
[m]To earn your love

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-11-2017, 09:26 AM

He was having a much better day today, his mood more stable as a result, though one could easily piss him off if they tried. His day had started rather early, waking before the sun would rise. He had stretched and began his daily routine, first checking his vessel for signs of other's then moving onto remarking his border, before he moved onto hunting. His haul this morning was a mere seal pup but he decided it was enough. He had abruptly taken it back to Vianni, leaving it laid before her, and not taking a bite from it besides his dispatching blow. His form had left her to it then, expecting her to eat it, as he had left it within her reach easily enough she wouldn't even have to sit up. He had yet to do as his father had once done to him to her, aside from her initial beating. She had started that one though so as such the punishment was deserved. He still had no care for her truly, she was merely a means to gain a stronger blood line, a way to gain a true heir.

He fully intended to give her an attachment to him that she wouldn't be able to understand but would make her feel a continuous need to be near him and to please him. He just wasn't going to do it his father's way. he had left the seal with her after giving a short command to the bird he knew was likely to be spying on him. His order was that the food was only for Vianni and he wanted the bird to go hunt for itself. He knew it was capable of such, and he wanted the thing to become independent of Vianni, to no longer be the sole object of the bitch's attention. Besides the bird looked old enough to him that it should be leaving and finding something else to entertain its time. It was from Vianni's sleeping place that the behemoth left, sure she would eat and soon follow as she may have already learned the lesson once when they had an unexpected guest scare her.

His paws took him across snowdrifts at a casual pace, one that Vianni should be able to keep up with as well as catch up to him easily enough. His trek took him to the nearby area, red eyes set upon the cliffs before he moved into their entrance to the land beyond. What greeted him upon exiting the cliffs was a more green waterside. The tang of saltwater caught in his nasal cavities and he gave a shake of his pelt and massive head. As unpleasant as the scent was it made up for it with the promise of prey upon the same wind. He stopped for a mere moment before moving forward. His tongue darted out and ran over his ruby stained maw before disappearing again. The blood was from the earlier seal pup kill but he didn't much care to take the time to clean it. Perhaps if he left it there long enough it may begin to make Vianni feel a need to clean it in such a way that would perhaps begin her need for more from him. As a sensual beast he was more than happy to entertain the idea of getting to touch his mate more as the result of getting to clean her. Not like he already didn't sometimes like to force her to allow him to clean her existing wounds.""

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-11-2017, 06:04 PM
Ever since the intruder had caught her weak and off her guard, Vianni had slept near the door of the captain's quarters. She preferred the floor for now, not wanting to give Lucifer too much. He was already lording himself over her, attempting to bring her down notch by notch until she was submissive and compliant. It wasn't like her to be this way, to be subservient, and she would never stop her challenges to him. Today was for internal healing. After losing her purity to such a large male, she still felt as though she had been ripped in half at the hips. Walking was something she hadn't been able to do much of, without the mask of her bloodline's rage her pain was more than she wanted to admit.

Corvus lay sleeping under Vianni's chin, tucked against her chest like a child's teddy bear. Both wolf and bird snapped awake as soon as the demon entered the room. Vianni's dusty rose eyes looked the seal over and then met the red gaze of the wolf who carried it. He was unaware of her growing fondness for him, didn't know that she was untouched before him and now as a result he became something of an idol for her. She wanted the male to be happier with her around, to be so thrilled with her that he actually displayed affection rather than simple care. It was enough for now to feed her and give her protection, but she would have all of him. His command to Corvus saw one of those black rimmed ears to slide back in displeasure, but she huffed her agreement with Lucifer. The blue-eyed magpie made an incredulous sound then hopped and flew off to find something else to do.  

Staring at the seal, then after her bird, not quite sure how to process the separation. Lucifer had started out strong, bringing her something to eat, but he bombed in giving orders to her avian son.  Today wasn't a good day for rebellion, her body still ached though it was on the mend. Despite the hulking male sending her bird away again, Vianni seemed to have woken in a rather good mood. Rolling to her stomach so she could eat, the monochrome monster began her meal. She devoured what she could of her meal and then began to feel paranoid about her sudden solitude. Lucifer had left their room, and though she was hidden from most, she still felt as though someone would come in and find her. She had been very lucky that the other male had not seen her sleeping in the galley that day.

