



Extra small
08-06-2014, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2014, 10:31 AM by Katja the First.)

Hello Alacritis,

I wanted to inform you of things to come for our future and to keep Alacritis healthy, thriving, and beautiful! I?m so proud of what this site has become, and I know I?m not simply speaking for myself. Yes, we have our disagreements, however you all typically rise above and beyond those things. You note that you?re a family and families quarrel. Especially around each other so often. So many people with so many different views? It?s difficult.

Anyways, first and foremost, we will not be moving sites! Alacritis is here to stay. Permanently! Isn?t that exciting? There will be some changes, stay tuned and keep up with me here and we will make sure you are aware of everything.

-In the survey it was revealed to us that you guys pretty much have the same requests! I was astonished. We?re going to be going through the site and changing these things you all seem to have requested as a group. The staff are working on some ways to implement the changes and we are brainstorming lots! Simple but effective! That?s going to be our new approach, especially since it would seem you guys prefer simplicity versus excessively elaborate drabble. Makes my life easier!

-Staff changes are going to be simple. We?re letting the staff tell the admins what they want to do instead of vice versa. Each staff member will select a certain role and will solely take care of that alone. More to come on this development.

- The site will be going into Maintenance Mode I want you all to be aware of this! Alacritis is about to undergo some major aesthetic changes on top of our functionality changes. We?ve hired a pretty awesome site designer and highly talented artist to renovate and spiff up the site. A lot is going to change. Hopefully, the site will only be down for a few hours when this happens. It won?t be more than two hours, and we should still have the cbox available to post in and regular updates should be made throughout the changes to keep you all aware of what?s happening. We want you all to be together on this!

- Packs. It seemed pretty general that the packs need to be handled. We will definitely be handling that. There will be a limited number of packs and we will go from there as far as that is concerned. More to come when the site is re-done.

- Also, we?re going to promote East of Paradise! Jester & Para are absolutely amazing hosts and so anyone that feels a desire to help out East of Paradise and donate to EoP will get a neat little pixel saying that they did so when we come back online! It will be specific to your characters and be a cute unique feature. Also, for every dollar donated to EoP we will be giving 50 Gems. Just to flavor the deal a little bit! Thank you Jester and Para, you guys are fabulous. Click the donate button here

-The last thing I want to point out is that, even though a few have doubted the choices made, I could not be more proud of the staff team that we have. They are absolutely amazing and responded amazingly to things thrown at them. You have a very capable staff team and you need to be aware of it. You also need to remember--we volunteer to do this. We do not get paid, we rarely get thanks, but we do it anyways because we know it takes our work to make the site run. Sometimes, yes, we do get snappy because sometimes we feel underappreciated. You don?t have to think that makes a difference. Staff are staff and you can come to any one of them at any time. We have bad days too. We?re human too. Your staff work really hard, and I?m telling you all that you need to remember that. No one needs to ask staff to do anything in the cbox any longer. Post in maintenance. It will be handled.

If you have any questions regarding anything please contact me personally via skype (brittanymorganatnip) or by texting this number (903) 276-5864. Make sure you let me know who you are and what you?re contacting me for. I hope you?re ready to move on Alacritis!
