
[M]Welcome to the freak show

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2017, 02:45 AM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2017, 08:31 AM by Lucifer I.)
The stench of death hung in the air of the ship attracting the blackened forms of ravens like moths to a flame. Their uproar ignored by the soul that had caused them to gather. He was used to them following him around. The red streaks that lead to him in the snow outside gave away why they were here if one did not use their nose.

He lay there with blood caking his muzzle and left forepaw. Beneath him was the steaming remains of a half eaten wolf's carcass. His left forepaw lay over its sunken half devoured stomach while his right lay beneath it's head. His muzzle was burried in its chest, the sounds of bones crunching and snarls ripping through the air. The sounds of ravens were deafening almost if you were above on the deck but in the cockpit where he had dragged the small 25 inch tall wolf carcass it was silent save for his noises. He cared not for the Ravens that wanted to fill their own stomachs, only for his that gnawed with hunger only an hour ago. His red eyes were narrowed and ears pressed forward as he listened. He was massive and should someone come to claim the body as theirs then he feared no death of his own, he would simply have to take more lives. Did he have a reason to eat this corpse instead of deer or anything else? No, he simply enjoyed it more when the food challenged him. His white mask was caked up to his eyebrow line with the fresh blood. His usual clean scent, was muddied with that of death. He cared not though, the scent would eventually wear off. His eyes were focused on the birds he could see from the doorway, as he bit off yet another bone and set to chewing it into splinters.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
01-30-2017, 11:29 AM
Deep in the bowels of the vessel, tantalizing tendrils of decay reach the sensitive nose of the sleeping monster. Her pet trills softly in his sleep, only to caw grumpily as the beastly woman nudges him awake. "Find it." She growls softly through her words, waking to such a scent makes her ravenous, near salivating. She refuses to allow such a disgusting habit to form, holding decorum above reactivity.  The bird seems to sense her ravenous mindset, and without a sound he leaves the depths of the massive craft, knowing his way through the pitch black abyss that was the underbelly of the ship. She is on her cinder paws and follows right after her avian son, letting him scout ahead. The scent of death was enough to frenzy the female, but she could smell the masculine cologne that it masked. There was another nearby, perhaps a friend of the dead. No matter, she enjoyed killing almost as much as she enjoyed eating.

When her ash and ivory baby finds the massive masked male, he lands a few feet away. Blue eyes watch the hulking beast as he devours his meal - another wolf - and he calls out to Vianni with sharp, alarming shrieks. Taking off he goes away, heading to Vianni to lead her to the possible meal. The larger wolf was what he had been cawing on about, and she would know this.

Hearing the sounds of alarm from Corvus, Vianni moves swiftly to catch up with him. If there was in fact another wolf nearby, her bird could be in trouble. Seeing him come toward her gives her a sense of relief that was deep and profound. "Take me." She whispers in a hungry growl, following him when he flies back toward the male. Dusty rose colored eyes widen as she sets sight on the giant eating his meal, and she ducks back around the corner. Corvus, not realizing she wasnt following landed back where he had previously stationed himself to watch. Vianni studies him, kohl rimmed ears pinning back for a moment as she sat around the corner and peeked at him. The smell of wolf blood on the air was making her stomach clench and squeeze painfully in her hunger.

Silencing her paws on the metal floor of the cavern like vessel, she approaches, coming up on his left side to sit and watch. She makes no sounds, Corvus masking what sounds would have been made if she had. He was a distracting little guy, bouncing and begging, his grey and white plumage as memorable as his unusual blue eyes. Vianni sits at a respectful distance and watches, waiting for the wolf to feel her presence coming up behind him. She said nothing, only watched him as he ate, anticipating a startled reaction of some sort at her sudden appearance.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2017, 03:00 PM
The scents of female escaped him, likely for her own good. His nose was buried in the sternum of his meal when the first sounds of squawking annoyance were heard. His ears pressed back at that and he let loose a snarl that in his professional opinion, echoed into the very bowels of the metal ship. It should be enough to warn off the tiny beggar. He didn't even hardly lift his muzzle from his carving work, though he did only to flash his teeth at the thing before it seemed to take off back into whence it came. This was rather pleasing to the behemoth, though he didn't show it, only giving a snort before dipping his head back into his meal. The tiny beggar seemed to return moments later though and he this time lifted his massive skull. The look it received was one of dead pane. He held no emotion except rage at this moment, and his blood red orbs reflected this.

The form of the female escaped his notice until she peeked out from the corner and it was only then that his eyes fell from the scavenger. They fell unto her form, watching as she came to sit near him, not caring though he half expected this girl to scream or be horrified at his meal. Toes splayed further as more weight was pressed onto the carcasses stomach with his bloodied paw. His tongue snaked out cleaning the red liquid from his nose, as he watched her. Ears pressed forward and his rear legs gathered in a ready to spring form. Should she even make one annoying sound she would find herself dead. Running from him would also be found to be a mistake. His eyes never left her even as he dipped his head back in only to pull it back up as he ripped a chunk of fur from it to which he proceeded to spit out.

There was no wasted words from him, nor any emotion that betrayed him. a perfect mask was in place, hiding his very thoughts and desires. One was to jump her and pin her beneath him as he took her sacred fruits. Another was to jump her and take her life force from her while he devoured her alive. Though a flick of his ear was the only thing to betray him at the scavenger's begging. His head whipped to it and he gave yet another snarl but this one was followed with Latin. Vocals were rumbling deep baritones, like the smoothest honey from his lips. It was a voice of complete calm though there was a deadly edge to it. "Si non desinas ciens avis scavenging relinquo vobis erunt qui labores." His eyes then cut to the bitch, expecting the bird to obey his commands, lest he end up the next meal. He wouldn't speak to her, yet, she would be either a good bitch and wait her turn, or start squawking just like the bird. He was the male here and he expected the bitch to be obedient and subservient to him while in his presence. He didn't leave her to wait too long though, bringing forth his voice once more, this time with his attention upon her. "Come to avenge your friend little lamb?" a pause as he let his thick vocals loose in a breathy chuckle, no fear of the vengeance she might seek upon him. He was strong and capable, he had nothing to fear. "Or perhaps there is something more you want. Perhaps you came to see what the devil has brought, perhaps to glimpse a taste of the lupine strength." there was an echo of temptation to his voice. Her response would determine her fate. Should he tempt her closer he would share, though there was a price to be paid. A price she would learn first hand. There were ways to pay for his delicacies, sex, servitude, or even a delicate partnership that he of course ran, he would accept any. His form was still then save for the rise and fall of his chest as he gave silent breaths.

