surprised when his nose brushed her Cheek. Her fur bristled a bit, not out of alarm it was more over the fact touch was something she needed these days. "Thank you." she said as she smiled a bit. Renhett couldn't help it she tried to push her face against the side of Bass' face as well. "But don't forget that I'm here for you Bass - I've been gone a long time so I don't know what's happened to you. I want to be of use and that's what I'll be. I'll be your company, and I'll be the one Abaven wolves can come to if they're having problems with something they don't think they can share with others. Especially you - you've got a big heart don't forget to think about yourself." Renhett didn't know if she was stepping over a boundary either. That was for sure, she was afraid of offending other wolves. Since when did she get so picky?




7 Years

12-08-2016, 03:34 AM

The smile didn't leave his face as she spoke, offering herself if he ever needed anyone to talk to. It would be something to keep in mind, but Bass wasn't one to burden others with his problems. He would much rather work them out himself and not weigh anyone else down with them. But he still appreciated her offering, it did make him happy to know that she would be here if it ever just felt like too much. His ears flickered slightly when she mentioned that she had been gone for awhile, a lot had happened. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and stretched out his legs for a moment before sitting back down on his rump, slowly sliding down his front legs until he plopped on the earth. "A lot has happened since you left. Wren and I had a second litter, meaning I have seven kids running around here somewhere. They seem to come and go at their leisure, only Finch, Lark, Sandpiper and Merlin being here most of the time. The rest of my family is gone, it's been ages since I've seen a single one of my siblings, besides Harmony, as well as Wren taking off for good. So many wolves have just vanished from my life, not only my family but from Abaven as well. Then there was the raid on Sin's pack, which we won with the help of Imperium. The pack had been smaller than when our scouts sniffed it out, and although I was angry with what he did it wasn't the most... fair battle," he shook his head sadly, but it was all in the past now. He was just destined to have wolves walk in and out of his life, apparently. "A lot of packs have risen and fallen quickly, there aren't many alive now that have been around for awhile. Just Abaven and Fiori, I suppose," Bass hummed, trying to think of anything else important to tell her. Nothing came to mind right away, so he rested his head on his paws and glanced over at her with his yellow eyes. "What have you gotten yourself into after you left here?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-09-2016, 04:44 PM

Renhett watched him very carefully, from what he explained she simply listened. She knew that she could place it on a personal level but at the moment she was closing herself off to maybe help him a little. Bass was probably the most important wolf to her now. Everyone had but gone and left - so at least she knew how that felt indefinitely. Hell the whole reason she got into mental healing was because of her brother and how she wanted to help him. In the end, it was names in a dust of memories. After he was done talking she got up for a moment, getting closer she gently pressed her nose to the side of his cheek and flopped down right there.

"After I left Abaven I was wandering for a while and found Levi. Of course he wasn't in the best shape and that's what kick started the fact that I wanted to go into mental healing. I traveled far and wide, swam continents saw amazing things and learned what I could. When I cam back to Boreas.... well - everyone was gone. I haven't seen my brothers or sisters in ages and then I turned to Imperium where I was accepted after a spar. Valentine had a hard time trusting me though - I was caught with one of my relative's children. Arian's son Riv - I was baby sitting him and at the time Valentine and her weren't in the best relations. Though... I admired that man so I tried my best I didn't lie to him nor did I show any disloyalty as far as I was concerned a pup had nothing to do with relations of adults. I had a small fling with a man named Nako - it didn't last long considering he wasn't into pack wolves. It didn't matter to me - I'd had plenty of one night stands beforehand. Then a storm took me away and I spent my time finding my way back home. When I did I headed straight to Rivaxorus' new pack. Which soon was displaced by a woman named Peregrine only to fall after she took it. And then I met aki and here I am." she shrugged her shoulders. At least that was the best she could remember of any of it. "Sometimes I really miss my brothers and sisters. I know I was little when my dad died too but I miss him too. I haven't realized how lonely I was until now really." Renhett watched Bass carefully. She smiled a little lightly towards the man. "I'm here Bass, I won't go anywhere okay." she wanted to rest her head on his shoulder. He could pretty much reject her if he wanted. Still though she flicked the end of her tail a bit.




7 Years

12-20-2016, 04:43 PM

He was surprised that she skipped over everything that he had said and moved right on to what she had been doing, but a part of him was thankful for that. He shifted a bit uncomfortably as she once again mentioned her many endevors with males. Bass' ears stuck to his skull as he cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away and glancing around them for a moment. If she thought of him as a father, why would she mention something like that? While he took a general interest in all of his pack members, what they did with themselves in.... that manner was something he could go without knowing. He let out a small breath as she moved on, saying that she missed her brothers and sisters. Looking back at her, he nodded his head in understanding. He knew what that felt like, very much so. There was admiration in his gaze as he looked at her, planting a small kiss on her forehead when she said that she wasn't going anywhere. Pulling himself to his paws, she smiled at her as he stretched out, knowing that he needed to get back to his duties. "I'm glad to hear that, Renhett. Don't hesitate to come to me if you need anything, okay?" And he meant it, he could only imagine how hard it was to give up a child like that, that you bore and grew close to as he developed within her. Dipping his head, he turned and made his way to the thicket, it was time to check the borders again.

-exit Bass-

"Talk" "You" Think