
Give Me A Reason [Birthing]



6 Years

12-03-2016, 02:53 AM
Ooc: Zell needs to post first - after my second post, when the kids are born, they can be posted. After that the rest of Faite's family is welcome to hop in if you want.

She was waddling.


She was so fat that whenever her weight shifted she was reminded of a very large duck. She still wondered from time to time how many kids she was actually having. She looked like a very inflated blimp with stilts coming out of the bottom. It would have been funny if she hadn't felt so irritable and hormonal half the time. Part of it was due to being bored - ever since she'd stepped down she'd been suffering. She didn't know what to do with herself most of the time. At this point she could barely hunt her own food. Running wasn't an option and she got tired just trying to do a border patrol. Did they have to make her so fat?

She'd already scouted out a den in the Estuary. She could tell her due date was close and she wanted to make sure she was near the den she'd dug out. It was small - it'd been a coyote den at one point. She'd dug it out to make room for herself, Zell, and the kids when they were born. It was only a temporary thing, but she wanted to have them where he could easily see them as well. The plains just hadn't felt like the right spot to her and she was beyond anxious about it. Everything needed to be perfect.

She was lying in the den she'd made, resting mostly. Zell's acceptance of stepping up to be a father had eased some of her worries. Not only had Fortune been helping, but he'd been around to help as well. It was weird being taken care of - she certainly couldn't wait to be able to get around on her own feet again without feeling like she was being weighed down by a bunch of boulders.

She had her eyes closed, attempting to take a nap, when the first contraction hit. Panic threatened to set in at the pain and she immediately scanned for Zell before she remembered he was not in the den. Crap. Was she going to have them now? He needed to be here! She'd assumed it'd be a few days, yet this certainly didn't feel like normal pregnancy stuff. They were definitely coming. She rose her head and let out a rather pained howl before she rested it back on the ground as another contraction wracked through her body. Yep, this was definitely it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-03-2016, 03:27 AM

He'd been stalking a goose. One of the few strays that had remained behind instead of flying south for the winter. He had remained with Faite, staying nearby as the pups in her belly grew. With each day that passed, he felt more anxious. Excited. Nervous. Scared. A whole list of emotions. He was sure Faite was feeling the same way. This was her first litter, and his as well. But she was also the one carrying them, so he did all he could to make sure she was comfortable and fed. Winter would not be an easy time, or so he figured. With the summer drought and the continued lack of prey during the fall, this season seemed to barely let up. The nights were freezing, the rains making it colder. So he would curl up with her at night to make sure she was warm and not freezing her tail off.

As he carefully snuck into the reeds, eyes on the goose, a sudden howl would rip through the air. He flinched in surprise for a moment, ears pinning as he watched the few geese startle and race across the water before taking off in a panic. "Who the fuck!" Whoever it was, he was about to go find them and tear them a new one! Turning around, he heard the remnants of the howl fade away and he realized then it wasn't just anyone. It was Faite. But why would she..."Oh no...oh no!" It was time, wasn't it!? Today!?

He scrambled to his feet and raced towards the den they shared. His mind racing with all kinds of thoughts as his paws drummed upon the ground, his large body crashing through the bushes. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Yep. He was starting to feel that panic. It seemed he would make it to the den in record time, the large brute skidding to an ungraceful halt when he reached the den, nearly barreling his way inside. Wide eyed, he saw Faite lying on the ground and sprawled on her side with pain on her face. Rushing to her, he stepped around her and carefully lied against her back so that she could lean against him if she needed to. "Is there anything I can do?" He had no clue what to do. Would a healer come? Did she need one? So many thoughts raced through his head. So for now, he opted to remain where he was and began to lick her neck for comfort.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

12-03-2016, 03:55 AM

Where the hell was he?

After her howl had faded into silence the pain got worse. Surely it'd be any minute now? The more the pain grew the more panicked she felt. What if she wasn't a good mother? Did she need a healer right now? What exactly was she supposed to do? She was so ill-prepared for this that it was painful. She should have asked some more questions. Sadly they hadn't exactly come to mind until now. She'd gotten a vague idea what it would be like from Kalliope, but she hadn't imagined that it'd hurt this much.

