
Spreading Our Wings



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-04-2016, 08:32 PM

She raced across the Plains, tongue hanging out as her large paws drummed the ground. The warm summer wind streamed through her silky fur, tail flagged out as she ran without a care! It was much easier to stretch her legs here. It was wide open space, unlike the Pines and the mine they lived at before. There weren't as many trees to get in her way. No slushy mud or snow to make her slip. She could see a little better now that everything wasn't the same color too. Her eyesight wasn't the best, but back where they lived in the snow, she had to squint alot because the snow seemed to reflect all the light.

Ears picked up the sound of drumming as she flew on. Several yards away, a decent sized herd of some weird creature she'd never seen before were bounding and leaping in the same direction she was going. She skidded to a halt as she watched them, wide eyed and curious. What were those? They looked like deer! But...not exactly like the ones they had back in their old home. She watched the way they leapt across the bushes, and eventually they would come to a stop a little further away.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



4 Years
12-04-2016, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2016, 10:15 PM by Afrit.)

This place was too hot, but she loved it here! The journey down here had been fun, and this place was one giant adventure for her. There was no snow to get in the way of digging and eventually her fur coat would start shedding. She was still a bit too thickly furred for this place, but it was an adjustment she'd gladly make. She'd certainly miss the snow, and it being warm in winter was strange, but she certainly approved of the place. The animals here were different, there was a pretty sky to stare at at night, and over all she loved the new scenery.

Now all the needed was to find someone to have fun with.

She set to work on tracking down Dragon or someone. He was an alpha now, all big and important, but surely he wasn't too busy to go on an adventure with her! He'd mentioned it at the meeting and she was going to hold him to it. It wasn't Dragon she found though and instead she came across Okami. She was just standing there staring at ... what were those?! She came up beside Okami and stared at them with her mouth wide open. They looked like deer, but then again they weren't.

"Dude, we should totally chase those."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-11-2017, 12:01 AM

So fascinated by what she saw, she didn't know Afrit was nearby until her sisters voice startled her. Quickly turning her head to see her sister, she smiled and wagged her tail. "You think so? What are they though? They look almost like the deer up North but these seem more...exotic!" She had to admit, chasing them down did sound like fun. And who knew! Maybe they could even manage to catch one for lunch? It was a thought so very tempting to her, and the more she thought about it the more she wanted to do it. Maybe though, she would wait to catch her breath after having just finished running. But if Afrit really wanted to do it too, then she would happily follow her sister in chasing them down. She did wonder how fast they could move...and if the two of them could even pull it off. If not, at least they would get some vigorous exercise.

She was glad that her sister showed up. It had been a while since she had gotten the chance to spend anytime with her if at all, and she was eager to race across the land or play tag or...anything, really. Her littermate seemed to be the most adventurous out of rest of their litter, so no doubt Afrit had something exciting in store. "Nice seeing you, by the way. How've you been?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



4 Years
02-13-2017, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 07:27 PM by Afrit.)

Afrit chuckled softly to herself as she noticed that she'd startled her sister. An apologetic grin swept her face as her tail wagged softly behind her. "You think so? What are they though? They look almost like the deer up North but these seem more...exotic!" "I have no idea what they are but they definitely are pretty though. It's almost a shame we have to eat them." She joked. Almost. Overall they were food and no matter how cool they looked she was going to kill them if she had the chance. Plus she needed to prove her hunting skills to the pack! granted she was hell-bent at being a warrior for the pack, but why not be a good hunter too?

"Nice seeing you, by the way. How've you been?"

Afrit's ears had been trained on the animal's running away, but her attention quickly snapped back to her sibling. A wide grin spread across her face again at Okami's admittance. It was good to see her too! "I've been good! It just sucks cause I feel like ever since dad died I haven't gotten to see any of you guys." Which was true. Ever since Vereux had died Charm had withdrawn to herself and then the pack had moved. Since then Afrit hadn't spent a whole lot of time with her siblings and she hated it. They were supposed to be closer than this!

"How have you been?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2017, 03:37 AM

She giggled at her sisters response. She certainly missed Afrit's humor, that was for sure. While Okami was naturally shy, she didn't really feel that way around Afrit. She didn't know exactly why that was, but maybe it had something to do with how outgoing and adventurous she was. Afrit out of all of them, was definitely the most adventurous, and sometimes Okami envied her for that. She wished she was that outgoing, but she just couldn't bring herself out of her shell enough to do it. Then again, staying close to home all the time probably didn't help her in that aspect either. Her tail had set to wagging as Afrit's attention was drawn to her now instead of the prey, and despite Okami's question, her grin didn't seem to falter. Another thing she envied her sister for. She always seemed to be smiling...

How does she do it?

Afrit's response, however, caused Okami to sort of flinch, and her tail stopped wagging. She frowned a little as she looked at her paws, a guilty and sad look in her eyes as she tried to avoid eye contact for the moment. "I-I'm sorry, Afrit. I didn't mean to...y' so distant...will you forgive me?" She would hate it if Afrit hated her for having been so distant. She didn't even realize it until now, and she realized too that she had driven an invisible wedge between her and her family, keeping them at a distance without meaning to. She snuck a glance at Afrit, and even though they hadn't spent a whole lot of time together, her sister was still smiling. I wish I could be more like her...

"How have you been?" Of course, she should have known that the question would be returned. And Okami wasn't entirely sure how to respond. She was a little sad still? Feeling guilty now that she realized she had been neglecting her family? Lonely? Unsure about what to do with herself or what she wanted to pursue? There were so many different answers she could give..."Oh, um...I'm doing okay. Honestly, I'm glad you came along, Afrit. I miss spending time with you outside of training. And...I'm sorry for being so distant, I guess I had been kinda dwelling on the fact that dad is gone, but I'm learning to accept it, y'know?" She wasn't sure what her sisters thoughts were about their father passing away. She knew Charm wasn't coping well with it, and Arke kept himself busy so he wouldn't think about it. But her? She managed to distract herself enough, but sometimes something would remind her of him, and she'd get sad all over again.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag