
Herald New Horizons



4 Years

01-31-2017, 07:45 PM

Peregrine was unfamiliar with anger. It wasn't something she encountered frequently in her line of work. Disappointment? Sure. Frustration, jealousy, mercurial intent? Sure. But anger? It was as distant to her as something like love or motherhood. Anger was simply the irrational overreaction to a situation you likely could never have hoped to control in the first place. Even knowing this, knowing that anger would get her no where... Well, Peregrine was angry.

She had worked very hard over many moons to bring Aerie to life. Even knowing that it was likely a fool's venture going in, she had hoped... Well, maybe that was her first mistake. Regardless, traverssing the span of the continent and hearing nary a word about what had become of her pack was disconcerting to say the least. Then again, what had they ever been in the first place? Merely a concept, an idea - a fetus not yet fledged into it's full form. What was she hoping for, anyways?

Tsiry must have sensed her frustration as she sat at the base of a vast mountain. Far in the distance she could see the spray of a waterfall which cascaded off of it's face. She had half a mind to climb it just because she could, but Tsiry desperately hoped that she would not. "It's not worth it," the lemur murmured in her ear. Peregrine sighed, more like a scoff, and replied, "Well, I'm bored," as if that were any answer at all. Tsiry did not reply, deeming that a paltry excuse on her friend's part. The lemur had a good point too! In her perspective, one did not climb a mountain peak simply for 'fun' and she had no intention of riding along if that's what Peregrine truly intended.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large
01-31-2017, 09:06 PM
Mara'd once been told that all her lazing about would get her nowhere, and that she would waste her time by not doing anything. Of course that fool hadn't known - how could they when she was usually a wolf of so few words back then - that this was precisely the point. Perhaps it had started as an expression of her lack of interest in the activities available to her as a youth, but now her lethargy was her preferred hobby, one she quite enjoyed engaging in despite how others might be confused or irritated by her lack of activity. Well, they'd all see how active she could be when she tried to rip the skin from their annoying little faces. She chuckled softly at this thought, rolling onto her side on the rock where she was enjoying what little warmth the day provided.

The odd trees with few branches at the bottom and a small cluster at the top dotted the landscape around her, providing little shade which she appreciated as it allowed her the opportunity to try and sunbathe and have some quite time to herself. Having continued to evade Velia for some time now, she found herself continuing to slink through the chilly lands even after she was relatively alone on the off chance that her irritating little shadow might be following from a distance. That brat probably knew Mara was her ticket to finding her brother. The little rat probably had some kind of syndrome or something messing up her head that made her want to seek her own captor. Shrugging off the whole mess for now, the dark-furred female rolled about on her rock seeking the perfect comfortable position, huffing contentedly when she settled into a nice little dip in the rock that she fit quite comfortable into. Amber eyes slid closed for a heartbeat, only for one to shoot open at the sound and scent of other creatures nearby. And she'd been so damn close to perfect quiet and comfort this time, too. Growling irritable the girl put a paw over her face and tried to ignore likelihood that the other might approach and try to converse with her. The absolute horror...
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.



4 Years

01-31-2017, 09:48 PM

In the end, Peregrine knew that Tsiry was right. It was already past midday, and she had no hope of climbing to the mountain's peak and descending again before night fell, and she didn't exactly want to sleep on a wind-battered slope. The waterfall called to her, but she would deny it for now. Perhaps that would be tomorrow's adventure, but for now all she wanted was a meal and something to distract herself with. Perhaps something a little less... labor intensive.

They had not gone far at all before the smell of another drifted beneath her nose. She had found the trail of a recent wanderer, no older than a day. Her brows rose, knowing the stranger was probably still around somewhere. The breeze was at her back, so Peregrine was at a loss. Tsiry did not have her sense of smell, but the lemur always knew when her friend had come across something interesting. Peregrine put her nose to the trail and off she went. Again, it was not long at all before she found her prize.

A lump of dark fur lay atop a large rock. She seemed to fit comfortably with the stone's features. Peregrine still clung to the shadows of the brush which surrounded them, likely unseen, but the other female seemed keen on her presence all the same. Or, at least, she had covered her face and wore the most discontent expression on her face. Peregrine grinned. Her satchel was slung across her back, but Tsiry decided that it was not the place for her, as she typically did when Peregrine had her nose somewhere it ought not be. "Hello there," she called out in an overly cheerful tone. "Beautiful day, eh?" She doubted the woman would be hiding beneath her paws if she felt the same way, so extra emphasis was put on the word 'beautiful' just to drive it home. She was eager to know what this fae had in store for her, rooting around for buttons to press before she'd even really begun. Perhaps today wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large
02-01-2017, 12:19 AM

She groaned inwardly. Also outwardly, in an overly dramatic way one might expect from a grumpy pup who had stayed up all night and didn't want to wake up the next morning. Peeking out from under her paw just slightly, hoping to not be noticed by the stranger Mara would eye them with a certain ill-concealed(she wasn't exactly trying to hide it anyways) venom in her amber gaze. Ear flattened and the woman almost seemed to visibly flinch at the other's awfully cheerful words and bright tone. Ugh, why was it that even in escaping Velia she could not escape this nausea inducingly happy way of speaking that was apparently not isolated to the little slave bitch.

