
It All Comes Back Full Circle



6 Years

12-08-2016, 12:31 AM

Things were so different now, but Faite felt like she was getting into a fairly nice routine. She'd stretch her legs when she needed to, but she never strayed out of the Estuary. Surprisingly enough, she trusted Zell. She didn't know him all that well, but then again having kids with someone tended to bring them closer together it seemed. At least it worked out in her case. She knew her routine would change again once the pups were old enough to come out of the den and she knew she couldn't hide them in the estuary forever. So far Zuriel had been the only one to see them and she knew it couldn't remain that way for long. The kids were growing quickly and she wasn't sure what she'd do once she'd have to start chasing them around.

At some point they needed to be back within the borders of a pack. She couldn't keep loners away from the estuary and she'd be a fool to try. So far she'd gotten lucky - there hadn't been anyone hostile to come by. She also knew that prey was scarce and if any predators decided they liked the idea of making her children a snack - well she didn't want to think about it. Then there was Zuriel to think about. She'd offered to let her stay with them for as long as she needed, but her situation made her nervous. If Elias was capable of doing something like that to her sister then who was to say someone worse would come along? She still wasn't exactly in the best fighting shape and she didn't want to leave it all up to Zell to defend them.

She also didn't want to make Zuriel uncomfortable either. She knew how hard it would be to tell Regulus what had happened and she could only picture their brother's reaction. He'd be out for blood and she couldn't see Regulus holding back like Faite was doing. She'd stay here for as long as Zuriel needed, but eventually (if she was pregnant) then something needed to happen. Faite certainly wasn't going to wait around forever to get retribution. She at least wanted to track Elias down to know what the hell he'd been thinking by forcing himself on her sister.

It was early morning when she exited the den. She was comforted by the fact that the kids eyes weren't open yet and they wouldn't be going anywhere. So far she'd made a good habit of waking up early and going on a walk and this morning was no exception. The sun was just peeking out of the trees and very few clouds marred the sky. It was still cold and the land still somewhat marshy despite the fact it had snowed quite a bit. She didn't mind the wetness for once since she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts. She wanted to try and clear it with some fresh air, but her mind kept fretting over everything.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


12-09-2016, 07:39 PM

The boy had finally found himself at ease. Finding his lost, unknown brother. Though now it seemed like there was nothing else to do. He spent these last few years searching for Colten, and then searching for the other man that looked like him. Caeto was his name. What else was there in life? Perhaps spending time with his new-found family. He had to admit though, through his excited behavior it was still awkward being around them. He didn't know any of them truly existed for 5 years.

For once he was just exploring, not searching. Though he had been all over the continent. Well, everything but the North and he knew neither of them had traveled there. So it wasn't the first time he had been here. He enjoyed the the sound of the birds that had been much quieter due to the cooling weather. He too was not concerned about the mucky, hard marsh water that would splash up on his coat as he just strolled around.

Soon enough he would spot a woman in his eye sight, excitement rushing through his blood. He was a very social wolf, especially since he spent the last 3 years or so alone and on the run to find his people. Eventually he calmly approached her, loudly slumping his paws in the mud hoping not to startle her. "Hello." He let out with cunning grin.

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat



6 Years

12-15-2016, 04:24 PM

She was doing her best to avoid the more muddy parts of the estuary, but it was rather difficult. In the end it still ended up coating her lower legs and she realized she'd have an awful time of cleaning herself up before she went back home. She shrugged it off and continued her walk and drowned herself in her own thoughts. Zuriel came to the forefront of her mind, but it wasn't the only thing she was dwelling on. So much had happened recently that it was hard to focus on just one thing in particular.

Another set of paws making their way through the sludge snapped her out of her thoughts. Her body tensed and ears flicked until her bi-colored gaze rested on another wolf. Black with white and then strange black spots that covered him. She'd never seen a wolf marked like him before. Her own eyes sought to meet his green ones as she studied him before she relaxed. His face was friendly and inviting and he'd gone through the trouble of making sure she could hear him.

So far she'd had luck with finding friendly wolves. Arborick had been nice and she'd run across a few others. It was strange that so many had been traveling through the Estuary. She hadn't quite imagined this place to be the most social of places, but she supposed it was pretty in the spring and summer. She still wan't fond of all the birds, but it wasn't terrible as far as looks.

"Hi there. What brings you out this way?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


12-15-2016, 10:39 PM

Minty optics searched the woman's mis-matched ones. This wasn't the first time he had seen someones eyes like this, but he still found it interesting; beautiful even. Looking down at her shiny pendant, he would look back to her still with a kind grin, "I enjoy the birds at this time of year, it's too loud during the summer." He closed in some distance between the two, about ten feet apart. "You don't seem to be a stranger here yourself." He caught a whiff of her aroma in the area, it wasn't strong but he could tell she had been here for sometime. Her pups were still hidden sweetly in her den or whatever and he couldn't tell that they even existed.

The man was always happy  to find friends. And though there was always a way he could take advantage of friendships when he needed them, he was always there for the other people and felt no need to ask them for anything. He was loyal to those who meant him kindness. This trait would never turn on him.

"My name is Amarant Sovari-Mathias." He introduced with a nod of his chin, "Amarant is fine though." He chuckled slightly before asking, "Is there something I could call you?"

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat



6 Years

12-15-2016, 11:05 PM

An ear flicked curiously as he admitted he only liked it here in the winter since the birds were too noisy any other time. She grinned softly and nodded her head in agreement. For once someone actually agreed with her. It was a relief really - the place could be the most beautiful territory on earth, but since the birds didn't shut up they often ruined it. it was hard to enjoy it with constant squawking, chirping, and other deafening noises that all piled up on top of one another.