Si non desinas ciens avis scavenging relinquo vobis erunt qui labores.= If you don't cease your squawking bird, there will be none that i leave for you scavenging annoyances.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
01-30-2017, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2017, 01:05 AM by Vianni.)
***Scroll over for translations***

Rather than scream or bolt, Vianni was hungry. The smell of lupine meat made her mouth water, making her have to swallow and lick her lips to keep the saliva within her mouth. She would not embarrass herself by salivating over someone else's meal. As it was, it seemed bad enough to simply be watching him, given the obvious annoyance that passed over the hulking male. Looking from the giant to Corvus as the male spoke to her bird, Vi feels a smirk cross over her face. 'If you don't cease your squawking bird, there will be none that I leave for your scavenging annoyances.' She had understood the ancient tongue he uttered to Corvus, and so did the bird. Looking offended, Corvus scoffs and flies to perch on Vi's shoulder. From the relative safety of his wolf-mother's back, he softly caws his annoyance at being spoken to in such a commandeering tone. The bird's muttering only further's Vianni's smile as the male turns to look at her. Bright red glares into soulless dusty rose, and she flicks her tail around her paws. Listening to his words, his query about the wolf at his paws making her laugh outwardly at the ridiculousness of his words. "She was no friend of mine..." Looking at the half-eaten wolf, she licks her lips once more as more lines of speech are uttered.

He had come to her home, brought food into her house. This male dared to tempt her in her own home. Vianni's expression changes almost instantly, from entertained to annoyed in a heartbeat. "Noli ludere nos, Domine. Exaltasti dexteram deprimentium eum escam Domum tueri tuam solet reddere." Her tone is icy, her words sharp and crisp and her eyes narrow on his massive form. Huffing out a breath she snorts, her masked face still wearing a smile, though there was real malice with the gesture. "Scio enim quod fortitudo est in carne ex lupinum." One ear laces back on her delicate looking skull, only to tune back into his voice should he respond. It would be a challenge, but she had come out of tougher battles with far larger beasts than he. For her, danger was an appetizer, and she regularly hunted predators. This male would be no different from a medium sized bear, and could be brought down just as easily. Then she would have enough food to keep her out of the general public for a while.

Even now, as she watches his aggression play hell with his body, Vianni is running through a thousand ways to dispatch him. She will wait to see his reaction to her words, no doubt the use of the ancient tongue would serve as a surprise enough to curb some of his rage. Considering what she was dealing with, she highly doubted she would get out of this interaction without some blood staining her lips. Whether it was the meal he had brought into her dwelling, or him, would be entirely up to the male's next move. She was not one to submit, her blood ran too thickly with the royal genes of her maternal line. An alpha by birth and breeding, it was against her nature to bow to anything.

Mobile friendly translations:

1. "Noli ludere nos, Domine. Exaltasti dexteram deprimentium eum escam Domum tueri tuam solet reddere." - Don't tease us, sir. You have brought food to our house, it is customary to pay for your shelter.

2. "Scio enim quod fortitudo est in carne ex lupinum." - I know well what strength lies in lupine flesh.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2017, 05:11 PM
The bird's squawking earned it no more than the twitch of his lip and reveal of a blood stained canine.  If it wanted to make it out of the boat alive it would shut the hell up before he got a head ache that none of them would want to deal with. It would be just the start of his violent rage, the start of a snap. His huge form shifted just barely, body now shielding his delicate underbelly and his male components. Her response brought a near smirk, a twitch of his lips at her defiant way. She would need to learn quick to stay alive near him. Head tilted to adjust and shield his jugular easily. Defenses he had learned to set young falling into place casually. So it seemed the bitch spoke the royal tongue, but that wasn't what intrigued him. It was the way she claimed to own the boat, the way she openly defied him, and the way she spoke of equivalent exchange. A snort was given to her as he lifted himself to sit at a now higher level than her. He was the king of demons and as an Asmodeus he would not be outdone.

Lips of charcoal stayed in a taut serious line. His voice came once more to her, this time a deadly calm that was completely serious. His paw pulled the form of the carcass closer to his gut. He was not giving in easily and not without an equivalent exchange greater than eating his meal upon a scrap heap. "Sunt hic Agnus sine finibus convertimini, et hoc magis cogitare aliquid aequivalens pro hac." His tongue darted out yet again, this time running along his left lip, cleaning blood in its wake to reveal the white beneath. There was a challenge for her that he set. He saw this as playing the most dangerous game. He was a king when it came to these games. The thought of her beneath him whether willing or not was a great temptation but he would see what he could get from her his way.

It did come to his mind that she may not understand equivalent exchange. Perhaps he should teach her of his customs. Yes he had at one point learned this lesson himself. His father had never been a forgiving man, to get anything he had to give something, and to steal something meant to have the price ripped from your pelt. Vocals rose with his explanation, a steely calm gaze settled upon her. "
Lacessere non est pecudis communicabo, at pretium. An equivalent commutatio inter valores aequales. Hoc cibo aliti sunt sacco efficit biduum hic si non habeant, quaeris die cibum dare mihi."
He gave a pause for that to sink in. A day of food could mean life or death to someone as big as him. He was nearly 220 lbs at this point, it was all muscle so it was common knowledge that to feed something as big as him meant a lot of food was needed. He continued then hopefully before she decided to give quite the bit of lip to him. "
Melior Quid ergo? Si pudicitia? Forte libertatibus? Quod si forte tibi plus etiam mihi prodest. Quanti hoc sociis, fortasse unum?"
He would let her choose, he could be a patient man. though how she took her options was on her. She might even offer her own option but he didn't value sitting on a boat without her attacking him so that one wouldn't work for her. He had nothing to fear from her or any other because when his death came it would come. He was ready to lift his paw though should her choice be acceptable. Sharing would be no problem but he was not about to do so without getting something satisfying in return.

Sunt hic Agnus sine finibus convertimini, et hoc magis cogitare aliquid aequivalens pro hac.= There are no borders here lambchop, try again, and this time think of something more equivalent for this exchange.

Lacessere non est pecudis communicabo, at pretium. An equivalent commutatio inter valores aequales. Hoc cibo aliti sunt sacco efficit biduum hic si non habeant, quaeris die cibum dare mihi.= It is no tease lamb, I shall share, but at a price. An equivalent exchange, one of equal values. This meat bag here keeps me fed for two days if i don't share it, you ask for me to give up a day of food.

Melior Quid ergo? Si pudicitia? Forte libertatibus? Quod si forte tibi plus etiam mihi prodest. Quanti hoc sociis, fortasse unum?= So what do you value then? Perhaps your purity? Perhaps your freedoms? Maybe something of even greater value to me is of value to you. I value partners in this world, perhaps you should become one?
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
01-30-2017, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2017, 01:08 AM by Vianni.)
***Scroll over for translation***

When he spoke again, he proved himself to be just as clever as he seemed strong. Something that lessened the aggression on her face, and lightened her expression just a bit. Corvus was still unimpressed, fluffing up at the male and cawing once more before falling silent at the twisting of Vianni's head. She held no true claim over the ship, but that did not mean she was not a resident. Her scent littered the halls and rooms of the broken down vessel, but without others to help her defend the place, she really couldn't keep the territory for herself. Having the truth aired out in such a way had her tense, some annoyance sinking back into her facial expression as she stared at him. When his words brushed over her ears once again, their deep tones inspired more curiosity than anything. A tic worked at her jaw, his explanation making her feel insulted rather than educated. Gears grind away in her head as she listens and takes in his implications. What would being partners with this male mean for her exactly? What would gain her access to his prize without the cost being too high for herself?

