
They Call Her A Killer, A Sinner, And A Whore


12-12-2016, 04:55 PM

Zola was happy that the winter had brought snow and cold to her in her new home. She had missed the everlasting winter in her ship regardless that she had stayed den-bound most of her puphood. She used to be so terrified of the outside world, always worried that Lian wouldn't come back or that there would be nothing she could do to help him. But she slowly adventured her way out of that ship and when it was time for her and Lian to run away, she was alone.

The trees here no longer bared fruit due to the freezing weather but the overgrown brush had a layer of ice surrounding every vine and leaf in this orchid. And it was beautiful. She ran around through the heavy trees, a chiming as a breeze blew through icicle branches. Excited with the snow and ice, she jumped through a tangle of vines and into what seemed like a secluded area, nothing but trunks and shrubbery surrounded her as she jumped and swung around. It was beautiful and she was beautiful.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-12-2016, 05:22 PM
Almost home. His trip up north on his quasi pilgrimage had been to say the least, interesting as he had meet a woman named Lyre in Ebony's old lands. And interesting got more interesting as the night went on and he could've sworn now that he thought about it that there was a bit of a spring in his step as he left Lyre in the morning. The cold of winter still followed him, the temperatures far more chilly than when he had decided to begin this little roundabout of the lands to take a break from family life and have some time to himself. Now he was settled in for the remaining days it would take to get back to the fjord and his family as he lay down in the orchard. Truth be told he would've wanted to go back to The Range and sleep somewhere familiar one last time but his journey didn't require that detour and would only put more wear on his paws.

The Orchard did fit the job nicely as he rested his chin on his paws and rested in seclusion. With a burst of branches the dark furred female made her prescience known as he started quickly to his paws to watch the display across the small clearing resolve itself as the she-wolf snapped at vines and pulled them hard enough to send the foliage's ice everywhere as the contorting vegetation was shaken and whipped. For a moment Nako stared at the pelt and felt an inkling of familiarity before he ceased the thoughts had opened his muzzle. "Having fun?" It didn't particularly sound as sarcastic as it could've been. Besides, who was he to interrupt another's enjoyment and merriment in life even if it was being performed by a woman such as this and not a pup or yearling?


12-12-2016, 08:25 PM

She leaped around, snow flinging up from her paws until she looked up and admired the snow and ice falling around her. She would be interrupted by a man, standing around her. Though she wouldn't be her usually crummy, old self, she would look at the man with gentle optics and walk towards him with a steady step. "Oh, yes." she replied with a sparking grin, "And what, are you not?" she turned her cheek away from him as if she were offended, though she still held that foolish grin, "Do you not like what you see?"

She swung her tail around, flaunting herself. Zola was a queen in her own eyes. Everyone should be bowing down to her. And she was beyond beautiful, every man should be breaking their necks to look in her direction. This was all in her head of course though she had been around the block once or twice. She wasn't worried what others thought about her. She didn't need anyone by her side anyway.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-13-2016, 02:10 AM
Even as the woman continued to twist and let snow spray every which way along with her movements Nako couldn't help but crack a smile at the antics of this other wolf. Caught the moment of something for sure, even if he wouldn't admit it winter did offer a sort of enraptured aura when in the right locals. At his call she stopped and turned towards him, the smile on his muzzle lessening as she made straight for him while calling back a verbal challenge. Nako's ears flickered and he tilted his head slightly at her words. "I am... and I guess I do now that you mention it." Even he usually wasn't this forward when questing for a rut with a woman.

The she-wolf certainly made a show of it as she swished her tail and smiled at him. All that needed was some batted eyes and a verbal confirmation and that would've been all the signs he needed to act upon this suddenly shocking situation. Nako bit the corner of his lip and sucked in a cheek. Certainly not how he was planning this day on going, much less this encounter. He already held the hips of one female during this trip and this stranger seemingly needed him. Or she was teasing. That prospect was much more concerning as he did plan on a few more hours of walking before the evening got to heavy and needed to bed down somewhere. But who said he couldn't m be late a day and with a warm body against his during the winter? "And your name miss before you continue with your pleasant display?" Nako hummed as he puffed out his chest a bit. It was the least that could be said before this encounter continued, for better or for worse.


