
Maybe no one told you...



8 Years
12-15-2016, 11:43 PM
Healing -- Collecting herbs
Navigation -- Druid Moor

There is strength in your tears !!

After allowing herself to be more exploitative than what was normal for her, Star had traveled in a western direction to get the lay of the coast line. She had crossed a river and was now making her way inland to find a safe place to take shelter in. Bright jade eyes widen as she realizes she had stumbled into a moor of sorts. The soft scent of heather brushed across her nose, accompanied by brackish water and other herbs she would discover in a few moments. For now, she contented herself in getting to know the land around her. She took note of the dormant heather plants, climbing over the small hills that were covered in short growing grasses. In an effort to gain ground, Star moved uphill until she could see out over the mist shrouded land. She couldn't see much, but there were small, dark bodies of water and peat moss covered everything that the grass left untouched. The mist covering the area was thick and moved slowly when the air stirred around her frame. Her dainty and delicately sculpted face pointed to put her nose to the wind, the smell of nearby wolf urging her to move along.

Moving further into the moor, Star could feel how much she stood out against the dark grasses of the early evening. The temperature began to drop, though it was not nearly as biting cold as the obsidian beach had been. Suddenly, the scent of old death permeated the air, and Star felt her paws move in the direction of the smell.  Finding the doe in the patch of heather had been no accident. This was just about the most useful herb that Star knew about. There was meadow-sweet growing all over, thanks to the deer, a plant that was nearly unrecognizable without its pretty white flowers. For once, Star was glad that her mother had been the medicine wolf of her birth pack. As a roaming clan, Stardust had come to know a variety of plants and herbs to either heal or kill. The dry tops of Valerian flowers wobbled in the wind as the young woman moved closer to the deer. The body had become a garden of sorts, giving life to the herbs and flowers of the moor. It was a beautiful death that the doe had been given, and Star wondered if the spirit could see her wonderfully decorated grave.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



6 Years

12-15-2016, 11:57 PM

This was the first time she'd traveled past the estuary in ... well it felt like forever. This wasn't the first time she'd come to Druid's Moor, but once she arrived she remembered why she hadn't. The place was still as foggy, desolate, and eerie as ever with rolling mists and dark corners. It was hard to imagine that she'd originally planned on setting up her pack near Celestial. Around most of her former pack there had been desert areas with almost no water and a lack of life. It would have been a harsh existence. Then there were the two moors which just didn't seem like a place she wanted to raise her children despite all the herbs that grew in the area. She didn't like the idea of danger lurking in dark corners. No, she much preferred the area she'd chosen. It'd prove to be better in the long run.

The scent of death and decay was mostly what had brought her out here. Had she been a healer (and if it hadn't been so cold) she might have been interested in scouting around for some plants that might have survived the winter. As it was she didn't know enough about herbs or their uses to make any use out of them. That was Zuriel's job and anyone else's who decided to join her as a healer. She was glad Zuriel would be coming along. She was positive Zell's talents didn't lie in the the medicinal field and with a bunch of pups soon to be running around she was sure she was going to need all the help she could get.

She'd almost lost track of where she was going, but before she knew it the stench of death was overwhelming. Standing by the plant-coated carcass was another wolf that she hadn't scented. The smell of the doe had been so overpowering that she'd missed the woman's scent entirely. She studied her for a moment and unsurprisingly she was bigger than herself with light colors. She was pretty from what she could see, but pretty didn't mean friendly.

"Good morning." She called out, coming to stop a respectful distance away.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



8 Years
12-16-2016, 12:18 AM
There is strength in your tears !!

It was startling to hear another voice ring out from the mists, after so long of traveling alone, Star had become accustomed to being the only voice around. So when the beautiful female greeted her, she was met with a jump and a soft yelp as Star scurried for cover behind the carcass. Looking up the grassy incline to where the female was standing, Star peeked up around the deer to try and spot an escape route should she need one. Eyeing an old deer path that would take her back around the small hill the other wolf was standing on, to lead her back toward the plains. Her light jade eyes move back to the multi-hued woman on the hill, a small embarrassed sound that was something akin to a laugh escaped her. Long, thin looking legs carried her airy frame back to face the shorter, but sturdier, femme.

Ducking her delicate head, the young healer gave a small smile and spoke as soft as the breeze around her.  "Forgive me, I did not hear your approach. Good morning to you as well." A wave of her tail and the young girl looked back at the herbs the deer had grown.  "Do you think you could help me gather some of these plants? I have only just arrived here and want to be prepared. I can teach you about them if you like, they aren't hard to learn. My mother taught me, and I would love to show you!" Taking in the large trees around the woman as she spoke, Star waved her tail happily, as if she could banish the mists with the power of her happiness at having someone to talk to.