He sat up to speak further, his height towering over her own even at a reclined state. It gave him the appearance of being dominant, of having the high ground. His body said he was ready for a fight, a fact that had her smiling again. For him to assume a defensive stance must mean she had made him feel the need to defend himself. It was a strange sort of feeling, to have a giant move subtly to protect his vitals while staring at her smaller frame. Still, his words hung in the air for a moment as she went over the options he had given her. Intelligence was always on her side, and she quickly found an out that kept her away from having to bow or risk what she wasn't willing to give. "Sum, et quasi tibi. Faciem meam est forte ... tamen tenemini. Possem tibi capies alteram ad coenam paucas huius. Relinqui non multum abesse a verbis oris mei et non saturabuntur, venatio esurit alius autem tibi satis est pulchra." Her hard gaze meets the red steel of his own, meeting him as an equal rather than subordinate. Before her crimes against her birth pack, Vianni had been taught these lessons as well. To steal was to die, in order to get anything in her home land one had to work for it. Nothing was given for free, not even the life she had stolen.

It was by luck and clever resourcefulness that she was even able to have this conversation, having an entire pack hunt for her had only sharpened her senses for such things. Whether he accepted her offer of help or not, she refused to be backed down. Despite the hunger clawing at her gut, she knew she was skilled at killing and could easily find someone else to chew on. Though, she wouldn't mind taking a bite out of the hulking figure who taunted her with economics and food. With a cool expression, Vianni watches the male when he reacts to her offer. Now that her price had been set, they could begin negotiations. She would not be backed off or scared away from this somewhat easy meal, not in her house.

Mobile friendly translations:

1. "Sum, et quasi tibi. Faciem meam est forte ... tamen tenemini. Possem tibi capies alteram ad coenam paucas huius. Relinqui non multum abesse a verbis oris mei et non saturabuntur, venatio esurit alius autem tibi satis est pulchra." - I am a hunter, like you. I could offer to hunt for your next meal for a few scraps of this one. There isn't much left and I will not be filled from what I get here, hunting for someone else when you get hungry again seems fair enough for me.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-30-2017, 07:13 PM
His gaze never gave from hers. Blood red was set upon her more delicate features, watching them morph with her expressions. He had hoped she might take the easy way out, becoming a valuable pack mate to him, the first of many hopefully. He cared not for what she thought of it, only that a female with such values not fall into the void of the world. Whether she was a demon or not remained to be seen, but one thing was for certain she was certainly a silver-tongued bitch. Her long pause he took as her thinking and he gave her a sultry smirk. It was the only expression she might get, though he knew it would highlight his best features, perhaps even make him slightly more attractive, not like he wasn't already with the blood covering his face.

Her terms finally were laid out to him and he took little time to think it over. To have her waste a meal upon him was a trick he figured. Why would he want to take the challenge out of hunting anyway? Did he look that fat? He had an end goal in mind and it would be getting her to follow him as an equal for now and later as a potential beta. She wouldn't ever be an alpha in his home unless she proved herself completely worthy, and proved that when it came down to it she would bow to her true alpha. He spoke then quickly denying her the meal yet. "
Nequaquam ut vis sed adgrediar esset prandium tuum ciba ceteros. Praeterea ubi venando provocatione meis quomodo ego dimittam vos mihi feceritis."
He let the smirk stay for the time being. He was a noble but he had often let that side slip away to be how he wanted. Dealing with negotiations was something he could easily do. He glanced for only a second at the puffed up bird and then back to the bitch. A brow raised as he spoke once more figuring that perhaps she might accept colleagues and loose pack mates together. "
Quam rem et dabo te convertere, hoc idem vas socios turba sis, et patrocinium praestat nobis, et venatio comradery facilior erit. Proponimus incipere elit sarcina ut hoc loco fortasse coleader daturum se frequenti concilio fidem habes et artes tam mihi ducem."
he gave a pause breifly to make sure she was following him still before he continued. "Ut addatur bonus hic mihi et tibi est rex Ahaz de hac sarcina tunc saturati estis, veniamus ad alterutrum facies munda." Of course he wouldn't mind cleaning more than just her face, it was merely left at that though just to test the water. it wasn't really asking that much he felt though it was something highly valued to have companions to defend your home and life if need be. It would also make hunting wolves easier, that was if she could coordinate an attack with him without speaking. He waited though to see what she would say to that. Perhaps he could recruit her as a potential pack mate, and perhaps she knew others like them that wouldn't mind the benefits of having a place to call home permanently.

Nequaquam ut vis sed adgrediar esset prandium tuum ciba ceteros. Praeterea ubi venando provocatione meis quomodo ego dimittam vos mihi feceritis.= No, you will not waste a meal that could be yours to feed me. Besides where would my challenge in hunting be if I let you do it for me.

Quam rem et dabo te convertere, hoc idem vas socios turba sis, et patrocinium praestat nobis, et venatio comradery facilior erit. Proponimus incipere elit sarcina ut hoc loco fortasse coleader daturum se frequenti concilio fidem habes et artes tam mihi ducem.= How about this, I give you this and in return, we coincide upon this vessel, pack mates if you would, it gives us both protection together, hunting will be made easier and even comradery. As I intend to begin a pack anyway, this will grant you full council position perhaps even coleader should you gain both my trust and faith in your skills as a leader.

Ut addatur bonus hic mihi et tibi est rex Ahaz de hac sarcina tunc saturati estis, veniamus ad alterutrum facies munda.= As an added bonus I get to sit here and tell you of the plans for this pack, then after you have had your fill, we get to clean each other's faces.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
01-30-2017, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2017, 01:14 AM by Vianni.)
***Scroll over for translation***

She kept her eyes on his as she thought and responded to his proposition, his initial response earning him something of a laugh from her. She held her tongue though, and as he continued to speak she found herself more and more interested in what he had to say. Trying to ignore the easy smirk he wore, Vianni set on her crown and strapped in for further negotiations. While he spoke, Vianni took the time to truly look him over, rolling his words around in her head before she responded. She wondered if he realized what he offered her, if he knew that his proposition had greater value than both her shared hunting suggestion and his half eaten meal. Corvus smoothed his feathers down as he looked between the wolves then he gave a small caw, as if he were weighing in on her decision. Narrowing her pale pink eyes, the male's last comment nearly put the brakes on the entire process. Getting that cozy with a male like this could be dangerous, but she could admit the thought did have her heart racing. Still, she had her own set of rules that she lived by and even if it was only cleaning he was after, she knew better than to let him get that personal with her.