Slowly, begrudgingly, Mara removed the paw from her face and let her head slide to hang over the edge of the rock so she could eye the stranger with open disdain, looking at the other woman to assess what she ought to expect from whatever interaction might take place before Mara became annoyed enough to remove herself from her spot atop the rock. With unkempt rusty colored fur and ivory markings the girl wasn't exactly unattractive, she also wore a leather bag of some sort that briefly caught the dark woman's interest before her eyes returned to the wolf herself. Huffing she growled, "Depends on who you ask..." A yawn took hold of her before mara could think to add more, and rather than try to continue speaking she simply opted to irritably gaze at the girl who'd interrupted her alone time.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.



4 Years

02-06-2017, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2017, 03:41 PM by Peregrine.)

Oh yes, the woman seemed quite displeased with her arrival. Excellent. Peregrine's lips twitched upwards at their corners. Tsiry hopped down from Peregrine's back, not ready to flee into the treetops but feeling plenty close to this strange, hostile wolf all the same. She would remain where she stood, thank you very much. Peregrine however took a few steps forward before coming to a halt. "Well, I was asking you, I suppose," she said with a smile and a chuckle. "But you hardly seem inclined to answer..." She paused as if considering, and then, "Lemur got your tongue?" She chuckled, and Tsiry sighed, eyes sinking slowly into an elongated blink. Why did Peregrine always insist on dragging her into things?

She doubted the other woman would find it funny, but that was definitely part of the fun. Her lips twitched into a full grin. "Was I disturbing you?" Her voice was so sweet, filled with concern. "You look so tired, are you well?" Questions fell from her lips, like buzzing little mosquitos. "My name's Peregrine, by the way. What's yours?" She doubted the woman would give it, but she wanted to press all the same. From this distance she could see the woman was mottled in scars, a testament to the trials she had faced. Well, with a personality like this one, she thought to herself with a quirked lip. She could hardly say she was surprised. She was of a mind to see how far the woman was really willing to go.

"Talk" "You" Think



7 Years
Extra large
02-10-2017, 11:45 PM

Things were beginning to loo as though mara would not be able to escape this girls attention, her winning personality apparently not enough to dissuade the earth-toned wolf from persisting in her attempts. Lovely, just... lovely. Half-lidded eyes blinked slowly, the only emotion within them being obvious vexation. A light chuckle slipped from her maw,
"My, what a smart girl." was all that served for a reply. At the next words Mara glanced at the little scrap of fur near the other wolf,
"Is that what you call those?" she mumbled, though the question held no vigor or true interest and fell rather flat.

The questions began to pour from this Peregrine as she was apparently called. Goodness, who told this girl that chatting a strange wolf's ear off was a good idea? Sighing she decided she'd leave it to someone else to teach this Peregrine to slow the hell down, as she simply didn't feel like she had the energy to bother today. Lucky for this blabbermouth, she'd managed to catch Mara on a day where she wasn't feeling as pugnacious as usual, the calm of her sunbathing seeming to have sapped any desire to expend more energy than needed. Sliding forward slowly Mara allowed herself to carefully descend to the ground, walking a step or two closer the moment her front paws hit the ground. Relaxing to a sitting position, whispy half-tail curling around one side of her, she'd continue to take her own sweet time to respond to the flurry of questions and decide to allow herself to let out a large yawn first. Another sigh likely signaled she'd finally given in and decided to comply for now, muttering her reply,
"Pf, I can hardly call you a disturbance when everything is so dreadfully irksome. Though it seems some things in this life make an effort to be bothersome, hm?" She mused dryly, meeting silver eyes with her golden-orange. She'd wait a bit before adding,
"You've hardly earned hearing my name." Not that it was possible to. Mara rarely handed it out to just anyone, it was easier to not be known and make herself just a bit harder to track down.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.



4 Years

02-15-2017, 12:56 AM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2017, 12:57 AM by Peregrine.)

Acid dropped from the woman's tongue, her tone sour and unpleasant. It was clear that she didn't not want Peregrine around, but nothing convinced the earthen fae to so as much as that knowledge. Tsiry bristled as the woman directed her attention in the lemur's general direction, though neither Mara nor Peregrine intended to follow up on it. Instead the grey female would press on into a dry sort of banter, irritation obvious in her clipped words. "It seems some things in this life make an effort to be bothersome," she observed, and boy, was that ever the truth. Peregrine turned to Tsiry with a smile curling at the edge of her lips and a twinkle in her eye. "You hear that? She says some folk try to be bothersome. Have you ever heard of such a thing?" The lemur let her eyes slid closed in a slow blink, disinclined to ever open them again. Why her? Why had she been the one to get stuck with this insufferable creature?

Luckily, Pere didn't seem to be waiting for an answer. She turned back to the woman, who had boldly proclaimed that she wasn't worth hearing her name. Well la-dee-frickin-dah, lady, she thought to herself, barely retraining a roll of her eyes. Peregrine scoffed and recoiled, as if she'd been wounded. "But... Fair's fair! I told you mine, after all. Did your mother never teach you how to play nice with the other pups?" She tilted her head to the side, politely questioning, voice far too innocent to be genuine. There was a fiery glint in her eyes. Peregrine was having a grand old time pushing the stranger's buttons, still curious how many she could tinker with before the woman blew.

"Talk" "You" Think