12-14-2016, 10:27 PM

She moved closer to him approaching his with droopy eye lids though not in the way that she was tired. She glared at the man, the stranger. He somehow found her way out in this abandoned, overgrown orchid. He deserved some kind of prize. Even if he was being a creeper and following some girl into no where or just wandered by at the perfect moment.

She would come to his side, left shoulder to left shoulder and brushed against him with her body like a cat almost, if he allowed it. "Oh come now darling, that's my little secret." She proposed remaining nameless. She would catch the scent of another woman on his fur, his entire body in fact. Coming around him in a circle, continuing to rub against him until she came to his right side she looked at him yet again, "Is there something I should be worried about?" She rolled off her tongue with a couple flutters of her lashes. If the man was connected with someone, that meant nothing to her. Just a little more drama to add to her rebellious lifestyle.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Nako continued to stand before the female and his eyes took a lazy quality as the woman finished sauntering up to him. Mismatched eyes surveyed her form and still as the two of them began the pleasantries of mingling in this secluded overgrowth of foliage he couldn't help be feel that she had a familiar air about her. The thought was brushed aside as he admired the way the purple of her cheeks mingled into the dark fur upon her head, the way her fur caressed him as the teasing began when she reached his side.

Straightforward wasn't normally a word he found himself using in any given situation, but it was how she was behaving that elicited the thought to cross his mind as her should brushed, no, pressed into his as he reclined on his haunches to watch the display. Denying knowledge of her name wasn't really important to Nako, even as their fur mingled as she trailed along his back and to his other side. He turned to look into her eyes and marveled at how the two of them were in such proximity not even a moment after meeting. Bluntness met bluntness as she inquired about anything to be worried about and made a little show of batting her eyes. "I wouldn't say so. Only the gait of your hind legs when I'm done servicing a temptress such as yourself should you allow me to take you." There was a hint of a growl as he brought his muzzle to hers and nipped the corner of her jaw. Two could play at this game. And he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to warm up in this winter a second time.


12-16-2016, 08:40 PM

She opened her jaw to his touch, turning toward him, now standing more in front of him but extremely close. She reached her chin to his ear, lips now curling to her words, "Then what are you waiting for?" She whispered seductively then nipping at the base of his ear. She then trailed her teeth lightly through his fur, grasping where his shoulder and chest connected near the top of his shoulder blade. She may have been a little rough at this point with her teeth, but she would have preferred to taste some blood after all. She liked it this way, and she hoped he did too. Letting their chests press against each other for some time,allowing him to do as he pleased, she would eventually spin around, not escaping his touch and back her self into him. She let a frustrated growl come from her throat. She was ready, she needed this release even if he didn't but he hadn't seemed like he wanted to refuse, even the fact that he was with another woman not too long ago wouldn't slow her down. Though, she did have to admit that she was disappointed he wasn't a married man. It was still fun.


Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-19-2016, 01:36 PM
Now that he thought about it Nako was glad that the two of them were hidden away. The things he would want to do to this woman raced through his mind as her teeth scraped along his ear. Another nip was given against her jaw, all for her benefit but there was no love behind it. Romance was out the door with this latest notch in the bedpost and he wouldn't have it any other way with this female's almost hostile actions. She spoke again with a pinch of teeth. Nako tensed at the contact of teeth on a shoulder. Words of need and impatience as their chests came together and echoed away in the surrounding winter enclave.

