
This is how I disappear



4 Years
01-03-2017, 02:47 AM

Ramsay wandered along the edge of the woods where the drop to the water below began. It was a sharp drop, something he didn't want to get caught up in, but also something that he didn't worry about too much. It was a little thrilling to walk right beside it, to see an imminent death so close but to avoid it entirely. With each pawstep he felt he cheated death, and he merely went on with his haughty attitude, like nothing could claim him as he dug his claws into the forest floor. As if he'd succumb to nature itself. It'd take a really strong being to take him out, and he didn't count on that happening today. Young and naive, in his mind he was going to live forever, nothing could stop him. Of course, he knew he was young, but he knew he could only get stronger from here. There was much left to experience; countless battles and bloodshed, laying with women, gaining power. There was so much more out there. He was done with the petty rhymes and puppy games - he wanted everything that was new and glorious and wrought with chaos.

But he wondered if today would be any more interesting than the days before. He was surprised at how little there was to explore, how infrequently new experiences came along. Wasn't there more to life than this mundane, everyday monotony?


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!


01-08-2017, 09:20 PM

Zola found herself exploring more and more. After visiting the S.S. Antiox, she was for sure that she had nothing to worry about anymore. She kept herself on-island away from the north but now that she knew her father was no longer living in their own home, she knew she was safe. If anything, he was tracking her and she had something to run from. But she had to think more positive thoughts, like the man were dead. It was funny. Most would have wished their dead father's were still here on the planet with them. Where Zola was here wishing his bones were under the earth. She was terrified of the man, and it wasn't anything she would even hide from him if they ever crossed again.

She was still trying to find a better purpose in life. She wanted to rise to power but not want to work for it. Sit down a throne and have slaves bring her food and care for her. It would be the life. Instead, she was wandering Boreas sleeping with every man she came across and fighting anyone who seemed to be weaker. Well that wasn't always true; she fought those that looked stronger than her as well.

Walking along dangerously across a pathway on the rocky incline, she would notice a boy, not too far before her coming towards her. But she would secretly ignore him, strutting in her step with head held high. She was on a path higher than he was, and she hoped that he would notice her before they crossed each other and never saw each other again.

Walk "Talk" Think