
[m]I'm the nightmare you wish was just a dream

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2017, 05:15 PM

His eyes overlooked the entirety of his kingdom from where he sat atop the hunk of metal in it. This was his castle, his trap, and Vianni once he taught her how to hold the Asmodeus name, would be the queen of this castle. His mouth held no emotion, a deadpan to it. His ears pressed forward as his breath billowed from his nose in clouds of heat. His haunches were upon the cold iced over metal beneath him. He sat upon the very top of it, upon what used to be the steering room. He was facing the head of the ship, blood red eyes watching his vessel, noting every bird and movement made on it, even watching for Vianni to emerge and try to escape him. He would break her if he had to, she was his and no other's, and she would learn in time that defying him would have serious consequences. He would kill Corvus if she defied him enough, to teach her that she could not defy him and get away with it. His cheek and chest was already scabbing over from her love bites, but the wind made them sting. That sting made him feel, reminded him he was still alive and very much mortal, although he was still the demon king no matter what.

He knew Vianni lay somewhere inside the ship as she had claimed its hallways long ago, but now she was forced to share it with him. Their pact was what allowed this. He had since taken over the largest of the dens inside(captains chamber), after having forced his way inside by pushing the rusted door open more than it had been. The room was quite extravagant with a large cushioned bed, although parts of it were popping out, a thing he would rectify with pelts, those of deer, wolf and other large predators. He had also taken to staking his own sort of claim upon the ship, patrolling it regularly and even marking around it as if it were a border. It was his now and none would come here without his say so. It may not quite be a pack land yet but he was going to be taking it as one as soon as he had grouped a few wolves to defend it. He wanted demons and shamans mostly but others that held his values would be welcomed with open arms. So long as they understood he was top dog and that Vianni was his top bitch he cared not what they did so long as they did not bring a war down upon his home. He didn't need a war yet, though eventually he would eradicate all the packs that were worthless, take their leaders and force them into slavery. His ears flicked at the sound of a crow becoming scared and squawking as it took flight. He was already in love with this maze, it was cloaked in the scent of death, but hid it well in the shape of two demons upon it. He had already started memorizing the passages and all the entrances and escape routes. It wasn't like he needed them but they were nice to have should his pack ever need them. Though to force the beast to retreat and give up this home would mean he would have died and given the orders to Vianni that she should take every guard she could and flee.

Did he foresee a war over this place? No, but he was a strategist and in being one meant he should think of every possibility possible. ""

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
Extra large
02-09-2017, 02:55 PM

He was nothing but a large muscled ball of seething anger and hurt lately. Ray had disappointed him once again. He realized she'd probably left in search of her family once more, but even that couldn't assuage the feelings of betrayal that he felt. She'd promised that she wouldn't hurt him again and that he'd be allowed a place at her side wherever she needed to go, and yet she'd left him alone anyways. Again. Rather than feeling depressed that he was once again by himself, due to her own actions, he was merely angry. He'd come to the conclusion that this kept happening to him because he let it.

Then there was Ricky. He'd done his best to get her to stick around in his life on more than one occasion since they'd reunited and she'd disappointed him as well. His own sister couldn't even stick around - did he even want to try and find Arsenal and Caliber now? It was a thought that tossed and turned in his head. He wasn't so far gone that he wanted to be by himself eternally, but what if his brothers didn't want anything to do with him either? It was a possibility considering everyone else in his life had left him. His trust and faith in others had been seriously broken and he didn't know how to fix it.

So he'd taken up traveling. He couldn't bring himself to stay at Obsidian beach any longer, or anywhere near the place, so he decided a new home was in order. He wasn't ready for the challenges of a pack life yet either. So far the last two packs he'd been in hadn't exactly worked out in his favor. He wasn't entirely eager to see how it played out for a third time. His luck wasn't the greatest.

He wasn't entirely sure why he'd chosen to travel north. Perhaps because it was one of the few areas he hadn't really explored? He didn't care much for the idea of actually searching for his siblings anymore, but he supposed if he just happened to run in to any of them he wouldn't be completely opposed to the idea. He doubted it'd actually happen, but far weirder things had happened before.

It was icy and cold and the wind bit into his thin fur - he hadn't been prepared for the snow and chill. How could he when it was warm spring temperatures down south? No complaint would come from the large boy though as he padded through the snow. Eventually the ground became more slick under his steady paws and he could see a strange gray hulking metal thing in the distance. He recognized it easily as one of the human contraptions, a ship, though this one was larger than any he'd ever seen. His home pack had a few ruins left and stories were passed down through the years from his great grandfather, Vengeance, and on, but the word human meant very little to him. No picture would come to mind except for the rotting ruins they'd left behind and stories of their terribleness to leave him glad that he'd never have to meet one. Still, he could easily admit his curiosity for the giant metal ship and with nothing better to do he approached it.

