
Blue Leaves



9 Years
01-18-2017, 06:30 PM

A stain. A speck of dirt stained the beautiful alabaster snow. Yet, there were no protests for the blanket of white substance was slowly melting with the seasonal change. Each step was followed by a soft crunch, indicating the snow was hard and ready to turn into slush. Her paws tingled ever so slightly, the damp feeling resonating within the crevices of her pads. The fur in between each tough bit of skin was soaked and flecked with yesterdays mud. But, the stain did not seem to be bothered by the discomfort for she allowed it to be nothing but a reminder of her very existence. Like a burning itch that reminded you that you were so mortal such a thing could impact your lively hood.

Nevertheless there was a very strong sense of carelessness coming from the creature. Within her years away the creature learned to leave behind her thoughts of what she believed was true beauty. Her malnutrition-esque form was traded in for that of a gluttonous monster. Her body was formed into that of complete disaster. Muscle and fat lined her bones now, causing her to be seen as a brutish being. Yet, the woman embraced this as she normally did. Using her newfound form to her advantage, learning how to literally throw it around in battle and in social aspects. Instead of her previous.. dainty self. She was now literally.. a disastrous behemoth. Increasing her sense of narcissism even more, perhaps making the demented creature even worse then before.

As she took those heavy steps her crimson eyes darted around the passageway she began to enter. The familiar lands never changing, the woman remembers the Col all too well and was thankful that she was alone entering the narrow divet between two heaps of rock. Her shedding winter coat rubbed up against one side of the passageway, causing for her to smile ever so slightly. The feeling was pleasant, for the rocky surface was scratching her sensitive skin ever so slightly. Getting the spots her paws could not reach. - The brute carried on, her ears flicking every which way as she attempted to spot any sort of indication of anyone approaching. Yet, thus far, Schon came up empty handed. As she continued on, the creature seemed rather normal. A normal being sliding through the depths of the Col.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


01-18-2017, 10:47 PM

The Col made the predator nervous during the early months of Spring. Snow melted and what was once firmly held in place now came crashing down on to the narrow path at any given moment, but he needed through and the risk of a rockslide wouldn’t turn him away. The sting of cold on his feet was welcoming, the Wolf was used to the rocky terrain, it soothed his aching feet. They missed the familiar sharpness of stone, its hard coolness that the forest floor- even in Winter- seemed to lack.

The Wolf had done well for a loner, but then again, he was an able hunter, an opportunistic one when it suited him, he neither gorged himself to the point of being over fed nor did he allow his body to eat away at his own muscle. The rogue ate just enough to keep himself in exemplary condition, thick muscle clung to strong bones but most of it was hidden under a thick, barely shed winter coat. One that snagged along the rock as he walked, unlike the Wolf he had yet to meet, he let his weight press into the stone, digging at the flesh and the released fur that just barely clung. Large tufts were pulled free, snagging on the stone while some floated away on the wind.

The scarred rogue had his ears up, listening not only for the sound of other travellers, but for the familiar scrape of stone on stone, signaling a falling of rock and mud. The sound of another first reached his ears and then, quick to follow was the form of a rather intriguing character, brutish in size, plump with muscle and fat with interesting facial markings to go along with it. One would almost think it was another male that he had stumbled upon, but a quick check with the scents in the air told him his eyes were lying, this was a female that he had come across. Aurum gave pause, eyeing the female, his mind sizing her up and assessing her. Muscle and fat showed the signs of either a skilled hunter or a crafty scavenger, something was not right about this she-wolf, but he wasn’t sure what.

Not one for words, Aurum simply continued on his path, directly in her way until they were closer together, only then did he finally slow his stride but he remained silent as bright amber eyes gazed upon the oddly marked she-wolf. He was not one for many words, not to those he didn’t know.  



9 Years
01-19-2017, 02:11 PM

The beasts ears shifted as the sound of a rock plummeting down to the earth below rang through the passageway. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a little bit of relief coming over her as the rock managed to miss her and just plop on the crunchy snow below. A little smile spread across those inky lips, nodding to herself before sauntering forward. With her focus on the rock she seemed to miss the distinct sound of crunches coming from steps that were not her own. The illustrious lady raised a brow, not afraid to show her undying curiosity. Yet, as she rounded a corner those crimson eyes fell upon the source. Schon tilted her head gently, the fluff around her neck shifting as she did so. She observed as he sized her up, a little snort could be heard from her damp nose. It was evident she held little back when it came to expressing herself.

As they came face to face the behemoth stopped for a moment, allowing her paws to sink into the snow below to eventually meet the icy dirt. She eyed him, allowing her mouth to open ever so slightly. His scent wafted into the chasm, lingering upon the back of her tongue so she could taste him. Schon then allowed for those blood like orbs to feast upon his marred face, the pinky read marks of what she would read to be war. But, she was no fortune teller, she could not see his past. They could very well be from a disease or falling down a cliff. - She shrugged her hefty shoulders, which made it rather clear that there was a distinct mental discussion going on before him. Soon, she shook her head, allowing for her rambling thoughts to disperse and her attention focused back on what was happening then.

