
I dream a dream so pretty



2 Years
01-02-2017, 12:23 AM
The young girl had been trying to ignore her home life, the things going on between her parents. She had no control over it, and there was no sense wondering about it. Besides, it was too annoying to think about. It only made her angry when she thought about her mother, and sometimes when she thought of Xephyris, it made her angry, too. So, shoving those thoughts to the back of her mind, she prowled the beach, her paws gently moving through the obsidian sand. She would try to focus her mind on the things she wanted to do - she would become a fierce hunter, and she would learn to fight, even if she would never have the size advantage like her sister. She couldn't let that get her down or discourage her.

Coming to the edge of the cold waves that lapped at the beach, she looked out across the frigid waters, before her silver, green-specked eyes wandered north. From here, she could see strange creatures moving and flapping about on the beach, and she perked a brow curiously. What on earth could that be? They seemed to be playing amongst the jagged rocks at the edge of the territory. Well, she'd just have to go check it out. She hadn't been taught to hunt yet... but she would learn, no matter what. Maybe these creatures could be hunted. Keeping low, she moved along the sand, her eyes fixed on the funny, black-and-white, bird-like animals...



7 Years
Extra large
01-10-2017, 05:14 AM


As much as he loved the North and all of the snow it provided, he was beyond appreciative for the reprieve from the past two seasons. Spring had arrived almost instantly; as soon as the sun started to warm the ground, vegetation had started to take root to the point where Northern Boreas was lusher than he'd seen a spring season in years. He'd taken a week to go scout the nearby territories, though he knew he probably should have answered the call of the hunt for Xephyris, he was too eager to discover what lay waiting in the rest of the North to fully answer. Now, however, it was time to return home.

After the incident with the avalanche, the cove hadn't felt quite the same. Before, it had felt so secluded and safe from the outside world. The avalanche had been a rude awakener, reminding them between the forces of nature and the forces of the ill-willed, they were never truly out of harm's way. Brutus couldn't wander for long and expect everything to be fine, he felt a responsibility to check on the well-being of his pack mates as often as he could.

As he strolled up to the shore of the cove, he noticed one of Xeph's children stalking a few gulls. Deciding not to disturb her from her hunting practice, the woodsy giant stopped in his tracks and waited for her to finish out her advance. He rested on his haunches there in the sun-warmed sand and only after she made her attempt, he'd let out a brief chuckle to announce his presence. "Hunting practice? I would hope so. Gulls make rather lackluster meals, after all. If you're hungry, I'm sure that even the food that has been lying around Vyper for days would taste better than the tough and stringy meat of a gull."

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