
Like a mantle piece

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-28-2016, 12:42 AM

The trip up here was tiresome. If only he didn't have this luggage with him. Limno tripped behind him where he had made it so she only had so much energy. Lack of food seemed to be getting to her but for once the large man really didn't care. Nudging her from behind he hurried her pace to their destination. The border of Vyper. He knew he should be off looking for his wife, but he needed to do this first. He raised his lips in a stiff growl at the woman. He stopped there at the scent marker and raised his head in a howl. For whoever wanted to take her. As the lady had her ears pressed to her head and giving Rivaxorus an aggressive glance. She didn't however even try to attack him. He waited patiently there.




9 Years
01-01-2017, 12:05 AM

He heard the call of Riv's howl, and it moved Xephyris to his paws, wondering what news the young man had discovered. Had he seen the vile woman, or heard of her whereabouts? He pondered all of this as he began to make his way to the border, his paws kicking at the sand and nails digging in for traction to propel himself forward. He was curious and eager to see what news Riv brought, so he went quickly, wanting this news a little more than he realized. When he finally came to the border and saw what awaited him, a flurry of anger, hurt, vengeance and dark glee filled him. So, Rivaxorus had actually found the traitor on his own? Xeph was almost jealous that he hadn't found her himself, but there was no room in his mind for that. The gray-coated male was simply glad Limno had been fetched for him, and that was all he could focus on now. He nodded to Riv, his normally cold silver eyes betraying all that lay within his heart at this moment. "So you found the rat," his voice came out in a rumble, a barely contained growl edging his tone, "Well done... all cowards must be brought to justice eventually."

He then turned to Limno, his tail lashing once, and a maniacal grin spreading across his maw as his enraged silver eyes fixed upon her. His lips twitched, threatening to reveal his weapons, but he composed himself just enough as he looked upon the mother of his children. His hatred for her had grown strong over the many weeks she'd been missing of her own accord - she had abandoned the pack and left him looking like a fool, left their daughters behind without a thought, carelessly tossed all of what he'd given her to the wind. He stepped toward her menacingly, glaring at her, trying to muster the words he had wanted to spew at her for so long... all he could find was a deep, throaty growl, and in the pit of his heart... he wished she had never left and ruined this all, hurt their daughters... looking upon her now, what was he supposed to do to her when she resembled his girls so much?

"Limno... do you have anything to say?" he demanded, unable to keep the angry growl out of his voice, "Anything that might save you from your fate... if you can convince me that you're even telling the truth at all?" There was a serious glint in his eyes, but internally he was conflicted. He wanted to harm her, to maim her and destroy her for her treachery... but everything about her reminded him of his beloved daughters, the only thing holding him back from tearing into her violently this very second.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



5 Years
01-03-2017, 06:27 AM

Limno was faced with an angry man. The sad part is that she loved it. A smirk crawled on the woman's face despite the look of her. Not fit to fight, but still having a sharp tongue on her. There was no point in hiding when the cat was out of the bag. "Oh what a pity that you sent me nephew to go fetch me. I guess you're a good father after all." she snorted. Referring to the fact he probably preferred to stay close to the kids rather than leave them alone for too long. The wolf would sneer, pulling back her lips in a growl. "I couldn't give two shits about what you have to say. Fine kill me, I don't give a fuck anymore!" her hackles raised on thin skin across her body.

"Or would you want to tell our pups that you killed their mother hmm? I'm sure at this age they're questioning where mommy went. I've had two litters before this Xeph and those men met the same fate as you have. Matter of fact is. I enjoy it. I enjoy wrapping my paws around men and having their kids then taking off. " she huffed and her tail flicked from side to side. She glared over at Rivaxorus. "Well that's all I have to say, unless you want more of an explanation from me." her gaze turned back to Xephyris.



9 Years
01-09-2017, 05:43 PM

He would try not to be offended by her first statement, that he'd sent Riv to find her, but he couldn't help the feeling of his blood boiling in his veins when she dared to say such a thing. Did she really think he hadn't been out looking for her, too? His lips pulled back in a snarl when she became heated, his hackles spiking and tail lifting high above his back. How dare she speak to him like that? But it was becoming clear that she was so twisted, so unstable in her mind that he couldn't help but to keep listening, more in shock and disbelief than anything. She had done this before? She enjoyed wrapping her paws around men and simply toying with them, and ruining lives? Realizing she had said all she was going to say for now, a growl rumbled from him. "They'll never have to know about this," he assured her, stepping closer to the demented woman, "I can tell them anything I like once you're dead. That I found you fallen off a cliff, or killed in a hunting accident. Besides, you've already been replaced by someone I can actually trust. You may have given birth to them, but they won't remember you, and I won't let you hurt them any more than you have."

He glanced to Riv. He wasn't sure how the young man was going to feel about this - after all, Limno was his relative, crazy as she was. Although, Riv had brought the woman to him, knowing her fate would not be a pretty one. Either way, he wouldn't act immediately, although his claws itched to dig into Limno. "This is going to get ugly, Riv," he warned his friend, before turning his eyes back to Limno. Perhaps he should have seen this all coming. After all, what sort of woman in her right mind would have given herself up so easily to a man she didn't even know?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-09-2017, 07:15 PM

What she said prickled his skin a bit. Letting his hair raise slightly as he tried to remain calm. Xephyris was a responsible alpha, he'd looked for limno because she was part of his family line. It'd be something his mother would have wanted. So he let out a shrill warning growl, reminding her who it was who knocked her off her ass when they first met. Out of a sudden he would open his jaws and clamp them on her scruff pushing her to the ground. "Not even Zakuro honors your actions Limno. As part of the walker line you should have followed in a more honorable suit. Now you pay the consequences, so don't go saying how none of this is on you. You might have a sharp tongue but you are all talk." he growled and released her. Stepping back a foot or so.

