
Butterflies Don't Live Forever



10 Years
Dragon Mod
12-08-2016, 07:25 PM
It was a few weeks into winter...and still, the pain did not cease. Her father had saved her, giving his life in the process. But...she was torn. For so long they had searched for each other, her father had apparently been watching over her for the last year or so, and she had no clue. They had even been in the same pack! But because she never recognized him, she didn't realize he had been so close by. If only...if only she had realized it sooner, then they could have had more time together. Instead, the only time granted was the day he died. He told her everything in his last few moments, the old male desperately holding on until she knew everything. She had been extremely shocked that day, both by the attempted attack of the mountain lion, and the discovery of finding out that he had been there all that time. It wasn't fair though...she didn't get to tell him of all the things she had seen. The things that happened.

She did tell him and let him know that she loved him, and that she didn't hate him like he so feared. She watched him die in peace, as much peace as he could be in with all the fatal wounds on his body. She cried long and hard after that. And she buried his body at the top of the cliffs among the flowers she had sat among. It had taken a lot of energy and struggle to drag his lifeless body up the steep and narrow trail she had taken to reach him, but it was a task she felt that she had to do. She couldn't leave him on that ledge forgotten and left to deteriorate in the elements. He deserved better then that.

And now, she was here. Finally walking away from his grave. Alone, and sadder then ever. She didn't know where to go from here. Or what to do with herself. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to Fiori or just let destiny lead her on whatever course it had planned. So for now...she wandered along the banks of the now frigid bay. Snowflakes lightly drifted on her pelt, but she ignored the cold. Head low and tail dragging, the woman felt like she was at a complete loss...