"Offerunt et placatus ero vobis, licet dimittere vultu dictum. Praestare fateor posse habere circa facilioremque lupum, et nostrae conditionis. Primum non res oportet...turpis. Quod habent facies elit, vel aliquid huiusmodi." She stands, moving closer to him, within his striking range now. The close proximity made Corvus nervous and he moved further down her back the closer she got to the male. Now, with his offer in the works, she felt he would be less of a threat. Still using caution, she keeps herself ready in case he decided to lash out. She wasn't done with him, however, and her list of conditions continued. "Secundo, in quo libere et iure. Lupus et supra me non est ego Dominus et non initium aliquod ciborum. Dum ego reverebuntur et opitulentur vobis, et non sum mulier mea tamquam minus magnifica illa quia ego sum." Sitting just two feet from him, she looks up to meet his gaze before adding her final ultimatum. "Tertio, non avis dominus meus. Ut vitae est agere. Sed ut cognoscat quae circa vos sunt, verum si me vivere, si necesse est semper uti volo velox responsum." With her final addition to polish their agreement, Vianni waits to see if he will accept her terms. Given the fact that he had offered her something more valuable than the meal, Vianni assumed he needed her as much as she needed to eat.

She would not have her hard won freedom infringed on, having cast aside her previous chains to live here. Her eyes refuse to break contact with his and she smirks, a brow quirking up as she waits for his response. Perhaps he would refuse, but these were only terms that would affect her and their working relationship. She was not one for physical contact, unless she was going to kill whatever touched her. Some exceptions could be made, like with her Corvus. Still, should he refuse she was hungry enough to go out and hunt on her own. She had been a loner for at least two years now and would have no qualms staying alone if he couldn't accept her conditions.

Mobile friendly translations:

1. "Offerunt et placatus ero vobis, licet dimittere vultu dictum. Praestare fateor posse habere circa facilioremque lupum, et nostrae conditionis. Primum non res oportet...turpis. Quod habent facies elit, vel aliquid huiusmodi." - I will accept your offer, though we can forgo the face cleaning. I agree that having another wolf around could make things easier, but I have my own conditions. First, things must not get...complicated. Which means no face cleaning, or anything of the sort.

2. "Secundo, in quo libere et iure. Lupus et supra me non est ego Dominus et non initium aliquod ciborum. Dum ego reverebuntur et opitulentur vobis, et non sum mulier mea tamquam minus magnifica illa quia ego sum." - Second, I reserve the right to speak and act freely. I hold no wolf above myself and will not start over some scraps. While I will respect and help you, I am my own woman and will not be treated as something less than the magnificent queen that I am.

3. "Tertio, non avis dominus meus. Ut vitae est agere. Sed ut cognoscat quae circa vos sunt, verum si me vivere, si necesse est semper uti volo velox responsum." - Third, don't boss my bird. That is my role to play in his life. Also, I should know your true name if you are going to be living with me, if I ever need to use it, I want the response to be swift.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-31-2017, 02:21 PM
She seemed like she was thinking hard on what he had to offer. He didn't miss the way she seemed to look him over either. The smirk he wore was an easy one as he adjusted some to allow her a full view of what he had to offer. Her smaller size was no deterant to him, rather it made him want more. Just as the way she defied him still made him want to break her. He really wanted to feel her beneath him, to hear her scream, beg and plead to be released. Those were thoughts for later though.

He knew exactly what he was offering her, its weight much more than a measly meal but it would be something that he figured they both needed. He wasn't stupid. This would give them both something to fall back upon if they ever needed it. Her words reached deep into his cranium and he gave a chuckle at her rules. Too bad he had his own rules for survival. He gave a dip of his head then before speaking to her. "Per regulas bene ludimus nunc. Si autem vis ad DIFFICULTAS .... et velle." his Latin was flawless, as any King's should be. He continued after a small pause to give his own ground rules. "Et praecepta mea, et non manducavit portabit peccatum si avis gets conatur capere dum venio comedere panem meum. Quid mihi et non occideris me exigebas ales avis cum i consummavi quod tunc demum ad satietatem." He gave a pause before moving on. He had more than one for certain. "Secundo, videtur quod non minus quam rex sum ego. Ut sed aequis locis non inclinabitur ad me, si mihi experiri vitam amittere. Ego dæmonium non iussit quasi filius regis." He was certain she could at least respect that. He was too powerful to be controlled for certain. "Tertio, si ferre istam arcam, masculus et femina, ipsum non carent. Verisimile est quia aut adsunt, aut mecum habuisti fœdus. Fortasse hic tergum mihi cibum, et non dico vobis sed si opportunum." With that he gave her a nod and removed his foot from the corpse. He stood to his full height and stepped back only one step. She would need to learn to trust him if this was to work out.

Her asking of his name had not gone unnoticed but he had to debate with himself if she was going to try to control him with it. To do so would be a death warrant for her. He was no meager demon to control so she would have to know that a strong binding magic would be needed. He doubted this girl even knew how to bind a demon, unless perhaps the puny bird was one. He doubted that though, it would be much more ballsy if it were. He debated for no more than a few moments before finally deciding to give it to her, she couldn't do anything with it anyway. "The name is Lucifer Leviathan Asmodeus. You may call me any variant of those names, I also have been called Satan, Hades, Hellfire, and Titan. Usually those that hunt me call me those though." with that he awaited her own name or a variant of it.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-03-2017, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2017, 05:06 AM by Vianni.)
Dusty rose quartz traveled over the length of the giant, his size was not threatening to her. She was a hunter of many things, predatory creatures being at the very top of her game list. Mountain cats, bears, bobcats, wolves or wolverines, it didn't matter to the ashen cloaked female. She had tasted them all, and her thick pelt hid the scars to prove her claims. Her black laced ears also bore multiple scars, as did her muzzle. They were faint by now, leaving faint glimmers of their former selves in her fur, remnants of her first insidious act. It was not an issue to bring down the heavy, all a matter of wit and if she was fast enough to get out of the way. As she looked him over, she put his face to memory - not that she could ever forget such a face. She could admit to herself that he was a rather superior specimen of wolf, and she could tell his lines were old and rooted in dominance by the way he held himself. The use of the ancient tongue gave her further knowledge about his probable lineage, but she withheld judgement until she witnessed more of him. When he leans to the side with a cocky smirk plastered on his face, Vianni responds with a rather good natured eye roll and looks to the roof of the pilothouse and shook her head.

As his deep rumbling voice echoes out into the room in his flawless Latin, Vianni feels her face go blank at the quip he threw in. His acceptance of her rules allowed her to relax a bit, and she watched his mouth as he spoke before looking back up to his eyes with a very cross expression on her face. Rising from her reclined position, Vianni raises her tail in defiance of the threat to her son. Caw! Caw-caw! Corvus fluffed immediately and made a strange growl-like sound while looking at the male. "Avis fur non, si iam mortuus esset conatus. A dentes meos ! Alius non tangit eum. Si furtum a vobis volo frangere collum mihi quoniam ego illum melior. Si ambulaveritis ex adverso mihi doctrina non meretur vitam benedixi ei." The bird in question opens his light grey wings and nods his head in agreement with what his wolf-mother said. His blue eyes ran the length of the male as he smoothed his feathers and jump-flapped his way up to Vianni's back. Where he continued to glare in an insulted manner at the hulking beast who dared insult his integrity.

