
∞ ɪɴғɪɴɪᴛʏ


08-05-2014, 01:50 PM

Packs run by children. "Such whelps don't deserve to sit on a throne of toys. Just because their parents are too fucking lazy to rule until they are actually ready to rule." A string of curses would follow the Raven's lyrics, as he would stalk off. "I say goodbye to you, you bastard pack?and I say it with no regrets." If any member of the band would approach him that had known him in his regretful time in the pack... A harsh snarl would come from inky lips as he would turn, topaz gems set on the horizon. Olympus has had it's sweet time. "It's time for destruction." He would mouth silently, before leaving, any words to be spoken about his disappearance falling upon deaf ears.
- exit Hades -



9 Years
08-05-2014, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2014, 01:40 PM by Schon.)

The beautiful creature had no time for idiots. She had a damn pack to rule and if someone truly had an issue with that there would be server consequences. Therefore as she stalked the ebony b o y her eyes were narrowed and her bodice tense. She truly had no time for his insolence. "Such whelps don't deserve to sit on a throne of toys. Just because their parents are too fucking lazy to rule until they are actually ready to rule." The lady would stalk up behind him and let forth a loud and illustrious laugh. "You are about as smart as a fucking Squirrel." The babe tensed and allowed her body to stop at about eight feet away from him. "I say goodbye to you, you bastard pack?and I say it with no regrets." The little man would pause. "It's time for destruction and you will not be leaving, filth." The beauty laughed a little more. "Oh my, it truly is time for destruction little raven." The woman would snarl, a rippling snarl.

Suddenly, she would break out into a defensive stance. Each knee was bent to ensure her bodice was lowered to the ground. Each paw was evenly spread out for balance. Claws were dug into the earth for grip, helping balance as well. Her toes were completely splayed out for grip as well. A lovely tri-toned tail was slightly erect to align it with her narrow spine. The lanky girl also allowed her head to lower, to align it with her spine as well. Schon's chin tucked to protect her throat from any sort of attack. Lips curled up to show off her sharp ivories. Such would also bunch up the fur under her eyes to protect the delicate flesh of her cheeks. Each blood red orb was narrowed to decrease the chance of maim. Her two beautiful ears slicked back to flatten against her creamy skull to protect the tender bits of flesh. Cream colored hackles were raised to ensure the skin of her scruff to puff up and protect the vital bits beneath. Last but not least, her core was tightened and her breathing was eased to ensure focus and readiness for impact.

Due to the fact that he had time to move as she spoke to him. The girl would attempt to either run at him head on in hopes to slam her chest square into his. OR. If he had not moved she would try to run and curve around his right side to slam the center of her chest into his. Both attacks leaving wiggle room for the man and would induce bruising to her chest if purchased. Either way, the girl would attempt for another attack. Her jaws widened and they aimed to snap at his right eye. Her upper jaw sought out a nice purchase above his right eye on the brow. But, her lower jaws hoped to sink into the socket of his right eye. She tried for a scooping motion, in order to either do some serious damage to the man's right eye or remove it all together. Though, despite if such attacks hit or not. The femme would attempt to raise her left paw and swipe it forward to potentially tug at his right front elbow. Such would possibly cause him to trip forward, if she were lucky. In such attacks height would not matter due to the fact that there were only a mere two inches in height difference.




Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


08-05-2014, 03:02 PM

What a fool to think he would simply walz out of the borders without the queen noticing and taking action. Ubivat was rather dumbfounded by the fact he was so arrogant as to think her age made such a difference in her life. He had seen the queen devour the flesh of the dead. Her resolve made the strength far greater than any he had seen. Schon was not an idiot, and that was one of the reasons why he enjoyed her company to the fullest. While as of yet, she had no attraction to him, he was determined to make it so that she looked at him in a completely different way eventually.
The overseer of the pack would walk up to the challenge with a small snort from his nostrils at Hades. He would not interfere with the challenge, not unless she asked him to. Flicking his tail the dead man sat down. Giving a dip of his head to his Queen as a respectful greeting. Yet letting her know he was here for her support, he would always be at her side. No matter if even his body was about to give out to his second death. There would never be a time where he would not want to make sure she was okay.