He could smell recent scents left behind by mostly a male, a female scent too, but it was the male's that caught his attention. The area around the ship smelt like it had been marked, but he knew better than to recognize it as a pack scent. Had it been a pack he wouldn't have dared approach - but this was just some loner staking a home where he had no right to. As far as Mortar was concerned this was still loner lands and he wouldn't be deterred from exploring it.

He padded up to the entrance, peering inside the dimly lit hull, before delving inside. He was sure he wouldn't find much, not anything useful anyways, but with nothing better to do with his time he didn't see the harm. He passed through a doorway and then through a few dust covered barrels before stopping at one and peering inside. His fiery colored gaze rested upon a foul smelling liquid with green things floating at the top. What on earth were those things? A tongue snaked out to lap one up before he instantly withdrew and spat one out. As it turned out pickles didn't taste very good at all.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
02-10-2017, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2017, 01:09 AM by Vianni.)
She lay asleep within the room that would have been the galley, though Corvus seemed more interested in the behemoth she had taken to living with. Kohl rimmed ears twitched at the echoing sounds of lapping and lip smacking in the next room, and those dusky pink eyes snapped open in a heartbeat. She makes herself silent, making sure not to let her nails clack against the metal floor of the ship as she stood to investigate. Vianni had been here since shortly after arriving on this particular continent, and she had taken the time to know every den, chamber and tunnel within her territory. She had been staking the ship out for herself, but Lucifer had mentioned something about building a kingdom with her. It was something she hadn't been able to refuse. Smothering a growl at the distracting thoughts, Vianni shook her head and refocused on the sounds in the next room. The storeroom was open, with the smell of a male was wafting on the constant breeze that went through the cave like rooms of their home.

The scent was strange, and her first instinct was to lure him out and attack, but she was still too sore from her fight with Lucifer to take a wolf on. Knowing this, she stilled in place, unsure now of how to proceed. her black ears pinned back on her pale silver skull, and she waited for more sounds from the pantry. Vianni dared not go any closer, waiting to see if the wolf would come out or not. Backing up, her paws were silent. Instincts fired once more and told her to make distance between her and the room that housed the stranger. By trying to get away from the door, her hind end bumps against one of the many bolted down counters. Pots and pans clashed and clanged against one another as they fell, and Vianni bolted for the door that would lead her out and onto the deck of the ship that held the dens. Running straight for the biggest quarters, Vianni snarls aloud to express her displeasure at finding Lucifer absent from his chambers when she needed him close.

It was strange that she would feel the need to run to him, that she had thrown herself into his jaws the moment he had her submission. She halted in the captain's chamber door, wondering if the stranger had followed her. If she had been quick enough he would have been too distracted to see her, but the likelihood of that happening was almost as good as getting struck by lightning. Either way she backed into the room, ready to spring if she had to. The nerves came from the freshness of Lucifer's claim, her hormones surging and making her vulnerable. She was definitely not truly capable of defending herself should there be others, her muscles were on fire and shaking after a short run. Growling softly, she leaped onto the bed. In this moment she hated Lucifer for making her so weak that she had to depend on him, he had broken her body and turned it into something...mortal. Vianni was unsure of what to do should the male from the galley find her, but she was trapped now.

Her muscles shook as fatigue took them, though she attempted to pump herself up for a fight if it came to it. She wanted to hunt again, to be able to feast without having someone else bring it to her. On the outside she was a little banged up, but no worse for wear. Bruises littered her skin, and muscles were torn from having to support Lucifer's weight. Aggressive anxiety began to take root as she watched the door, unsure of Lucifer's proximity but praying he was close. She shouldn't have let him go so far in their fight, but she knew he would have gone as long as she did, if not longer. Things would have been worse for her, but she knew now that she could beat him. She went back and forth between calm and snarling, unsure of what to do and frustrated. She had never been this weak before, and had never felt this way. She had been the trapper, and now she found herself trapped in the den of the devil with a stranger possibly on her heels.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-10-2017, 11:25 AM

It wasn't long before his day was interrupted, his eyes narrowed as the clatter of something Fallin somewhere below and clattering caught his attention. His lips peeled back and he rose quickly. His dance with Vianni had left him in much better condition than her and the thought that another may have even tried to startle or harm her had him snarling. Only he was ever to lay fangs upon her, no other was allowed to. His tail lifted high over his hips and he moved forth. His heavy frame climbed down swiftly from his perch. His ears pinned back as crows took flight in a flurry of sound around him. There was one command given to the bird that he knew was near. He wasn't stupid to the things apparent fascination with him, perhaps it had never seen a male demon like him, one that could take down Vianni. He would of killed her had he not of thought her useful to him. "Find the intruder bird, draw their attention if you can."