"No, I've been living here for a little while now. I don't plan to stick around too much longer. I'm sure I'll have heard enough of birds to last me a life time."

She listened as he introduced himself and she tried to see if she recognized the name, but with no luck. His markings and name weren't one she recognized. She was fairly certain she'd recognize dark spots like that on a wolf anyways and she hadn't seen anyone like that before. So she shrugged it off and smiled at him with a soft wave of her tail. It seemed she was making a lot of friends lately.

"I'm Faite Adravendi. It's nice to meet you Amarant."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


12-17-2016, 02:44 PM

"And you as well." he replied. He would look back down to her pendant again, interested in knowing why it was wrapped around her neck. It wasn't normal to have such things on your body, but he knew that some wolves found joy in taking unknown items and flaunting them. "May I ask where you found that? Around your neck?" Looking back up to her he would allow her as much time as she needed to answer before looking around past her into the rest of the estuary, looking to see if she were accompanied by anyone else, "Are you here alone?"

Amarant was a very nosy wolf, and didn't know much about boundaries. He was pretty relaxed toady, so he wouldn't be jumping around and asking to terribly crazy questions. The woman was kind, and he admired anyone who meant good intentions. He was happy to see another friend in the near future.

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat



6 Years

12-26-2016, 10:19 PM

She couldn't help but notice how his eyes kept traveling down to her necklace. She knew it was an oddity for most wolves, yet for her it was a normal thing. She'd gotten used to its presence around her neck and she knew she'd feel empty without it. For some strange unexplained reason her family wore necklaces and the only ones she didn't think had any were Tornach and the younger ones. She hadn't found hers until late so she was sure they'd be able to find one as well if they were really interested in having one. She was sure there'd be more motivation if any of the actually knew why their family wore them.

"I found it by the ocean one day. My family has this thing about necklaces - most of my siblings wear them too."

She watched him curiously as he peered around her and she looked behind her rather panicky to see if one of her kids had followed her or something. To her surprise nothing was there so she instantly calmed and looked back at him. Had he expected someone with her? She flicked an ear and shook her head to his question. She technically was alone, other than his presence, but Zell and her pups weren't too far away.

"I am right now, but my kids and ..." She trailed off for a moment as she realized she didn't know what to call Zell. He wasn't her mate, but could she classify him as a friend if she'd had kids with him? Their relationship was confusing. "I have a friend and kids in a den nearby."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


12-27-2016, 12:29 PM

Amarant tilted his head when she said she found it by the ocean. The water was unrealistically long an deep, so it didn't surprise him. He wanted to find one for himself now, he had the time. But he was also wondering what he would do with something like a necklace. It was a neat thing to have but there was really no use for it. His mind shrugged it off as the woman answered his question if she were alone.

"Ooo, Kids?" He sounded partially excited but not overly. "I want to have some of my own one day. I've been tracking for a long time so I never had time." He didn't go into much detail but he didn't mind telling the woman if she asked. Amarant was like a capped bottle ready to explode. He shook himself up all these years but always kept those emotion kept on the back of the top shelf. One day he would blow up and probably frighten and confuse everyone around him. He was such a cheerful man, but he also had a fuse. A fuse of anger and a fuse of pain.

He would chuckle to her with a grin, "I would hope you left someone with them," being sarcastic, "Wouldn't be smart to just let them wander the swamps. I was a wandered myself when I was young, I didn't find myself in the best of places."

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat



6 Years

01-17-2017, 02:15 PM

He didn't comment on her necklace again which was a relief. She loved it, it felt like a part of her now and would feel naked without it, but she wasn't sure how to explain why she had it. She'd found it and her family had them as well. There really wasn't much more information she could give him so she was happy to drop the subject.

It was easier to focus on his evident excitement about kids. Her comment caused her ears to perk up instantly and she smiled softly. "Yes, five of them in fact." She said with a chuckle. They weren't a handful yet, but she imagined that would be changing once they were old enough to leave the den.

She listened as he explained he wanted some children, but the mention of tracking didn't quite add up. Was he looking for someone? Either way she could understand how that would hinder the ability to have kids. She hadn't exactly planned on her own kids. She traveled too much and had so many ideas on what she wanted to accomplish before she had them. One of the main things was finding a mate and settling down in the pack she wanted to create, but that order had been royally screwed up. She didn't regret them though.

"Well I hope you manage to find some time for a family if you're really interested in kids. They're hard work, but I already love it." Her ears flicked at his sarcastic tone and she laughed softly. Thankfully they weren't old enough to go out in the cold winter swamp and find things to get in trouble with. "They're too little to travel yet, so I've left them with their father. Thankfully I don't have to worry about them running around quite yet."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]


01-22-2017, 09:28 PM

Amarant would chuckle to the thought. Cohen was very den-bound and attached to his mother's hip. He wasn't adventurous at all. And now that he thought about it, it was odd to himself. But a son of Colten however sounded about right.

"Well I suppose I won't keep you long. You can continue with the joys of your children." He really did hope that his dream would come true one day, but he wouldn't linger on it. He wanted to find love and settle down first, as she did. "Perhaps we will see each other again?" Letting her say her own farewells or whatever, he would then turn to leave. It was a pleasant meeting and he could see the two becoming friends in another.

-Exit Ammy unless stopped-

Walk "Talk" Think

Image By A Lovely Kat