
I just wanna break this crown



4 Years
01-14-2017, 06:28 PM
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

She left the metal cave she had weathered out the winter in. Spring came, and with it, hormonal relief. It had been hard, but hunting was always made easier when you had an eye in the sky. Meals around the hulking figure she had taken shelter in had been scarce, but Corvus always managed to find something. Small animals made up the core of her diet, mostly mice and rats since they seemed readily available within the home she had made for herself. She would travel back, no doubt create some sort of house out of the place. Until she felt ready to return to the dim confines of her cavernous home, Vianni sent Corvus out in search of a meal. Hunger gnawed at her like termites through a tree, while the bird could live off of a good meal of mice, the wolf could not. She needed something larger, something more satisfying.

The bird knew the look of hunger in her face, had seen it before. He knew she wouldn't care what he led her to, as long as it was alive and warm. She would need something larger than a rat, and he would be the one to find it. He remembered the avian woman he had been born to, but this wolf was his mother. She took care of him and he would do the same for her. Unfolding his silver wings, Corvus caws to Vianni and then takes off to search for something to eat. Finding a place that emitted steam from its water, Corvus was taken aback for a moment. Still, he spied movement out of the corner of his pale blue eyes, a spot of dark on a bed of white. Circling and watching, he notices the clear sign of a limping animal, splashes of red trailing behind it as it dragged the useless hind limb along. It was a deer, a doe from the looks of things, and one that had shattered her leg completely. This would be a wonderful and easy meal for Vianni. From the sky, he could see Vi's distinct form moving in the right direction. Perhaps, she scented the doe and also made her way to it.

Looking up, Vianni sees her pale hero coming to her. Once he notices her pale rose colored eyes on him, she has to follow because he takes off in the direction she had been headed. Moving at a lope, her black booted paws eat up the ground, easily keeping pace with Corvus in his flight. He goes higher in the sky, obviously tracking something in the distance. That's my boy. Her only thought as she rushed forward, allowing Corvus to fly ahead and then suddenly dive. That was when she noticed the blood and smelled the deer. The startling reality of how much she had come to rely on her bird was disconcerting to say the least. Still, she did not miss a beat, dashing through the red stained snow to come down on an unsuspecting doe.

Noticing the broken leg, Vianni could only feel pride in Corvus at having found her such an easy meal after a hard winter. The doe would be easy. Rushing around to the front of the deer, Vianni leaps up and snaps at her nose. The sudden weight had the already panicked doe trying and failing to keep her balance. Jerking her head down, Vi manages to pull the deer off her hooves and into the ice covered snow. She chews and gnaws on the nose of the doe, painting the landscape around her a vibrant red, filling the air with wonderfully melodic screams. Once she was sure the deer couldn't breathe, Vianni moved her bloodstained jaw down to the animal's neck. Ripping, tearing and a sudden end to a life among the yearling pines. Corvus cawed as he landed not far away, alerting her to others nearby. His distinct calls differed for every thing from prey to predators, friends or enemies. She knew from this one that there were other wolves in the area. It would be alright, she wasn't concerned with company. The only thing that mattered right now was that she fill her belly as much as she could. "Ssh, Corvus. We will be fine. Come eat." He did as he was told, and as she tore into her meal, she kept an eye out for any motion around them. Vianni savored the taste of deer after so long eating only rodents. Maybe they would not get this supposed company, either way, she sunk into her meal and enjoyed every bite.

female - 3yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.