She had been weakened by her giant mate, and had been forced to run. Now she was a bit better. and could probably hold her own provided no wolf went for her hind region. Growling at herself for worrying when she should be hunting, Vianni moved as quickly as she could to catch up with Lucifer. She had noticed the stains of blood on his face, and while she wanted to clean it off the white of his mask, she would not give him the pleasure of seeing her fawn over him. Not until he gave her something in the form of tenderness, he would not get the gentle side of her unless he surrendered that one part of himself to her. Vi wasn't the type to initiate contact unless it was to kill or fight, she took her cues from him, whether he reached out for her or not. She watched as he slowed then halted, his tongue running over his lips and making Vianni's heart do a funny dance in her chest.

She groused under her breath about her want of him, flicked her tail to remind herself what a pain in the ass he could truly be, but it was no good. Despite her inner rebellion, Vianni moved up to him. As he stood testing the wind, she attempted to lean her body against his in an effort to soothe her aching muscles and to relax herself for a moment. Her own pale silver face was stained with the meal he brought to her, but she was too sore to care. The fire in her muscles told her that she had overworked them while they repaired from their fight to hold him, her backside throbbed and protested any movement. She found herself sitting in the snow, looking out over cliffs and scenting the icy ocean in her nose.

Vianni closed her eyes and inhaled slowly, remembering her coastal home and missing the ice of her homeland. She didn't miss the wolves, only the abundance of the land. So far this was the only place in Boreas that reminded her of home, but she said nothing. Looking to her mate, Vianni sent a silent plea for him to show her something aside from contempt. He had to bring her out of their ship for something other than stirring up unwanted memories, right?
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-12-2017, 02:55 AM

His anger had been waning with Vianni for the past few days, to the point of today, where no anger could be found. His ears twitched backwards at the sound of her approach, not angry in the least, merely allowing for the meager fact that he knew of her presence to be known. He was the farthest thing from stupid, he had known she would follow him even if he never told her to do so. He hadn't missed how corvus had puffed up to the command he gave the feathered annoyance, nor how Vianni had huffed about it. He didn't feel bad though, if Vianni didn't eat she would never heal enough that he could tell if his attempts to make her love him exclusively and follow orders blindly had worked. He wasn't trying to make her subservient to him, rather he did like her fire she just needed to learn how to not cause his anger with her.

As she came to a stop next to him and leaned against him he let out a deep breath before taking in her scent. It was different now then the first time, cloaked with his now, as if the scents would be forever her new one. His face turned to her his eyes connecting with hers. His words were soft, though still rumbled deeply within his chest. "It was for your own good you know. If you don't eat then you will not heal, he will be okay without that meal."  he spoke calmly and quietly to her. His head turned more before his tongue came out aiming to slide a cleaning swipe along her jaw. Then with his teeth he aimed a rather gentle nip at the base of her ear nearest him.

Just as suddenly as he had begun his more than tender menstruation to her face he stopped. As much as he would love to feel her beneath him once more, to hear her cry out her pain and pleasure again as he plunged into bliss, he could not risk it yet. She was only just starting to heal and such an action would indeed make her week once more. His eyes swept towards the ocean, scanning for what he knew he had scented. He owed corvus a meal, but only because it might make his spit fire mate happy did he even consider it. It was also because he was in a good mood that he considered such a thing, after all the master should always eat before the pets. His eyes caught on a small gathering of seals and he nodded in their direction before speaking once more. " come on, I owe a bird a meal and I need one myself." with that he began to move in the direction of the gathering making certain to stay downwind of them.

He looked for the young and old before he settled upon one, a small harbor seal pup, it would have to do. A second target was also chosen, a much larger harbor seal. He dropped low keeping his sights on them both. They were near enough and if he startled the group the young one might get trampled so his first target would be the older one. He would need to be fast. Without a seconds hesitation he leaped charging full blown into the group, his jaws aiming and finding their mark upon the larger ones tail. It kept it from running and an audible snap was heard as the bones broke. It caused the thing to turn back on him aiming to bite his face.

It's bite made a mark upon his cheek and he took the opportunity to release its tail and grab it's neck, pushing back upon it. He took the pain of its bite and everything until another snap was heard and the seal stopped all movement save for snapping at empty air and wildly moving it's eyes. It was done for, and his attention turned to the pup which was being tossed about and run over by panicking seals. He was quick with lunging and snapping it up, his jaws making quick work of finishing it off.

