
Crawling in my Skin


11-28-2016, 09:36 PM

Somehow there was a warming to these tall trees. The wind wasn't circling around between them, and it was very comforting. But she wasn't thinking of the slightly warmer climate or even the fact that the ground was soft enough here for the hard mud to stick to her paws. She was too distraught over the fact that she had been brave enough to travel up north. She was still far from her father's home but she remembered spending a lot of time in these woods. This may have been considered home to her at one point in her younger days. But it had been sometime, she was too frightened to stay up here, she knew she need to be someplace warm that way she was far  enough away from her father. But maybe if she were just close enough to their ship, Lian would find her.

Zola found herself in the middle of the forest. Some trees were fallen down, leaning against each other with a thin flurry over them. She sat next to a tall trunk and stared at her paws. She should be leaving here soon, it wasn't safe. And she was already dirty.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
12-04-2016, 07:36 PM

Vyper had gotten a bit too quiet for Armai's taste. She was happy that there wasn't the same drama happening in Vyper like Myriad, but she found herself lacking some friends at the moment. Brutus had come back, for that she was grateful, but now she felt an itch to do something. Exploring wasn't typically her things, but she found that it was better than sitting and doing nothing. Winter didn't provide her with the opportunity to collect more herbs so she had to do something.

Nox trailed along not far behind her. They'd already stopped so that her leopard friend could eat and Armai could still smell the left over rabbit on the other's fur. It smelled like she still had blood on her fur, but it was hard to tell. Nox wasn't exactly the most cleanliest of creatures when it came to food. She could only assume Nox would clean herself up later when they weren't on the move. In the mean time Armai couldn't get the scent of blood out of her nostrils.

It happened to be the only reason why she didn't smell anyone around either. She was careful as she walked - it hadn't been the first time she'd been here but she knew from painful experience that smacking nose first into a tree didn't feel good. Nox was pretty good about making sure she didn't run into anything by giving hr pointers on where she could place her paws. It was a good system really. As they walked she neared Zola's location, yet she was blissfully unaware of the other woman's presence.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.


12-04-2016, 08:47 PM

In the midst of her thinking, her nose would suddenly catch a rather familiar smell. Her snout would slowly pull itself from the ground and wave around lightly as her eyes closed to capture  the scent. No, could it be? Amethyst eyes ripped open and started to search in between the trees intensely. And after quite sometime of looking, Zola would spot exactly who she thought was out there. The light grey figure of her sister would be shown in a near distance. It was odd that Zola didn't notice sooner.

She was quick to jump onto her feet, eager to know what happened and how she was here. But if she had escaped Lel's clutches, Zola would find that impossible. She believed Armai was much less of anything than her. Zola should have been considered her queen whether the younger girl ever saw it or not. Quietly stepping her paws across the long dead leaves, Zola found herself approaching the blind woman with a wicked grin on her maw.

"My, oh my." She let out slyishly behind her. "Look what the cat drug in." She had not noticed the leopard yet, way more focused on what was in front of her. "Did dear old daddy abandon you too?" Tisking her tongue with the nod of here head she would continue, "I wouldn't blame him."

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
12-04-2016, 10:41 PM

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

There was definitely someone behind her.

It'd barely registered in her brain and instantly she felt nervous. If Nox hadn't smelled them either, well of course she hadn't smelled them. All she could smell was the hare that her friend had caught earlier. Its blood was still pretty prominent in her nose. She didn't really have the time to get upset at Nox about it though. She was a little angry Nox hadn't cleaned herself up, but nothing could be done about it now.

She whirled just as a strangely familiar voice called out to her. Her ears flattened against her head as she struggled to place it. She sniffed again and her blood felt like it was chilling in her veins. No, it couldn't be. She had been fortunate enough not to run into anyone from her family. Calder was the only one she'd cared for, but this definitely was not him. Zola. Dammit. Out of all the wolves she could have run in to, why did it have to be her?

Her hackles rose instinctively at her teasing cat comment. Was that a joke because of Nox? The mentioning of their father struck home and she let out a soft growl. Abandoned. As if Lel had cared for her anyways. She'd been nothing but a disappointment. Being born blind had been a cursed and she'd never been able to live it down while in the presence of her family. Calder was the only one who had remotely cared.

She was vaguely aware of Nox growling as she came to stand beside Armai. She was grateful for the feline's company. She hadn't exactly been expecting a family reunion and the leopard's presence helped soothe her nerves slightly. She wanted to just leave, but she got the sneaking suspicion that Zola would follow her.

"Kinda hard to be abandoned when I was the one who left his sorry ass."

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.


12-05-2016, 04:05 PM

As the leopard came to stand beside Armai, Zola would finally notice the creature and kind of pull her head back away from it, not entirely sure if she should be frightened or not. "Oh... Literally what the cat drug in..." She mumbled as she relaxed her shoulders again.