His priority was to find Vianni, the intruder could wait but should he find whoever it was before her he would be I immediately confronting whoever it was. His paws carried him quickly into the ship's belly. His red eyes immediately adjusted to the dimming of lights as he moved. His nose took in the scents of the hull and Vianni's most recent scent trail caught his full attention. His pace quickened and he cared not what noise he made.

As he finally found her he burst into the room, his teeth bared and hackles risen as his eyes darted around looking for the cause of her apparent panic. His muscles were tense as he readied for whatever it was that had seemed to scare her into his bed. Snarls caressed the air around him from deep within his chest. It took not but a few seconds to find nothing and he was shaking out his fur, a glare being sent to Vianni. She had caused him to lose composure for a moment and in doing so had pissed him off. His vocals caressed the air with his annoyance plain to hear. "Where is our unexpected guest and the fuck are you doing making so much noise?" not to mention the fact that she was hiding like a weak ass. He was less than impressed by this new thing she was doing, she and him would likely be having a long discussion about her apparent fear of new wolves. He did however find it satisfying that she decided she had to run to him when she was in trouble.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
Extra large
02-10-2017, 06:20 PM
ooc: Apologizing in advance lol Mortar basically thinks hide and seek is a better option xD

Mortar was still attempting to get the acrid taste of his tongue by scraping it between the two front rows of his teeth and letting saliva fall from his massive jaws. It wasn't exactly the most efficient way of ridding himself of the horrible thing he'd just almost eaten, but it was better than doing nothing. Of course now came the question of why they were here in the first place. They were obviously edible though their taste left much to be desired. Why anyone would want to eat anything like this was a mystery to him.

With a snort he pulled away from the barrel. He originally hadn't heard anyone coming until a loud banging startled him. The pots and pans clattered to the floor in the next room and Mortar's dark head perked up instantly. Ears flicked towards the doorway and he just managed to catch the sight of the woman as she fled in the opposite direction. Ears flicked back in an indecisive moment as he debated whether or not to follow her. He'd realized when he first arrived at the ship that there were others that lingered around here, but he hadn't exactly expected to run into any of them either.

Keen ears picked up the sound of nails clacking along the metal of the ship that led deeper into the large contraption. He battled the need to go apologize to the woman for startling her. Despite the fact that he was in a bad mood, it didn't change the fact that he was still a nice creature. He couldn't stop the morals that had been ingrained into every fiber of his being since he was a pup. His need to apologize soon evaporated as soon as he heard the snarling. He could only assume that he'd put the woman in an awkward position walking in uninvited like he had - though it was loner lands so an invitation wasn't entirely necessary in this case. Either way her growling was very off putting and it didn't make him want to seek her out any more.

He exited the storeroom quietly and paused as he looked in the direction that the female had headed. He could hear her pacing and growling, but it didn't concern him. He still figured he owed her an apology, regardless if she wanted one or not, and trying to smooth things over didn't seem like a bad idea. It was the clacking of nails and the tell-tale sign of a heavier wolf, roughly the same size as him if he heard right, that caused him to pause once more. He could hear more growling, this time masculine, and a voice that soon followed. "Where is our unexpected guest and the fuck are you doing making so much noise?"

The idea of confronting the female didn't bother him, but now that there were two disturbed wolves that didn't exactly appreciate his company, well he didn't quite know how to handle it. The idea of a fight was displeasing to him - Mortar wasn't against defending himself, but he wasn't one to walk right into one either. He was not an instigator. It seemed like disappearing would be a better option for the time being. If they wanted to seek him out then that was fine by him, but he had no desire to run straight into the jaws of two wolves who were upset with his presence.

