
It's been awhile



5 Years
02-05-2017, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 12:36 PM by Laisrén.)

He had lost track of the time since Faite had left, things had been quiet and the young male was growing bored. He decided to get out and about for once and to go visit his older sister. He also wanted to explore her pack because he was curious as to what it was all about. He was hoping that Faite was fairing well and he felt bad that he hadn't thought of visiting before now. Maybe she would even let him stay for a couple of days to visit and get to know some new faces.

Trotting forward the muscular young male made his way to the unfamiliar territory finding his way mostly by smell. Picking up faint trails of Faite's that was leading him towards her pack. Now that he thought about it he had never been to her pack so he was curious to see the territories that she had claimed. Good thing she wasn't far from home, he didn't have to go far before he was stopped at her territory border. His tail wagged as he looked in towards her pack land.

He hesitated not sure what was the proper thing to do. Should he howl for her and wait at the border? Or would it be alright to just walk right into her pack land? He mulled over it for a few moments before flopping back onto his rump. Lifting his head back he let out his deep summoning howl for his sister's presence. He waited his tail still wagging, feeling excited like a puppy to see his sister again. A smile plastered on his big head.

"Talk" | 'Think'

[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

02-13-2017, 04:06 PM

Faite hadn't been very busy since she'd gotten back from visiting Karabela. The borders were patrolled and other than that she hadn't planned anything. Eventually she wanted to get a hunt rolling with her pack, but she wanted to wait another week before she pursued the idea. The fawns and other young creatures that had moved to the plains were still young and she wanted to give them time to grow a bit more before she started looking at potential targets. In the mean time it just meant she had some extra time to spend with her family and socialize with the other pack members. There were still a few of them that she hadn't completely gotten to know yet.

The downside to having her own pack was that she missed the rest of her family. She'd forced herself to not give much thought to the fact that their mother had passed away. And then there were her younger siblings. She hadn't seen Baine, Rasiel, Kieryn, or Laisren since before she left. She knew she needed to make a trip to go see them at some point, but she wasn't entirely sure when.

Unless of course someone beat her to the idea.

She recognized Laisren's howl almost immediately. Her tail waved wildly behind her as she raced off towards the borders. Her brother's large form was easy recognizable and she plastered a giant grin on her face as she approached him at a run. She didn't slow down until she was nearly on top of him and even then she didn't worry too much. He apparently had gotten that tall gene that she didn't get the opportunity to experience so she doubted she'd knock him over. Either way she attempted to bury her face in his neck before pulling away to stare up at him.

"I've missed you! How have you been?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
03-06-2017, 08:48 PM

He didn't have to wait vary long, his sister must have been patrolling around her borders. When he saw her a wide grin spread across his face and his tail began to wag rapidly. She ran to him and buried her face in his neck. Gently and briefly he wrapped his neck around hers in a short embrace before she pulled back to look up to him. He looked down to her his tail still wagging happily.

"I've missed you too! I've been good, how have you and your new pack been?" he replied with a grin.

He was excited to see the pack and meet new faces. He was also interested in meeting his nieces and nephews. He was an uncle which had been weird for him to think or even say. He wanted to meet these kids and get to know them. He really wanted to be close to these kids, the more family to be around. He had been in a funk since his litter mates disappeared and the pack had been so quiet. It was almost like the pack was stuck in a constant state of mourning since the passing of his mother.

This trip was much needed and he hoped that it would bring him from his funk.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by German-Mutt
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

03-09-2017, 07:41 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

She buried herself in his fur easily enough and enjoyed their quick embrace before he pulled away. She beamed up at him excitedly and she couldn't stop her tail waving back and forth excitedly as she stared up at him. It was hard to look at him like this - after all she still remembered training him as a kid. He'd been smaller than her then, but now he was taller than her, nearly as tall as Regulus, and all grown up too. It made her wonder how Kieryn and Rasiel were doing, but she shoved those thoughts aside. She hadn't been able to find Kieryn and she hadn't heard from Rasiel in what felt like ages. Laisren was the last one left.

"We've been good! I've been letting the pack settle in and trying to keep an eye on the kids. I'm sure your nieces and nephews will be excited to see you." She grinned. It meant he could babysit for a bit if he wanted to. "I'm sure Zuriel would love to see you too. She had a litter of three not too long ago."

Of course she knew the circumstances behind that litter weren't as great, but she wouldn't bring it up to Laisren. As much as she still hated Elias for what he'd done she'd promised not to spill her sister's secret until Zuriel was ready so until then her lips were sealed. Either way it wouldn't undo the fact that she had three kids to take care of. Besides, they were still her nephews and niece and she'd love them all the same. She could imagine Laisren would enjoy them as well.

"But I'm more interested in how you are." She said changing the subject. "How's Regulus, Baine, and our dad?"


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
03-12-2017, 05:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2017, 06:07 PM by Laisrén.)

His tail also continued to wag, her happiness contagious and it was defiantly making him feel a lot better. She went on to explain how she had been doing and he smiled wider as she mentioned his nieces and nephews. She also stated that Zuriel had pups too which made him all the more excited. He had more family to get to know and that though in itself was enough to pull him from his depressed funk he had been in.

"I cannot wait to meet them all!" he said with a wide excited grin.

He didn't know the circumstance of Zuriel's pups, but he didn't ask either. He was sure he would see Zuriel so she could tell him all about it. For all she knew she had a mate now that was within the pack with her. She moved onto the subject of how he and the rest of the family. He shifted a little bit and sighed slightly.

