
We're just kids being kids


01-15-2017, 07:24 AM

Delicate paws graced the land as the night fell upon it. Of course there were more than just one set of paws. Only a foot to the left of the first set were those of a much lighter being. The heavier set brought forth a feminine scent laced with that of rainforest, a home she had come from. It was a land far from here one of tall trees and seemingly endless rain. A home she no longer found to be such.

The second set was that of a felid male, light and small. His pelt covered in overly large spots. There needn't be words between the pair. They understood each other easily. There was a bond that couldn't be broken between them. Though they had no need for words they still spoke. Their voices soft and hushed in the night. The sound of crickets accompanied their voices and fireflies lit their path. Their forms were captured with the soft flickering of firefly abdomins. "Hey Jett, you think we should stop for the night?" the voice from the female was soft and held a slight accent to it, though it wasn't bad enough one could guess her right away. "What already Zenny? What it past your bed time already?" the smirk on his lips at his teasing of her was evident. He got an immense amount of joy from getting under other's skin. Though getting under Zen's skin was a challenge he had yet to conquer. She was extremely patient and calm so it was harder, though he still tried.

She gave a small giggle at his words. They were filled with such snark that it was undeniably him. It was what made him up. His blue eyes connected to her deep purple eyes from the side as they walked. Her mouth curved up in a smile as their eyes connected. He should know better but of course he would keep trying anyway. "You could of just said no." with that silence settled between them once again as they skirted around the lake.

It was only just a dream



6 Years

01-17-2017, 02:30 PM
*Navigation - Firefly Lake

As the sun started to slip down passed the horizon, the woman stopped to enjoy the view. The last rays of light danced across the lake, rippling over the water and almost making it look like it were on fire. The whole illusion was aided by the dancing bugs, their back ends lit up with a pretty yellow glow. Her head tilted to the side, bell clad tail moving across the ground. Her charms let out little calls, filling the still air with their sweet song. It wasn't until the sun vanished completely that she stood, stretching her front legs out in front of her. She wasn't quite sure where Goat the stoat was, but he always ended up turning up when he felt like it. He wasn't as big on exploring as she was, something that Jaelle dealt with in stride. The cranky weasel could do what he wanted, she didn't mind in the least.

Just as she was about to make her way to the shore of the lake, the sound of voices make her ears twitch. Turning her head towards her left, she tucked her nose into her scarf as a wolf and cat came into view. Wolves with companions seemed to be a rather common thing here, so she wasn't surprised to see the critter with a wolf friend. Observing them for a moment, she couldn't help but smile to hear their soft bickering voices. They sounded like long time friends, while her and Giet were still getting used to one another. Padding closer to them, she didn't bother to announce herself as she closed in. The bangles clattered on her front legs, the ones on her tail ringing out in time with each other. A soft smile was on her lips as she got closer, she eyed the cat with a kind expression. She hadn't met one like them before, and she really liked his spots. They were almost similar to her own patches, just a lot more fancy. "Greetings, travelers!" she called at them, feeling the soft, browning fur of the stoat against her leg. Looking down in surprise, she watched the weasel bare his teeth at them. Oh Goat, he had so many manners to learn.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.


01-20-2017, 09:56 AM

The smile on Zen's face only grew larger as jet gave her a smirk. He was up to something she knew, but she wouldn't guess. His smirk was quick to drop though as the sound of bells and approach reached them. His hackles lifted and he was quick to cross in front of Zen, effectively stopping her. Her reaction was a lot less aggressive, her ears perking and curiosity setting into her features. It lit up her eyes. Her nose inhaled the scents and her lips gave a huge grin. The appearance of another wolf trailed by a stoat set her tail to wagging. Even the sight of bared teeth didn't deter the visible joy. Her partner was tense and a low warning growl came from him.

The female's greeting was received with a friendly greeting of her own. Her arabic greeting was paired with french easily. "Marhabaan, ami." the combination of languages caused a roll of Jett's eyes. His haunches lowered and met the ground directly in front of Zen, establishing a small barrier to make himself more comfortable. His voice came out low and annoyed with the use of Zenara's dual languages. "She said hello, friend." A pause before he spoke to Zen in a lower voice. "Not everyone understands you when you speak like that." She gave a shrug to that, a bright smile upon her face. Her own haunches lowered her to the ground and she looked to the stoat briefly, extending him the same friendly smile. her voice came then a small apology for Jett then an introduction of them to the pair. She gave her trust to them easily. "I'm sorry for my friend's attitude, he's not exactly a ray of sunshine all the time. I'm Zenara Kasai and this is my unofficial brother, Jett." Jett seemed extremely annoyed at her introductions. He wasn't the most trusting of souls but she refused to not trust anyone. He wasn't going to just hand his trust off to strangers but Zen was always keen on doing it. The way he saw it was that one day she would end up getting hurt, and it was his job to try to keep that from happening. She was naive to that though, just like she was naive to the fact that there was evil in the world.

It was only just a dream

Marhabaan- hello/welcome

ami- friend