Peeved now, Vianni struggles to keep herself from throwing herself at the wolf who makes threats against her baby. Growling as she settled herself once more, Vi narrows her eyes and speaks once more, "Continue," her voice made sickly sweet with anger. She would listen to all he had to say, she simply had to let him know that she would be the only one doing any kind of threatening to Corvus. Despite herself, she found a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, his second demand mirrored her own. She inclines his head as soon as he finished his sentence, a clear duh written all over her face. His final term gave her a bit of a pout, he took all the fun out of her ship. One ear twisted about and she gave him a look that was damn near innocent, "Et si distribuero in cibos oblivisceris me adducerem te super navem imperasti?" The smile that came over her face was all dashing doll as she gave a small peel of laughter at her own joke. "Ludens loqui ego vobiscum una - nobiscum tibi concedam hoc recognitio si avis furtum interficiam te." Her smile stayed, and she perked her coal trimmed ears once he spoke again.

His name rolled from his lips along with that ringing of truth that voices often held, it was odd how one could pick up such subtle things. While it had a mouthful of syllables, Vianni smirked and looks up at him. "I will call you Luc. You may call me Vianni or Vi. This is Corvus." Only after the names had been exchanged did she step forward to claim the prize for taking his baited hook, line and sinker. Corvus moved down her back and hopped down to stand a few inches away, waiting until she threw him something to eat. More to keep the fragile peace between them, Vianni tugged the wolf toward her a bit, in case she lashed out at him. Diving into the meal, her sides suck in as if she hadn't eaten in a few days. In truth, since her last failed hunt, Vianni had not hunted. Instead she set to exploring this metal cage and learning its secrets. The first bite had her fur raising with goosebumps, and a delighted purring growl escaped her as she feasted, the sound pleasing to the ear and constant. It was almost like watching a cat lap at milk.

Her eyes landed on Corvus and she stood, ripping a large chunk from the carcass and setting it a few feet away from her. The entire time he hadn't moved, though he did bounce in place from foot to foot excitedly. Once the piece hit the floor the bird flew over and landed on it, ripping into the meat and tearing viciously to remove small strips of flesh before gulping it down. unaware of the motion, Vianni's tail waved slowly back and forth in warning, her ears back and her creamy muzzle being painted red with wolf's blood. She ate in hurried fashion at first, though she slowed to enjoy the meal once her stomach stopped biting at her. She couldn't pause to speak, could only consume as the blood lust took over. It didn't matter that she hadn't hunted it, she was simply hungry. As the crimson washed over her lips, she made an elegant picture. Finally, she lay down to eat, looking up at Lucifer as she does. Watching him as she ate, she wondered if this would be a truly beneficial partnership. She hoped it would, otherwise this was a waste of time and Latin.

**mobile translations**
1. "Avis fur non, si iam mortuus esset conatus. A dentes meos ! Alius non tangit eum. Si furtum a vobis volo frangere collum mihi quoniam ego illum melior. Si ambulaveritis ex adverso mihi doctrina non meretur vitam benedixi ei." - The bird is no thief, he would have tried and died already if he were. By my fangs! No one else will touch him. Should he steal from you, I would snap his neck myself because I raised him better. Should he defy my teachings, he does not deserve the life I blessed him with.

2. "Et si distribuero in cibos oblivisceris me adducerem te super navem imperasti?" - But, what if you forget to feed me, and you bring someone on my ship?

3. "Ludens loqui ego vobiscum una - nobiscum tibi concedam hoc recognitio si avis furtum interficiam te." - I am joking with you, I agree to your terms - with the one revision that I will kill the bird if he should steal from you.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-05-2017, 05:33 AM
Her eyes upon him were hard to ignore. It raised a primal urge in him, one that made him want to rip into her. He wanted nothing more than to taste her, but their agreement would not allow for it. He had taken notice of her scars, they made her out to be what she was to him. She was a warrior, a hunter of all things predatory, each nick and scratch could tell him a tale. He could listen to their silent stories easily. He knew all about her kind, though not her.

His own body held but one scar, a thick angry line across his chest. Hair didn't grow there any longer, leaving the line for all to see. It was the one that told the story of a monster, one he knew well but didn't care to share. It was the man he knew as father that had left it there, it was the last lesson he had learned from the man, to never feel anything for another again, as they would only betray you. He had killed the man that day, taken his role as demon king as well. It was his destiny as the largest and strongest of his father's children, not to mention the only one left, such was his own doing. He had started to cull the weak from the flock by exterminating and devouring them. Such feats had made his father proud.

His red optics watched as she took an offensive stance and that caused a snap inside him. He had been thus far interested in her but he had known it would only be so long before she caused him to snap. He was a dangerous man with no control over his rage. Little things often set him off. His lips peeled back and his mouth opened wide, revealing each dagger to her. The sound that came in that moment was both demonic and angered. His eyes narrowed upon her. His hackles lifted and his ears pressed back into them. Body lifted completely to his full height and his tail did the same in his own dominance. She had no clue that by trying to dominate him she would cause the beast to want to prove it's superiority to her.

His eyes showed everything, the uncontrollable rage running rampant on the usually stoic man's face. Maw wrinkled as she pushed and he pushed back. His face was held down cast as he stood taller than her and thus had to look down at her.  He was ready to force her to bow to him, but words from her malicious maw caused enough of a pause as he waited for her to continue her speech before he even considered moving. The peace between them was a fragile piece of glass, so paper thin and ready to break. He was ready for it to break apart, his daggers sharpened for the war of hunting her.

His features only smoothed once she accepted his terns and he gave a stiff nod. He dared not turn his back to her though. He gave a snort at her joke. "Quasi oblita vero contumeliam mea intelligentia. Quamvis verum sit amet debes oblitus tantum victui meo necessaria." his voice was rougher this time, more angered, demonic even. He cared not if she threw a temper tantrum or if she even got a hint of what his anger was like. He wasn't about to explain his problem to her either. He didn't give two shots if she figured it out either. He was a quick to anger male that was a beast when it came down to muscle and brains. His moods could change at any given moment as well. She could either figure out what caused the shift herself or continue to trigger them and test her luck with him.