It was for a moment that he would match her touch. But there was a tipping point for the woman, a final push over the edge as it all became to much and satisfaction was needed. With spin she broke away and turned until her rump pressed against his forelegs. It was all so sudden, her growl, the way she held herself before him. Nako needed no further prompt. With a shift of his weight the male reared up with the woman's tail in his teeth and settled heavily on her back as his forelegs shifted to the crook of her hind legs and muzzle snaked against her shoulder blades. He'd released her tail to be trapped between their bodies and keep obstruction to a minimum, jaws grabbing the loose skin of the strangers scruff and letting himself settle into a performance that would contrast the way she acted. Only lust and heavy motions drew out their coupling as the stranger's meeting inevitably was to be witnessed only by the shadows of the forest.



12-19-2016, 02:10 PM

A hefty, yet quiet breathing came from her nose, steam pouring from the nostrils, as she now lay beside the man leaning against him using his own body as a resting post. Sprawled out on her side, if he were to move she would have probably fell over all the way to the frosty ground. It was probably one of the best she had ever had, and she could only hope in the back of her mind that this wouldn't be the last. Of course the two could do a little less than the sex, she wasn't all whore after all.

Rolling her neck back, the top of her skull resting around his shoulder to look up at him, she would let out, "Zola." A grin followed, showing her satisfaction. "My name. It's Zola Leone." He deserved what he once asked for. Her "secret" was her form of payment to him for what a swell job he did. Usually it was the opposite, the female asking for something in return, and maybe in this case it wasn't even needed. They both wanted the release, but this is what she decided to give back.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
12-26-2016, 12:58 PM
Nothing romantic had resulted in both of the wolves coupling. There had been no love shared or lost between them as Nako had finally acted upon this woman's teasing until they had finally reached the end and separated to lay in the snow. Her side was on his chest and a paw tucking her hips against his body. Nothing else moved save for shallow breaths as Nako dozed away the aftermath of their session and mind blanked out in content fashion. Another notch in the bedpost. Yet another conquest satisfied and without need for the time being as he reveled in the pleasing way in just how sore his inner thighs were.

The woman shifted her head from his shoulder and spoke. The word was a name. Zola. Nako looked down at her and the smiling face that gave a last name. Zola Leone. The male stiffened. Leone. Alena. His real mothers name along with his four siblings. Nako let out a faltering breath as he continued to look down at Zola. Was there a chance that his siblings had survived after all these years? He had last seen Lel nearly four years ago shortly before his fathers death. Was there a chance his mother or siblings had children that were wandering the land? Nako realized he had been holding his breath. This wasn't right what they had done. It was immensely pleasurable but now it was all slightly sickening. Did he even dare to ask Zola who she was related to? A rather morbid sense of curiosity left him little chance to talk himself out of it, and so he spoke as calmly as he could? "Who is your mother and father?" Out of the blue, certainly, and here was to hoping that she wouldn't catch on to his worry or the sudden overwhelming growth of panic that was making it's way into his mind.


12-26-2016, 05:01 PM

Zola would notice his odd emotional shift, but she wouldn't pay any mind to it. She would act almost oblivious to the fact that he was finding out they were related. "Jian was my mother." She paused as if her mother was her only parent. "And... Lel." She mumbled her father's name, wishing he weren't. She had wanted his attention sometimes but she was terrified of the man. She couldn't explain it but it was just the way she felt about him. She answered Nako's questions easily, as if it weren't weird and random to ask a totally stranger about their parents. They weren't actually strangers anymore.

The truth was that if Zola were to know that this man was her Uncle, she wouldn't see any fault or problem with it. Her parents were litter mates after all, as were herself and Lian. But she wasn't raised to believe that it was wrong, she didn't even know her parents were litter mates. She would probably be angry if he brought it up like they had sinned. They had though, in more than one way.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
01-01-2017, 02:47 PM
Heartbeat thundering in his ears Nako tried not to suddenly ask more vehemently just who she was related to. Breath was quickening and the male closed his eyes with a grimace as Zola spoke aloud her parents names. Jian and Lel. She was his niece. He had slept with his niece. No, slept was to kind of a word for what they did. Her display before the act had lead to it being an outright rut as the harlot was satisfied. The paw that had kept Zola beside him slackened it's grip as thoughts turned to Lel. Incest with a sibling was bad enough to add to ones reputation, and like his brother and sister Nako had done to deed with a family member. This information wouldn't be shared with Zola. Nor the fact that Lel had raped his brothers wife. Incest, rapist, Lel had been a playful sibling as a pup but that had clearly been expunged from his personality. Nako's gaze narrowed as he found himself stroking Zola's hip.

