
It's comical really

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-12-2016, 05:36 PM

The birds were singing fruitfully into the tops of the barren tree's. With winter in the north - it never changed. Despite the rain, there was still snow covering up to his ankle. Although a lot more mushy than it usually was the land turned into a slush it seemed. Luckily enough, the male's large size and being born in the north made it easy for him to navigate. Much less easier to catch a scent though. Rivaxorus was on a mission - he was trying to find his wife and hopefully before spring came along. Rivaxorus hoped she was sage wherever she was along with the pups that she had been carrying inside of her.

The male sighed, maybe he should ignore that. Maybe he should go to vyper and ask Xephyris for help. No, he couldn't. He had his own two girls to look after. If Riv ever found Limno he was seriously going to rip her a new one. It angered him how such a woman could do such a thing, though he did suppose it was within the walker name. Didn't mean he couldn't be angry about it. His paws spread in the snow, and he tripped over himself in his thoughts. Landing face first as he groaned mildly - now did he really want to get back up again.




6 Years

12-14-2016, 12:53 AM

She walked through the snow-laden woods, most of the bare branches weighed down with snow. There was a whisper of more snow on the way, making the gypsy shiver. It would be awhile before all of it disappeared and she could get back to exploring once more. But could she really, now that she had agreed to help out Xephyris? A longing sigh left her lips as she brushed against the trunks of one of the oak trees, wishing to clamber up like she had the season before. But nope, snow and ice would make it far too dangerous for the clumsy woman to even attempt doing so. Instead she made her way through the seemingly never ending forest, trying to keep herself light hearted about all of this. It wasn't anyone's fault but her own, she had been the one to agree to all of this. Besides, she owed her silver knight. He'd done so much for her without asking for anything in return, something she was forever grateful for. Jaelle's tail swung behind her as she thought, her bells forever announcing her arrival.

Just as she was about to turn and head home, a familiar scent reaching her nose. Curious, the gray woman moves towards him, just in time to see him face plant right in the snow. Letting out a giggle, she stopped where she stood, her head tilting to her left. "And I thought I was the clumsy one," she said softly, her tail swishing behind her. With a huff she gracefully folded herself down, a flurry of flakes kicking up as she sat her butt in the snow. They rained down on her coat, but she hardly noticed it at all. Her coat had grown thicker in her time in the north, something she was glad for. She would be freezing her butt off otherwise, but her scarf did offer a bit more help. Wiggling, she tucked her nose into the fabric and breathed in, the scent of pine needles flooding her senses. Glancing at Riv with her blue and brown eyes, she offered a smile that was half hidden in her scarf.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-14-2016, 03:44 AM

When he heard the woman's voice though, it brought his reality sucking back in. Without Yoshiko here he felt like nothing. That was why he had to find her, the one lime light in his life and she might be in some sort of danger. As his head lifted, snow fell off his nose to see Jaelle standing there. Well who did he have to run into? Rivaxorus finally got to his feet, although he had a more solemn look in his eyes. Looking her over for a moment, did he really have to ask? "Have you seen Yoshiko by any chance Jaelle..... she's missing and pregnant." his wife was important to him. He may have been young, but he wanted to take care of her.

"I'm guessing no, but anyway. How are things? Memphis and Saffron doing okay?" he didn't know if Jaelle knew he visiting Xephyris. Rivaxorus was actually debating heading into Auster anyway. That was the only place he could think that Limno would be. Since Boreas was probably too dangerous for her now. He'd been so preoccupied by Yoshiko though he'd forgotten that he told Xephyris he'd try and find her. It left him worrying for memphis and saffron.




6 Years

12-14-2016, 01:03 PM

She held the smile on her face as she settled in, but it vanished as soon as the male raised his head. He looked a lot more sober than he had the last time she'd seen him, looking draining and a lot older than she remembered. A deep frown took over her features, a paw raising as her bangles clattered down her leg. She wasn't the best with comforting others, but it was quite obvious that he was in distress. Thankfully Jaelle didn't have to ask as he went on to ask about someone, her mind spinning as she tried to place a face to her name. Oh, wasn't that the green lady who ran the pack with him? She shook her head slowly, wishing that she could give him some better news. "I haven't left the north this season, so I don't think she will be up here. Unless we missed each other. I'm... I'm sorry Rivaxorus," she said softly, some attempt at a soothing tone in her voice. She didn't want to sound like she was coddling him, or like she was speaking to a child, but she didn't know how else to approach this. It would seem like a lot of woman were running away, but this one took her children with her. A sigh left her lips as she stood up again, taking a few steps towards the brown male in an attempt to place her cold nose against his cheek. Was she helping yet?