The serpent had her head raised ever so slightly, but she was still rather.. hunched over. That tail was rather high though, exposing her dominance. Her lips were fine lines, reading little expression other then mild interest. The Finnvi would allow for her jaws to open, revealing those yellowing teeth once and for all before beginning to spew forth her eloquent tones. "Tell me of your scars." Her verbiage was straightforward, but laced with the sweetness that lingered from the once flimsy woman she was years ago. Her brow raised once again, watching him closely to make not of any sort of hostility or such. Her paws flexed ever so slightly, allowing for her claws to poke into the ground below. The woman had a habit of this in new situations, it made her feel more secure. Her tail raised a bit more, showing she was serious with this inquire. And she was. Those scars were the one thing she saw in the man that was remarkable enough to comment upon and she was not going to give up a chance to observe a pretty thing. But, if he denied her request the beast would be rather.. disappointed.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.


01-19-2017, 10:05 PM

The Wolf’s ears twitched at the sound of a quiet little snort that came from the female. His brow rose in question, but he said nothing. Perhaps she didn’t like how his eyes took in her frame, absorbing every little detail he could, hell, maybe she thought it was a lustful action but if so she couldn’t be any further from the truth. The bland colored Wolf did not think of the female as attractive, not in the sense that he would want to mate with her, but he was intrigued and for the same reasons she was even slightly curious in him.  As they came face to face, both paused in their stride. They were of the same height but while he was muscle and fur, she was bulkier with muscle, fat and fur.

Aurum relaxed his muscles, almost embracing the fact that she could throw her weight towards him in an attack- and in fact, he did. If she threw herself at him, he would be ready, but it would not end with a result she wanted. Her jaws parted slightly, but no words came out and true to his nature, he remained silent. Her eerie red eyes drank in his scars, after several long seconds, her shoulders lifted in a shrug and once more he was left with an assumption that she was either unimpressed or wondering what they were from. He waited, noting how her tail lifted in a display of dominance, to which he responded in kind, his head did not lift, but his tail rose to the same level of her own. In quiet actions, he showed he was not afraid to meet any challenge she threw at him, but Aurum was not the type to throw his weight around, while he could be dominant and responded in kind to other rogues, he was not an arrogant Wolf caught up on himself.

She demanded one explanation. His scars. His brow rose, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. “Where I am from, war is as common as breathing. My scars are from sieges and battles both won and lost.” Her voice had been sweetly laced, it was eloquent to the right ears, but his voice was a deep timbre, smooth and confident. It held no hint of deceit, but in that confidence there was a hint of pride. He was proud of the scars that marred his face, shoulders and chest. Where he was from, scars were not hideous disfigurements but a show of battle prowess and how skilled one was. Sharp eyes were attuned to her every move, he noted how she kneaded the stone beneath her paws.



9 Years
01-20-2017, 08:00 PM

The woman took no offense to roaming eyes, yet she merely wished to display the fact that she was not someone to be trampled upon. Schon saw so many within these lands prance about, cowering to the might men that seemed to own them. She would never be such a thing. Therefore, she just wished to display her status. Her eyes were pinpointed towards him, blinking only when needed for she wished to miss nothing. A more.. pleasant trait of the babe was her ability to find beauty in most beings. Physical most of the time. But, due to her mad mind she saw flaws to be what brought creatures into the hands of Gods and Goddesses. You would not see a Goddess to look like a simpleton. But graces with features only she would have. Therefore, when that bloody gaze fell upon his various scars she expressed mild interest. They made the man before her unique in every possible way even if he did respond very vague and horribly boring. In her opinion, of course.

“Where I am from, war is as common as breathing. My scars are from sieges and battles both won and lost.”

The Finnvi visibly rolled her shoulders, a tiny little pop could be heard. A mere reminder of her age. The woman had put much wear and tear on her body in the past years now that she was six it showed. Now, she was not some elder cripple, she was merely reaching middle age. The beats nodded ever so slightly, allowing for her lids to squint only a hair. "Have you killed?" It was a test of hers. To throw forth a bold question, now it was time to observe his reaction. Those calculating eyes seemed to study each and every movement. For she could tell if he was lying, the woman had endured death by her own paws. The look in his eyes would tell the truth. But, she really did not care for an answer. The woman just wished to unravel what sort of man stood before her. A mindless warrior that had merely taken part in war? Or a flourished being of carnage? Who knew, really. Many surprise the babe with their ticking little secrets.

As she observed the lady would tilt her head. Allowing for her eyes to speak as well. Within her own visage was that of temptation and curiosity. Yet, even deeper was something sinister only a creature with a riddled past could pick up on. She continued to kneed the earth below, massaging the dirt beneath the snow with her marred pads. That tail remained high, unmoving. The wind seemed to howl above them, where the vast heavens met with the peaks of the mountain around them. Every now and then creeks of falling rocks could be heard, yet she did not move. The entirety of her attention was completely focused on the alabaster phantom before her.

"Talk" You Think

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.