
Maybe no one told you...



8 Years
12-15-2016, 08:51 AM
There is strength in your tears !!

Winter wind was rather frigid in the morning, having traveled here during season of ice may not have been the best move, but it was one she made without regrets. There was a need to watch over those who remained of her birth pack, and in so doing she has managed to find a place that seemed to call to her. Jade eyes take in the wonderful flashing display of ice flecked obsidian on the black beach she had come to, mid-afternoon lightning threatening to rain on her parade. Nothing could truly bring her down after seeing what the world she had come to had to offer. The cold bite of the air passing through her nostrils made her almost stop smelling the salt held in the slowly wafting tendrils of the breeze. She stood out on this dark sand, her light pelt giving her no way to hide herself as she could on a normal beach. While it didn't raise any alarms, it did make her banish any outward sign of weakness or fatigue.

Excitement rippled through her delicate frame, but she dared not waste the energy on idle play and fooling around. Right now she needed to catch her bearings so that she knew where she would go next. This was a new place, and the journey to get here meant that she lost sight of Frost, something she hadn't done since taking off after him. Admitting that she was frightened would only worsen the hard thumping in her chest, so she tossed her head high in the air and pranced along the shoreline to give the appearance of a carefree wolf. The sand beneath her paws was sharper than she was used to, but it did not cut, more that it stabbed into her pads and got stuck. With every step she left small paw impressions in the sand, just out of reach of the tide. Sand pipers ran back and forth over the surf line, as if they too wished to keep their feet dry. Their quick scuttling feet made her smile for a moment, her light tan tail waving behind her hips as she watched them. It was then that her joy at finding a new home rushed over her and she could hold herself no longer. With a graceful leap into action, Star raced toward the sea birds, laughing as they all screeched out in surprise before launching themselves into the air. She continued on this way until she managed to catch herself a fat seagull who was just a little slow on the uptake.

"Thank you for your lack of attention, bird. Your sacrifice is noted and appreciated." Sighing as she felt the last tendrils of life slip from the feathery animal, Star saddened for the loss of life, but her stomach quickly reminded her it was a necessary thing. Settling into her meal, she idly plucks the white and grey feathers from the seagull's body. Her light green eyes scan the surrounding area, looking for signs of life. Even if it was threatening life.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



4 Years
Extra large
12-26-2016, 07:39 PM

The sky felt as stormy and dark as his mood today. Then again his mood had slowly plummeted to this feeling a while ago. Ray was off doing ... well whatever she was. He'd run into his sister, but now he didn't exactly rely on her to be a constant in his life. Over all he felt like a cursed wolf. Maybe that was the reason why his original pack had almost been torn apart. Maybe that was why his parents had died? He was a black mark in the family - an ill omen that happened to bring bad luck to anyone who was around him. Why else would all of Donostrea just up and leave a little over half a year after he'd gotten there? It'd been on his first birthday. Then Ricky didn't want to be around him and he hadn't found any of his other siblings. Did they realize he was cursed? It certainly explained why he was left alone all the time.

He'd finally caved and decided to stay in his old den. The old keepsakes he'd kept were shoved back in the farthest corner of his den and hidden under a pelt. He couldn't bring himself to look at them any more. It was already bad enough he was sleeping here - he didn't want to make it worse by having to look at living reminders of everything he'd lost so far.

Half of him just wanted to lay in his den and hope he faded away into nothing, but he knew he couldn't do that. So he pulled himself from his den and padded along the beach. The thought of food seemed inviting, but he didn't feel like he had the energy to do so. Instead he just continued his trek down the beach. His darker form blended in well with the black sand and the only noticeable part about him was his dual-toned flame colored eyes.

His walk didn't last long. He heard the disturbance of the gulls and their terrified cries. It was easy to tell he wasn't alone. Maybe Ray was terrorizing them? Before long he realized it wasn't his blue coated friend and instead he saw a stranger plucking feathers from a lifeless bird. His face fell and his tail drooped slightly. It wasn't anyone he knew - just someone wanting a meal.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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