When she gave her name to him he gave another nod and watched her now with relaxed yet dominate features. He was far from concerned. He took deep breaths and focused on calming himself down, reminding himself that this bitch was nothing to him if he killed her, but if he let her live she could prove useful. After almost a minute he was lowering his tail to a relaxed position again while she ate. A deep breath came from him like a sigh and he turned then, his right side to her now, eyes out the window at the gathered murder. Words passed his lips to give her a quick rundown of the home he would be building. "I intend to make a home for those like us, hunters and superior beings, at the top of the hierarchy. Females are to be treated with respect unless they do not fall into the category of you and I, should they not they are merely there to amuse me, either with their bodies or whatever I tell them to do. Should they resist or become no longer of use to me or my council, they shall be labeled as free food for any. Any that seek to trespass also fall under this category. Pups not birthed by those of my top females such as yourself will be given to them and their new mother's will be charged with raising and training them as they see fit. The laws are still up in the air for now, otherwise remain slack." he went over everything he could think of before looking back to her, awaiting any input or questions she might have.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-05-2017, 02:31 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2017, 02:37 PM by Vianni.)
Round: 0/4 (issued challenge)
Height: 36 "
Build: Medium

She watches him carefully, watching his face morph to a deadly rage as she stood and snarled her defiance at him. His dominant posture only created a further stubbornness from her, the madness from her mother's blood seeping into her system as her pupils dilated and her own lips peeled to reveal her weapons as he exposed his. Every hair along her spine raised and the base of her tail fluffed, her ears slid forward in dominant anger as she widened her stance and lowered her head. He challenged her, and the blood in her veins burned her into response. Adrenaline flooded her body, causing her muscles to quake, the hellish woman reacting in kind to his dominant stance over her. His open maw was threatening, his deep rumbling growl caused her stomach to quiver excitedly as she fought herself for control. It took all she had not to dive right into his throat as he snarled at her. His reaction to her had her salivating, the alpha within her veins howling to be released and show him just why she challenged him. She would not be backing down, not for him, not for any wolf.

They both managed to barely hold themselves, her speech seeming to have eased something in him. She was still shaking, her body heated and ready, muscles warming themselves up to fight the beast who dared threaten her bird. She understood he had something of the same problem, her continued defiance of him had both amused and angered him, there was very little that ever escaped her notice. Vianni gave a smirk, her tail sweeping around to cover her sooty paws once more. She relaxed and dug into the meal, but didn't get very far into it when he spoke once more. Her chewing stopped altogether at the mention of fostering pups. If it was not born of something worthy enough to keep and train it, why would it be worthy enough to feed from her? "Et nolui levare catulos inferiores." It was the only thing she had an issue with. Vianni was royalty, and no child with inferior breeding would touch her. Stepping away from the carcass, Vi watched the male.

Surely this latest defiant statement would have him angered, she held his temper on a string in one paw and kept scissors poised to cut his tentative control in the other. If they were going to live together, they would at least have to know what the other was capable of. How hard would they push? How fragile was this thread he held on by? Would he be the one to show her his superiority, would he prove his ability and make her submit to him? She was searching for the male who would, perhaps this could be him. He had the confidence, it would seem, but did he have the skill? Vianni wanted to know just how much she could push him, and she wanted to see just what he would do when he reached the end of his rope. Growling softly, Vianni stands, her hold on control slowly slipping away. "Opinor tempus est ostenderitis quoniam dignus es obedientia mea." It would be beneficial to both of them, in her opinion. She could relax once she knew he was worthy enough to lord over her the way he tried to do, or he would understand that there was more bite to her and they could return to more neutral ground instead of carrying on this pissing contest.

She stood off to his right, her posture relaxed even though her muscles shook excitedly. She said nothing more, merely watched and waited for acceptance of her challenge to him. Subtlety had been working, but now with his snarling and threats still fresh in her mind, she grew restless. Anticipation coursed through her veins along with the wonderful song of war and the call to draw his blood and taste him. Should he prove himself he would gain a loyalty she had never given to any wolf before, but before that, she would have to see what he had. Her pale pink eyes had not missed the longing in his gaze for the same. She would show him what she had, and he would understand. This was the best way for them to stop testing one another, she had grown weary of the game. Corvus flew up and out of the way, still clutching his meat in one claw, his blue eyes watched as the wolves confronted one another.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-06-2017, 02:47 AM
Her words crossed his ears and he was standing once more, his lips peeling back. He cared not for the first statement, what she did with the spawn she was given was her own business. It was the second statement that had ever hair along his spine raising to her challenge. His hackles danced and his tail raised along with them. She would regret ever challenging him in such ways. His muzzle wrinkled and his mouth opened allowing the feral snarl of the demon king to be released. His fangs were dripping with bloodied saliva, his mouth salivating at the thought of having such a bitch under him. This bitch would be lucky to find a male with an attitude like hers. His ears pressed back into the raised fur and his eyes narrowed upon her. Their red depths enraged and menacing in every way.

His stance widened and he was ready for whatever she might throw at him. His head lowered to be even with his spine while his chin tucked to protect his throat. He was completely balanced and each massive inch of him poised for the attack he was planning on doing. He wasn't about to let her slip away and have her own choices any longer, she would be his and that was that. No words were needed for her as he made his move. Back legs turned him, before pushing off in a lunge. His aim was to close any and all space between them provided she didn't move. His jaws were opened but ready to snap closed as he aimed to bite upon her scruff by angling himself from her slightly. He would come at her from the right side aiming to be at a seventy five degree angle with her skull. His jaws aimed to close upon her scruff as he stood taller than her so his reach would only put his head at the top of her scruff unless he lowered his head, in which he wasn't about to do. If his mark was right it would give him a hold directly behind her head, hopefully giving him full control of her jaws as he did for most of his victims. He knew the damage she could reap with her jaws and he wanted to ensure it would remain minimal. His bite would likely peirce the flesh at most, as he wasn't aiming to snap her spine.

Lucifer vs Vianni for right to mate
Round 1/4
45 inches
Heavy build

Attack summary: he aims for a hold on top of her scruff directly behind her head, at the neck and skull joint to hopefully gain control of her jaws.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-06-2017, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2017, 06:15 PM by Vianni.)
VIANNI vs. LUCIFER for RIGHT TO MATE (defending)
Round 1/4 (1st attack/defense)
36 inches
Medium build
She's a killer, she's a keeper,
Am I blurry in your vision, am I just...a poor decision?
Cut me open, with precision, and we'll finger the incision.
Tell me what have I done?
His response wasn't as immediately violent as she had hoped, rather he turned to face her with that devil's voice ringing out in a sharp growl. What a sight he made in his full regalia, his hackles raised to dangerous points and his white curtains drawn to reveal deadly rows of blood stained knives. Rather than fear, Lucifer created a hum of excitement within her frame, a heady concoction of adrenaline and other aggression hormones flood her body and her muscles quake with anticipation. She laughs, the tones easily floating away in the breeze as Vianni's pink gaze zeros in on the male. Her tail dares to wag stiffly in the air as he took his defensive stance against her. The rage in his eyes suggested that he would be punishing her soon, and she couldn't be happier. C'mon, do it. Oooh, I want you to do it. C'mon, hit me! HIT ME!! The shrieking of her mind was all the world boiled down to, the twitch of her head was all that signaled her oncoming madness.

