
Some things can't be undone


07-30-2014, 04:46 PM

She would lope across the lands, pup still clasped in her jaws. She had gone straight from the ravine to the last place she had seen Apollo. Her strides would stretch far and wide, covering as much ground as possible. Her sides heaved with exertion and inability to pant. She would not stop until she reached the hills, which she would climb with ease. Standing atop a hill, she would gently set the pup down, tossing her head back to release a summon for Apollo. Her call would echo, surely reaching his ears and probably waking him. The sun had peaked over the edge of the horizon, turning the skies orange. As soon as her call ended, she would lower her bodice to curl around the tiny bundle of fur. She could only provide it with warmth, nothing else, she was unable to nurse, which would pose a problem. The gears turned in her mind as she tried to think of a solution. She held within her very grasp the key to bringing down Olympus.Olympus had thrown away a child, thrown it straight into her waiting paws, and now she could raise it to hate the very place it had been born. In the growing light, she would inspect the pup for any injuries. Cuts and buries covered his tiny body and then she finally found his deformity. His leg was so tiny and frail, it would break with the slightest touch. No wonder, he would struggle immensely under any sort of training. But she would not give up, she would raise him and train him to be a warrior. But only if he survived. Which meant she needed to find a food source...



08-05-2014, 09:21 PM

He had been resting along the hills, not wanting to leave the last place that him and his sweet Chryseis had last met. He missed her dark form, he missed her toxic scent that over powered his own senses. So he had stayed around, hoping that she too, would miss him and come and seek him out. It wasn't long after that her song called out for him, and his albino form perked as he turned towards the sound. He trotted up to her, his jaws parting to let out his lyrical speech when he saw a a small bundle curled up within the darker fur of Chryseis's belly. He froze, bending down and sniffing at it. It smelled of water, but there was another scent that clung to its coat. The large beast scrambled back, shaking his head. He just gaped, his mind reeling. This was... this pup smelled of his parents. It couldn't be, no way. Shaking his head with vigor he backed up, almost tripping over his own hind legs.

Apollo could think of no words, his eyes couldn't even leave the pup to look up at the golden marked female. This had to be a mistake. He saw all the pups within his parents den, but this one he had not. He was utterly baffled, he couldn't even truly wrap his mind around it. "What is this?" He muttered, his salmon ears pinning back against his skull. He had a pretty good idea of what this was, but he needed to hear it from her. Chryseis would never lie to him, she would tell him if his mind was playing tricks on him. His ruby eyes still locked on the tiny form, he refused to do anything else.



08-05-2014, 09:59 PM

He would heed her call without hesitation. He came trotting to her side but he took immediate notice of the bundle curled at her belly. His crown would lower to sniff it before he reared back as though she has some sort of disease. A brow would lift in minor offense but she said nothing. His ears pinned against his skull, his gaze never leaving the pup. The answer to his question was obvious, but she would humor him for now. "I'd say its a pup." Lyrics rolled casually off her tongue, her own cyan gaze drifting towards the child. After a moment she would turn to look at him again, but he was still frozen in place, his gaze glued to the child at her belly. She would allow the suspense to build for a bit longer before she begun to explain. The temptress was entirely obvious to the fact that this child was his brother.

"I watched as a dark woman threw him into a ravine and then fled. Im quite surprised he even survived the fall." Shoulders would lift in a shrug, though her tones did hold surprise. She still couldn't believe that a mother had thrown her own child to its death. "I figured he needed a home." Her tones were nonchalant, rolling smoothly off her tongue as her gaze shifted between the child and Apollo. She knew that if she was going to raise him, he would need a name. She mulled it over, thinking carefully about it, though still giving Apollo her attention should he decide to join the real world and snap out of trance.



08-05-2014, 11:26 PM

He just couldn't take his eyes off the pup, even after the black wolf curled around it spoke. No. This wasn't true, this wasn't right. He knew who this was, but he just wouldn't accept it. He couldn't, because that would mean that the parents that he cared for were not the saints he had drawn them up to be. Apollo felt like he had just lost the final thing that even made him stay in Olympus, the only thing that made him hesitant about Chryseies's plan. But this... this was a whole new chapter for him, and he knew that this dame had no idea what was going on. She probably thought that he was crazy, frozen in this trance-like state.