So as quietly as the large male could, avoiding letting his nails clack against the floor, he left the storeroom. Rather than heading towards the other two, he headed off in the opposite direction. He didn't know his way around the ship, but he was swift with his turns. Through one room, down a hallways, and it wasn't long before he came to the cafeteria. Dusty tables and chairs littered the area and Mortar couldn't help but focus on the amount of litter and clutter everywhere. At least there weren't any more pickles. Now the question was, where was he going to go next?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
02-11-2017, 01:10 AM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2017, 01:16 AM by Vianni.)
Corvus sat atop the crow's nest, watching Lucifer as the hulking male stared out at what would hopefully be theirs one day. He was entranced with the beast, Vianni was not a submissive wolf, the bird had watched her take down plenty of challenging males. Always they had fallen and filled their bellies with meat. This male was different, Vianni liked him, chose him to be her king over any other male. His mother had bowed to this wolf, and that was the most confusing aspect of this entire ordeal. Why him? Why this careless beast with no heart or soul? What did he have that the brimstone and fire male had not? Perhaps, it was the sheer challenge of showing him she could best him in every way. These thoughts were interrupted by dim crashes and clattering of metal against metal. Corvus watched the male change from contemplation to fury, and there was a flash of concern for Vianni.

Corvus spread his pale silver wings and flew down in time to catch Lucifer's command. An intruder? Well, if he hadn't made Vianni so weak, they would be having dinner right now and Corvus wouldn't have to listen to this...demon give him commands. Aww, caaaaw! He hissed right before he dived at Lucifer, swooping off at the last second to find whatever wolf had decided sneaking up on this delightful pair was a good idea.

She had expected the stranger to come in first, but it would seem he did not follow as closely as she would have guessed. Her giant scared her clear out of her skin, and she gave a mock charge to the edge of the bed, snapping her teeth together and trying to act as though her muscles would support her motions. They burned and snapped their own angry signals to her mind, but before it got to be too much, Vianni recognized her new mate. It was still so strange to be uttering that word, even in thought, but now she had to deal with him and a possible intruding male. The cannibal princess lowered her ears and sheathed her weapons, growling softly as she defended herself against Lucifer. "There are jutting pieces of fucking metal everywhere, Lucifer." She gave a snarky snarl when she said his name, "I bumped into one and a bunch of metal rocks came down on my back. The stranger was in the place I was sleeping, it has all those weird green things in the barrels."

Despite his less than worried appearance, Vianni decided that his rushing to her aide was start enough. There was a strange regret that there was such displeasure on his face, the male left her feeling unsure and vulnerable. She loved it, but the softened guard would do no good. She couldn't allow herself to get wrapped up in a male who couldn't appreciate her. She could have seduced the stranger into their bed, As the pots and pans fell, she could have stayed and looked bashful and meek with an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. Vianni felt spiteful and angry, her thoughts racing as new insanity made itself known. This was Lucifer's fault that she had to run to him. Dusky pink quartz meets the garnet of his gaze, unafraid and bold. "I know you don't give a shit, but I couldn't fight off a flea right now thanks to you. And before you go saying anything, I know, I challenged you, I deserve it. I came to you, rather than seducing my way to a meal. Praise and affection are in order, but first go make dinner...or friends." Her own vocals were peeved and snappy, but she was a queen and even her king would treat her with some form of respect.

Corvus spied the dark tail of a wolf and followed after it, trying to keep up through the twists and turns of dead air. The bird was tiring fast thanks to the extra work required to stay air born. Finally, they hit the cafeteria and the stranger seemed to slow his pace, trying to work out an escape route no doubt. He hoped he wasn't seen as he banked and double backed on his trail, moving to go back to Lucifer and Vianni. When he got to them, he would lead Lucifer back down to the cafeteria.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2017, 01:59 PM
(Sry the wait was so long and there's no table)

Her bird had only served to rile him further and Vianni's reaction was not helping any. Her charge had him snarling at her and lifting his tail in his dominance. This woman would learn and she best learn quickly that he was not to be defied or threatened in any way. His anger had him stalking towards her with his hackles raised. Did she honestly believe punishment would not come for such an action? After she turned submissive did he snarl more. She would be punished later, right now he had a freeloader in his ship. His eyes narrowed as she spoke and he gave her a quick reminder in the form of a lunge, aiming to snap his fangs next to her face and use his greater weight to bowl her over onto her side.

His ears perked as she continued and he gave a snort. It seemed the male was in his kitchen, he turned then with a snarl as he gave her the only words she would hear right now. "I've sent corvus to track his location." the reappearance of corvus had him lashing his tail. Was the bird daft? He had wanted the bird to spy and not be seen, it would be easier to keep an eye on the intruder then. He shook his head at the thing and moved giving a flick of his tail to Vianni to follow. He expected her to be obedient now and silent. His nails he kept quieted on the bowels of the ship, his eyes on the path ahead as corvus lead him to find their intruder.