"I'll stay, if you're going to kill her. I'd rather bury her if that's alright." He knew it was up to Xephyris, but Rivaxorus didn't want any honor in this woman's burial. Who knew maybe he'd just throw her body off of a cliff instead and Xeph wouldn't be entirely lying then.




9 Years
01-24-2017, 10:17 PM

Xephyris watched with calculating eyes as Riv grabbed the woman by her scruff, shoving her into the ground after she had spoken. So, it seemed he was okay with whatever consequence came her way. Then so be it. He wasn't going to fool around and give second chances, not for something like this, for someone who openly admitted to betrayal and reveling in it. He wasn't going to let her hurt his daughters any more, nor was she going to have the chance to hurt anyone else. When the younger man stepped back from Limno, Xephyris looked to him, ears twitching as he heard Riv's words. Solemnly, he nodded, before fixing his cold gaze back on the treacherous woman. He wasn't wasting any more time. She had said what she'd needed to, he'd said what he wanted. It was over.

The Alpha lunged forward, tilting his head to the side as his jaws parted wide, allowing him to grip the lower part of her cheek. His claws dug into the ground as he dragged her in closer to him, feeling her struggle against him. But he could feel it; she was weak and frail, her body drained from hunger. There would be no honor in this killing. It wasn't a fair fight, but this was an issue far beyond that. He forced down the flickers of remorse clawing at his insides, continuing as swiftly as possible, wanting to end this quickly. He reared up, forepaws lifting to wrap around her neck, his hind legs uncoiling so that he could ram his chest against the front of her shoulder blade, pressing his full weight against her so that she collapsed to the ground. His jaws released their hold only so that he could gain a more deadly grip. As his teeth found a hold around her throat, he could feel hers puncturing the side of his face in one last attempt to fight him off. It was a futile move, as soon enough her grip on his face subsided and the strength left her body. Xephyris held tight until he felt her heartbeat stop.

He released his hold and turned away from her, now feeling the sting of the punctures on his cheek as he looked to Riv. He took a deep breath before he spoke. "Let's move her away from here, before anyone sees," and by anyone, he really meant his daughters - he would hate for them to witness this, "I'll accompany you... is there a place you want to lay her to rest?" He hated her for her betrayal, but even so, he couldn't just leave her out to rot, for the scavengers to pick at.

OOC: Full permission from Riv to PP and kill off Limno

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years

01-24-2017, 11:34 PM

She had been making her way to the borders to patrol them when the sharp scent of blood hit her nose. Freezing, Jaelle’s head shot up towards the border as fear pulsed in her heart. She knew that smell, it was Limno. Not too long after the scent of Xeph’s blood followed. With true panic in her mind she booked it up the slope, her bells ringing loudly and giving her away. Reaching the top she skid to a stop, eyes wide as she looked at the fallen brown woman. There was blood pouring from her neck, a wound on the silver man’s cheek. Panting, she looked between the two with a look of complete shock. She knew that he was angry for what the woman had done to him and his kids, but to kill over it? Of course she hadn’t been here before, she hadn’t known what had been said. Still though, she felt… conflicted. To take her life just because she had caused pain didn’t sit right with the gypsy. In her panic she had missed Xephyris’ words to move the body, but her wide blue and brown eyes found their way to Riv. Had he been a part of this? There was no wounds on him, but it was possible to get out of a battle without any wounds. Right? She wasn’t sure, but she did know one thing; she had no idea what to say or how to feel.

Jae’s ears pinned back to her head and she took a few steps back, not knowing if she wanted to say anything to her silver knight. Her heart twisted tightly in her chest, it was obvious that Limno was skinny and underfed. She had no doubt that it was easy to overpower her. So why kill her? What did he get out of this? Choking on anything she even thought of saying, she just shook her head and started to walk away. She needed to think, and she couldn’t do it here. He could follow her if he wanted, but he probably wanted to move her body away so that the girls wouldn’t see it. But had they been close enough to smell her as well? Shuddering, her body convulsed at the thought as she picked up the pace, her bells silent this time as she made her way out of Vyper territory.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

01-24-2017, 11:42 PM

Rivaxorus watched carefully, this woman asked for this. He was certain the gods knew what was coming to her. With a flick of his tail her life left her and he looked to Xephyris for a moment who offered to help. However his nostrils flared, it seemed they had a bit of company. "I know she may not deserve it, but it's what my mother would have wanted. I'll bury Limno next to her in the willows." he flicked the tip of his tail a little and looked to Jaelle. "I'll do it myself, it looks like someone is going to need some answers from you Xephyris." he nudged towards the woman starting to walk away.

"Limno's crimes were punishable by death - I'm sure you've done many wolves a favor Xephyris. Don't forget that my family is in your debt for this." Rivaxorus would pull his teeth over her scruff. He would take her away from this place. In time Xeph could decide to tell his kids what happened to their mother. Either way a great evil was gone. He was on his way to bury his aunt in the ground next to where his own mother lay.