He still wouldn't tell her. Not directly at least. "Those are names I haven't heard in a long time." Nako found himself saying. Hopefully that was enough to cover up the question about her lineage. Sleeping around wasn't such a bad way to live. Many females had found their way underneath his chest and their hips being held by his paws as they were well tended to. Zola was no exception to say the least but an indescribable sadness was made it's way into Nako's thoughts as any sense of a pleasurable aftermath vanished. Just what had driven her away from her parents? His siblings. Asking was out of the question but burned as strong as a wildfire, such was his need to know. After all these years here was his chance to ask about his real littermates born from Alena. Nako placed a single lick between Zola's ears and let out a hum as the two of them continued to rest.


01-01-2017, 05:33 PM

Enjoying the attention from the male, though still not having any kind a spark or interest in turning this first meeting into anything more, Zola would allow him to stroke her hip and lick between her ears. There was some sort of satisfaction with a calm ending after she was finished with a male. There was some kind of emotion afterwards, at least most of the time. The gentleness after all the rush and adrenaline, the dame enjoyed it. It was almost as if she had been with the male for years and here they were giving each others kisses and love. But it was all fake. They would continue on with their lives without a thought of coming back to each other unless it was for a round two.

Ears slightly perked to the man as he mentioned that her parent's names were known by him. "I didn't know my parents had friends." She spoke with a rise of an eye brow, sarcastically, not implying that they were actually friends. A quiet chuckle came to her maw as she thought of Lel even having any friends. He would have been the worst friend someone could have had...

"It was only me and my brother. And..." She paused, eyes dropping slowly to the white ground. She wasn't even aware of what Armai and Calder were to her. Biologically they were her half siblings, but she didn't approve of them at all. "Lel's other bastards." She wasn't saying that her and Lian were bastards too, but Lel was her father and she didn't consider the other's family. So they were classified as Bastards, accidents, and their mother was an adulterous whore in Zola's eyes. She had no clue that Lel had raped that woman.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
01-19-2017, 01:03 AM
Zola had said that she didn't know her parents had friends. A lie Nako kept buried for the moment as even the term friend was far from true. In fact Nako was as much a stranger to Lel and Lian that he didn't think he would recognize either of them should they come before him. Nor would they see that he was the pup stolen away by their father to be unknowingly reared in a more stable family with step siblings. Times were different back then. Nako had romped and played with his brothers and sisters and didn't think much of what happened to his true family all those years ago. There had of course been Lel making an appearance shortly before Bane died but that was the last any Lione had been see by his mismatched eyes.

Nako continued to listen as his niece spoke of a brother, of bastards, making the male flinch. It was a struggle to make the connection and even he hadn't gotten the full story from his brother Jakart that Callisto had an incident with a pale man up North many winters ago. That story was mired in coincidence and uncertainty about a male that was from Nako's side of the family doing the unthinkable. An uncomfortable air settled between the two embraced wolves as the silence dragged on and the grey wolf let out a sigh. There was no reason for him to let Zola know where the two of them stood now at this revelation. Yes they had both fucked like uncivilized brigands and yes it had been immensely enjoyable as the seductress was played with and making good on a promise but there was obvious taint to the new relationship. "Zola," Nako began as he tried to find the right words, foreleg drawing her hips further back in a comforting manner. "I knew your parents as brother and sister..." The woman, his niece, deserved to know what she was to him. That there was family still walking the lands of Ardent that she could come visit any time.