
One track mind, one track heart


12-18-2016, 11:06 PM
Don't do love, don't do friends
I'm only after success
Don't need a relationship
I'll never soften my grip

The young she wolf had showed up at the pack sledding thing and she supposed it had been fun. But she didn’t really want to openly admit such a thing. The youth had been thinking long and hard about what she wanted… and she’d decided if she had to observe Karabela from a distance than so be it. The young girl was determined to be the best.. to one day match their leader in strength and intelligence. Someday… she’d rule her own pack, wouldn’t she?

Or maybe not… but she’d surely be great. The youth took in a small breath before dropping into a defensive stance, watching her shadows movements. This had been something she’d been doing to try and train herself. Shadow fighting… though she questioned how successful it actually was. Falling into a rhythm Nah began to practice once more, unaware that she might get a visitor during this time…

I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no