


07-30-2014, 03:21 PM

She has not seen the albino king since his short meeting within Glaciem. She had decided not to follow him at that time, instead staying within Glaciem for a few days so the king could settle into his new reign. Questions plagued her mind, questions like "does he want me to come?" and "does he even need me?" biting away at the meager positives she had left. Now that Drake was gone there was nothing between herself and her devotion to her king. She wishes to spend her life aiding the king in his feats, she has devoted her life to him and cannot see her life otherwise. He had given her a reason to live when her mother had died, he has shown her what true power feels like, and he has protected her from her fears and enemies. If she had not been taken into Glaciem the babe would have taken her own life out of depression. Isardis has done more for her than she could ever hope to repay back.

She lingers around his borders now, not daring to cross as she knows Argent is the queen. She does not want trouble with the silver sword, whom she knows would not take trespassing lightly, even if she was an ally. She does not send a summon for the king, as she knows his senses are keen enough to pick up her presence. His pack was still fairly small, so her scent would be very hard to miss. Silently she waits, she has no one to talk to since Ramses had been instructed to stay behind. She hopes the king will not make her wait long, as her desire to see him only grows as the time passes.


image by Luisiana

ooc- liquid time to after his meeting in Glaciem. Assume she did not go with him at that time <3



07-30-2014, 08:28 PM

The woman was somewhat of a mytery; a haunting figure that seemed to be everywhere he were. Though she did not prod and poke, disrupt his solitude or pine for his presence, she had proven to be a valuable talent to Glaciem?s ranks even in her young age. Her determination is evident, though she did not flourish in his low ranks, upon his illness and her promotion she became dependable. He had fought for her presence, shed the blood of Valhalla?s queen on more than one occasion to ensure Liberty remained readily upon his pallid finger-tips. Perhaps he had not realised until his scarcity with Glaciem how valuable she truly was.

He welcomes her arrival with the vague fluttering of his pale lips, sinew stretching and contorting as the ghost will sway from The Sound?s water-side, graceful heels effortlessly bringing his warmonger structure towards the looming presence of the vulpess. She loiters his borders at a respectful distance; no longer a lamb, but a blossoming woman, curvaceous splendour rolling over the charcoal?s of her skeleton. He know Athena will be appalled should he request the woman join him also, so the monster silently agrees to tramp cautiously. ?Perhaps I should have expected she would seek the challenge of a fresh Kingdom,? he chuckles weakly, towers cocked in mild interest as he seeks to approach her, to glide his right side upon her own right, to wrap almost possessively about her hind-quarters.


08-15-2014, 02:06 PM

Silently his pallid form emerges from the shadows, and she feels her breath catch in her throat, as the mere sight of him can make her emotions strangle her frigid heart. She beholds his magnificence, her velveteen lips curling upward as words slip from the phantom's lips. She stands motionless as he moves to wrap around her hindquarters, and she begins to wonder if he can smell the heat that radiates from her body. She has come into her heat season early this year, why she is not sure but she does not question it too much. She has come into heat at the same time Isardis has returned. In her eyes, this is a blessing. Yes, it is the challenge that beckons me so, Isardis..." Sarcasm drips from the word challenge, as she makes it obvious that the foundation of his pack is not the real reason why she is here. It is him, it is her loyalty, and it is her pledge to forever assist the man in his endeavors that has caused her to stray from Athena's rule. Has Isardis come to terms with this, or is he clueless? Does he know the depth of her love, or is she simply a pawn for him to use when necessary?

She turns her skull to face him, her right brow lifting as devious intentions become visible within her eyes. She feels a tingling sensation rush through her body, she wants her heat to take over and she wants Isardis to take her- but the moment is not right. She must wait until the king is ready to dine, as she is merely his meal, a delicacy waiting on him to pounce and indulge. "Do you have any plans for your kingdom? Will you be reeking havoc across the lands of Alacritis? If so, count me in."