He moved on rather quickly, switching the subject to Xeph's kids. She blinked in surprise, not knowing that he had stopped by Vyper, but a small smile turned up her lips at the thought of them. "They seem to being alright under the circumstances. Memphis is a smart girl, she seems to be a very loving little creature. I haven't spoken much to Saffron, I think she is taking it harder than her sister," Jaelle admitted, her shoulders shrugging in a nonchalant manner. Kids would be kids, and it would take them awhile to get over being dumped, she was sure. She was more used to pups being raised by the whole troupe, but it was clear to see that this was not normal here. Although the pack had stepped up after Limno left, the girls spent quite a bit of time with Armai. Jae's gaze flickered away from the man for a moment as she looked up, snow starting to lazily drift towards the earth. "I hope you find her, Riv. I will keep my eyes out for her but I doubt I will leave the north until this snow melts."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-15-2016, 05:38 AM

The man shook his head at her last comment. It was fine really, he'd find her in time hopefully. Though Rivaxorus lived his whole life with wolves vanishing on him - he just wanted his wife to be different. "I told Xephyris I'd bring back Limno, I owe him and she happens to be my aunt." he explained to the girl. "I guess you reminded me.... after this I might search Auster." he thought for a moment. Then relaxed his shoulder and breathed.

"Must be weird for you to be stuck in north though isn't it?" he commented and finally let up with a smile. It was still nice to see her. As much as he didn't know her, ever since he'd seen her at his borders all that time ago he knew that she was someone unique. As he treated most wolves at least.




6 Years

12-16-2016, 03:03 PM

His aunt? Interesting. She didn't think too much of the family ties, it meant nothing to her. It wasn't like he was responsible for her, nor did he have to feel like he needed to owe Xeph because of that little fact. Jaelle scoffed before she could stop herself, often acting without thinking about it first. "Doesn't mean you owe him anything. Xeph has been looking for her, you need to focus on finding that little green woman of yours," she said with a nod, the bells on her tail ringing as she flicked it behind her. She eyed him as he took a breath, looking down when she felt something brush up against her leg. Ah, Geit, or Goat the stoat. Grinning, she bopped him on the nose as he let out a rattling grumble, standing in one of her abandoned paw steps that left a break in the snow. There was still some fresh powder on top of the layers of frozen snow, and she had no doubt that he followed her pathway. The weasle didn't say anything, instead moving into the break in the snow that Riv had made to hunt for food. Jaelle looked back up at the brown man, shrugging her shoulders. He was an odd creature, she didn't often question what he was doing. He was stuck with her after all.

The woman nodded when he asked of her being stuck, a longing sigh leaving her lips. "I still need to get out from time to time, it's just too much for me to stay in one place. But I promised I would help Xephyris out for now, and I won't go back on my word. As soon as this snow is gone though, I am taking a prolonged trip. Now that's something he owes me," Jaelle said with a giggle. Not wanting to linger on the worry that seemed to hover over his head, she leaned towards her left to see what Giet was doing. All she could see was his black tipped tail as he wiggled in a hole, probably after a rabbit. Watching him hunting was far too much fun, he did the same little dance that she saw when he nearly bit her nose off. Peeking back at Riv, she pointed her nose at the stoat. "That's Goat the stoat, since he was too rude to introduce himself."

"I ain't yur plaything, and I don't havta play nicey nice with yur little fur friends!"

Jae let out a laugh at the grumpy creature, her eyes rolling slightly. He had quite the attitude, but she knew that her words would at least bring something out of him. He could be so touchy, it was too fun to not poke fun at him. Readjusting herself in the snow, she gave her full attention back to the man who had once been her alpha. "Did you need anything from Xeph though? I could pass a message on." The monochrome woman offered, a small smile on her lips.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.