She moved then to look at the flowerless plants, saddened that she would only be able to tell the woman about their leaves and roots, rather than their pretty blooms. Still, she was happy to have company. Star looked around once more, noting the beauty in her surroundings as she waited for the other wolf to assist her - assuming that she would get help. The deep greens of the grass and moss were lovely, but the hills that were outlined by dark grey against silver gave a most stunning backdrop to the moor.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



6 Years

12-16-2016, 12:30 AM

Faite took a step backwards in surprise as the woman jumped with a yelp. An ear flicked back slightly in confusion as the woman used the deer as cover. She hadn't really thought that she'd crept up on her - Faite hadn't noticed that her steps were silent. Normally she would have given the other girl fair warning that she was approaching - after all scaring her wasn't exactly her intention. Was she just startled or was she just naturally timid?

She didn't get to reflect on it for long before the woman stepped out from her cover with a soft laugh. Her ear flicked forward again and it seemed as though her question was answered. She'd taken the other woman by surprise. She smiled easily back at her and offered a friendly wave of her tail.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

It seemed like all was forgiven though. The other wolf was instantly friendly and Faite cocked her head to the side as the woman invited her to help her look for more of the plant that grew on the deer. She offered it a look and unsurprisingly it looked like just about any other plant she'd seen lately. There were no defining flowers to tell it apart which didn't help her case. She wasn't a healer, yet her a stranger was offering her to teach her.

"Well I can certainly try and help, though I'm not much good with herbs. I'm Faite by the way." She couldn't quite bring herself to say no - it seemed rather rude and if she needed help Faite was certainly the type to do so. She was sure if she picked the wrong thing she'd find out sooner or later - plus it was a good chance for a lesson, even if she might not remember it later down the road.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



8 Years
12-16-2016, 01:09 AM
There is strength in your tears !!

The light that sparked in the three year old's eyes was one of untold joy and instant regard for the female who called herself Faite. A peel of excited giggles exited the warm female as she ran through the grass to urge her newest friend forward. "You have to be close to identify them in winter, otherwise you will never see the differences in the leaves, and sometimes...that can be life saving time. It is never good to be late when a wolf hangs in the balance. Stardust is my name, you may call me Star." With a curt nod, the sunny female trots over the rock encrusted ground of the moor. Her jade gaze is set upon a cluster of large, leafy fronds who held dried seed pods on their tops. the pods would have once held little groups of small white flowers, these were called meadow-sweet. Her mother had given some to her as a pup when she had gotten very ill with something called the flu.

Star looks over at the black-masked woman, smiling as she spoke again. "Can you see the way these leaves look powdery, and the veins in the leaf is very prominent? Smell the stalk, it has a sweet scent to it that lets you know it is okay to pick it and it is not too far out of season. This is meadow-sweet, also called Queen of the Meadow. The stems of this plant are really pretty in their purple color. It's good for bad stomachs and flu ailments." Realizing she may have been talking too much, Star gathers up the leaves to dry later if she could find somewhere to store them. Looking around the death garden, Star gives a squeal as she moves behind a rather large stone to find more herbs.

"This one is called Valerian Root, you can tell what it is by the faintly perfume like scent, it is best to only harvest the root of this plant. This one is good to ease all manners of problems. It is good to treat anxiety, insomnia and all sorts of mental illnesses. Usually there is a white flower on the tops here and the leaves are usually bright green all year." Moving under a bush to come back to the deer carcass, Star looked over the heather groups, noting the large sprawls of grayish green leaves. It grew in clusters all over the territory wildly and without respect to other species. "This is heather, it usually has light pink or purple flowers with grayish green leaves that look like hair. Any part of this plant can be used, but since the leaves are all that are here they will do. This seems to grow rather abundantly around here. It is good for cramps of nearly all kinds, intestinal discomforts and can be used to regulate a constipated wolf. It is one of my favorite plants." Star looks at Faite with a smile buried behind a mouthful of plant matter. Setting her find down, she looks around again so she can memorize this place. The deer would soon be skeleton, but it was laying beside two rounded boulders and there were flowering plants nearly everywhere. Small shrubs and bushes dotted the area and she made note of their patterns. There was the occasional copse of trees, but mostly it was hills and heather.

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



6 Years

12-16-2016, 01:25 AM

It was interesting to meet another wolf like herself. Faite wasn't exactly all giggles and warm laughter like this wolf and she certainly wasn't a healer, but they both displayed their emotions prominently. Or at least, from what she gathered, Stardust wore her heart out on her sleeve in regards of letting others know how she was feeling. She couldn't help but grin as Star took over with her lesson. Faite could at least try to be a good student - especially since Star so clearly loved her work. She could hear it in the way she began her explanations.

