
Test of the Mind



1 Year
12-31-2016, 02:52 PM
note. i plan on amante sticking to this land for awhile. characters with ill intent are kindly asked not to join this thread. want something bad to happen to her? PM me first please. ;3

The first winter had been one of mixed emotions for the child born within the summer months. White stuff all over the ground, cold to the touch and falling from the sky. Many hours were spent running through and rolling in what she learned was snow, but quickly discovered the bad side to such weather. Toes would freeze and food became scarce, having to skip meals when her mother was unable to successfully catch prey. But they were able to make it, surviving the harsh winter months. But sadly the life of the girl's mother would be cut down by illness, leaving the child to begin her journey.

And now it would be her second winter, but sadly there was no assistance. She had to work with the lessons she had been taught, try to work on that survival and better her skills. It wasn't a lot but it was definitely enough to not die within a week.

Not long after waking from her slumber the young girl had squeezed out from her den, hidden beneath a fallen tree and packed with dirt before the ground had froze with winter. With the bit of knowledge she had, the grey wolf had settled in the southern forest of the range, barely any scents of others besides small prey. She moved slowly through the trees, taking this time to learn and pay a close eye to the surroundings. The girl would look for any signs of others closing in, while also trying to find signs of prey that have passed by recently.

Plot Thread (taking others adopts/plots also)

Mercy I


5 Years

12-31-2016, 03:06 PM

When Gethin took too long to come back, Mercy grew bored and decided to wander into the range. It wasn't far from the knolls, and it was a place with so many memories attached to it. It was odd, how much seeing this place brought a flood of emotion into the pale woman. She wasn't looking for anything, her paws eating up the ground as she fell into old habits. She was patrolling the grounds like she was still in Imperium, walking along the parameters of the border. While not stopping to mark, it was actually starting to soothe her worried mind. It had been rather clear that the gray man had a quest in mind when he left her on the hills, but she wasn't a patient wolf. He should know that staying there while he was off wasn't something she was capable of doing. Snorting at the thought, she paused at the crest of a small mound of dirt, her purple eyes scanning the horizon. Mercy didn't see too much of interest, there were hardly any prey animals and it would seem not a single soul in these god forsaken lands. Letting out a soft sigh, the dame sat down and curled her elongated tail around herself.

Staying silent, the wolf didn't do much of anything until movement caught her attention. Slowly her black marked face turned to glance at the small girl who was pulling herself out of a den, looking around her. It would seem that she stayed undetected, not unusual since she was down wind from the young girl. With a shrug of her shoulders she rose to her paws, might as well ask if she had seen her brother around here. The scarred wolf wove her way to the gray female, not bothering to announce her presence as she matched her pace. Swinging her head over to face her, she tossed the stranger a wide, toothy grin as she stood at her side. "You live around here?" Mercy asked casually, leaving out the boring introductions for now. While she had just come out of a den, that didn't mean that she kept herself in this area. Wolves often came and went from unclaimed territories as they were just that, unclaimed. Rolling her shoulders slightly, she felt the familiar tug of the scars pulling at her back. If she had stayed here for awhile, then maybe she had seen Revenge. The older woman didn't let her get her hopes up though, he was probably dead or something. He had better be.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



1 Year
12-31-2016, 03:50 PM

A lot of time had been spent alone, so it didn't take long before the young girl got the feeling of being followed, which was paired with catching the sound of light footsteps behind her. The speed of the stranger would catch the grey female off guard though, as the wolf was already at her side by time she was even able to turn her skull fully. Her walk came to a halt, the surprise sneaking into her features as she looked up to the older wolf. "Oh... um..." Ears caught the voice but it didn't quite register what the words were at first.

"Sorry, you kind of surprised me." Sweet lyrics would reach out to the other woman, clearing her throat and shaking her skull. "Just till winter clears up. Am I intruding?" This would be Amante's true first encounter with another and she didn't ant to screw things up, make an enemy without meaning too. But she had to think, had she missed a scent marker? Surely the young female took careful care not to overstep, not quite having it in her to have to fight just yet till she at least learned a bit more about fighting.

With this encounter the smaller grey female would not hold any physical signs of hostility or rigidity. She was overall calm, by surprise, and seemed to be in a pleasant mood. Tail was held down but ears were alert, listening, grey eyes glancing around briefly before focusing back on the elder woman.

Plot Thread (taking others adopts/plots also)

Mercy I


5 Years

01-05-2017, 07:56 PM

Mercy just shrugged when the younger girl said that she had startled her. Oh well, she should have been paying closer attention. Really she didn't care that she had frightened her one bit, she had done a lot worse in her life time. Since the stranger stopped, she did too as she placed her rump on the earth, her slightly longer tail curling around herself neatly. The pale woman laughed when she asked if she was intruding, shaking her head. Was she that dumb that she thought she crossed a pack border? Oh poor little dear, she had a lot to learn just yet. Smirking, she looked around at the lands that Imperium used to own, a far away look in her eyes. "No, perhaps at one point, but that pack is long gone now. You're fine, I'm just looking for someone. I had hoped that you'd seen them, but that's fine," she would kill him when she found him, she really would. All those whispers of staying with her forever and now this, just... nothing. Letting out a sigh, she glanced back at the stranger and gave another shrug of her shoulders. No harm, no foul. She might as well play nice now that she had bothered to come here and talk to her, walking away wouldn't be any fun now would it? Perhaps a little conversation would help pass the time anyways before Gethin got back.

"I'm Mercy by the way, toots. Welcome to the Range," The scarred woman said with a grin, standing up and stretching out her left back leg. Honestly she knew these lands too well, she could always play tour guide for a little bit. A time killer, right? That's all she needed. Plus this girl was all cute and innocent looking, for now. For a moment she let herself wonder if anything would come along and change her world, like it had in her own life. But had she really ever been that innocent looking? Probably not, all along there had been something a little darker inside her.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.