
Things Are Changing



07-30-2014, 10:16 AM

The man would return to the meeting site, having left his new son sleeping in their den. Dayton had a lot of things on his mind lately, and finding his place in this new pack was one of them. He wanted a fair rank with a job to fulfill. Something to do to help the pack improve. The brute expected to be a hunter again, because that was his specialty. But that didn't mean he wouldn't be open to something else.

Russet legs would stride into the territory, ears swiveling about as he searched for his friend. But Crucifix didn't seem to be nearby. Surely he was busy, putting things together for his new pack. Scouting out new lands, accepting members, and things of the like. But this was important too. Perhaps he could be pulled away from those duties for a few minutes. Dayton had some things to talk about with him. The boy lifted his head to the sky and let out a calm song, inviting Crucifix to the area. As the call faded into the distance, Dayton would settle onto his haunches. Now he would wait.




2 Years
07-30-2014, 08:32 PM

Crucifix couldn't be more pleased with the wolves that had decided to join him. There was his dear sister Twig, his support Sibelle, and even his old friend Dayton had found his way to Cru's pack in time for the meeting. He didn't even know how news had spread so far but to see them all before him had brought him a sense of joy. There seemed to be an endless amount of things requiring his attention however, with claiming a second land for Solstice, organising alliances with the surrounding packs and the ranks for the wolves within his borders. Despite his efforts a lot of wolves where still unsorted, including one of his oldest friends. It seemed he was not the only one to realise this and as he returned to his borders from his meeting with Abaven a call would ring out, in the voice of Dayton summoning him.

The Alpha would gladly heed the call and make his way to wear his friend waited. He would see the brown coated boy sitting on his hunches in the Weeping Wood lands. ?Dayton! How are you doing? he asked cheerfully as he made his way to Dayton's side and took a seat next to him. He had a good idea what his friend was calling him for, but let the other take the lead in the conversation.



08-11-2014, 01:56 PM

The brute didn't have to wait long. Soon his amber eyes caught sight of a silvery male coming his way. Crucifix had not changed much, for even as a rogue he had held himself with confidence. But Dayton noticed the slight differences in posture. Even around his old friend he had to present himself with dominance. The russet boy understood and respected that. He nodded and smiled as Crucifix came nearer.

The alpha greeted his friend with a cheerful voice, one that resonated in Dayton's mind. It made him feel safe and at home again. Somehow the silvery brute always had that effect on him. "I've been doing wonderfully, Crucifix... or is it alright for me to call you sir now?" He winked lightly and brushed his shoulder against the larger man. "Congratulations, my friend. I can't wait to see how you run things around here." After all, this was a whole new life. New lands to explore, new wolves to meet, new adventures to be had... Dayton was looking forward to it.

"However, I'm sure you know why I've called you here," he said. The smile dimmed a bit but did not disappear. Talking about business and serious matters wasn't his favorite thing to do, especially not with such a dear friend. But it had to be done. He had to speak to Crucifix like the alpha he was, all stiffness and formalities included. "I'd like to discuss my ranking in Solstice. I can only hope that you have a place for me, but I would not dare to assume that you hold me on any kind of pedestal. Our friendship doesn't require that you assign me as a beta, for example," he laughed.

"I'm not prepared for that sort of ranking anyhow. But I am prepared to start as a hunter, and I will work my way up the ladder fair and square. What do you say?"




2 Years
08-11-2014, 08:15 PM

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The boy had taken a seat beside his old friend and Dayton took his que then to speak. With equal cheer Dayton's voice would speak out in answer to his own. The Alpha chuckled softly at the question of sir and shook his head. ?I would still rather Crucifix, within my borders your friends and family? he said simply, not wishing for an old friend to be so formal with him, despite the fact that Dayton winked at him showing his words where light and in jest. ?Thank you, its certainly be different? he agreed with another laugh. Moments later they would come to why Dayton had called him here, although Cru would have also been fine for a simple catching up among friends.

Dayton would give a good speech, and prove his worth in those words. He as much as said that he didn't want Cru to hand him a good rank on a silver platter but wanted to start with everyone else and prove himself as he made his way up the ladder. ?Cru would dip his head after Dayton had finished speaking [b] ?That sounds fantastic to me Dayton, why dont you start by calling the hunters together for a pack hunt, I dont have a lead hunter yet to do it for me? he added, with a wink to his friend.




08-12-2014, 07:49 AM

Crucifix really had not changed one bit. He still didn't want to be addressed as sir, even when he was the alpha of his own pack. Dayton chuckled and looked away, eyes scanning the land around them. It really was a wonderful place. Perhaps he could finally find happiness for himself here. "It's good to hear that. I consider you family as well." Dayton would smile warmly at his old friend, only to listen again as his little speech was received. "I'm glad you agree, Crucifix. It would be my pleasure to call together a pack hunt. That's exactly what Solstice needs." He nodded to himself. "Just a good old pack hunt. It would give the members a chance to bond together. To become a team and a family."

At that moment Dayton seemed to realize that he was rambling on, and he blinked once or twice before refocusing his attention on the larger brute. "Speaking of family, I do have a bit of news to share. On my journey here, I met an orphaned pup who had lost his family and pack to the plague. His name is Aeolus. Since then, I have adopted him as my son, and I plan to be a father figure to him as he grows up." The small black pup was probably waking up by now, but Dayton knew that he wasn't the type to wander. There was no reason to leave yet. This may have been the only chance the man had to speak with Crucifix. Why not take advantage of it? "And what about you? Any new developments?"




2 Years
08-12-2014, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 08:16 PM by Crucifix.)

Having Dayton in his pack was not something he had expected to happen, he knew the boy had been a part of another pack before this and hadnt expected him to find his way here. Having his oldest friend in Alacritis with him was a very pleasant surprise, knowing also that Dayton wanted to earn it and not gain a rank from that friendship was even better yet. He found himself leaning forward to bump shoulders with Dayton in a little gesture of friendship. The conversation had moved on to family and Cru found Dayton agreeing with the idea. It brought Crus mind back the moment he saw Day collapse in the sea and had thought for a moment his friend was lost. That moment more then the rest told the Alpha what Day meant to him, how close the two friends where, or had been. He hadn't seen Day for a while, but they did seem to be picking up from where they left off.

His agreement on calling a pack hunt was all he needed to hear, things had been too quite within the pack and this could help boost it. He was still waiting on Ahmose to call the pack warrior training.. that was taking too long, he might need to talk to Ahmose again. That thought was met with a sinking heart, he didn't want to have to growl at his friend, but the requirements of his pack dictated its necessity. ?Well you pup is of course welcome to the pack, and when he's old enough to start training ill work something out with you both? Cru said, coming out of his thoughts with Days words on his pup, and it was some relief to be distracted from his worries. ?There isn't much new with me unless you count the pack? he laughed at that before continuing. ?Mostly i'm worried about Solstice, it looked good when I called this pack together but the members have been vanishing, very little is happening within the pack and I need to change that? he explained.