
So Tell Me You Want Me



5 Years
12-26-2016, 07:57 PM

It felt a lot like starting over - or at least that's how he viewed this move. His original decision to leave had felt like a good one at first, but he hadn't realized how much he'd missed his family until he'd already left. So he'd returned home just in time for the big move and to top it off Dragon was the alpha of Ivalice now, or Talis really. The name change was a nice change as well as the ranks and laws. Dragon had done a good job of turning the entire pack around and he was pleased that he'd been made heir. Lykos had been the worst decision Avalon had ever made.

He still had yet to talk to his mother. They hadn't exactly left on the best of terms, but he no longer felt as angry about it either. Indifference seemed to be his key emotion lately. He just had to build up the courage to confront her, but he had no idea what he was going to say to her yet. So he kept shoving it off and instead used it as an excuse to explore a bit.

He still wasn't happy with the climate. The fact that they'd arrived and it was all sunny and warm in the winter didn't make him happy. His fur was thick and well insulated and meant for the snow whereas this continent was anything but icy. So his fur was taking the time to adjust and it was shedding out in thick clumps. He'd managed to take a bath to rid himself of most, but his fur still felt messy and uneven and he knew it'd take a bit more time before it'd thin out enough for him to feel comfortable with it.

He somewhat missed Auster, but he hadn't gone through the effort of traveling back either. It was a long trip and Dragon had given him a rank that he was content with. He still needed to do patrols and other things that made him feel like he was contributing to something for once. So he'd traveled up to the land bridge and stopped. He wasn't sure what had brought him here exactly, but he'd let his feet do all the exploring. The land bridge was pretty. Covered in white sand with different sparkling colors - it was definitely enough to be eye catching. he padded out to the middle of it and plopped down by the water's edge to stare off into the distance. He did have some time until he needed to go back home and thankfully home wasn't too far away.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



10 Years
Athena I
12-26-2016, 08:45 PM

After Zuriel left to explore the world it got Baine thinking. She really hadn't left Celestial much other than short trips out to find her littermate or little bits of exploration here and there. Very rarely had she left the western portion of Boreas and that really wasn't saying much since most of it was covered in desert and she couldn't do much with that! With that in mind and with nothing else to do with her time she set out of her den early in the morning with a bit of exploration in mind. She wasn't sure where she was heading, but she just chose a direction and set off toward it.

She found the ocean after a while and she smiled as she looked out over the waves. The ocean had always amazed her. It was so massive! She couldn't tell where it could possibly end. However, as her pale pink gaze drifted down the coast she noticed something she hadn't seen before. Curious, she turned toward the new spot of land and padded over toward the land bridge. Baine paused at the beginning of the strip of sand, glancing back over her shoulder the way she came. She didn't know how long this strip of land was or where it led. She considered going back home and telling someone she would be gone longer than she expected, but... Ah well. It wasn't like she was leaving for weeks on end or anything.

She turned back toward the landbridge, her necklace swinging against her chest for a moment as she trotted out onto the sparkling sand. It was gorgeous with it's multi-toned, glittering sand and the water lapping on either side of her. It felt almost magical in a way. As she continued on she spotted a dark figure lying on the sand ahead of her. Maybe he knew more about the area! She padded over to him with a slight smile on her muzzle. "Hello there," she said as she stopped a couple of feet away. "Sorry to bother you. I was just doing some exploring around here since I've never been out this way before. Do you know this area very well?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
12-27-2016, 03:50 PM

It was cooler here on the land bridge and it was easily a nice medium between the colder temperatures farther north on Boreas, yet colder than farther south in Auster. He still missed the freezing winds and the constant snow, but at least they had food for now. He'd noticed the lack of good prey to hunt and anything that had survived was skinny and malnourished. At least here in Auster the prey was fatter since there was actually things for them to eat. He could sacrifice colder temperatures and familiar territory for food, right?

Kharnage halfway dozed off as the sun beat down on his pelt. It was relaxing to be out here by himself, though it seemed he never stayed alone for long. Paw steps on the shimmering sand caused an ear to twitch towards the sound. He opened his eyes and blinked lazily in the direction of the female. It looked like she was coming from Boreas, but that's not what he focused on. At first he thought it was Okami, but then he realized that this girl's eyes were pink and she was considerably shorter than his half sibling. Her scent smelled like Regulus' and Castiel's as well.

Eyes fell on the necklace for a moment until his attention was diverted back towards her face as she started speaking to him. She didn't seem shy at all and not at all worried about approaching a complete stranger. Considering she smelled like Regulus' pack he couldn't find it within him to be too bothered by the interruption. Of course she asked a question he didn't have an answer to.

"Sorry, my family and I just moved here so I don't know much about the area yet."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



10 Years
Athena I
12-27-2016, 08:49 PM

He didn't have any additional information for her, but she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'ah well.' Baine glanced past the male to look further down the landbridge for a moment, her gaze coming back to him as she spoke. "I guess it'll just be a surprise then!" she certainly wasn't going to let a little bit of unknown keep her from her exploring. She had come this far and turning back around now would just be a waste of time.

"I'm Baine, by the way," she said with a friendly smile. She could smell a pack's scent on him, but she wasn't familiar with it. She wasn't very familiar with many packs really, besides Celestial and the pack that Faite had taken her to one time. Baine figured she should probably get more familiar with them if she was going to be a good emissary for Celestial, but the opportunity hadn't come around just yet. Perhaps that's what she should do with her exploring. "Is your pack way out here? I didn't know anything was out this way."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
02-13-2017, 06:28 PM

"I guess it'll just be a surprise then!"

Kharn watched her as she shrugged and he couldn't help but wonder what possessed wolves to be so care-free. She didn't seem to mind at all that he didn't have much to tell her, but he waved it off. It just meant she'd have to explore it on her own which, judging by her scent, it appeared as though she didn't get out much anyways. Celestial's pack scent was very heavy on her pelt whereas his was a mixture of all sorts of scents. He hadn't exactly done a whole lot of exploring, but he hadn't spent a whole lot of time with his pack mates either.

"I'm Kharnage." He introduced himself as she gave him her name. Her own name sounded different, perhaps a bit foreign, but overall it seemed to suit her well, even if he had no idea what it meant.

Ears flicked towards the sea as he watched a gull for a brief second as it swooped down towards the ocean and plucked a fish out of the water. His attention didn't remain diverted for long before he looked back towards the female as she asked him about his pack. It was at least a question he could actually answer this time.

"It's my brother's pack, Talis. Like I said, we just moved out here from the northern pines in Boreas. We settled in the plains near here and next to some weird rock tower thing. I'm not sure what it's called, but it's got a bunch of space where some of the pack has made their dens. I think we're the only pack that has settled in this land so far."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]