
The Arena


11-18-2016, 02:18 AM

Liviana's tail flicked with determination as she made her way from her den to an open space in the plains. She was tired of going all the way to the battlefield for spars that were mediocre at best. She didn't know when she would get used to this level of fighting and how non-violent it was. Perhaps if she wasn't going into it with such high expectations she would be enjoying it more, but she wanted to see what her own pack had to offer before she jumped to conclusions. She hadn't really gotten to fight with any of her pack mates yet. Considering one of the things Bass had said to win her over was their heavy emphasis on fighting that seemed like a problem to her. She stopped and lifted her head to let out a howl, calling for anyone in the mood for a spar. She wasn't even particularly picky over who showed up. As long as they would give her a decent workout she'd consider it a success. She let the howl fade into nothing before she let her lilac gaze drift around her surroundings to watch for any opponents that might come up to her.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
12-08-2016, 02:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2016, 02:18 PM by Storm.)

Her window of herb collecting had closed and she had much more time to do whatever she needed to do. The pack was quiet and no one that she was aware of needed the attention of the silver healer. So she had taken to wandering, looking for something to occupy her time. She could have just went back to her warm den and took a nap, but she fears she would be needed and no one would be able to find her. This pack had been nice to thrive in, but she had really expected a little more interactions with other pack members. Bass and Quake had really been the only two she had the pleasure to talk to one on one. It made the women miss her family more and more. Though she was no longer labeled as a loner, she still felt like she was at times. Maybe it was just bad timing? It was winter now and maybe the rest of the pack was more quiet because of the cold. Sighing lightly the silver women trekked forward through the snow.

A howl not far off made her stop in her tracks, pausing to listen to the howl. A member was calling for a spar and where there was a spar there could be injuries to attend to. Wagging her tail lightly the healer turned her body and trotted in the direction of the howl. Ears pointed forward taking in the rather quiet day. She slowed down once she felt she was close, the scent of the other women strong enough to tell her she was at the spot. She then took a seat to wait and hear if any opponents would arrive for the spar to get started.

"Talk" "Jack" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times


12-08-2016, 02:59 PM

Liviana waited for some time for someone to show up, feeling increasingly irritated. First the poor fights she had gotten at the battlefield and now no one was going to answer her call within her own pack? How was she supposed to practice or feel out the level of expertise within the pack if no one was going to fight her? A frown creased her lips and her brows pulled together while her tail lashed behind her. Well if this was how her efforts to try were going to be met then-

Her train of thought got cut off when she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye. Her ears perked and she looked toward the wolf approaching her. But... wasn't this the healer that had spoken at the last meeting? Wasn't she blind? She watched as Storm settled herself on her haunches a fair distance away. Oh, a spectator of sorts then? Well Liviana surely wouldn't mind an audience, but you'd have to have a fight to have an audience. She waited for a minute or two more, looking around to watch for anyone else that might approach her. Well... When in Rome she guessed.

She sighed softly before she turned toward Storm to pad toward her. "Hey... Storm, wasn't it? I don't guess we've met yet. I'm Liviana. It doesn't look like anyone is going to come answer my challenge, but since you're here... Would you want me to give you a little fighting lesson? At least us being out here won't be a complete waste, eh?" She didn't know if Storm would have any interest in it or not, but she kind of hoped she did. At least if anything else when she went to Bass to see about a promotion she could say she had been giving lessons. Or at least a lesson.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
01-02-2017, 06:15 PM

As they waited, Storm's ears were constantly in movement. She was carefully listening to their surroundings for the approach of another wolf. It seemed the time drug out, no one was showing up and Storm began to feel vary disappointed. This wasn't right for this other female's spar to go unanswered, why was their a lack in activity from the fighters? Was the cold air keeping everyone to their dens? She lightly shook her head in disappointment just before Liviana spoke up. Ears swiveled forward taking in her words. She started by introducing herself and the Blind women allowed her mind to go through the normal routine. Name & voice was carefully placed into her memory bank. While doing that Storm took a breath in taking in the other women's scent to remember that along with her name and voice.

This was how she remembered others without her sight. Her ears and her nose played a vary big role in her life since loosing her sight. Liviana then offered to teach Storm about fighting. Mentally she was hesitant, how could she fight without her sight? It was something she never really considered in her lifetime. Although Storm was up for trying new things and if this women was looking for someone to teach Storm was more then willing to try learning. A slight wag came from her tail and she smiled at the women before her.

"I'd love to... I've never had anyone who was willing to try and teach me, I thank you, though I'm sorry no one will answer your challenge, it's a shame no one will" she replied shaking her head.

Standing from her spot she moved closer to the women, ready to begin the lesson.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times


02-13-2017, 10:42 PM

Liviana only a little bit surprised that no one had bothered to teach this woman about fighting before. Sure, no one would expect a blind wolf to really be able to fight, that to her that was all the more reason to work with her on it - even if it was just enough to defend herself with. Liviana shrugged a bit at the apology for no one else showing up. "Eh, it is what it is. I don't think I've had a decent fight since I left my homeland. But I'm glad I'm able to help teach you a bit all the same. She let Storm stand and move a bit closer before Liviana shifted closer as well. "I wish my cousin was here to help teach you," she added conversationally. "He was blinded in battle when he was young and he learned how to fight pretty darn well without his sight. I think I picked up enough from him to pass on some tips though."

She stopped so that she was directly in front of the other woman with a couple of feet of space between them. "Usually I wouldn't suggest going for any close contact fighting, but for you it might be good. Of course you can always listen for where their paws are shuffling against the dirt, but I wouldn't want you to rely on that. Once you make contact with your opponent try to stay at least within close enough range that you can feel where they are. I'm going to press my chest to yours like I would if I was trying to reach around to your scruff and when I try to back away push back into me, okay?" Liviana got a few of her defenses into place, just so she would be in the same sort of stance that she would be if she was really fighting. Her knees bent slightly, her toes spread, her claws dug into the ground, and her head tipped down over her throat. Then she went to cross the short distance between them so that she could press her chest to Storm's, not quite hitting hard enough to cause any bruising, just enough to give the effect she was looking for. She quickly reached around Storm's neck to lightly nip at Storm's scruff and then took a step back to retreat a bit. She watched Storm curiously, interested to see what the other woman would do.

"Talk" "You" Think