
At Least I Know I'm A Sinner



5 Years
12-06-2016, 09:48 PM
ooc: Open spar, though I will warn you, Kharn is very temperamental and this could escalate to a maim fight quickly if he gets pissed off. I'm looking for a three round spar with a five day default!

He was finally headed on his way to Auster - not that he actually wanted to go. He was willing to go to be around his family once again, mostly Dragon, but it didn't mean he'd like it. The pack's name had changed and now it's location was moving too. For a thickly coated wolf like him he didn't know how to feel about it. The north was their home, it had been for a while, and he was going to miss it more than anything. Not the mines maybe, but the pines at least. He'd miss the ice, the snowy environment, and most of all the cold.

On his way to the south he passed by the battlefield and he couldn't help but go through it. He had so much pent up anger an aggression. He'd had his first lesson on sparring here. He remembered all the tips and tricks that had been given to him by the large red male. Maybe he could put that to use? He needed the practice after all and biting some stranger seemed like fun. So he passed through the land that reeked of loners and wolves out to accomplish the same thing as him. He found a decent spot and let out a loud howl calling anyone to come and give him a challenge.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


12-06-2016, 10:04 PM

Zola just happened to be in around the area as the brute for the same reasons. The taste of blood. It was thrilling, a rush. And just like the man himself, she was looking to let out her anger or whatever feelings she may have had. It had been so long, she was out of practice but what was the harm of a little sparring? Maybe a couple cuts and scrapes that would have healed and never left a scar. The woman didn't have a care in the world about it anymore. She wasn't out to impress anybody anymore, just deceive them. They would continue to feel sorry for her and demand her anything she needs.

Casually walking, she would gently approach the man with a sly and cunning grin on her maw. "Looking for some practice, sir?" She looked him up and down with a gleam in her eye; flirting almost. But that could wait for another time. Now she was ready for another kind of fun. "You may have the first move if you'd like."

Walk "Talk"



5 Years
12-07-2016, 11:03 PM
ooc: Chrono and I decided on 9 feet of distance between them before the start of the fight!

A challenger would arrive quickly and Kharn took no time at all to size her up. She was smaller than him, but he was aware that wouldn't mean much at all. She didn't look like much, white with a gray blanket looking marking over the top of her. Her eyes were pretty though. He supposed he'd just have to see what she was made of. He could only hope she proved to be worth the effort. He didn't care if he was inexperienced, he just wanted to experience something.

"So polite." He grinned back at her. He had the feeling she wouldn't be so nice once the fight started.

They stood nine feet from each other from what he could judge, though the distance wouldn't remain for long. He was grateful for the opportunity to go first. It meant he could shore up his defenses before everything started. His tail flagged out behind him to rest parallel with the ground. His fur rose from his neck all the way down the base of his spine and his head automatically lowered to level it out with the rest of his back. Chin tucked inwards and all four legs spread out evenly with his shoulders with claws digging down into the ground for traction. His face scrunched up into a snarl as the skin folded over slit eyes and ears pinned back fully against his head. Shoulders rolled forward to bunch up the extra skin around his neck and a low growl left him. He was ready for this!

He let the muscles in his hindquarters bunch up as he bolted forward in a flurry of fur in teeth. Jaws gaped open as he sought to close the distance between them as quickly as possible. He aimed to come in at a left angle so he'd end up on her right side. He aimed to ram the front of his right shoulder into her own right shoulder in the middle where the shoulder and chest met. All assuming she hadn't moved of course, but he wasn't wasting any time with his movements. Simultaneously he moved his jaws to try and clamp down on the skin behind her right shoulder blade in a severe bite. He was holding nothing back - he didn't care if she was a female or not. He wanted to hopefully knock the wind out of her with his slam as well as leave her bleeding.

Kharnage vs Zola for spar!
Round 1 of 3
Height - 38"
Build - Heavy

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]


12-08-2016, 03:45 PM

(OOC: approving the 9 feet apart ;3)

Zola prepared for the impact, neck scrunching into her shoulders with mouth wide opened and lips snarled. Her claws retracted into the soil, ears pinned against her skull, eyes narrowed, and tail held out aligned with her spine for balance as she was ready for the hit. She bent her knees in an effort so that when the two collided, she could jump into his force.

As the man grew closer, Zola felt a little intimidated by his size compared to hers. She was slim and agile, but that definitely didn't make her any less able to fight. This made her stronger just as the man's size made him stronger as well.

Zola lowered her head with a tucked chin just as the two were head to head. His attack to hit her right shoulder with his own was successful, her body now pushing into his (causing bruising). Her front legs rose from the ground, her chest now depending on his own body to remain standing. He would snap at her shoulder and continue to achieve his goal. Teeth sunk in where her shoulder and ribs came together, thin skin letting blood trickle and flow from the puncture wounds.

As the two were basically hugging, with a low yelp, Zola would then crane her neck down and snap her jaws, aiming to latch on the back of his right foreleg her teeth looking to plant themselves on the sides of his leg from behind. Her left paw, at the same time, would look to wrap itself around to the back of his right leg, beneath his knee, and pull, trying to throw him off balance as well. She began to try and shake her right paw and wiggle it up so that she could scratch his chest but his weight was probably too much for her paw to slide up there.

The taste of blood was all she was looking for, not necessarily a win. Though that would make her ego so much brighter.

Walk "Talk"

Zola vs Kharnage for Spar

Height: 35 inches
Build: Light (I still have to change this)

Attacks: Bite to right foreleg from behind + left paw trying to bend his right knee to throw him off balance, Right paw scratching chest.

Defenses: 1. Neck scrunched  2. Mouth open 3. Lips snarled 4. Claw retracted into soil 5. Ears pinned against skull 6. Eyes narrowed 7. Tail aligned with spine for balance 8. Knees bent 9. Head lowered 10. Chin tucked

Injuries: Bruising to shoulder/chest, 4 puncture wounds (2 on ribs, 2 on shoulder) right side of body.