Before she knew it, Zell was barreling his way inside the den. Instantly she felt slightly better as he wrapped himself around her back side. She wasn't exactly sure if there was anything he could do to help - she was grateful that he was here. He wasn't a healer though so she figured she'd just have to make due with her maternal instincts. If I have any. As quick as that thought came she abandoned it. She had to have some, right? her body would just take over. It'd know what to do before her mind did.

"Just keep doing what you're doing and help clean them when they come." She panted as she leaned into him.

Not long after there was more pain and she realized she much preferred the pain of sparring. This was nothing like anything she'd felt before. Teeth ripping into her skin had nothing on giving birth. But just like she'd hope her body fell into its natural courses. The contractions came closer and closer together and before she knew it she was pushing out a pup. She barely could register that she'd just had her first pup and she rose her front half to grab the child before setting to work on cleaning it. It had barely made it to her stomach before the wave of pain came again. More contractions, more pushing. Some were harder to squeeze out then others. It seemed some of them had inherited their father's size which was a major downside for the smaller wolf. Did they have to be so damn big? She fell into the routine of cleaning each on, finally letting Zell clean the last two, before she finally could relax. It was finally over - she'd done it. Tiredly she leaned back into Zell once more and then peered around at the pups at her stomach. Three large boys and two smaller females. She smiled softly. They were absolutely gorgeous.

"I suppose they should have names, shouldn't they? I don't believe we ever discussed that. Go ahead and name one - you can have first pick." She trusted that he wouldn't name them anything stupid.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-03-2016, 04:17 AM

Ears flicked in acknowledgement when she told him to keep doing what he was doing. Right...he would remain beside her, comforting her as best as he could while his heart hammered wildly against his chest. The anxiety grew as the minutes went by, her pain obvious as the contractions took over her body. He continued to lick her neck, her ears, her back. Practically grooming her, almost as if he were trying to tidy her up for the arrival of their pups. He stole a glance when the first one came, the male abandoning his task as he stared wide eyed at the tiny bundle. He watched it snuggle into her belly before he realized there were more coming.

He was awestruck. He had never seen something like this before, and it was simply miraculous! As the rest came, he would help clean up the last two before nudging them to her belly with the other three. He looked at them in wonder. Three boys...and two girls. He did feel bad when he noticed that three of them were bigger compared to the other two. Oops. Oh well. He seemed to be in a trance as he watched them, the sound of Faite's voice pulling him out of it. She mentioned naming them. And it hit him that they hadn't talked about it. Another oops. Oh well. Now was their chance. Almost still in a daze, he nodded and peered at them. By the looks of it, two of the pups looked identical in appearance. Twins. A boy and a girl. He rested his head over Faite's back as he reached towards the look alike babies, gently licking the smaller one. "I think Kairi...for this one..." He grinned. "Riri for short. Has a nice ring to it."


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

12-03-2016, 04:33 AM

He seemed just as impressed with the tiny pups just as much as she was. She had children now. She was still trying to wrap her head around that one. She didn't care that they hadn't been planned. She loved them all the same and already she felt a fierce protection of them. Two months carrying them and now they were finally here. It was about damn time. Maybe now she could work off the fat that she'd been accumulating with them growing in her womb. For now though all she wanted to do was rest and eventually fall asleep.

After they named them.

She felt bad that she hadn't thought about it until now. Judging by Zell's face he hadn't thought of it either. Oh well. She watched him as he peered at two of the pups that looked exactly alike. It was strange really. They were twins! How adorable. She listened as he named the smaller one, the girl, Kairi, and she nodded. She liked the name - it had a nice ring to it. She glanced towards the other one.

"He'll be Ruaidhri. Rory for short." Kairi and Rory, cute. She glanced towards the palest of the boys. He reminded her almost of Baine with the soft pinkish hue. His nose was gray though which she found strange. Hmm. She wouldn't be able to tell if he was albino or not until he opened his eyes. "Lets call him Torin." She finally glanced towards the last two. One female and one male left to name. She glanced towards the female with Zell's reddish coloring and pretty cream. "She'll be Jaidah." That left only one male left, another with Zell's reddish color, but her black for the bands and face marking. "You name him." She offered and listened as he named him Breasal. Kairi, Rory, Torin, Jaidah, and Breasal. She loved them all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: I powerplayed Zell naming the last one.