As he entered the cafeteria he stopped and gave a low rumbling growl. His head dropped as his ears pinned back. Words spouted forth with his anger, words with promise rather than threat. "Come out, I'm not so stupid as to think you aren't here.... you owe my bitch an apology male and I will rip it from you if I must." he lifted his tail and exposed his fangs for the male to see. He wasn't playing and he intended to either have a new follower or a new pelt to sleep on. If nothing else he wanted to chase the male out so he didn't threaten his claim over his hell fire queen. He waited then for the male to come out, staying in the doorway so he had no escape, nor access to Vianni.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
Extra large
03-09-2017, 08:55 PM

Mortar was unaware of the small bird following him on silent wings. He was far less concerned about tiny animals and more about how he was going to get back to open air. This place was like a dusty maze and unfortunately he wasn't familiar with the damn thing. He wasn't scared of the female he'd accidentally surprised, but so far he had no desire to follow her either. He didn't know how to feel about the fact he'd walked in on a wolf's den basically, though he couldn't imagine why anyone would want to stay here. It was cold, it was dusty, and the metal felt strange underneath his paws.

It was mostly indecision that he was feeling. He could smell a more masculine scent, the same that'd been around the outside of the ship, and he could only assume he was staying with the female. He'd wanted to see out the woman and apologize for scaring her as the kinder and more compassionate side of him demanded he must. After all, despite being a loner most of his life, he had been raised with some morals and amount of respect. The smarter and more instinctive part of him demanded that he try and find his way back out into the open where his size wouldn't hinder him and he could meet these strangers on his terms, if they'd even follow him at all.

It was eventually his indecision that would lead him to being trapped in the cafeteria. He could see two doors that would lead him out, but they seemed to be barred. He padded over to one and tried shoving, but it didn't budge. He slammed himself into it a second time and still it didn't move so he gave up. He was just about to head back the way he came when he heard a voice calling out to him. This time it was the deep masculine tones of the other wolf he'd smelled instead of the female.

"Come out, I'm not so stupid as to think you aren't here.... you owe my bitch an apology male and I will rip it from you if I must."

Anger wasn't a common emotion for him, but overall he felt threatened and him being trapped wasn't helping whatsoever. He whirled and spied the male - brown in coloration and surprisingly taller than himself. His head lowered and ears flicked back as his hackles raised instinctively. His tail flashed out level behind him as he let out a low growl for the other man to keep his distance. Mortar didn't like the idea of fighting for no reason, but he was going to protect himself if he needed to.

"Sounds like you owe her an apology first for calling her a bitch. I'm sure she has a name and bitch isn't it." He retorted.

He didn't like the idea of the male calling his... mate(?), he could only assume it was his mate, a bitch. Whatever male would stoop so low to degrade a female wasn't winning any favors with Mortar. He wasn't exactly very fond of Ray or Ricochet at this point either, but he certainly wasn't one for name calling either and such foul language didn't sit right with him. So far he didn't like this male whatsoever which was only make him more uneasy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
03-09-2017, 11:31 PM
Lucifer's lunge at her had Vianni rolling onto her back, meaning his legs hit her already bruised side. It took everything she had within herself to keep from jumping up and retaliating for the pain he caused, but the fact that it existed at all meant she lived. The reappearance of Corvus had her relaxing even as it clearly vexed Lucifer. As the giant male turned and left, his flicking tail signaled her to follow. Still feeling spiteful, Vianni hesitates for a few beats before she realizes there would only be more pain if she didn't do what he said. While she didn't mind the bloodshed or the actual pain itself, she did mind the recovery time and the weakness that followed such foolish rebellions. Vianni was a smart woman, and to survive Lucifer, one had to be extraordinarily clever. When she catches up, it is just in time to hear the stranger's reply to whatever Lucifer had said before.  

'Sounds like you owe her an apology first for calling her a bitch. I'm sure she has a name and bitch isn't it.' With Lucifer's massive butt in her way, Vianni couldn't see who was speaking. Black rimmed ears lace back over her delicate looking crown, and she silently lifted a lip to reveal her right fang in silent displeasure at being blockaded by the man of her dreams. Huffing quietly, the woman lowers herself and belly crawls between Lucifer's legs to see if she could spot the male in the darkness of the cafeteria. "Did he call me a bitch?" She gives a mocking growl and looks up at her mate, "Well then, I must be a bitch. He calls 'em like he sees 'em. I wear the title rather well." She gives Lucifer a dashing grin, then turns her eyes back to the stranger.

"Besides, you frightened me before he spoke. You apologize first. And maybe everyone gets to keep all their limbs!" The words are said with an oddly chipper voice, laced with sarcasm and honey. Her tail waved a bit behind her, dusty rose gaze on the stranger as she waited. Her life hadn't been this much fun before Lucifer. She could get used to this.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.