
the plots never end!



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-12-2017, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2017, 12:31 PM by Nyx.)
Áki Jarvela
male • 9 years old • rogue • pansexual

Áki is a staunchly independent man with a wildly free spirit. Though he's getting up there in age, he hasn't yet lost his adventurous nature and fierce love for life. He's rather spiritual, and despite his selfish nature he has a benevolent heart and truly cares for most that he meets. He is currently wandering in Eastern/Southern Boreas with his son, Kai.

Looking for:
- Love interests. Áki is polyamorous by nature and has never considered the possibility of a monogamous relationship I'd like more long-term partners for him. Perhaps even someone whose heart he could break unintentionally? Love triangle, anyone?
- Friends, exploration buddies, hunting buddies. He'd in particular enjoy meeting up with a group to hunt reindeer in the north during the winter!
- Enemies. He doesn't hate easily but when he does, his hate burns strong. Perhaps someone to insult him, or his culture/religion, or try to control him somehow? Up for ideas!

Ara Destruction
female • 7 years old • Fiori • demisexual

Ara is a quiet but compassionate woman whose self-made purpose in life is to study and practice healing. She keeps to herself and lives a simple, unobtrusive life. She is rather intelligent and observant, though prefers staying in the background. She cares deeply for her wife, and her sons.. though she hasn't seen them for nearly two years now.

Looking for:
- Love. Ara is not one to love easily, and although she is fiercely loyal to her wife, since she's been gone for nearly two years now she is finding herself painfully lonely. Having feelings for another would cause her intense guilt and I'd like to explore that. Also, she's very intimidated by men and is more likely to be attracted to a woman!
- Friends, wolves to teach about healing.

Ásvor Finnvi
female • 2 year old • rogue • bisexual

Ásvor is an odd girl. Having been on her own for some time - since Yfir disbanded and she lost touch with the rest of her family - she is independent and has developed a strong will to survive. She tends to be more proud than necessary, and a bit bold too; she doesn't fear much and she's smart enough to know when to flee a given scenario. She has a penchant toward the darker side of things, being a bit possessive and volatile at times. She is currently in the North, spending some time on and off with her sisters Naudir and Raesa.

Looking for:
- Herb knowledge. She's really interested in herbs with negative affects and mind-altering ones too.
- Anyone to scuffle with. Some fighting experience! She's never fought much, but is easily worked up and could be made upset easily enough to try.

male • 6 years old • rogue • heterosexual

Diarmuid's defining quality is his loyalty - though only to the Xanilov family. Initially a guard to Raisa, then sent to protect Valeriya, he has been given a new task now: to protect her children. He is serious and rather militaristic, and will die before seeing any of the Xanilov family harmed. His loyalty is, perhaps, is biggest weakness as it is something he is unwilling to question or doubt.. and would grow extremely angry if someone else tried to.

Looking for:
- Anyone with any information at all about the Xanilovs. He'll do pretty much anything for any info about them! Maybe even a job of some kind?
- Anyone else to meet! I haven't explained his character much and would like to.

Epiphron Adravendi
female • 8 years old • Fiori • heterosexual

Epiphron is an extremely proud, family-oriented woman. She's gone through quite a bit in her years, and while once a bit cynical, she knows such negativity serves no purpose now. She intends to live out the rest of her days with her family, and has few other interests. She's rather bright and can be a bit vain, and flirtatious at times.

Looking for:
- Any family to reunite with before she's too old.

Jade Aegir Bade
female • 1 year • Talis • unknown sexuality

Jade is still young so much of her personality is still to be figured out as she grows older. As of right now, she's a flighty young girl - easily distracted and a bit of a dreamer, too. She is rather naive, and still quite childish and probably will be for awhile.

Looking for:
- Friends! She's a kid, and kids like friends, right?
- Other Talis pups to hang out with and get to know.

Kai Jarvela
male • 1 year • rogue • sexuality unknown

Kai is the son of Aki. He is being raised with many of Aki's own ideals in mind, though also given tremendous freedom to shape his own life. He's already fiery and independent. He will grow to be a bit more bold and assertive than his father, though will always lean toward the more positive alignment.

Looking for:
- Friends! He's a wanderer, so he can pretty much go wherever to meet other wolves.
- Anyone to explore and hunt with.

Kaprasíus Sigrunn Finnvi
male • 10 years old • rogue • pansexual

Kaprasíus is my slightly insane viking. He is devout to his religion to the point of fanaticism, driven to hallucinations from his zealotry. He is fearless and manic, and very unpredictable. He's getting up there in years, but will gladly fight anyone who he thinks opposes him. He literally doesn't care about consequences, or about anyone other than himself and his family.

Looking for:
- Fights! Enemies! Blood and chaos! Literally any plot that involves violence, I'm happy to put him into.

Lark Sartaddi-Destruction
male • 4 years old • Abaven • heterosexual

Lark is.. troubled? Once a rather driven man, he's been more withdrawn lately after many of his family have left Abaven. He's a bit brash at times, not paying much attention to how he seems to others - and though he's not a bad guy deep down, he knows he'd go to great lengths to protect his family.

Looking for:

male • 5 years old • Talis • heterosexual

Steel is a rather cynical man that keeps to himself most of the time. His life now revolves around his mate, Esarosa, and their three children. He is rather serious and even a bit tortured, though he tries to keep his emotions to himself. He's definitely not an open book.

Looking for:
- Hunting partners, both in and out of Talis.
- Someone to teach him about fighting, since he wants to learn how to protect his family.

male • 6 years old • rogue • heterosexual

Zephyr has a long history with a few other characters that can be seen on his history (Caelum, Asha, Felicien, etc.). He's had an extremely rough history, though has spent a lot of time overcoming his demons and moving past them. He seems a bit rough around the edges, and can be a bit snarky though his way with words can be rather charming too.

Looking for:
- Friends. It's been awhile since he's trusted anyone, though he can be a bit hard to get along with if you're not one to enjoy his sarcasm and quick wit.

Any other ideas? Throw 'em at me! <3


05-22-2017, 09:33 AM
Aki can break Satchel's heart any time he wants



2 Years
05-29-2017, 02:14 AM
Saffron x Asvor?
Saffron x Kai?

Also we should do more with Esa/Steel, Esa/Jade!