As everything settled once more he had two dead seals, one a pup in his jaws and one an adult. His eyes moved back to vi then, before dropping his kill. "call him, his meal is ready." with that he moved back to the larger seal and sat down while his sides heaved and he quietly panted.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-12-2017, 04:29 PM
She had managed to stay on his good side, taking the time out from harassing him so that she could focus on healing. The stranger had driven the point home that Lucifer did make her weak, something she had guessed might happen should she ever find a wolf savage enough to make her want him. It wasn't difficult to keep out of Lucifer's teeth, she found it gave her no hardship to stay complacent and content in his company, though there was always the want to antagonize him. She had been amazed at the way he handled her madness, feeding the bitch's need for pain and dominating her so thoroughly she had not wanted to continue against him. It was a first for her madness to leave her and allow her to succumb to another, and this was the reason she found herself growing more attached to him. He could kill her, but she also knew that the only thing stopping either of them was a mutual interest in one another. They were more than simple breeding stock, Vianni kept her mate nearby for protection and added teeth on the hunt. He was there to help her create the empire she had always dreamed of.

Leaning against him, feeling him release his breath and relax just a bit made her spirits soar into the sky. She became a brighter flame in their shared darkness. He hadn't tensed at her touch, but rather he welcomed it and even turned to inhale her scent. She made a growling purr, pleased at her demon's actions, and she rewarded his softer attitude with a tender nip at his neck before she buried her face into the thick of his scruff. She drew three deep breaths and relaxed further into his side, the smell of metal and her own scent mingled in his pelt, and she found she liked this cologne better than any other she had found before. Vianni was all over him, as his scent covered her and this was enough to turn her from savage to purring kitten.

Picking her head up to meet the molten red of his gaze, nodding as he spoke. "It is difficult to let him go, but he is old enough. I have grown used to having an eye in the sky." Corvus had never been a parasite, even before he would fly he could climb. He had always been there to watch Vianni's back, to keep her company when the nights dragged on and all she had were corpses to speak with. Had he been born with the natural black and white of his magpie heritage, Corvus would never have fallen from that nest to be saved by Vi. The bird had been hatched grey and ivory, his eyes bright blue and he had fallen from the sky. He could remember the fall, remember his real mother's angry pecking as he was knocked out of the nest, just as Vianni's own mother had banished her from pack lands. Corvus had been born with the wrong plumage. Vianni had killed a pup with useless eyes. Neither of them had been wanted where they were born, and they had formed a bond of trust and care. In exchange for the meals she gave the bird, he would lead her to prey and carcasses to scavenge from. He could tell her where there was water or pack territory, if there were others coming or if it was something edible. She had saved his life, and he had watched her back ever since.

Still, Lucifer was right, Corvus could survive without that one meal. Her ears laced back as his face came toward hers and she flinched, shutting her eyes as she anticipated a bite from him. The blow was far softer than she anticipated and his tongue snaked across her jaw, sending lightning flowing through her veins followed quickly by fire and a clenching of her stomach. Her nostrils flared and her eyes snapped open as he gently nipped at the base of her left ear. She could feel the torn muscles in her shoulders however, and her backside ached in reminder of her still healing wounds. Despite her desire for him, she didn't act. He surprised her with his gentleness, but it ended as soon as it began and she was left wanting more. Growling she poked her muzzle into his cheek and nibbled his lower jaw, her motions following his perfectly as he stared out into the distance. He spoke once more and began to move, and she fell in step keeping close to his side and remaining in-step with his stride so that she didn't trip him up. Trying him on for a dancing partner, Vianni filled her head with daydreams as they moved, though when they were closer to the seals, she hesitated, wondering if she was fit enough to help with hunting just yet. Wanting to run after him, she took a few long strides before her stomach cramped and her legs were nearly swept out from beneath her by a wave of stinging pain. Frustrated now, she grew angry at herself and moved herself away from the hunting ground, keeping downwind so that she didn't mess up the hunt.

