
Wandering alone


11-17-2016, 09:42 PM

She knew she was probably worrying her sister to death since she didn't come to the pack when she had called, but Amaia wasn't quite ready to join her just yet. She hadn't had a real chance to explore this new land since they got here since she had helped Carletta with the kids right after they had arrived. She wasn't regretful or bitter in the slightest about it, but she was eager to take advantage of this time to do some exploring! Especially since she knew Carletta was in a safe place. At least she hoped so. That Leo character had seemed very earnest in his concern for them when they had met before.

She padded through the tall grasses, having to keep her head up to look out over it all. She wasn't the tallest wolf around so it wasn't hard for her to duck down in the dried grasses and completely disappear. This was actually the perfect place for her to hide with her pale tan fur. In fact... She chuckled softly and tucked her head down under the top of the grasses and kept moving with a small grin on her face. She didn't know if anyone was around or not yet, but she got her own kind of amusement over the fact that she was pretty much invisible at the moment.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
11-18-2016, 09:21 PM

His nose was to the ground taking in quick inhales of the trail he was on. His tail in the air waving like a wild banner showing his excitement. His blood was pumping and his muscles tensing in his excitement as he moved along the trail. He had been fallowing this trail for a while and it was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. He was fallowing a whitetail deer, by the urine spot not far back it had to be a fat doe. Since it was just the start of the winter the prey should still be fat and ripe for the taking and he was hoping to get one and take the meat back to the pack. He knew it would be rather difficult alone, even if he was more of a heavy set male, but he was willing to try in order to stock up their supply for the winter. Through the tall grass the male pushed on his focus only on the trail of the deer. He loved to fallow trails and love the feeling the hunting gave him. He was grateful his uncle took him back after his larger brother abandoned him to run away with his mate. Now he could to what he loved to it's full potential and serve a good purpose as well. There was young pups in the pack and an orphaned pup that his smaller brother was caring for. They needed to eat and hunting was a way to provide.

He had little idea that there was another close by, instead he continued to push through the grass until his ears picked up a noise. Stopping the male lifted his head to look around, but nothing caught his eye. The female nearby blended in enough that he couldn't see her unless she moved. Lowering his head again he moved around until he picked up the trail again.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: vjotmk1.png]
[Image: AaEsQ1h.png]


12-01-2016, 07:12 PM

Amaia shuffled through the grasses, keeping her body pretty low to the ground as she grinned to herself and moved through the plains like a shark through the water. She was about to give up her game, but then she heard the shuffle of grass and pawsteps in the distance and she stopped, listening for a moment. Who ever it was stopped as well for a moment, but soon they started moving again. Her grin widened and she got down in a hunter’s crouch. Perfect!

She moved forward again, but more quietly this time, following the sound and eventually the scent of the other wolf. Soon enough she caught up to him and she leaped forward through the grasses to land right behind him, shouting, "Ha!” She grinned and giggled wildly, her tail wagging behind her and disrupting the grasses behind her. She didn’t really consider what might happen if this stranger wasn’t up for games, but he smelled like the pack that her sister had joined so perhaps he would be nice like Mr. Leo had been.

"Talk" "You" Think