


07-30-2014, 11:05 AM

The world was over as she knew it. Her life had been glamorous, making her the star of the show. She had it all, and it was soon taken from her without a second thought. Arcanum was gone, Covari was gone, and now she was forced to live life as a...rogue. The mere IDEA of not keeping her royals as an Artemie/Armada was enough to make her sick with nostalgia. She had only kept her title for a short time, but it was enough to make her feel important.
Pandora needed to get away from her family. Although they were her core, she couldn't bare to look at them without getting angry all over again. Prissy paws lightly trotted across the sand, skirting it in various directions as she pushed herself to get far from her mother and siblings. Her heart was hurting and she didn't know how to deal with it. Blue eyes looked down as she wandered through her mind, trying to find a solution to the problem that had become her life. If anyone followed her, they were a fool. If anyone attempted to break her free from her silence, they would be dead not long after.

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2 Years
08-23-2014, 06:43 PM
His mother was now residing on a tiny island along with her family and unborn kids. He would check in on her as often as possible, but for now - he was getting a little stir crazy. Not having a home to be prince of was pretty shitty, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't fix in the future. Power was something that he felt he would have again one day, being born into it, it wasn't something that he found unattainable in the least. His family was born as powerful as it was lovely - shame they all had taken such different routes to try and hone it. The brute liked it best when they were all together.

With them being apart, he was hit with the urge to wander again - partly because he was young and wanted to explore the world. But the bigger part of him wondered where the old members of Covari had gone. One member in particular, actually. Pandora had enticed him within the caves some time back, and she had danced through his mind with that sharp tongue of hers for what felt like ages. The boy would seek her out, following her scent until he was wandering through southern lands - nearing the ocean judging by the taste of the air.

Finding her was nearly enough to get the red brute to smile - a smirk would grace his lips instead as he approached the girl. No fear would be seen in his gait as he closed in on the black and gold lupine, but he would pause, at her hung head and bristled posture. His lips would twitch - had someone hurt her? ?Pandora? What?s got you down?? He would ask, more concern in his voice than had possible ever been there. The red brute?s brows would furrow, and his tail lash with the question, but he wanted to know what was wrong.


08-23-2014, 08:42 PM

She would feel his presence before he even reached proper speaking distance, catching his scent on the wind and hear his paws against the sand. Growls rumbled in her chest and increased in size and sound when he spoke to her, approaching her without even slowing down. Pandora snarled and turned to look at him, brow furrowed against a bright set of turquoise blue eyes. The flames in her heart burned in her gaze as she stared him down, anger rising from the hearth of her soul.
"Everything, Viviek...Everything!" She spoke in a hushed voice, anger evident as she sharply turned her gaze away from him. Her eyes hit a random spot on the sand and she growled beneath her breath. "I have lost it all. I have no home, no title to my name! I am a..." She shuddered before she finished, "rogue." Her golden-backed ears flipped against her skull and she closed her eyes. "I feel ashamed, reckless, and as if I am at the bottom of the barrel."
Slowly, she turned her body so she faced Viviek's vivacious red frame, concern etched in his brow and his eyes. She opened her eyes and looked up at him again, anger now subsiding to a tender sadness. "My life is not supposed to go this way, Viviek!" She shrieked, tears slowly rolling down her dark cheeks. "I am supposed to be the woman that others WISH to be, the kind that makes others drool and want to DEVOUR. I am a freakin' GODDESS!" Hacking sobs took over her slender figure and she lowered herself to her perfect haunches upon the black sand. Head hanging low, she closed her eyes again, tears streaming down her dark pelt. "When will the world realize what it has done wrong? To me...and to you?" For even in her egotistical mind, Pan viewed Viviek as royalty.