But okay guys, if your kid is accepted you can have at it. Birthing order doesn't matter to me so whoever gets to it first, I don't care lol You don't have to post if you don't want to. Pups will be playable on the 17th.
[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
12-10-2016, 02:30 AM

It was a little weird. Cramped most definitely. She felt like she was being smothered, fighting against those around her just to have a bit of extra leg room! But the more she struggled, the worse she felt. She was curled tightly in on herself, everyone around her pushing and poking and prodding and squirming. She was feeling restless, not that she knew what that really was, but she couldn't stop squirming as she tried to find a comfortable position. Alas, she was simply growing more frustrated! Everyone around her was moving too, making her efforts fruitless. It was starting to get really uncomfortable. She felt everything pressing in on her, the walls of her home almost suffocating along with the other bodies around her. Were she actually able to breath right now, she would probably choke. But after a few moments, she felt her body shift and she suddenly felt like there was more room then before. What was going on?

The walls pressed against her, and in silence she would protest. She just wanted to sleep! Was that so hard to ask for? Like a big earthquake, her tiny little world would shake. Before she knew it, she felt pressure against her little body. She was falling! Or...was she? She had no clue. All she knew, was that one moment she was in a stuffed up cave or something with her siblings, next thing she knew her world suddenly got cold! She opened her mouth in protest, high pitched squeals ringing in the air as she was met with something...warm. It swiped across her body, and next thing she knew she was pressed against something...warm and soft. Almost immediately, she crawled closer and sought out one thing. She felt hungry. Ravenous. And the instincts that took over almost every other animal on earth took hold of her as she sought out her mothers milk. She would flail and groan as she pushed her way through the crowd to reach the perfect spot. And when she finally found it, she settled down. She would drink until she was plump and full before quietly slipping back into sleep.

Walk, "Talk" Think




5 Years
12-11-2016, 02:01 AM
Whatever , Whatever , I do what I want !!

Restriction, how she hated the feeling already. Every week that passed saw more and more of her space taken up by the pressing bodies of others. She could not see them in their dark, liquid prison, but she could feel them. The more they pressed on her, the more uncomfortable she became. It was not anger that took over the small girl, but a mild irritation did occur. Kicking out, she shows her fighting blood before she is even born, catching a sibling - or so she hoped. Before long, it was nearly too much to bear. There was immense pressure on her siblings and her own tiny body, so much that the pup believed she would be crushed. Pushing against another pup with all of her paws, she is utterly shocked when her sibling actually backs off. No, not backs away, disappears entirely! It was a very first, and just as she felt the thrill of victory, there was a pang of loss that tore through her little being. But, she had no time to think as she is swept into the same channel that took the other pup.

Head-first she was forced into the narrow path to life, the entire time she was squeezed and pushed so hard that she thought once again that she would be crushed. Somehow, her minuscule frame managed to survive the process, and she was suddenly free but freezing! thrashing against the last of her restraints, the young girl cries out and clears new lungs of the amniotic fluids that she had once needed for breathing. Tiny growls emanated from her as something warm and rough plodded down her body from nose to tail tip. The warmth she didn't mind, it was the teeth and rough tongue that invaded her space that she wasn't so sure about. With all her might she stands up against the rough-tongued behemoth and gives a clumsy lunge, toothless mouth open as she makes a blind attempt to tell the giant being to cease what she is doing. Her stand is met with a shove toward something that smells utterly delicious and inviting. Her tiny, liver colored nose is hooked on the scent and her small, cream socked paws are in motion to hurry towards the source.

Driven by pure instinct, Jaidah latches on tightly to her mother and settles into place beside her sister. Others come and try to take her place at the fullest teat, but even for a pup so small, she stayed her ground and kept what she had claimed as hers. Soon, she was pressed again as she neared fullness, and the warmth grew to be too much for her to fight. Lulled to sleep by the comforting pressure of her siblings, the newborn dreams of all her life could bring her. She hopes to do her blood proud, and bring pride to her parents. Growing up couldn't happen fast enough for this little fireball!

female - 0 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Jaidah's profile!