The sting was not unlike having a nest of pissed off wasps within her gut, and as she sat hidden, Vianni did something she hadn't had to do in a very long time. Snapping her lethal jaws at her hind leg, she grasps herself harshly to distract her mind from the crippling pain that came with attempting to run. There was no breaking the skin, she only made enough pain to send the signals from her brain to a part of her body that was more capable of handling such an intense feeling. Her voice had never called out, in fact she remained completely silent so that she didn't disturb the seals. Once her pain was under control, she sat up to watch the remainder of a hunt that warmed her heart. Regretting that she couldn't aid him, Vianni watched as he made short work of the cape seals that resided within the sound. The herd was stampeding, her giant dispatching an adult seal with an audible snap of its neck. His muscular frame was graceful as he turned and lunged at the pup, the small baby having already been weakened by its relatives and herd mates. The rest of the seals made it to the water not far away, disappearing to be hunted another day. She moved toward the demon, catching his words and smiling sweetly at him.

Her song was ushered in with a tilt of her head, the notes light and searching as she called her avian son to her. It was haunting and soft with its tones, but beautiful to the ears. She stood watching Lucifer, reclining in the snow to rest from their walk. Corvus was not far away, filling up on field mice that he found in a small patch of woods. He heard the unique call of his wolf-mother, and quickly banked to come flying for her. When he found her, he saw her laying in the snow not far from where Lucifer had slain two seals. Landing near Vianni, he cawed in question and she smiled at him. Vianni nodded her head toward her king, and Corvus' pale blue gaze landed on him questioningly. He tilted his head, confused about being told not to eat but having food dangled in front of him. What was the angle here?
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-13-2017, 03:15 PM

She called Corvus and he came just as quickly as he could. His obedience would earn him the slightest of respects from the demon. His look to Lucifer earned him a roll of his eyes. His voice rumbled forth with his minor annoyance at the bird's silent questioning of him. Honestly if he didn't want it then he shouldn't of come."Just take the food your given bird, you let Vi eat so now it's your turn." His breaths came out as shallow pants, not willing to show the effort it just took to fight the adult seal. His red eyes moved to Vianni as he gave her a silent command to come to him. His tail flicked and he looked her over, noting the now dampened fur on her leg. His eyes narrowed upon it and he stood, turning to face her. There was only two possibilities for such a thing, either he licked her, which he most certainly had not licked her there, or she had bitten herself if the laying of her fur was any indication.

He was extremely observant of such things. Should she come to him as she was told he would immediately lower his maw to her ear. A low deadly grow would be released with his eyes not breaking from the spot, a mere warning of what could come. His voice was released, low, deadly, and spine chilling if you weren't used to his threats and spiking anger levels. "Lay another fang on yourself and I will be showing you how a real bite feels, only I am to ever lay such things upon you." The warning was said so Corvus wouldn't overhear. Hopefully it would place enough fear inside her that She would never do such things again. He wouldn't have it. His teeth aimed to nibble on the tip of her ear before hopefully taking her off guard. His teeth aimed for a gently yet firm hold upon her ear, his rear end slid around expecting obedience. His paws moved to bring her by her ear to the larger seal carcass, not caring if Corvus was on his or not. It was large enough for them both and he intended for her to eat now. Only once he reached the corpse did he release her. His fangs then turned on the seal, ripping it open like his fangs were carving tools. The blood stained his face as he ripped at its intestines only to yank them free until they lay before Vianni, his jaws releasing them and allowing them to hit the ground with a plopping sound. The devil would no take no for an answer. Only once she began to eat would he rip into the fat rich flesh. Every sound coming from him as blood hit his tongue was demonic and aggressive. Bones snapped in his jaws as he devoured the seal, with Vianni's help of course, or at least he figured she was still helping. His eyes narrowed in his maddened state and he snarled intensely.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



4 Years
02-17-2017, 11:23 PM
Without further hesitation, Corvus bounced over to the seal pup and chortled happily as he poked and tore at the fatty meal. There is nothing but the sounds of a hungry bird and an eager beak snapping shut over meat, squelching and tearing noises coming from between avian purrs of delight. Vianni looks over her demon king, silently noting his breathing, and the subtle twitching of exertion in his muscles. His silent command is met with a surprising obedience, her head lowered as she walks to him, though she meets Lucifer's hellfire gaze with the muted version of rosy pink. Her black rimmed ears pin back and she knows he will see the spot on her leg. It was either bite herself or cry out, and she refused to ruin his chance at a meal. Her tail flicks to curl around her leg as she lowers herself, an innocent grin meeting his narrowed, hardened gaze.