Finally tearing his gaze from the tiny demon he met her eyes, his own salmon hued ones looking confused and oh-so lost. "That woman was my mother." He hissed through clenched teeth. "The pup you have claimed is my brother. I didn't even know he existed, my mother must of hide him from me and my father most likely assisted. I never knew my dear parents were so twisted." He said, looking away from his darling Chryseis and towards the horizon. He had never before felt so lost. Did they contemplate dumping him because of his imperfect coat? Did it ever cross their minds that he might be cursed? His mother always told him that it was nonsense, but that was probably her just trying to convince herself that he was normal. But he was far from it. A strange, mangled sound came from his maw, a whine mixing with a growl.

He felt shaky, and sick. Apollo felt as if he was going to wretch. He knew that with that twisted leg he noticed, that he would not have made it through training. But how could they toss their own son to die? Did they feel sadness, loss? The stony walls around Apollo were falling down, he felt as if his whole world was coming apart at the seams. "What are you going to do with him?" He managed, although he could see black dots dancing before his vision. For the first time in his entire life, the stony male wanted to be held.


08-07-2014, 12:14 AM

When he finally snapped out of his trance, he looked confused and lost. Brows would furrow in her own confusion. Why was he so upset by this? She was about to voice her question when he spoke and suddenly everything became crystal clear. His words came through clenched jaws and had her brows lifting in surprise. His mother? So this pup was his brother? Interesting. The rest of his words went in one ear and out the other, all that mattered what this pup was his brother. His salmon gaze left hers in favor the horizon, emotions flashing across his face as he seemed to be torn on what to do. She could only imagine the turmoil that was racing through his mind. She would remain silent, allowing him to process the situation that was currently tucked against her belly.

His question fell shakily from pale lips, and it had her thinking. "He will stay with us, seeing as he is your brother." She would peer down at the child, once again mulling over names. But when she would lift her gaze, Apollo looked at though he was about to gal over dead. "Come here." She would coo softly, beckoning to him to lay beside her. She didn't know what was going through his mind, but whatever it was, she didn't think it was good. A gentle smile played on her lips, as she hoped to sooth his pain, a rarity for her, and a moment that should be cherished.



08-07-2014, 01:57 AM

Her soft words told him to come to her, and after a few moments of hesitation he did so, settling his larger body behind hers. He huffed as he fell, resting his pale head on her shoulders, salmon eyes staring down at the pup, at his brother. How were they going to care for this whelp? They didn't have a mother to nurse it, and it was just a babe. Huffing out a sigh, he licked the black fur that lay beneath his head. "How in the world are we going to feed him?" He mused out loud, his vocals soft as he stared it down. With that leg twisted the way it was, how could they even train him? Would he make it that far?

His gaze shifted over to her golden marked face, his eyes sliding closed as he shook his head back and forth. "Is this what happens when I leave you alone? You wander off and bring me the unknown? You're like a cat to bring me treasures, but to what measure? How can we care for him, with that mangled limb?" He asked in his lyrical voice, his eyes opening to search her face. Did she truly think that she would start to provide milk for the mangled pup? Milk didn't just sprout from the ground. Perhaps when they went hunting they could search for a mother deer, maybe feed the child its milk then. It was spring, there was plenty of deer still nursing. He awaited her answer before he would share his own thoughts.


08-17-2014, 06:48 PM

He would settle down behind her, his pale skull resting across her petite shoulders. A small smile would curl her dark lips as his tongue ran across her dark fur before his lyrics fell quietly. "'We'll figure something out." It wasn't a very good answer, but it was the truth. She wouldn't let this child starve so soon after saving him. Especially now that she knew that this tiny child was Apollos own flesh and blood. Her gaze would linger on the child, finally taking time to examine his mangled leg in detail. He had a long road ahead of him that was for sure. He would shake his head, whimsical words leaving his pinkish lips. A soft chuckle would roll of her tongue as she peered over at him, looking mildly amused.

"Your life would be so dull without me though." Sultry words fell from dark lips before a serious look took over. "He will have to learn to deal with it, he will be trained to strengthen his leg until he can finally use it properly and then he will begin something more rigorous." The dark queen would muse out loud, peering down once more at the tiny bundle of fur at her belly. Such a strange turn her life had taken. First she had found Apollo, and now she had a child to care for. Who would have thought she was capable of caring for a child? Her thoughts would be kept to herself, they were for her own amusement. For now, the only thing she was sure of, was this child would grow to be something great, he would be the key in bringing down Olympus. She could already imagine the look on his parents faces when he ends their miserable lives.
