
I just wanna break this crown



4 Years
12-17-2016, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2016, 01:04 AM by Vianni.)
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

It was too cold for flight, today found the renegade pair mucking it out in the old shipwreck. Corvus perched on the light grey shoulder of his wolf-mother, watching the world turn white from the shelter of the bridge. Pale pink eyes peer out from coal rimmed sockets as her mood sours. Winter was the season made to make her lose focus, but she was controlled. Nature called to her to make the next generation, but she had not found a single wolf worthy of that honor. No, for the princess it would have to be a fine specimen of a wolf to catch her eye. Corvus made a sound deep in his throat that was meant to breach her bad mood, it only earned him the flick of a kohl trimmed ear and a snort of dismissal from the monster. This did not please the avian one bit, and he responded in the only way he knew how. Reaching out with his sharp beak, Corvus snatched that twitching appendage and pulled hard enough to earn a yelp from the ash cloaked lady. "What do you want, bird!?" Vianni snarled at him, but no sooner than she did, a look of guilt passed over the bandit masked woman's face. The reason for such was the stunned look her baby bird gave her, followed by his backward flip onto his back. It was a move she had taught him to tell her he was submissive once more. She'd scared him with her sudden motion and loud voice.

female - 3yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Rœkia T


4 Years
12-17-2016, 03:02 PM

"Wolf!  Dammit, why the hell am I still in the north?"  She growled at her magpie companion who was taking her on yet another roadtrip to the north in the middle of the freaking winter.  After their adventure to the cauldron she had wanted to head back down to the warmth of the south where she could tend to her herb gathering and try out a few new poisons in relative peace and comfort but no… here she was… freezing her ass off.

"Trust me Rœ, this trip will be worth it.  This place is full of all kinds of strange things, I'm sure you'll find something useful."  Rœkia scowled as she shifted the pack on her back that was normally used for carrying herbs.  As of yet she had found nothing of use to take back with her to the south and she had to admit the idea of getting at least something out of this trip was extremely tempting. "Ok, you get once chance and then I am out of here."  Wolf flew down and landed between her shoulder blades as they crested a hill to peer out at the metal monstrosity frozen in the bay.  Rœkia's eyes narrowed at the suspicious looking mass.  "Wolf, what am I looking at?"

"I think its a cave, a cave that echoes, a metal cave of straight lines."

"Sounds like a death trap to me…"  Yet, despite her misgivings she strode boldly toward the ship.  One didn't come across such oddities everyday and she was certain there had to be a pay off.  As much as she clashed with her companion she believed him when he said there were treasures to be found here and she wasn't going to leave until she found them.  

Stepping into the cave Rœkia took care of the scents that lay scattered about the ship.  Someone had been here recently and might even still be here.  She hesitated.  Maybe she could just wait til they were gone.  Nah… she scented no pack borders.  She had as much of a right to be here as anyone else and so she slipped inside and got to work.  

Slipping through the halls she spied row after row of strange jars and items and her eyes widened a grin spreading across her face at the jars. "These… are perfect!  Finally I have something to put that dam frog in."  She saw Wolf shudder at the little poisonous creature they'd collected in the Glowshroom Caverns.  Seizing the jars she quickly stuffed them in her bag.  "Ok Wolf… I admit it, this was a good idea."  She turned into a new hallway intent on exploring the ship when a nearby voice yelled loudly.  For a second she thought it was talking to her but no one came out into the hall.  Hmmm….  Rœkia rounded the corner and peered into the room with a cheeky grin on her face.  "Howdy, neighbor.  Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar?"

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years
01-14-2017, 01:49 PM
OOC: I am so sorry for the crappy content of this post...she will get better, my muse sucks right now.

You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

Making a sound in her throat, Vianni touched the bird's belly to let him know she wasn't angry with him. His grey and white body puffed up as he found his feet, but once again there was an alarm caw from him and Vianni raised her lips to show her annoyance. This time, however, there was a voice from behind her. One black rimmed ear slid back on her skull as light pink eyes reached to get a glimpse of the canine behind her. The girl was painted silver and black, seemed capable enough and definitely had confidence to speak to strangers with such a cavalier grin plastered on her face. The question itself was strange, but the greeting was understood. "Hello to you. I don't have any sugar." A crooked smile was elicited from the princess, her eyes not wavering as she took in the strange female.

Moving defensively in front of Corvus, the masked woman watched both creatures before her. The bird seemed to be the same as Corvus, but he possessed the normal plumage while her baby was grey and white. It seemed so odd to see a normal colored magpie after these few months of only seeing Corvus's paler feathers, but then, this whole situation felt odd and dreamlike. Hunger took this moment to remind her she would have to hunt soon, she would have to play this close though. While the other female looked delicate, Vianni knew that surprises were often hidden beneath fragile facades. She would chat, for a while. It gave the girl time to help Vianni decide what to do with her, should the girl prove to be of some use, she would be spared the games of the painted princess. "I was thinking of going out for dinner, though." Another smile was given, but fleeting. Perhaps, either way, the girl was useful if you thought hard enough.

female - 3yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Rœkia T


4 Years
01-15-2017, 11:19 AM

Rœkia carefully eyed the stranger, sizing her up and deciding she wasn't to worried. If anything she was quick and felt confident she could outrun the other if it came down to it… or of course fight. Rœkia certainly had the capability but she preferred not to risk injury. Blood loss and scars were always such a downer. She lingered by the doorway, her lithe frame pressed lightly against it as she gazed in. She felt Wolf stirring on her back and he hopped down onto the floor, stretching up lightly as he gazed at the pale puff ball of young feathers. He hadn't seen another magpie in quite some time and found the young bird intriguing.