The low rumble in his chest made her insides quiver excitedly and she had to actually fight with everything she had not to roll over to him. Deep, deadly cold tones echo through her ears and raise the fur along her spine and she practically vibrated with her excitement. Taking the liberty of nudging her muzzle into the side of his neck in a silent apology, Vianni curled herself to appear smaller, lacing her ears back on her head as she scooted forward on her shoulder to get closer to his legs. It was cute she was going for, planting firm love bites along his neck. The nip at her ear tip had her ducking away for a second, his grip surprisingly gentle as he grasped her. She made a deep, growling purr as he swung his hips around, and she rose to her paws. Giggling as he tugged on her, she made a play at bucking him before settling and moving to the seal.

Words were not needed as he reached to rip the seal open. When he lays the chain of intestines at her sooty paws, Vianni looks up at him and smirks. "You have any idea what is in intestine? I am a muscle fiber and blubber woman, babe." She winks at him before brushing her body lengthwise against his and moves up toward the chest of the carcass. Watching her mate, Vianni snarls and snaps her jaws down just below the neck. Keeping her eyes on Lucifer, she grips and tears her way into the chest of the seal, delving into their meal and removing bits of fat and meat with the precision of a surgeon. She keeps clear of his feasting spot, her eyes on him and wary as he begins to eat.

Oddly enough his demonic purring was soothing to her and she began to relax and settle into her meal, eating through the muscle with her head fully plunged into their meal. Her stomach still ached, but it was bearable the more she fed.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-21-2017, 09:41 AM

That cute act was going to get her nowhere. He wasn't falling for her little act of innocence, he wouldn't even believe it for a second. She was about as innocent as a rogue caught with their foot over a border. She would eventually learn that he was a serious man that took no shits and gave out beatings like they were going out of style.

Her submission did the trick though, his anger curbed easily by her submissive acts. It may not be true submission but he would take what he could while she learned her place by the behemoth's side. He would make her the perfect little mate for himself, even if he had to carve every lesson into her hide. His ears pressed back as his piercing gaze watched her. Everything about him spoke of his dominance and authority, of his place over her. He may of told her exactly what she would be but there was one thing for her to realize, that she was still beneath him even as his queen. He was the demon king, and that trumped everything else.

His snarls were cut by the sound of another growling. This one a spitting growl. His head was quick to cut to the perpetrator, his lips peeling back quickly as his eyes landed on a wolverine cub. His vocals rose as the thing dared come close enough to try to take what he had given Corvus. The thing had balls to even try. He was quick with his own actions, lunging and knocking the little thing away, likely scaring an already probably panicked Corvus. Whether or not Vianni thought he was after Corvus, he didn't care. His paw smacked down on the thing holding it where it was, causing it to spit its anger and rage at him. His head was busy though and he wouldn't kill the thing knowing full well that where the young were adults were sure to follow. He scanned for any movement that meant a spitting angry mother would be coming. Though his eyes caught nothing, so he looked down at the thing.

It seemed almost too young to him, likely only weaned perhaps a season ago. An easy meal if he really wanted to eat something, though after a second their eyes connected and both sets angry, though one held more thought and the other a hint of fear. Fear was healthy for it, after all it just tried to take what belonged to the behemoth. His muzzle lowered and he gave a snarl to warn it off. "Try it again kid and next time you won't catch me on such a good day....." His voice was low and rumbling with his anger at the thing trying to steal. Even Corvus knew better than to do so with him, knew it would only end in a broken wing or a nice swat back to where he belonged. Lucifer played no god damned games.

He snapped his teeth and lifted his head only to reveal the thing in his mouth by it's scruff. He moved back to the larger seal and dropped it at the intestines Vianni refused to eat with a resounding thud on the ground. He might as well keep the thing as a pet as Vianni did Corvus. It might even be an asset to him if it decided it would learn quickly. He refused to call it an act of softness, rather obtaining an asset to his own goals. Truth was though, somewhere in those eyes he had seen a piece of himself. His eyes Cut to Vianni then, daring her to call him out on it as the cub tucked into the intestines. His voice cut in before she even could though, "Noctus will learn his place eventually......" With that he had staked his claim on the cub and even named the thing. He could tell by scent alone the thing was indeed a male and too young to stink like the adults did. Perhaps when he finally chased corvus off completely he just might go and get her her own, after all they were rather cute when they were young. They were territorial and fierce as adults and could make a much better pet than a bird, which was like a rat with wings.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.