
Jaidah Adravendi-Valentine



5 Years
12-09-2016, 02:50 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Bird
Age: 25.

Character's Name: Jaidah (ya-aid-ah) Adravendi-Valentine
Character Age: Newborn (0 years)
Season of Birth: Winter

Adult Height: 32 inches.

Build: Light

Appearance Description:
[ Eye Color: ] Heterochromia - Jaidah has two different eye colors, her right eye is yellow and her left eye is blue. The right eye is a bright, sunlit wonder. The blue of her left is deep and celestial. Both are mesmerizing and it is hard to focus on only one.

[ Body type: ]
[ Lean ] - Jaidah is a thin, breakable looking female. She possesses thick muscle layers, though they are so well placed it is hard to see exactly how strong she truly is. Her body is narrow, streamlined and neat. The widest part of her is taken straight from her mother and is her chest - though by wolf standards it is still a delicate looking chest.
[ Fast ] - Being so wispy gives the advantage of a rather alarming flexibility to Jaidah. Her back is long and spring-like, giving an extra length to her stride that allows her to be much faster than one would guess. It also allows her to swing around almost double on herself, giving her a better range of motion than most.
[ Strong ] - This girl has plenty of muscle, thanks to her father and mother. Through her coat one can see the supple curves of her thick muscles. Curves abound with her, from her elegant stance to the way her hips are perfectly rounded. She is beauty personified with her carriage and grace, but one can easily see that she has bite as well as looks.
[ Feminine ] - Jaidah is a delicate looking doll-like creature, her face is the utter definition of beauty. She is expertly crafted with a delicate bridge and gently sloping forehead. Her ears are small and lightly pointed, her neck elegantly curved to give her a regal holding that comes naturally. Her chest is sloped ever so gently down into long, lean and well-muscled legs that make her seem to dance more than walk. Her rib-cage is deep, and slopes up into a trim stomach. Her back is one long elegant line of strength that meets softly rounded hips to descend into powerful, yet graceful hind legs.

[ Coat pattern: ]
This girl's base color is so vibrantly russet, that it almost looks like the cake part of red velvet cake. To top off this look, she has the creamy off-white color of her father that looks just like the cream cheese icing one would put on that little bite of deliciousness. This creamy yellow is found over her eyes, temples, the bridge of her nose, the tip of her bottom jaw, in a broken rim around her ears, and in stockings on all four of her paws.

[ Fur type: ] Soft, thick, short

Skills: Healing & Fighting
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Jaidah's profile!


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
12-09-2016, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2016, 03:43 PM by Evelyn.)
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