A thrill washed through her as he lunged, her body responding simultaneously to turn right and rush forward slightly. After avoiding the worst possible bite that would have put him in control, Vianni does not get away entirely. Instead, Lucifer's fangs pinched the loose skin at the nape of her neck, just between her shoulder blades, his massive frame nearly in line with her own as she let loose her own growl that would rival his own. His grip on her broke her flesh out in goosebumps, her fur raising to show the glimmers of scars large and small that litter her frame. A heady cackle escaped through the growling snarls of Vianni. Ducking her head and moving her hips away from him, she twists in her skin to bite at the apex of his neck and chest. Right above his left shoulder, she aimed her teeth to bite down hard on him, her skin stretching painfully as she sought purchase in his flesh. Her hope was to break his grasp on her nape, to distract him enough to make him release her. He had not fully penetrated her skin, and she would give him the same respect, though she would nearly break the skin if her knives hit their mark.

Her tail flew high and Corvus cawed once again in the background, still feasting as his mother wrestled for her place in Lucifer's pack. He would have to prove himself to her, make her understand he was the stronger one. One way or the other, she would show him that she could hold her own. She was used to larger beings, made fun out of the challenge it was to hunt them. This was different somehow, Lucifer didn't make her hungry for his flesh, rather the prize he dangled before her eyes. She wanted to be strong, like him, and he inspired her. She simply wasn't going to let him push her around or dictate how to live. She was her own woman, and she would go down swinging until she died to prove just that. Vianni had made a deal, and she would follow him and coincide with him. She just wanted him to know she was as strong as she projected herself to be. There was a reason she was so outspoken.
Quid pro quo
To watch you lose...control!
I will give you sanctuary in these hymns of Thanatos!
You want to see me burn, I am living fire!!!!
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-06-2017, 04:40 PM
She moved and his narrowed eyes followed her. Mid-lunge it was to late to change trajectory so he would have to deal with what he got. What he got was a less than appealing place though, the nape between her shoulders was a far cry from where he had been aiming but he would just have to use the pathetic spot to the best of his advantage for now. His hackles remained dancing along his spine, almost making him appear bigger than he truly was, not like he needed any assistance with that. His voice rang in tune with hers, snarls and fury escaping his massive chest. His muzzle remained wrinkled with his lips pulled back. His maw was closed but he was rather quick to release his hold the moment she moved, as he was watching her from the corner of his eye so he noticed easily. His body moved then aiming to put him at her right side, in a parallel angle to her. It would hopefully put him in line with her on her right side(the side he had been on). With his movement her teeth would miss their mark entirely, likely closing on nothing but air.

His ears pressed back as his mouth opened once more. His body moved in his attack upon her, fore legs aiming to wrap firmly around her gut while his back legs aimed to be behind her. A simultaneous movement of his head and jaws had them aiming to close upon the top of her skull, using his greater height to his advantage. Nothing about the bite was intended to be gentle this time, rather he hoped to break skin, to cause blood to seep out into her fur. His tail flared up behind him in his dominance and in its aid of balance to him. His back legs were spread to also aid him in his balancing act. The bird squawking was an annoyance all on its own. He hoped that by possibly gaining this hold on the bitch that it might scare the thing into behaving and following his orders soon enough. There was also the hope to make Vianni aware of how fragile she could be compared to a beast like him, that her life could be just as easily forfeit to him. The stupid fowl was beginning to give him a headache, one that would most certainly earn the bird a place at Lucifer's dinner table. He was ready to force himself on Vianni no matter what the cost now and to break her if he needed to, though a broken bitch was never fun.

Lucifer vs Vianni for right to mate
Round 2/4
45 inches
Heavy build

Attack summary: Releases her and skirts towards he right side in an attempt to parallel them, dodging her bite in the same instance. Aims to bite into her skull in a firm hold while simultaneously aiming to mount her with his front paws around her gut.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-06-2017, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2017, 05:31 PM by Vianni.)
VIANNI vs. LUCIFER for RIGHT TO MATE (defending)
Round 2/4 (2nd attack/defense)
36 inches
Medium build
You will know me by the scars I bear,
you will know me by the hate, I swear!
I'll split you open & climb inside,
lose myself, eaten alive!
Even as her jaws clack together with a sharp and empty sound, Vianni feels him retreat and she tries to follow his motions. He was fast however, and the beast was on her before she could blink. The searing grasp on her middle caused a white hot rage to pour through her, his hips lining up to make the ultimate claim of dominance. His teeth punished her skull and pinned her, pressure increasing on her head not a thought when her untouched body was about to be taken. She went wild in his grasp, thrashing and throwing herself in any direction she could to wrench herself free from his fangs. Two long scratches formed on either side of her head like a bloody crown, the pain throwing her into a frenzy and the scent of fresh blood blossomed in the air. She twisted, letting herself fall to her back, but this was not submission. Should his hold be broken or not she would be poised to strike.

Snaking her head up with those awful pearly knives pointed at his face and cheeks, she throws a series of rapid fire snaps and roars her indignation at him. Hoping to back him down, she rose to her paws, Corvus having been shocked to silence at having seen his mom forced to take a defensive position as if she were fighting a bear. Obviously his mother needed to concentrate, and so he returned his focus to the meat and let the wolves handle themselves. Small spots of blood welled up on her head as she hoped to be facing the devil, exhilarated and excited, Vianni waves her tail once again. She smiles at him, daring him to try again. Her body hummed with excitement as she trembled and danced on her paws. She should be facing him on her paws now, her tail stiffly waving in the air and that defiant look still firmly on her face.
She's picking ghost-flowers from her soul
She's clipping the wings of fallen angels!
She's picking ghost-flowers from her soul,
She's tonguing splinters from broken halos!
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-07-2017, 12:43 PM
His teeth and forelegs met their mark and he couldn't of been any happier to have such a thing happen. She seemed to panic as well if her thrashing about was any indicator. Her panicking meant only one thing to him, she was about to lose to him and would be his bitch from now on. His breath was hot upon her head as she thrashed, his canines ripping into her skin as she struggled against him. He was snarling and voicing every ounce of his anger in these moments. Her head ripping free and body squirming caused him to plant all four paws in a widened stance hopefully on either side of her. Eyes narrowed with the pupil almost completely disappearing in the pools of blood around them. His canines were exposed with his lips peeled back, splashed with her blood upon his canines. The taste of her was upon his tongue bringing forth a few short huffs of deranged laughter. His face lifted as she turned and snapped, meaning she missed his face but his chest took the brunt of it. Blood spilled freely but he just looked down upon her the deranged rage written upon his face easily. His ears pinned back into his risen hackles.

His tail was lifted behind his hips expressing his dominating demeanor to her. His hips lowered on an attempt to sit upon her, not caring if he squished her or not. His opened maw snapped down towards her in the same instant in a simultaneous attempt to bite harshly into her face, upon her left cheek. His aim was for her cheek but if he got anything else or she bit him back he didn't care. He hoped that by biting her there she would have to look into his soulless and dark eyes, to show her he didn't care at all. He would have her one way or another. Because she interested him so much that also meant he would destroy any that threatened to take her from him.