08-05-2014, 07:57 PM

Such a loud and disgusting laugh would fall upon a deaf Raven's ears. He cared not for what the bitch had to say against his leave, but her words spoke of challenge. "You are as stupid as a fucking squirrel." Such lyrics would cause the Raven to turn on the bitch who had followed him. "And you will not leave, filth." "And I could say the same for you, child. I come and go as I fucking please, unless you want to challenge me for rights you do not own." A sickly sweet voice would ring upon ebony ears as she spoke once more, "Oh my, it truly is time for destruction little raven." A mad chuckle would come from inky lips as the Raven spoke. "Delivered by yours truly, little bitch." A wicked laugh would come from his visage before he would settle into his defenses, topaz gems ignited with the flame of adrenaline.

Ebony ears would veer back, pinning against his skull to avoid any damage to the fragile skin and to tighten the ebon skin upon his crown. Both topaz gems would become narrrowed to bare slits, tightly locked upon the siren, brows creasing. Inky lips would peel back in a horrid snarl, the skin wrinkling upon his muzzle and creating an intimidating figure of his face. In a succession of movement, his crown lowered, aligning with rolled shoulders to create a strong beam to overcome should the bitch attempt to slam into his own bodice. His ebony tail would raise skyward as a rudder and for even more balance with his already straightened composure. In powerful stilts loosened muscles to absorb any shock, and his knees would bend, poised for any shock that the siren could cause. Each appendage would spread, weight becoming evenly distributed amongst his icon, whilst his hackles on each shoulder would rise, tightening all skin between his scruff and shoulders. His stomach would begin to tuck inward, to allow the bitch little grip should she manage to expose his abdomen and scar the fragile skin.

The bitch began her assault, the Raven having allowed her to make the first move. Her bodice began to careen towards his own, her head down as if she were a battering ram hitting a door. Unfortunately for the siren, the door was smarter than her actions, and he would jump to the left and wait for the bitch to come, should she continue charging, he would brace himself, tightening his core for her assault. He felt her pelt brush his own and recoiled as her jaws would lurch forth, hooking his cheek rather than her intended target. He cared naught for where the blood flowed, but he wanted this bitch's blood. Violently he would shake his head, stilts pulsing backward to aim to detach himself from the bitch, blood seeping down his neck from his right cheek, a bite wound about two inches deep and three wide, and he would feel the sensations of blood drag at him as the bitch's paw thrust forth at his elbow. The Raven would fall into this play, but he used this mistake to his advantage, shoving his bodice forth at the bitch. Ebony stilts would spread for balance as he landed, hopefully close to the bitch. If he should not land himself near the siren as desired, he would charge forth, slowing at her face to part his jaws in an ugly bite. Mandibles would lurch forth in the direction of the siren's left eye, aiming to do what she had attempt to do so so foolishly. An eye for an eye, eh? If his aim should be correct, his upper jaw would strive to hook directly in her eye, whilst his lower jaw could attempt to lock anywhere else for grip and to disable her from rebelling with her jaws. Hopefully he could manage to blind the bitch's left eye, or perhaps evem remove it. For her family, it would be a worthy scar for the bitch. Even if this assault would miss, the Raven would bring his right paw upward and aim to hook just above her left elbow, and with his strength, he would strain to lean against the bitch, to shove her to the ground at his right. What would happen next was up to the siren.






9 Years
08-06-2014, 01:40 PM
( ) are ooc notes :3 - <3 skype me at kara.ward101 for questions. ^.^ - also edit of previous post was approved by starry. just changing the ooc stuff :3 XD

He would retaliate with words, words of pure stupidity. Though her attacks were quite dull. As she ran at him the girl missed her target as he shifted to his left. Her fur would brush past his. (not sure what fur is being brushed?) Though, as she snapped her venomous jaws at the man's right eye they would miss. She would gain a good bite right under his right eye. Upper jaw and lower jaw latching onto a bit of the tender flesh for a few moments. Though, suddenly, his filthy head would shake as if he was crazed. But, it did work. Her grip on his right cheek was faulty, jaws were forced from his face. Though, his blood did indeed coat the front bits of her muzzle. The taste of the metallic liquid just made her want to go on even more. His first mistake was testing the patience of a cannibal. Yet, as her left paw raised and attempt to tug at his right elbow, he fell forward slightly. Success with at least one of her attacks made her rejoice, but the battle was not finished until he was missing an eye.

