
Count your stars



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-19-2016, 07:50 PM
The youth took it upon himself to patrol the borders in the early morning, though instead of wandering around inside, he decided to patrol on the outskirts. He was a bit paranoid, after all, one never knew if there might be someone lurking around on the outside and watching his borders. If there were any such thing happening, he would find them. Though maybe it was also his imagination that sometimes went wild, or perhaps because of some weird dream he had the night before. Regardless of what the cause was, his mind needed to be put at ease. At least, until he was sure that all was well or until someone told him he was just being a paranoid butt.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
12-19-2016, 08:09 PM

He had come down with a cold, ending up denbound for a little while. It had irked him that his plans had needed to be put on hold… But the young man could be patient. Things would come in time, and he was sure one day Dragoste would rise. He’d have a home for his good friend Roza, for Amachi, and possibly Kreft… that was three wolves who were willing to follow him… hopefully. The young man hadn’t spoken about his wishes to the newest alpha of Talis just yet, however… and he wondered what Dragon would think of it. Would he be met with anger?

Tonight, feeling a bit better, Ganta had started to make the rounds of patrolling around the pack. The ghostly white gaze of the wolf glowed in the dim light of the plains, morning having not yet completely risen upon the world. Catching the scent of Dragon the youth started after it, feeling it may be better to discuss his plans with the other male now before he continued to get too involved with Talis. He didn’t necessarily want to leave the pack… but was him being here more of a burden?

As the brown male came into view Ganta gave a low bark, hoping to catch the other male’s attention. “Dragon, I’d like to talk, if you’ve the time.”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-08-2017, 02:22 AM

He looked out beyond the borders, tail bumping against his ankles as he flicked his ears in paranoia. Gah! What was wrong with him? Was this how alphas felt sometimes? That there might be things lurking out there, waiting to tear down something that had been built on hard work? Who knew. He did know that when one had a pack, there was always the potential of it being ripped away, with or without reason. Of course, he would do his best to defend his pack the best he could. Inexperienced or not, he would learn. That was when he heard him. Dragon turned around to see Ganta approaching, and the alpha would stop his paranoid pacing. "What is it?" His voice wasn't unkind, but curious. He gazed curiously at the young male, who he hadn't really ever spoken to until now...his mother had more or less mentioned Ganta's potential plans, but Dragon had just about forgotten about that.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
01-15-2017, 09:59 PM

There was nothing unkind in Dragon’s tone, but certainly curious about what Ganta’s intentions were it seemed. The young man took a breath, seating himself. He did not know of how Kreft’s arrival at Talis had gone… nor was he concerned with that at the moment. What he cared for was getting out of the pack as smoothly as possible and reuniting with Roza. The ghostly silvery-white orbs of the male fixed upon the darker furred male, a smile touching his lips.

“I don’t know if your mother has spoken to you about what I’ve yearned to do… but I’d like to ask to leave Talis. I seek to create my own pack someday, and I’m afraid the longer I wait here the more I find myself growing comfortable. I’m afraid… I can’t let that happen. Dragoste is a vision in my heart I yearn to see come to life.” Ganta dipped his head to the other male.

“I had wanted to stay… to be useful to Talis… but I’m realizing the longer I stay the harder it will be to say goodbye. I’m only hindering you by staying, Dragon, and so I make my request so that we might part on good terms.”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
01-17-2017, 10:02 AM

Ganta stopped before him, green gaze fixed on the male's odd ghostly white eyes. He had to admit, Ganta had always been the most strangest looking wolf that he had ever laid eyes on! But he also always seemed to be quite the polite and courteous least, from what he had seen during meetings. His mother had never spoken ill of him either, so he wondered just what the fuck that Kreft guy was talking about! It appeared that tGanta had alot to say, to which Dragon listened without interrupting him. He had to admit, he was sad to see a member go. When Ganta finished, Dragon bore a thoughtful look for a minute as he processed what he had been told. The more he thought, too, the more he was skeptical and curious as to why Kreft seemed so adamant about fighting against this guy and....well, what he guessed was Ganta's family. And while Dragon didn't know Ganta, he did not appreciate the way Kreft seemed quick to turn on him after claiming loyalty to join the male's future pack.

"Ah, mother did mention it to me before she passed the pack over. I had kinda forgotten about that for a while, or at least...until some guy showed up trying to join." He peered at Ganta for a moment, ears erect with curiosity. It struck him as odd...the things Kreft had said made no sense to him, but maybe Ganta should know? "Which by the way, I did not like him very much...he was quick to throw you under. He said something about having no problem turning on you if you turned out to be something else than what you said, and something about having no problem about fighting against the Hellstrom's and a Sin?" He shook his head a bit, frowning. "Kreft was his name, and honestly I had no clue what the hell his thing against whoever those others are, but the fact that he simply came to join until you made your pack, and the fact that he was willing to 'rat you out' as he said, told me that I could not trust him...and from one alpha to a future alpha...I'd advise you to do the same."

He waited to see what Ganta might have to say about that, and Dragon waa very curious about the whole thing between Kreft and what seemed to be...a grudge? A vendetta? Some sort of hatred or dislike? He had no clue. He would wait to ask about it though, and he would have asked Kreft except...after everything the man had said and portrayed himself, Dragon did not trust his words at all. He did not forget Ganta's request to leave, but the curiosity and information he had told might have...distracted him for a moment. "If you don't mind me asking, what does that guy have against you? Or...I guess against the Hellstrom's? He seemed pretty...hateful towards them...which I guess would explain why he was 'ratting you out' after saying he never did that and claiming to be the most loyal guy ever." He scoffed. Yeah, right. If you were loyal, you didn't do that shit. At least, that's how Dragon saw it. "It also led me to wonder why he would join your pack later if he was really that suspicious about you turning around and not being who you said you were. Maybe I'm overthinking but...I wouldn't trust him. He was too...contradictory...if you ask me."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
03-02-2017, 10:25 AM

Ganta listened to Dragon speak, bristling a bit when the other male began to speak of Kreft. So the other male was quick to shift loyalties and throw him under, huh? Ganta closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before slowly breathing out. “I do not know his exact problem… but Hellstrom is part of my last name. My sire’s last name. Sin was his first.” Ganta shifted a little, opening his eyes to a half-lidded state as he looked upon the other male. “I know my father was not a good man. He hurt others. He took a home from a pack to create our own and basically damned us all to go down with him when it was sieged later. Because of HIS mistake the pack suffered.” Or so that was Ganta’s view on things, having been young at the time.

“But regardless of what my father did I am not him. I do not follow his pawprints of blood and battle… though I can not say the same for my siblings.” Ganta’s ears laid back flat against his skull as he said this. “It shouldn’t matter anyway. Sin’s dead. My mother is dead. Their deeds, good or bad, are lost to this world.” The young man averted his gaze, feeling an ache in his chest. Despite what Sin had done… Ganta missed the man.

“I… Thank you for the information Dragon. It is unsettling news… but good to know there are still those who would judge the child for faults of the parent.” There was a bitter tone to his words. How he longed to be something Sin was not…

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...