
Hang me out to dry?



3 Years
02-03-2017, 12:40 AM

Heather took in a deep breath as she stood in the mangroves. She'd been here since the early morning now with the sun well into the sky. Spring was still within full reach and she felt the aches in her body that she had ignored till now. She had eased them thinking about other things but she sat down in the grass and let her ears listen to the world around her. Taking a moment to whisper thanks to the earth itself. The pack had recently mourned the loss of a few members as well, which she didn't know them well Heather was getting a handle on what she needed to do. She hadn't been there and half of her felt she should have been. Narrowing her eyes as she looked out across the territory she stopped and let her tail fluff out.

The bear was gone and what else was there to do. Letting her hair lie flat now she stood up and took in a deep breath again. Sometimes it helped to meditate a bit, before she went on a patrol or otherwise. Perhaps sometime she needed to head to the battlefield. While she had basic training there was probably nothing better than learning by doing. Her paws spread on the terrain, feeling the dirt under her pads as she heaved her chest. Breathing also when she thought about it, the burning sensation when she prevented that reminding her that she actually was here.

Heather probably looked like an idiot out here though. She really should have been doing something. Changing her mind about her little meditation incident she actually went into a better neutral stance. Her limbs closer together, maybe she should take it on herself to talk with some of the members. She was in training sure but even spending that time with Archie had made her think she should know the name of every member. Even though getting to know others was probably the hardest thing ever. She turned around and started to walk back towards the borders. Stopping for a moment to let herself take in her surroundings.

"Talk" "You" Think

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.