Quickly, the 'bitch' would take a moment to set her various defenses. Each of her dark stilts were bent at the knees to lower her skinny bodice to the earth below. Her numerous toes were splayed to grip the ground with her rough pads. Paws were flexed enough for her claws to dig into the ground as well, for more grip. Both ensuring an advantage in balance. Each leg was spread with weight distributed quite evenly. Her beautiful wispy tail was slightly erect, aligned with her bony spine. Her narrow head was lowered as well aligned with her spine to give her an advantage in mobility if needed. Her slightly thicker hackles puffed up, her scruff moving into rolls of rough flesh to protect the area beneath. Her chin was pointed down to tuck her head in and protect her throat from any life threatening assaults. As she tucked in her head, the girl made sure her blood red orbs were narrowed to protect them from any sort of devious assault, which was to come. The tender flesh of her audits were beautiful slicked back to hide them from tooth and claw as well. Inky lips curled up to show off her beautiful ivories for intimidation, but such would also bunch up the skin beneath her eyes to protect the tender flesh of her cheeks. Last but not least, her breathing was steadied and her core tightened to brace herself for assaults.

As the gluttonous fool fell he would quickly attempt a horribly blunt move. Shoving his body at the girl. (don't really know which side of hers hes facing or anything so im kinda guessing she is facing his right side... makes the most sense) His right should slammed into the center of her chest. The girl took an involuntary half-step back in result. A bruise would also slowly form from such a brutish slam. Though, he was obviously not done. His jaws would strike forth at her left eye, mimicking her attack but at the opposite eye. He would try to injure her left eye by striking directly at it. But, in those quick moments the girl moved her head down and his jaws sunk into the bits right above her left eye. His lower jaws landed at the brow right above her left eye and upper jaws sunk into the skin about two inches above such. Clamping down to ensure a deep and painful grip on her face. His teeth sunk in at about a half inch, deep enough for a bite with so little flesh to latch onto. Blood slid down her face, flowing slightly into her eye, making it slightly hard to see for a few moments, but with rapid blinking the girl could see enough to ensure he did not take advantage of such. Yet again, the fool was not complete. Mimicking another one of her attacks, the boy raised his right paw and swiped to forward at her left frontal elbow. His body leaned against hers as he did so, making her take another involuntary half-step back. But, as she did so he caught her left front paw in that swipe causing her to stumble slightly. But, she would quickly recover by ensuring each paws was back, evenly, on the earth.

To recap, she was facing his right side with the center of her chest. He had a grip on the left bits of her face, above her left eye. It was a slightly awkward position but she could work with it. The Kaiser allowed most of her weight to shift to her hind legs as she attempt to lift her front legs off of the ground. Her head would remain low for the moment, but quickly trying to whip it back as her paws moved to slam down on his back if she successfully wrapped them around him. Her left front paw would aim to land on the center of his upper back, right between his shoulder blades. Her right paw moved to hopefully reach the left bits of his upper back, more near the shoulder. The girl would try to whip her head back again, due to the fact that his grip on her left brow was not the best, she could potentially easily remove his grip. But, it would be up to what he did. But, despite if his grip was faltered or not, the babe would attempt to snap her jaws at his left eye this time. Due to his right side of face was facing away from her. The girl had no other choice but to attempt a snap of jaws at his left eye. Both of her jaws attempted to latch onto the eye, the orb being her only concern. She would be relentless. Though, such an attack could happen whether she wrapped her paws around him or not. All of such would depend on how he moved. But, the babe was ruthless in every way possible. She would taste his blood.




Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


08-08-2014, 04:21 PM

Blood peaked at his skin, bleeding into his eyes. Jaws scooped at his eyes. Pain shot through his bodice. He was wasted. Sharply he coughed up blood, weakly breaking away from the bitch. "You win... I give up... Do whatever you wish with me..." Darkness creeped in on his vision as he imagined what would happen next, his left eye now removed from it's socket. Pain clawed at his brain, begging for him to continue. If he should, death would surely come to him. "I... realize my mistakes... miss siren." His singular topaz gem hung deathly close to passing out, as blood poured down his facial features. Silently, it would close, as his bodice fell to the ground.

HADES OLYPMUS surrenders/passes out to SCH?N FINNVI

OOC ? I'm leaving Ala for an indefinite amount of time, and rather than it being a flat-out default, Hades will surrender to Sch?n. Dueces.

The Judge


08-12-2014, 11:23 AM

Due to Hades Submitting, Schon is the winner, and is successful with the maim of right eye.

Hades must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away.