
Sunshine and clear skies


12-28-2016, 10:37 PM

"I am the one thing in life I can control"
A soft shade of sunlight started over the tendrils of the forest. Warming the winter air around them. Itsume opened her bright cyan eyes as the tiny creature stretched her paws among the den. It was huge considering the size of her parents. So for a pup like her who lacked everything in weight and height, it was like a mansion in a sense. Her tail flicked behind her as the oddly colored fluffy pup would spring out of the den. The delicate little girl giggling as the sun filtered through the tree's and it was the start of another morning. Aunt Kaitlyn was off doing who knew what. She assumed her mother and father were not far off. Considering each had let strict instruction to stay near the den while they were gone or something bad would happen to them... them being her and her brother.

Itsume depended on Itsuki in a lot of ways. He was bigger and she thought of him as smarter. She also enjoyed the attention she received all around. Seeing as she sometimes easily got sick she'd snuggle next to him at night next to their mother. That reminded her, where was Itsuki. She poked her head into the den again. "Heyyyy.... Itsuki! It's morning get up~!" she exclaimed. They could play fight and entertain themselves while mom and dad were gone.


12-28-2016, 11:43 PM
He was sleeping, dozing in the den where it was still warm. The young boy was an oddity; A creature who looked more like part of the earth than his mother. Rarely a noise stirred the heavy sleeping youth. But Itsume was special. Hearing her voice caused Itsuki to stir with a yawn. "Morning...?" He asked, getting to his paws and stretching.  He wasn't really a morning wolf... But he remembered his parents and aunt going out. He couldn't leave Itsume alone!

"I'm up." The boy said softly, exiting the den with a big yawn. "Though it's too early if you ask me... Sure you wouldn't rather nap a bit longer sis?" The green brute cocked his head to the side and arched a brow. "...or did you have something in mind that we could do?" He could hope that she was prepared, right?


01-06-2017, 01:07 AM

"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Itsume let out a wag of her tail as she looked at her bigger brother. Of course you couldn't really tell now, but once they filled a little more it would be clear Itsume wasn't going to grow to be very large. That said a lot considering her family. Regardless he questioned her as if she hadn't woken him up without a plan. She puffed her head up, "Daddy happened to tell me where our grandmother's grave is. I wanted to go visit! You know, he says when wolves die they move on to another life. I don't know what exactly it means he said he'd finish explaining when we were older but he says we should respect the grave so maybe we can go talk to her!" her tail wagged back and forth. It was just a mound of dirt with flowers around it. But their dad said that each wolf had a soul, and maybe if they spoke she'd be able to hear them. Itsume only wished her grandmother could have been here now.


01-11-2017, 11:29 AM
Itsuki of course didn’t realize that Itsume wasn’t going to grow as big as him or their parents. The young male did know that his sister was smaller than him now, however, and that meant she needed to be protected. She needed to be sheltered. Yet, hearing her idea, Itsuki was admittedly curious. Their… grandmother’s grave? The child cocked his head to the side, his blood-pink eyes shining with curiosity. His father hadn’t told him about a grave… nor had their mother. He did remember them saying something about their father’s mother being gone though.

“Another life…? What life could there be besides this one?” Itsuki didn’t understand that part. He furrowed his brow, but didn’t question his sister further. She didn’t really know either. Their father had said he’d finish explaining another time, when they were older… did he not trust them to learn now?

Itsuki closed his eyes, feeling a bit confused and a little frustrated… though not with Itsume. Finally he opened his eyes, speaking in a relatively calm tone for the youth. “If you want to go see the grave, Itsume, then we’ll go.” Itsuki began to wag his tail back and forth, taking a step forward. “You lead the way and I’ll be your guard, okay?”


03-05-2017, 10:10 AM

"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Either way, this meant another adventure with her big brother. She pressed her side to his before starting to bound off in the direction that her father had showed her. Trying to memorize everything he'd shown here. The way the tree's looked and how the flowers grew. If she didn't know any better herself she'd say she was getting pretty good at this. Tracking without her scents and such. She stopped occasionally though to make sure Itsuki was following. Until they finally reached a small clearing - but it also seemed like a new mound had joined the other this afternoon.

The one on the left was their grandmother - freshly placed purple flowers were placed on top. As the other had white lilies among the freshly dug dirt. Itsume silently wondered if she should ask her mom and dad about that. Either way she stopped in front of the purple flowered grave. "Dad says when wolves die, it's just respectful to bury them. That way predators like other wolves and birds don't pick at their bodies and they can move on in peace." she said with a flck of her tail. "Arian is buried here, Our dad's mom." Itsume felt so smart.