"Hello to you. I don't have any sugar."

Rœkia held her grin, pleased that the other was a good sport. Perhaps she'd found a kindred soul of sorts? "Aww… pity. It was worth a shot though. Are you here to gathering containers as well?" She shifted the pack on her back, wondering if the woman was competition for the treasures here though she supposed she had enough jars to get her started.

Wolf continued to gaze at the other bird. "You are a magpie, yes? Your coloring…. you are good luck. " He nodded approvingly. Rœkia ignored her companion, the weird little pale puffball was unusual but she couldn't imagine what use he'd serve beyond a snack though maybe the stranger was raising a magpie from an early age so it would be more obedient than her boisterous Wolf.

"Dinner? I'm surprised there's anything to eat on this rust bucket."

"Talk" Wolf Think



4 Years
01-22-2017, 09:53 PM
You're so cynical, Nacrissistic Cannibal!
Got to bring myself back from the dead!
The strange girl continued to grin at her, though Vianni had dropped her smile and was now staring at the darker bird that had come with her. Eyeing him as the other spoke, Vianni watched as he spoke to Corvus. The cannibal princess had never thought to teach Corvus to speak the common tongue, though he did understand the language. Bringing her pale, dusty rose colored eyes back to the mulberry stained gaze of the stranger's, Vianni answered her,  "I do not have much use for jars. I am here to keep out of the snow for a while." Keeping an eye on both of them, Corvus studies the other bird, his bright blue eyes not bothering to hide the fact.

The second string of words from the paler woman caught the attention of the huntress.  "Well, there wasn't." Smiling wickedly, Vianni is a sudden flurry of motion, and Corvus is left standing behind her. Fluttering his wings, the grey and white avian scrambles to stay behind Vi, just like they practiced. Knowing her bird would watch out for himself despite his innocent act, Vi sends herself toward the other female. Her leap into action takes her across the floor and hopefully resulted in a head on attack. Counting on surprise, Vi opens her jaws as she comes closer, aiming to grab a vicious hold on the stranger's muzzle, eye or ear. Anything to daze or disable her victim. The ear was always best, it was sensitive and painful when it was bitten. With the decision made mid-launch, Vi seeks to clamp her jaws down on the ghost lady's left ear.

Angling her body so that she would be in position to move between her intended meal and the door, Vianni knows that some prey can be tricky. Still, she keeps to her right, shutting off one of the exits in the room. If the darker bird was right, Vianni would be lucky enough to land her mark, the result of which would be devastating. Should Vi find that delicate appendage in her mouth, her jaws would clamp down as hard as she could and lock around the ear. The amount of pain would be stunning, and there were scars on her ears to prove she had known such things multiple times. Hunger drove her, and she would get what she needed if it was the last the she ever did.

 "Talking" | Thinking
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Rœkia T


4 Years
01-25-2017, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2017, 09:26 PM by Rœkia T.)

Rœkia's grin never left her maw, it rested across her face calm and steady like the surface of a lake.  A lake hiding a deep and chilling darkness that the woman mostly kept to herself.  The stranger's smile would drop and even then hers would remain but her limbs would coil ever so lightly as she picked up a shift in the others mood.  My, my was someone touchy?  Wolf flew up from the floor and into the rafters.  Rœkia's tail would level out with her spine, an acknowledgement to her companions message as her garnet eyes flitted about the woman's frame.  She stated she didn't have a use for jars.  "Ah, well that's good. More for me. I have... recipes in need of storage."  The atmosphere grew heavier but still Rœkia remained where she was, leaning carefully against the doorframe, her supple frame primed to move.

"Well, there wasn't."

Everything exploded into motion.  The stranger charged for Rœkia but with the simple act of bending her limbs the smaller femme ducked down sharply, the stranger's jaws snapping over nothing but air.  In a flash, Rœkia's nimble frame twisted in a complete 180 as she sought to get away from her attacker.  She was no slouch in the battle department but she was a loner.  Even minor injuries to the wrong location could make her ineffective at hunting and lead to starvation.  She had no desire to risk a fight when it wasn't needed and was fairly certain she could outrun and out-maneuver this woman.  

She sensed Wolf soaring above her as she twisted around one corner and then another, until she broke free from the ship and out into the open.  She kept running, trusting her companion to let her know if there was a precise moment she might need to turn around and bare her fangs.


"Talk" Wolf Think