"Come on Armai," She longingly teased, "We all know dad was irresistible. Why on earth would you want to leave the man that kept you alive to begin with? He's the only reason you actually survived." She was partly referring to the fact that her sister was blind. But in a cruel way, Lel really did love his children. They were his blood and he intended to mold them into whatever he thought would be best for his line. Unfortunately, he was too busy with the woman who bared Armai and Calder and that led Zola and Lian astray from his teachings. Jian being sick didn't help this either. Zola was always terrified that one day she would have been the woman bound in that ship with a mental tie to her father that forced her to stay. And back then, Lian was too young and weak to fight for her. So they took the chance to run and she seemed to be the only one who made it. "I bet you didn't even make it outside that ship by yourself."

"Hmm..." She hummed thinking of whatever else she felt more obligated to say now that they were both grown and had matured so much since they lived together in that ship, "Well actually, me and Lian were his only real children." she smirked, "He probably saw you wandering off and didn't even care."

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
12-07-2016, 02:21 AM

"Oh... Literally what the cat drug in..."

An ear flicked back nervously as a rumbling warning growl left her friend. She nudged her softly to try and get Nox to back off some. She wasn't entirely keen on a fight breaking out at the moment and Zola felt like a wild card at the moment. If things got too tense would she want to fight or would they get away from this without any trouble? She'd hoped to never have to run into any of them ever again and yet here she was to make her life miserable all over again. She couldn't see the poisonous look Nox shot at her, but she felt the cat settle down some at least.

Zola's teasing tone brought her back to reality once again. Her focus shifted from Nox back to her half-sibling and she frowned. Kept me alive. She hated hearing it, and yet there was no way she could deny it either. Her ears pinned back against her head nervously as she thought about it. Ever since she was born she'd been practically useless. Learning how to heal was about the only good thing she'd ever accomplished. She could barely hunt for herself, couldn't walk around without Nox's help, she'd had to rely on pack mates to help feed her. Most of all she relied on Nox for pretty much anything that involved eyesight. Hearing it now from Zola was almost like a smack to the face. She didn't need to be reminded of this - especially after she'd spent so long trying to convince herself that she mattered - that she was able to contribute and be helpful in the pack she now resided in.

"He was nothing but an asshole and I hated his guts, but if everything was so perfect then why did you and Lian leave?"

Now that really was a good question. Obviously Lel wasn't here with her now and Armai could do nothing but hope he was dead or far far away. Dead was certainly the preferable option. It meant he'd no longer be able to come back and haunt her like Zola was doing. She cringed slightly at Zola's next words. Calder had been the one to help her away from the ship to escape him. He'd been the only constant in her life that she'd cared about and even he was gone too. An ear flicked upwards and then back down as she mentioned that Lian and her were Lel's only real children. Whether he'd cared that Armai and Calder had left, well she hadn't stuck around to find out. No words could come to mind at how to respond. She hadn't wanted to be his child to begin with, but Zola's presence made her anxious. Mostly all she wanted to do was leave now.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.


12-07-2016, 09:07 PM

The wicked woman was not here to pick a real fight. She had come across her sister through chance but still; she was not willing to put any real effort into attacking the blind girl. Zola was mostly all talk and no show anyway. She wouldn't back down from a fight but she was never intentionally trying to start something physical. At least to the fact that Armai had never really done anything wrong.

"Lian's not here!" She spat at the girl angrily. If Armai wasn't aware that Lian was Zola's so-called weakness, she must have known from her reaction now. "You were the distraction. While he was worried about your adulteress mother he paid no attention to us. We left because he was too worried about the rest of his children." Zola was completely unaware that Callisto was raped by Lel. She knew the woman was held captive until she gave birth but she assumed that Lel was a one night stand and she had been stuck with his spawn. "I'm sure he found out soon that it was a waste a time. And he lost us in the process." Her last words were a little more serious. Lel probably did find out Armai was blind and no longer wished to claim her as his own. But it was too late for all of the Leone's. Each one was slowly going their own way.

Amethyst optics lowered to the ground this time with sadness. All sorts of emotions coming from the girl, Armai was sure to be confused herself. Zola dropped her rump to the ground with a thud, no longer looking back at her sister. "You.. Lian didn't stay? Lian... Left?" There was a great amount of pain coming from her voice, yet not enough for the sightless girl to know of the few tears that started to come from her eyes. The leopard definitely should have seen her but it was not who she was worried about. The big show she was just putting on was all fake and made fun, but it couldn't hide what she felt inside actually knowing that Lian had left the ship that night and never met her. They had an entire life planned out together, they could have made it through anything together. And even though there was a chance that Lian was dead, she knew he wasn't. She knew that he never met her out of some intention. She knew that if Lel caught him, Armai would know.

Walk "Talk" Think