She padded forward to inspect the plant as Stardust introduced herself. She glanced towards the woman's face and smiled softly. Stardust seemed very fitting since she had speckles over her face. She glanced towards the meadow-sweet and sniffed it and found that she was right, it did have a rather sweet scent to it. It'd never quite occurred to her that plants could go out of season. She knew they mostly died around winter, depending on the plant, but it was strange to think they had an expiration date like food did.

She studied the powdery leaves like instructed and upon further inspection she could see the veins in the leaf as well. She glanced towards the purple stem and took it all in with fascination. She'd never quite pictured a healing lesson in her days plans, but it was all interesting nonetheless. Star was thorough in her explanation and Faite felt fairly confident she'd be able to at least recognize the plant again even if she wouldn't retain the memory of all its uses.

And just like that Star gathered the leaves and then moved towards a rock with a squeal. Faite grinned and padded after her and paused as she began her explanation of Valerian root. She studied it's leaves and listened with quiet attentiveness as the woman explained its uses. It was hard to imagine it had so many uses, but it was amazing all the same. It was a wonder what just one plant could do. It made her guilty that she hadn't at least appreciated the craft earlier.

Once again Star was on the move and Faite followed her back to the deer carcass. She supposed that its rotting body was proving to be a good food source for the plant life which helped it in the middle of winter. She noted its uses - cramps, intestinal problems, and constipation. Grayish-green hair-like leaves, it was a lot of information to take in and she'd only gone over three plants. How did healers even remember all this?

"You're clearly very good at this." She chuckled. "Say, Star. If you're looking for a home I plan on raising a pack soon. You clearly know what you're doing - if you're interested you could join me?"

She knew it was a big change in topic, but Faite couldn't help but like the woman. She was smart, clearly kind, and she knew what she was doing. She didn't want to put all the pressure on Zuriel for healing. Another healer was certainly welcome.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



8 Years
12-16-2016, 01:47 AM
There is strength in your tears !!

While she was looking around, she made a mental note of how the other had actually remained attentive and did not loose patience with her fast-talking ways. The question that the other wolf asked made those jade eyes widen as she turned her sandy head to look at Faite with a mouth full of herbs. Once again her tail lashed the air excitedly, but this time the girl refused to hold in her joy. Wheeling about with graceful, twisting leaps, Star bucked and danced on gloved paws. Before she answers, she puts the bundle down at her feet. Her eyes sparkled as the mists closed in on them,  "I would love to help you make a home! I have been wondering where I would stay since I got to that black sand beach. Where is home base? Are there dens there? If not, is it easy to dig? Are there any other wolves there? I am so excited to meet everyone! Lead the way, Faite! I wanna go home and stash these herbs away!" Picking up her wonderfully scented bundle, Stardust waits on the hill that Faite had first showed up on, ready to follow her new leader home!

Realizing that Faite may have been out for more than just her, Star sobers a bit before looking down the incline and back to Faite. The mismatched yellow and blue of her eyes held the younger female captive for a moment, but somehow, Star found herself and set the bundle of herbs down on the hillside. "Unless, you would rather stay here and learn more about the plant life? There are other areas that seem promising behind those three trees." She pointed her muzzle in the direction of three large oak trees that were growing around twenty-five yards behind the rock group where the deer carcass lay. It was a bit behind Faite, but there were some signs of green life. That seemed promising!

female - 3 yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home

The character you are currently reading is Stardust, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Stardust's profile!



6 Years

12-27-2016, 11:30 AM

The reaction Faite received to her question certainly wasn't one she would have expected in a million years. Before, when she'd ask her other few followers to join, she'd gotten semi-excited reactions. Leaping in circles like she'd just given her the best news ever wasn't exactly what Faite had in mind as an answer. A slow grin pulled at her face as she studied her new friend as she finally dropped the herbs. It seemed like Stardust was more excited for Lirim than she was.

An ear flicked back as she listened to the barrage of questions Star launched at her. She chuckled softly and waited for the other woman to halt her words before she responded. "Emerald Valley and Dancefloor of the Gods will be our home. The territory is pretty and dens should be easy enough to dig once spring comes."

She smiled again as Stardust calmed down a little as if realizing how over-excitable she'd been acting. She was a bit surprised at the offer to continue learning about plants. Faite still wasn't entirely sure how much she'd remember later on down the road, but trying wasn't hurting anything. "I'd still like to continue our lesson if that's okay."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]