"Well, ok I guess. Things have been quiet and depressing since mother's passing and the challenge. I assume Reg is just giving himself time to heal and the rest of us time to grieve, but it just make's me feel like it's to quiet like no one lives there anymore." he started. "I've been finding it hard to train without having anyone else around so I've been in a funk myself."

He shook his head briefly dropping it before settling down into a sit.

"Also Kieryn and Rasiel have disappeared and have been gone for quite a while, I'm afraid that they may be hurt or even worse," he spoke lower now as the concern for his littermates took over his current train of thought.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by German-Mutt
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

03-18-2017, 10:26 AM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

Faite couldn't wait to bring Laisren into the pack so he could catch up and socialize. She could only imagine that Zuriel would be more than happy to see him and she was eager to introduce him to the rest of the family. She already picture her own children scrambling on him to use him like a jungle gym, except for maybe Torin, but certainly Kairi. Her daughter was certainly energetic and would waste no time in making herself as friendly as possible. Then there was Zuriel's kids - she hadn't really gotten to know them yet, but she imagined that it would be a fun event. Of course Laisren would get full access to the pack as well. He was family so he'd be allowed to wander where he wished.

Her good mood dampened slightly when Laisren shifted slightly and sighed. Her ears perked forward curiously and her brows knit together in worry as she studied him. Everyone was okay, right? They had to be. Regulus had won the challenge - sure, he'd been a little beaten up when he'd left the battlefield, but it'd been a victory nonetheless. What she heard was almost a relief, but not enough to ease her worries. She'd expected that Regulus would take the time to recuperate, but hearing of their mother's passing was like being hit with the news all over again. She frowned as her ears flattened on her head - there was just no way she was going to get over Surreal's death, it hurt too much to think about, which was why she'd done her best to try and not think about it for too long. She'd at least had distractions ranging from pack duties to raising kids. To hear Laisren hadn't been able to continue his training and that the pack had been silent - well she felt guilty. Had she been selfish for leaving and continuing her life while the rest of her family remained stagnant? How long would it be until Regulus recovered enough to continue on as normal?

"You know you're always welcome to come stay here for a bit Laisren and I'd be happy to train with you some more. I know I didn't work with you enough before I left and I'm sorry. I should have come to visit sooner."

Her ears remained flattened as he brought up his litter mates. She'd already known about Kieryn's disappearance. She'd tracked the girl all the way to the tar pits and hadn't been able to pick up her scent after that. She, of course, had looked around for a black and white body, but she hadn't seen her younger sister's form trapped in the tar so that'd been a relief, but only a small one. Where had the younger girl disappeared if she hadn't perished in the pits? And then there was Rasiel ... she hadn't known of the other's disappearance too. No wonder Laisren was so upset - neither of his litter mates were there to keep him company.

"I'm sorry Lais, I had no idea Rassie was gone too. I tried to find Kieryn months ago, but I couldn't pick up a trace of her."


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



5 Years
03-30-2017, 04:21 PM

He was extremely hopeful that Regulus would be kicking everyone's butt in gear soon, but he was also hoping that maybe both Zuriel and Faite would visit Celestial maybe it would help perk everyone up and maybe get things moving a little faster. His brother had been spending a lot of time stuck in the dens with their father. His ears perked at her offer and a childish grin spread across his face. He would love to spend some time here, get to know his nieces and nephews, and maybe be trained some more. He would love to work with Faite more on training, but he knew she had a lot more duties now and really didn't feel right bugging her.

"I would love to Faite! Thanks so much it gives me time to spend with my new extended family. And don't be sorry even if you stayed you still would have been busy when the pups came along. I'm just vary happy to see how well things are going here," he said with a smile.

She had tried to find Kieryn, but couldn't pick up trace of her, it was almost like she had just poofed from the earth and if he hadn't been so young he would have tried to track her himself. It seemed like it was the same with Rassie. One day she was here and the next she was gone without a trace. It had made the den he slept in so empty and so cold, but he was dealing with it.

"I just hope both of them are okay," he replied.

"Talk" | 'Think'

Art by German-Mutt
[Image: blue_5_6_by_nnightcrawler-danjgwa.png]
[Image: c9VTOML.png]



6 Years

04-03-2017, 04:42 PM

Laisren still seemed upset and Faite couldn't help but feel guilty about it. There really wasn't much of an excuse as to why she hadn't visited sooner. Sure she'd been busy, but she'd managed the trip to Ivory Ridge. She could have easily taken the extra time to go and see how everyone in Celestial was doing. She had to admit she missed her family, whatever remained of it, and she made a mental note to visit more often. She certainly owed Regulus a meet and greet to give him time to see his nieces and nephews and to see how he was recovering.

"Well feel free to make yourself at home and if anyone questions why you're here just tell them you're my sibling." She didn't want anyone to think he was a trespasser, but she doubted he'd have any problems. "And I'll make sure to visit Celestial more often." She promised.

Faite mused over where Kieryn and Rasiel could be. She imagined Rasiel would return, her absence hadn't been nearly as long, but she'd agree that she was worried about Kieryn as well. She'd been gone for some time, but Faite was a living testament of being able to survive on her own. Perhaps Kieryn was the same? Sure the younger girl was small, but she imagined she was smart. She'd make it work - Faite refused to believe anything else.

"I'm sure they're fine. When I get the chance I'll try to look for them again. I know you miss them."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]