Lucifer vs Vianni for right to mate
Round 3/4
45 inches
Heavy build

Attack summary: he tries to sit on her and bite her left cheek
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-07-2017, 01:49 PM
Round 3/4 (3rd attack/defense)
36 inches
Medium build

We're in between, on the fence, non-descript antagonists!
I'm in between, on the fence, non-descript antagonist!
I'll split you open & climb inside,
Lose myself, eaten alive!
Her heart beat faster as he planted his paws over her, his dominant stance causing her pupils to dilate even as Lucifer's narrowed on her. She had given him a taste of her madness it seemed, her blood staining his tongue making him laugh in short, husky breaths. She felt something in her call out to him then, even as she snapped and caught a bit of his chest in her teeth. The force of her jaws clacking together had blood springing into her mouth and she growled softly, her eyes rolling for a moment in pure bliss. Spice colored the sweet metallic tang of his life force, and she released her hold on him to stare up at the raw rage written on his face. He was beautiful with the mask of death all over his face, she had been mulling over the idea of him, what he had to offer her. She wouldn't go down easy for him though.

With his body over hers, she felt the waves of angry warmth coming from him - a sharp contrast to the icy metal of the ship's floor. Feeling his hind legs bend to bring him into a sit, Vianni tucks her hips and plants her hind legs against the bottom of his rib cage, her tail tucking securely between her legs as she showed her own stained daggers. Staring into those hellish eyes, Vianni watched him duck his head to plant a painful kiss upon her face. She parried him however, and sought her own grip on the giant's cheek, his left mirrored hers and she aimed her bite so she could stare him in the eyes. He would know that she wasn't beneath him to submit, she was here because she wanted to be. Her glare into the soulless abyss that was his gaze would show him that he had found a match, and she came with her own mind. She would leave a mark with her kiss upon his cheek, and would seek to hold him by it. If he was going to claim her, she would make her own claim. If she attained her grip on his cheek she would give a giddy peel of laughter and release a possessive, growling whisper between clenched teeth. "Tibi sunt mea." It is said meeting his careless, rage-filled gaze. Dusty rose quartz meets the inferno of his molten gaze, daring him to try and pin her again whether she has the grip on his cheek or not.

He was the only wolf to make her even consider submission, she had always been her own. She would challenge him, but even if she could win their match, Vianni found she had no true desire for dominance over him. Rather, she enjoyed his harsh lesson in strength. He thrilled her with his power and blood lust, with his promises and sweet words. There was a danger about him, death clung to him like a cape and she was drawn to it. Vi enjoyed tempting the devil, driving him to rage against her as he did now. She would kill any other female who dared think to touch him, he was hers alone to torment and tease.
We are the thousand children of death,
from seraphim, to nephilim, to exodus!
She's picking ghost flowers from her soul!
She's clipping the wings off fallen angels!
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2017, 12:30 PM
He missed with both of his attacks, which brought a enraged growl from his jaws as the snapped closed next to her ear and her fangs Her canines dug in and blood welled to the surface, slipping into her mouth. His demonic eyes locked onto her, narrowing as they connected. His lips twitched as they revealed his canines and he snarled in her ear. His mouth opened as he readied himself to bite her again. His ears pressed back into his risen hackles, which allowed for every hair on his spine to stand on end. His tail stayed lifted in his dominance over her, he was the more dominant and he would not let her forget it.

He aimed to lower himself completely on top of her, hoping to trap her beneath him. He cared not that he possibly weighed twice as much as her and could possibly squish her and make it harder for her to breath. His jaws aimed to snap closed simultaneously upon her neck, upon the left side on the side, hoping to bloody it and mark her in his own way as she marked him. He cared not that she held him, but the words she spouted had him snarling at her. He belonged to no entity and never would, he owned her not the other way around. His scent was spiking with his testosterone and want to punish this woman that thought she could just own him. None owned him ever, no one ever would. He was the king of demons and he would prove to her that he was, and that he was not to be fucked with.

Lucifer vs Vianni for right to mate
Round 4/4
45 inches
Heavy build

Attack Summary:
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-08-2017, 06:10 PM
VIANNI vs. LUCIFER for RIGHT TO MATE (defending)
Round 4/4 (4th attack/defense)
36 inches
Medium build
You will know me by the scars I bear,
you will know me by the hate, I swear!
I'll split you open & climb inside,
lose myself, eaten alive!
She reveled in his reaction to her stinging kiss, her tongue brushing over the wounds her fangs left behind and a low growl escaping from her. His posturing went unchallenged as a smile washed over her closed jaws, his blood staining her teeth and tongue. She was nearly lost in him, distracted by the raw intensity of this male. His body and head lowered, making her scoot her hips forward and out to the side, she released her bite then, and tilted her crown to press herself against his jaws as he connected with her. Laying across his paws, his teeth painfully piercing the left side of her neck, Vianni released a peel of heady laughter. Her stomach clenched with the pain he caused, but the fire it left in its wake was enough to make her sigh and growl amid the peels of laughter coming from her.

Her eyes wide she relaxes all but her front half, turning her head and smirking at him as she pushes herself into his fangs. The pain from his intrusion of her flesh rushed through her in brilliant white flashes of heat and light in her eyes. Vianni pulls her feet under herself, attempting to stand and to make him stand. She would keep her head low, ears pulled back for the first time in a submissive gesture as she turned her gaze to look him over. She would not submit on her back, that was a tactic that kept her firmly intact. For the male who held the power to make her want his domination. Lucifer was a male of power, he met her standards for strength, appetite, and aspirations. He might be the king of demons, if anything she had proven his superiority the moment she fell to her back. It was her hope that she has also proven her worth to him. She was more than some breeding wench, and he would know it even if she had to carve it into his flesh.

She would be relaxed in her stance, should he allow her to her paws, blood from his fangs in her neck rolling over her creamy silver fur. Should he keep her pinned she would snap her jaws into his cheek once more, demanding her paws to be beneath her. The fight was over, and she would remain submissive even though she wanted to stand. Panting, Vianni hears the howling of her blood in her ears, the hard denial against self-preservation. She felt the will to go on until she or he lay dead, but that would get them no where. He had proven his claim, had given her the challenge she asked for, and she had thoroughly enjoyed every bloody second of it. "Si ego sum tuus, tibi sunt mea. Sine pedibus meis, quam monstrabo tibi."  While it was painful, she felt the need for more, tugging gently at her flesh in his teeth if he should keep his grip on her. All she needed to hand him what he wants was to hear him agree. She would come against him should he refuse her claim again, next time it would be him submitting to her.
She's picking ghost-flowers from her soul
She's clipping the wings of fallen angels!
She's picking ghost-flowers from her soul,
She's tonguing splinters from broken halos!
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.